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SECTION A (15Marks)


Question i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x

answers B B A C C E A A A E


LIST A i ii iii iv v

SECTION B(60 marks)
3.Precaution when using chemicals and apparati having different warning signs

i. All bottle having flammable warning sign should be kept far away from
source of fire
ii. Wearing plastic gloves to avoid direct contact with corrosive chemicals
iii. Reading carefully the instruction given before using such chemical. Any
four points
iv. Wear mask and plastic goggles to protect any contact to the eyes or mouth
with toxic substances
v. Handle with care all apparati that can easily broken
NOTE: any related answer can be considered 1½@mark@=6marks
4. Importance of person hygiene and good manner
i. Help to maintain good health
ii. Help to be free from diseases
iii. An individual becomes role model in a particular community
iv. Help to attain development because of being responsible and
v. Help to avoid risky behavior
vi. An individual being accepted within the society
Only four points

5. a) Importance/values of plants

i. Produce food for heterotrophs (source of food eg. fruits)

ii. Provide habitat to other organisms like wild animals
iii. Provide building material like timber
iv. Add oxygen to the atmosphere needed for aerobes
v. Source of income on selling the products from plants
vi. Controls soil erosion
vii. Source of fuel like fire wood

Any six points


Note: any relevant point other than the mention can be considered

b) Reasons to why moss plants are said to be primitive plants

i. Lack true stem

ii. Lacks true leaves
iii. Lack true roots
iv. Lack vascular bundle (xylem and phloem)01@=4marks

6.Adaptation of plants in desert climate

i. Rolling and folding of leaves

ii. The leaf surface is very small.[ Leaves can be reduced to spine e.g. (cactus]
iii. Have very thick cuticle on the epidermis of their leaves
iv. Have very thick cuticle on the epidermis of their leaves
v. Have leaves with sunken stomata. This reduce wind effect
Note: any relevant points can be considered

7.Conssideration when building a laboratory

i. Should have a fume chamber

ii. Should have large space
iii. Should have big window for ventilation
iv. Should have water system
v. Should have heat source like Bunsen burner
vi. The door should open outsides
Note: any relevant point can be considered

8. a) First aid to snake bite

i. Find a calm place or area

ii. Lie down a victim while the bitten area is higher than the heart
iii. Tie few centimeters with rope or any other material above a bitten area
iv. Apply a right anti – venom to remove venom
v. Clean a bitten area with clean water and soap
vi. Take a victim to hospital for further measures
Note: any relevant point can be considered


b) A snake bite should not be given an alcohol because subsequent increase in

heart rate will spread he venom faster 02 marks

Note: any relevant answer can be considered

9.Effect of poor waste disposal

i. Eruption of disease like cholera

ii. Cause air pollution
iii. Cause water pollution
iv. Cause soil pollution
v. Cause death of both domestic and wild animals
vi. Cause accident like fall or cut
vii. Make the environment dirty and unattractive

10. Importance of natural environment to other organism

i. Provide food for other organisms

ii. Provide shelter and security for organisms
iii. Provide an appropriate setting for organisms to reproduce and increase in
iv. Allows living and non- living things to interact
Note : any relevant point can be considered

11.Values/importance of skeleton

i. Provide support
ii. Provide protection to vital organs like heart, lungs and liver
iii. Aid locomotion
iv. Provide body shape
v. Stories minerals like calcium and phosphorus
vi. Production of blood cells

12. Features/characteristics of living things

i. They reproduce (re production

ii. They respire (respiration and gaseous exchange)
iii. They excrete (excretion)
iv. They sense (irritability/sensitivity0
v. They feed (nutrition)
vi. They move and locomote (movement and locomotion)
vii. They grow (growth and development)
Any five points 01@=05marks

Introduction 01 marks

13. Factors affecting body immunity

i. Incomplete treatment
ii. Poor nutrition/lack of balanced diet
iii. Lack of vaccination
iv. Skin damage/damage to the skin
v. Inability of the body to produce antibodies and white blood cells
vi. Genetic disorder
vii. Extreme stress
viii. Attacked by pathogen like HIV
ix. The use of drug[drug abuse]
Any four points 02@=8

Note: any relevant point can be considered

Conclusion 1 mark

14. Application of biological knowledge in agriculture. [15 marks]

Introduction 1.5marks

Points (main body) six points 02@12

Any six points

i. Helps to increase crop yield

ii. Help to control pest and disease
iii. Help to select best animal breeds
iv. Help in storing food
v. Help to get various nutritious
vi. Help to get tolerant plant to harsh environment
Note : Any relevant answer can be considered
conclusion 01.5marks
15. Introduction 01marks

15. Introduction 01 mark

Main body

Preventive measures against cholera

i. Keep food or drinks covered (10marks)

ii. Proper use of toilet
iii. Boil drinking water
iv. Vaccination
v. Kill vectors like housefly
vi. Proper sewage treatment and sanitation
vii. Wash hands with soap and clean water after visiting toilet
viii. Provision of education to the community
ix. Wash fruits and vegetable with clean water before eating
Note: any relevant point can be considered
Conclusion 01mark
Any four points

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