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Bayonet Charge at the Battle of Winchester 365
Defence of a Federal Battery at Pittsburg Landing 377
Battle of Pittsburg Landing 387
Map of Virginia, Southern Section 422
„„„„ 423
Map of the Mississippi River, Section 21 430
Bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip 439
Map of the Mississippi River, Section 20 446
Birds’-eye View of the country from Richmond to Yorktown, Va. 451
Battle of Williamsburg, Va. 455
Rebel Cavalry Charge at the Battle of Williamsburg, Va. 460


Anderson, Robert, Brig.-Gen. 253

Banks, Nathaniel P., Maj.-Gen. 405
Bates, Edward, Attorney-Gen. 2
Blair, Montgomery, Postmaster-Gen. 2
Burnside, Ambrose E., Maj.-Gen. 67
Butterfield, Dan., Maj.-Gen. 15
Butler, Benj. F., Maj.-Gen. 67
Buell, Don Carlos, Maj.-Gen. 215
Casey, Silas, Brig.-Gen. 15
Couch, Darius N., Maj.-Gen. 15
Corcoran, Michael, Brig.-Gen. 253
Chase, Salmon P., Sec. of Treasury 2
Clay, Cassius M., Maj.-Gen. 315
Dix, John A., Maj.-Gen. 405
Doubleday, Abner, Brig.-Gen. 253
Duryea, Abeam, Brig.-Gen. 253
Dupont, S. F., Rear-Admiral 271
Ellsworth, Elmer E., Col. 315
Farragut, D. G., Rear-Admiral 173
Foote, D. G., Rear-Admiral 173
Fremont, John C., Maj.-Gen. 315
Franklin, Wm. B., Maj.-Gen. 271
Goldsborough, L. M., Rear-Admiral 173
Grant, Ulysses S., Maj.-Gen. 215
Halleck, Henry W., Maj.-Gen. 233
Hancock, Winfield S., Brig.-Gen. 15
Hamlin, Hannibal, V. Pres. of U. S. 2
Hooker, Joseph, Maj.-Gen. 253
Heintzelman, Saml. P., Maj.-Gen. 67
Hunter, David, Maj.-Gen. 315
Kenly, J. R., Brig.-Gen. 315
Kelley, Brig.-Gen. 15
Kearney, Philip, Maj.-Gen. 253
Lander, Fred. W., Brig.-Gen. 253
Lyon, Nathaniel, Brig.-Gen. 315
Lincoln, Abraham, Pres. U. S. 2
Mansfield, J. K. F., Brig.-Gen. 15
McCook, Alex. McD., Brig.-Gen. 315
McClellan, Geo. B., Maj.-Gen. 197
McDowell, Irwin, Maj.-Gen. 405
McCall, Geo. A., Maj.-Gen. 67
McClernand, John A., Maj.-Gen. 271
Pope, John, Maj.-Gen. 215
Porter, D. D., Rear-Admiral 173
Reno, Jesse L., Maj.-Gen. 271
Rosecrans, W. S., Brig.-Gen. 15
Richardson, Israel B., Brig.-Gen. 15
Sickles, Daniel E., Maj.-Gen. 405
Sedgwick, Maj.-Gen. 315
Sprague, Wm., Gov. of R. I. 253
Stringham, S. H., Rear-Admiral 173
Stevens, Isaac I., Brig.-Gen. 15
Schurtz, Carl, Brig.-Gen. 15
Shields, James, Brig.-Gen. 405
Smith, Caleb B., Sec. of the Interior 2
Seward, Wm. H., Sec. of State 2
Stanton, Edwin M., Sec. of War 2
Sigel, Franz, Maj.-Gen. 215
Scott, Winfield, Lieut.-Gen. 127
Viele, E. L., Brig.-Gen. 253
Wallace, Lewis, Maj.-Gen. 215
Wool, John E., Maj.-Gen. 67
Welles, Gideon, Sec. of Navy 2
Winthrop, Theodore, Maj. 253
Wilkes, Charles, Com. 271
Weber, Max, Brig.-Gen. 313
Wadsworth, James S., Brig.-Gen. 315

On the 4th of March, 1861, when Abraham Lincoln took the

inaugural oath in front of the National Capitol, his footprints upon
the marble marked the great and terrible epoch in the history of our
government. The scene was imbued with a grandeur undiscovered
and without acknowledgment from the thousands and thousands of
freemen who crowded and surged like an ocean at his feet.
An old man, bowed both by responsibility and years, stood by his
side, then and there to render up his august position over a great
country, at the very moment struggling with the first throes of civil
war. How weary he had become, and how gladly he laid down the
burden of his power, no heart save his own can tell. But the darkness
and the thunders of coming strife followed alike James Buchanan in
his retirement and Abraham Lincoln into the thorny splendors of the
White House. Solemn and very sad were these two men as they stood
for a brief space before the people. The splendor of power brought no
happiness either in the giving or receiving. No two men upon the face
of the earth ever stood before a people in an attitude so imposing, so
fraught with terrible events. When they shook hands peace veiled her
face, and, shuddering, shrunk away into the shadows which have
darkened around her closer and thicker, till she is now buried so
deep beneath the gathered death-palls that no one can tell where she
is hidden. For months and even years she had been threatened by
factions, disturbed by reckless speech and still more reckless pens,
but now, behind all these, warcries swelled, and bayonets glistened
in the distance, bloodless as yet, but threatening storms of crimson
There, upon the verge of this coming tempest, the two Presidents
parted, one for the solitude of a peaceful home, the other outward
bound into the wild turmoil of contesting thoughts and heroic deeds.
As I have said, no one fully realized the coming terror, or thought
how easy a thing it is for a war of passions to verge into a war of
blood. Still the signs of the last three months had been painfully
ominous. The strife of opinions and clash of factions, which had been
waxing deeper and stronger between the North and the South,
concentrated after Lincoln’s election, and the heart of the nation was
almost rent in twain before he took the inaugural oath. When he
stood up, the central figure of the imposing picture presented to the
nation on the fourth of March, a southern government had already
been organized at Montgomery, and Jefferson Davis had been sworn
in as its president, while the men who had abandoned their seats in
the United States Senate now held place in the Confederate Cabinet.
Between the time of President Lincoln’s election and his
inauguration, five States had followed the lead of South Carolina and
declared themselves out of the Union. One by one the representatives
of these States had left Congress, some in sullen silence, others
eloquent with passion and sophistry.
The nation saw all this, but would not comprehend the imminence
of its danger. At a New England dinner, given in New York,
December 22d, 1860, one of the most astute statesmen of the
country had prophesied, in words that amounted to a promise, that
sixty days would be sufficient time in which to tranquilize all this
turbulent discontent, and the people believed him; but the sixty days
had long since passed, and instead of peace a Confederate
government had planted itself on the Alabama river; secession flags
floated over more than one of our forts, and another fort in
Charleston harbor had only been preserved by the forethought and
bravery of Major Anderson, who was then engirdled by hostile
batteries, and half-starving from lack of supplies. In the North also
the spirit of sedition was abroad. Southern travellers still lingered in
our great cities, and conspiracies grew up like nightshade in the dark
—conspiracies that threatened not only the government, but the very
life of its elected President.
Even on his way to the Capitol Lincoln had been called from his
bed at Harrisburg and hurried forward to Washington in the night,
thus, without a shadow of doubt, escaping the assassination that
awaited him in Baltimore. Still so blind were the people, and so
resolute to believe that nothing serious could result from a rebellion
that had been preceded by so much bravado, that even the
President’s preservation from the death prepared for him was taken
up by the press and echoed by the people as a clever joke, calculated
to bring out a Scotch cap and long cloak in strong relief, but of
doubtful origin. Yet the absolute danger in this case might have been
demonstrated to a certainty had any one possessing authority cared
to investigate the facts. But the nation had not yet recovered from the
excitement of a popular election, and everything was submerged in
the wild rush of politicians that always follows close on an
In this whirlpool of political turmoil rebellion had time to grow
and thrive in its southern strongholds, for its imminence could not
be forced upon the cool consideration of a people whose traditions
had so long been those of prosperous peace. The idea of a civil war,
in which thousands on thousands of brave Americans would redden
the soil but just denuded of its primeval timber, was an idea so
horrible that the most iron-hearted man failed to recognize it as a
possibility. That the revolt of these Southern States would in less
than a year fill the whole length and breadth of the land with widows
and orphans—that American brothers could ever be brought to stand
face to face in mortal strife as they have done—that women, so lately
looked on with love and reverence, should grow coarse and fiendish
from a scent of kindred blood, mocking at the dead and sending
victims into a death-snare by their smiles, alas! alas! who could have
foreseen it? The very angels of Heaven must have turned away from
the suggestion in unbelief.
Never on the face of the earth has a war so terrible been waged on
so little cause. The French Revolution—whose atrocities we have not
yet emulated, thank God—was the frenzied outbreak of a nation
trodden under foot and writhing in the grasp of tyranny such as no
American ever dreamed of. If the people became fiends in their
revenge, it was the outgrowth of fearful wrongs. But where is the
man North or South in our land who had been subject to tyranny or
aggression from its government when this war commenced?
No wonder the government looked upon the rebellion with
forbearance. No wonder it waited for the sober second thought which
it was hoped would bring its leaders back to the old flag, under which
the contending parties might reason together. But no, the first step,
which ever counts most fatally, was taken, and every footprint that
followed it is now red with American blood.
A month passed. President Lincoln was in the White House,
besieged by office-seekers almost as closely as Major Anderson was
surrounded in Fort Sumter. Ambassadors, consuls, postmasters,
collectors, and all the host of placemen that belong to the machinery
of a great nation, made their camping ground in Washington, and
their point of attack the White House. But amid all this excitement,
great national events would force themselves into consideration.
News that Jefferson Davis was mustering troops, and that rebellion
was making steady strides in the disaffected States, broke through
the turmoil of political struggles.
But the state of the country gave painful apprehension to men who
stood aloof from the struggles for place going on at Washington, and
those who had time for thought saw that the rebellion was making
steady progression. The Border States—Virginia, Kentucky,
Tennessee and Missouri—with the non-slaveholding States verging
upon them, had made a desperate effort to unite on some plan of
pacification, but in vain. The border slave States, being in close
neighborhood with the North, hesitated in joining the cotton States
already in revolt. But disaffection was strong even there, and no great
mind, either in Congress or out of it, had arisen strong enough to
check the spirit of revolution. Before Lincoln’s inauguration
Governor Letcher had declared that any attempt of the United States
government to march troops across the State of Virginia, for the
purpose of enforcing the Federal authority anywhere, would be
considered “an invasion, which must be repelled by force.” Never was
the government placed in a more humiliating position. President
Buchanan was surrounded by advisers, many of whom were secretly
implicated in the rebellion, and felt himself powerless to act in this
emergency, while leading officers of the Federal government were
daily making use of their high powers to consummate the designs of
the conspirators.
Immediately after the act of secession of South Carolina, Governor
Pickens had commenced the organization of an army.
Commissioners had appeared in Washington to demand the
surrender of the fortifications in Charleston harbor, and the
recognition of the State as a distinct nationality. Castle Pinckney,
Forts Moultrie and Sumter were the government fortifications in the
harbor. Fort Moultrie was garrisoned by a small force, which had
been reduced far below the ordinary peace complement, under the
command of Major Anderson, a noble and brave man. On the night
of December 26, in order to place his command in a more secure
fortification, Major Anderson had removed his men and material to
Fort Sumter, where, from its isolated position, he had nothing to
fear, for a time at least, from the armed masses that were gathering
about him. This movement, peaceable in itself, placed his little band
in a position where it could inflict no injury on the inhabitants of
Charleston. The city was thus placed beyond the range of his guns.
But the movement was received with outbursts of indignation from
the people of South Carolina.
The then Secretary of War, John B. Floyd, of Virginia, had
promised the South Carolina seceders that everything in the harbor
of Charleston should be left undisturbed. But of this promise both
President Buchanan and Major Anderson were ignorant. In making a
movement of signal importance, that resulted in a terrible
inauguration of war, the Major had exercised an undoubted right,
conferred by his position as an independent commander.
President Buchanan, when called upon to interfere, repudiated the
pledge made by his Secretary, and peremptorily refused to sanction it
in any way.

This threw the people of Charleston into a fever of indignation.

The Charleston Courier denounced Major Anderson in the most
cutting terms. “He has achieved,” said that journal, “the unenviable
distinction of opening civil war between American citizens, by a gross
breach of faith. He has, under counsel of a panic, deserted his post at
Fort Moultrie, and by false pretexts has transferred his garrison and
military stores to Fort Sumter.” The Mercury, still more imperative,
insisted, “that it was due to South Carolina and good faith, that
Major Anderson’s act should be repudiated by his government, and
himself removed forthwith from Fort Sumter.”
Meantime Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie were occupied and
garrisoned by the troops of South Carolina. The small guard left in
charge of these posts by Major Anderson were disarmed and kept by
force from joining their commander.
That day the Palmetto flag was hoisted over the Custom House and
Post Office of Charleston. That day, also, Captain L. N. Costa,
commander of the revenue cutter William Aiken, betrayed his
government and delivered his vessel over to the State authorities,
carrying with him a majority of his men.
These proceedings at Fort Sumter resulted in the withdrawal of
John B. Floyd, of Virginia, from Mr. Buchanan’s counsellors, and
ultimately in breaking up his cabinet only a few weeks before his
term of office expired; for there, as elsewhere, arose a conflict of
opinion, northern members taking one side and Southern members
another. Howell Cobb, of Georgia, Secretary of the Treasury, and
Jacob Thompson, of the Interior, soon followed Floyd, and after
them went General Cass, of Michigan. Their places were supplied for
the brief time of Buchanan’s term by Holt, of Kentucky, Stanton, of
Pennsylvania, Dix, of New York, and Horatio King, who had been a
leading mind in the Post Office Department for twenty years.
The military authorities of South Carolina, strengthened by
volunteers and contributions from other States, commenced the
siege of Fort Sumter in earnest. They planted heavy batteries on
James Island, Morris Island, and Cummings Point. In every spot
where guns could be brought to bear on the fort, powerful
earthworks were erected, and an immense floating battery of
unexampled construction was planned. This, anchored within short
range when the day of attack should arrive, was expected to work
terrible execution.
Thus encircled by bristling guns at every point, forbidden all
intercourse beyond the walls, and denied the privilege of procuring
fresh provisions almost entirely, Major Anderson and his noble band
could only wait for the help which was slow in coming.
Thus day by day the isolated fort stood like a solitary rock, against
which the angry surges of an ocean were stormfully mustering.
Girdled in by an army that grew stronger every moment, its noble
commander and his scarcely less heroic men, stood firmly by the flag
that floated above its battlements, the only stars and stripes now
visible from horizon to horizon.
The God of heaven, and that small handful of men, only know the
anxieties that beset them. With no means of intelligence, no certainty
of support, if an emergency arose demanding an assumption of
prompt responsibility, with nothing but gloom landward or seaward,
Anderson and his little forces stood at bay. Every hour, every
moment, restricted their privileges and consumed their stores; they
began to look forward to a lack of food, and many an anxious eye was
turned toward the ocean, in a wistful search after the succor that did
not come.
The government in Washington was painfully aware of the peril
which hung over these brave men. Still, some hope of an amicable
adjustment lingered, and President Buchanan hesitated in taking
measures that might inaugurate a civil war. But his obligations to
these suffering men were imperative. The heroic band, so faithful to
their trust, so true to their national honor, must not be left to starve
or fall for lack of food and re-enforcements.
On the 5th of January the Star of the West set sail from New York,
laden with stores, ammunition, and two hundred and fifty men. Fort
Sumter was at length to be relieved. But the North abounded with
secession sympathizers, and in a few hours after the steamer sailed,
the people of Charleston were informed of her destination by
telegraph. Preparations were promptly made for her reception.
Captain McGowan had intended to enter Charleston harbor at night,
hoping to veil himself in darkness, and reach Fort Sumter
undiscovered. But the buoys, sights and ranges had been removed,
and, thus baffled, he was compelled to lie outside the harbor till
At half-past 7, A. M., January 9th, the Star of the West started for
the fort. A shot from Morris Island cut sharply across her bows. She
run up the stars and stripes, sending that first aggressive shot a noble
answer, in red, white and blue, but keeping steadily on her course.
Again and again the audacious guns on Morris Island ploughed up
the waters in her path, and, thus assailed, she slowly changed her
course, and left the besieged fort without succor.
The little garrison in Fort Sumter watched these proceedings with
keen anxiety; though ignorant of the nature and errand of the
steamer, this attack aroused the patriotism in every heart. They saw
the stars and stripes deliberately fired upon. Seventeen guns sent
their iron messages from Morris Island, and then, ignorant of the
cause, ignorant of everything, save that the old flag had been
assaulted, the garrison fell to work. The guns of Fort Sumter were
run out ready for action, but just then the steamer veered on her
course and moved seaward.
Had Major Anderson known that the Star of the West was
struggling to give him succor, those seventeen shots would never
have been fired with impunity.
While the steamer was yet hovering on the horizon, Anderson sent
a flag to Governor Pickens, inquiring if a United States steamer had
been fired upon by his authority. Governor Pickens replied that it
was by his authority. Immediately on the receipt of this answer,
Lieutenant Talbot left Fort Sumter with despatches for Washington,
asking for instructions.
From that time the garrison remained in a state of siege, until the
5th of April, one month after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln as
President of the United States.
At this time the fort had become more closely besieged. The little
garrison was refused fresh provisions from the city, and its supplies
by the Government were almost consumed. Starvation or surrender
lay before Major Anderson and his handful of men.
Though cut off from communication with the fort, the Government
was not unmindful of its needs. From the 5th to the 11th of April
three vessels of war, three transports, and three steamers sailed from
New York and Norfolk, with men, horses, and munitions of war. The
destination of these vessels was kept secret, and public curiosity
became intensely excited. The Confederate Government, now
assembled at Montgomery, Alabama, was promptly notified, by its
secret emissaries, of these movements. Indeed, it is doubtful if
Jefferson Davis was not better informed, regarding the destination of
this expedition, than the people of the North. The result was, a
formal demand on Major Anderson for the surrender of Fort Sumter
by General Beauregard, commander of the Confederate forces
investing the fort, which now numbered 7,000 men, protected by
batteries mounting 140 siege guns.
President Lincoln had notified Governor Pickens that provisions
would be sent to the garrison of Fort Sumter, peaceably, if possible, if
necessary, by force.
General Beauregard, commander of the Confederate forces, knew
of the succor at hand, but deeming Anderson ignorant of its coming,
hoped that the state of semi-starvation to which the garrison was
reduced, might enforce the surrender before help arrived. But the
astute rebel found himself matched by a soldier, cautious in
negotiation as he afterwards proved himself heroic in battle.
On Thursday, the 11th of April, a boat was seen approaching the
work, with Colonel Chesnut, Colonel Chisholm and Captain Lee, aids
to General Beauregard. They handed Major Anderson a
communication from General Beauregard, which was a summons to
evacuate the fort. It was to this effect: that the Confederate
authorities had refrained from any hostile act against Fort Sumter in
anticipation that the government of the United States would
withdraw its troops from that fort; that it appeared probable at one
time that this would have been done, but that the authorities of the
Confederate States could no longer refrain from taking possession of
a fort that commanded the entrance to one of their principal harbors,
and that the order to evacuate the fort was now made upon the
following terms: The troops to be allowed to carry with them their
arms, all personal baggage and company property of every
description, and the flag which had been maintained with so much
fortitude, might be saluted when hauled down.
Major Anderson replied, that his word of honor, and the duty he
owed to his government, forbade his compliance with the demand.
These gentlemen then left the fort, displaying a red flag.
At half-past 1 A. M., on Friday, a boat containing Colonel Chesnut,
Captain Lee and Colonel Roger A. Pryor, approached the work with a
communication from General Beauregard, making inquiry as to what
day Major Anderson would evacuate the work, and asking if he
would agree not to open his batteries unless Fort Sumter was fired
upon. Suspecting from the urgency of this midnight negotiation,
some strong necessity on the part of his opponent, but convinced
that an evacuation would be inevitable, Major Anderson made a
written reply, stating that he would evacuate the fort at noon, on the
15th, provided he did not receive supplies or controlling instructions
from his government to the contrary. That he would not open his
batteries unless the flag of his country was fired upon, or unless
some hostile intention on the part of the Confederate forces should
be manifested.
Being in hourly expectation of the arrival of a United States fleet
with reinforcements off the harbor, and urged to instant action by
dispatches from Montgomery, General Beauregard had prepared his
messengers for this answer. Anderson’s communication was handed
to Colonel Chesnut shortly after 3 o’clock, who, after a short
consultation with the officers who had accompanied him, handed a
communication to Major Anderson, and said,
“General Beauregard will open his batteries in one hour from this
time, sir.”
Major Anderson looked at his watch, and said,
“It is half-past three. I understand you, sir, then, that your
batteries will open in an hour from this time?”
Colonel Chesnut replied, “Yes, sir, in one hour.”
They then retired.

Fort Sumter is a pentagonal structure, built upon an artificial

island at the mouth of Charleston harbor, three and three-eighths
miles from the city of Charleston. The island has for its base a sand
and mud bank, with a superstructure of the refuse chips from several
northern granite quarries. These rocks are firmly embedded in the
sand, and upon them the present fortification is reared. The island
itself cost half a million dollars, and was ten years in construction.
The fortification cost another half million dollars, and at the time of
its occupancy by Major Anderson, was so nearly completed as to
admit the introduction of its armament. The walls are of solid brick
and concrete masonry, built close to the edge of the water, and
without a berme. They are sixty feet high, and from eight to twelve
feet in thickness, and are pierced for three tiers of guns on the north,
east and west exterior sides. Its weakest point is on the south side, of
which the masonry is not only weaker than that of the other sides,
but it is unprotected from a flank fire. The wharf and entrance to the
fort are on this side.
The work is designed for an armament of one hundred and forty
pieces of ordnance of all calibres. Two tiers of the guns are under
bomb-proof casements, and the third or upper tier is open, or, in
military parlance, en barbette; the lower tier for forty-two pounder
paixhan guns; the second tier for eight and ten-inch columbiads, for
throwing solid or hollow shot; and the upper tier for mortars and
twenty-four pound guns. The full armament of the fort, however, had
not arrived when Major Anderson took possession; but after its
occupancy by him, no efforts had been spared to place the work in an
efficient state of defence, by mounting all the available guns and
placing them at salient points. Only seventy-five of the guns were in
position at the time of the attack. Eleven paixhan guns were among
that number, nine of them commanding Fort Moultrie, which is
within easy range, and the other two pointing towards Castle
Pinckney, which is well out of range. Some of the columbiads, the
most effective weapon for siege or defensive operations, were not
mounted. Four of the thirty-two pounder barbette guns were on
pivot carriages, which gave them the entire range of the horizon, and
others have a horizontal sweep of fire of one hundred and eighty
degrees. The magazine contained seven hundred barrels of
gunpowder, and an ample supply of shot, powder and shells for one
year’s siege, and a large amount of miscellaneous artillery stores. The
work was amply supplied with water from artificial wells. In a
defensive or strategical point of view, Fort Sumter radiates its fire
through all the channels from the sea approach to Charleston, and
has a full sweep of range in its rear or city side. The maximum range
of the guns from Sumter is three miles; but for accurate firing,
sufficient to hull a vessel, the distance would require to be reduced
one-half of that figure. The war garrison of the fort is six hundred
men, but only seventy-nine were within its walls at the time of the
attack, exclusive of laborers.
Fort Sumter is three and three-eighths miles from Charleston, one
and one-fourth mile from Fort Moultrie, three-fourths of a mile from
Cummings Point, one and three-eighths mile from Fort Johnson, and
two and five-eighths miles from Castle Pinckney. The city of
Charleston is entirely out of range of the guns of Fort Sumter.
The forts and batteries in the possession of the Confederate forces
at this time may be briefly described as follows:
Fort Moultrie, which first opened its batteries upon Major
Anderson and his command, is one of the sentinels that guard the
principal entrance of Charleston harbor. It is opposite to and distant
from Fort Sumter about one and a half miles. Its armament consists
of eleven guns of heavy calibre and several mortars. The outer and
inner walls are of brick, capped with stone and filled with earth,
making a solid wall fifteen or sixteen feet in thickness.
This novel war machine, designed for harbor operations, was
anchored near Sullivan’s Island, commanding the barbette guns of
Fort Sumter. It was constructed of Palmetto logs, sheathed with plate
iron, and supposed to be impregnable against shot. It was
embrasured for and mounted four guns of heavy calibre, requiring
sixty men to operate it. The outer or gun side was covered with six
plates of iron—two of them of the T railroad pattern, placed
horizontally, and the other four bolted one over the other, in the
strongest manner, and running vertically. The wall of the gun side
was full four feet thick, constructed of that peculiar palmetto wood so
full of fibrous material that sixty-four pounders cannot pierce it. The
main deck was wide and roomy, and kept in place by four heavy
wedges, driven down by a species of ram, which held it fast,
preventing any swaying around by the tide.
The nearest point of land to Fort Sumter is Cummings Point,
distant 1,150 yards. On this point was the celebrated railroad iron
battery, having a heavy framework of yellow pine logs. The roof was
of the same material, over which dovetailed bars of railroad iron of
the T pattern were laid from top to bottom—all of which was riveted
down in the most secure manner. On the front it presented an angle
of about thirty degrees. There were three port-holes, which opened
and closed with iron shutters of the heaviest description. When open,
the muzzles of the columbiads filled up the space completely. The
recoil of the gun enabled the shutters to be closed instantly. The
columbiad guns, with which this novel battery was equipped bore on
the south wall of Sumter, the line of fire being at an angle of about
thirty-five degrees.

The Fort Johnson batteries consist of two large sand works,

containing mortar and siege-gun batteries.

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