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There are several reasons for people to take up playing a musical instrument
Playing a musical instrument improves memory
Abstract reasoning skills and even math achivement. teaches discipline, perseverance and
how to set and achieve long-term goals.
Not to mention all the studies showing music helps develop creativity and self-expression.
Plus the skills they gain could easily turn into lifelong hobby if not a career for the musically
gifted student. Playing an instrument is also just plain fun. gives kids an enjoyable creative
outlet and can help them make new friends who share the same interested
1.1 Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
Yes I used to learn to play the ukulele when I was 15 years old but I gave it up
I tried playing the ukulele a few year ago. It was a fun experience
and I can still play a few simple tunes. Music has always been a
great way to relax and express myself, even if I'm not a
1.2 Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? Why?
I like listening to the piano the most. Because I was so impressed
by the piano's elegant sound and the conveyance of a wide range
of emotions, from gentle to dramatic.
1.3 Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
I totally agree. Because learning to play a musical instrument is very beneficial for
children. It promotes creativity, reduce stress, get comfortable with self-
expression feel confident, improves memory and patience, and increases
discipline and time management, cognitive development. Music education also
promotes teamwork and can be entertaining.
1.4 How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?
Learning to play a musical instrument without a teacher can be difficult but it can be
done. With online resources and tutorials, you can learn on your own. It requires self-
discipline and practice. However, teachers can give instructions, correct errors, and give
personal feedback, making the learning process more effective and enjoyable.

2. Saving water for future use is necessary

It has become a necessity to save and conserve water because the amount of fresh water on
Earth is much less. Due to less rainfall, the amount of drinking water is getting reduced.
Therefore the government cannot provide enough fresh water for everyone
We can harvest rainwater to save water for use in cleaning the house, watering plants and
washing cars
We must close the Faucet properly whenever not in use
Damaged pipelines should be mended on time by the concerned authorities
We can use of drip irrigation system in agriculture which will also be helpful in saving water.
We must use water only in the required quantity and avoid wastage of water.
People should take baths using a bucket instead of using shower for a long time
Planting more and more trees will also help increasing the rainfall
3. Drinking a lot of water daily can bring numerous benefits for human
Drinking water helps us to digest our food
Water Help to throw out waste from our body
Water Helps in blood circulation
Water also Help to keep us cool
Drink water prevents us from feeling thirsty
If you drink water as your sole liquid source
Things like stomach pains, heart issues, body fat, skin disorders and many other health
prolems might be the result of eating high- sugar fizzy drinks

You’ll lose weight fast

You’ll kick boost your metabolism ( provides energy and improve your body weight ( if you
drinking water in the morning when you wake up and drink water every day at a certain
Your brain will function better ( help you focus better and maintain mental energy
It make you less prone to overeating
It help detoxify your body
Your risk of developing certain diseases drops
You skin will become more clear and smooth

4. There are different water sports that people can do in their free time

What water sport is popular in Vietnam?

In my opinion, swimming is the only water sport in
Vietnam. Snorkeling and kitesurfing have recently been introduced to beach
resorts but not many people play these water sports because they are expensive

Have you done water sport?

Of couse I have done water sport like swimming, and I really love water sport because it relax my

What water sports you like doing?

Swimming is my favorite water sport. As it is quite convenient for me to sdo sw because swimming
pool is around

5. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise that provides many health benefits

Swimming Can Help You Live Longer

Swimming Can Help Keep You Lean

swimming can improve your cardiovascular fitness

Those Laps Can Strengthen Your Lung

Swimming May Boost Brain Power
The Water Workout May Put You in a Better Mood

6. Spending too much time on watching TV has some negative effects on children
7. Watching TV programs is one of the most popular free time activities in Vietnam
8. Watching the news can bring us numerous benefits

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