(Ielts11) WT1 - Comparison

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Prepared by Ms.


WT1 – COMPARISON 2 – PRACTICE (5) – KEY (chép vào vở)

Compare the marked figures, using phrases and structures instructed in the class
Looking at the pie chart, 37% of survey
participants/respondents go for (=opt for = choose =
select) pizza, (= which made) making it the most
popular food choice. This is followed by 23.9% and
21.7% of those choosing (= survey respondents who
chose) Caesar salad and pasta respectively.
Meanwhile, sushi was the least favored, (= which
received) receiving only 17.4% of preferences.

The pie chart presents the breakdown of international
tourists visiting Japan by country/region in 2012.
Chinese visitors made up the highest percentage, at
43.3%, followed by 35% (of those) coming from
South Korea. European and American holiday-makers
shared the remaining proportions, with figures at
11.7% and 10% respectively.

Looking at the pie chart, car was the most
favored/popular mode of transport, with 33.2%
(about one-third) of survey participants choosing this
option. The second highest figure was recorded for
metro, at 26.3%, compared to 18.1% and 12.6% of
(surveyed/asked) commuters preferring to travel by
train and bus respectively/correspondingly.
Meanwhile, being selected by a mere 9.9% of
respondents, riding a bike was the least popular idea when it comes to traveling methods.

Prepared by Ms. Trang Le HOMEWORK [Dolphin] IELTS11_WRITING

The pie chart gives a breakdown of global
consumption by different types of food in 2014.
Accounting for nearly one-third of total food
consumption, meat took the leading place,
followed by fish, at 27.9%. More than one-tenth of
food consumed globally went to cereals, fruits and
vegetables each while the figures for bread and rice were significantly lower, at 5.5% and 2.5%

Prepared by Ms. Trang Le HOMEWORK [Dolphin] IELTS11_WRITING


+ Pie chart: …………..
+ Bar chart: ………….

The number of deaths (= casualties) (which
were) caused by ABC was …
ABC caused x deaths …
A deadly (adj) disease …
ABC killed/ended the life of x people…
X people died of ABC…


Prepared by Ms. Trang Le HOMEWORK [Dolphin] IELTS11_WRITING


* By cities:
+ Toronto:
+ Madrid:
+ Kuala Lumpur:
+ Amman:

WT1 – TREND DES (chép bài trước để phục vụ buổi học sau)
Để cách ra khoảng 2 mặt giấy để buổi sau chép bài chữa của phần btvn rồi bắt đầu chép
phần TREND DESCRIPTION (đây là phần mới hoàn toàn, ghi rõ đề mục nhé)
1.1. To describe trend/changes
Xu hướng (Trend) Động từ (Verb) Danh từ (Noun) (dd)

 increase  an increase
 rise/raise  a rise
 grow  a growth

Xu hướng tăng  go up  a climb

 climb  an upward trend

 rocket(s)
 rocket
 soar(s)
 soar
 leap(s)
 leap (leapt)
Xu hướng tăng mạnh
 jump(s)
 jump
 surge(s)
 surge

Prepared by Ms. Trang Le HOMEWORK [Dolphin] IELTS11_WRITING

 decrease  a decrease
 fall (fell - fell)  a fall
 go down  a downward trend
 reduce  a reduction
Xu hướng giảm
 decline  a decline
 drop  a drop

 plunge  plunge(s)
 slump (giảm liên tục trong thời  slump(s)
gian dài)
 dive(s)
 dive
 plummet(s)
Xu hướng giảm mạnh  plummet (giảm sâu, chạm đáy)
 dip(s)
 dip (giảm một chút rồi tăng lại)
 fluctuate  fluctuation(s)
 vary  an overall
upward/downward trend
Xu hướng tăng giảm
bất thường/ biến động Wild/ minor/slight +
 variation(s)
 remain/stay stable (at …) Stability /
followed by a period of stability
 remain/stay unchanged (at)
Xu hướng ổn định
 stabilize (v) Remain/ stay + stable
= stabilize
 level off (lơ lửng) + at/around The sales stabilized at 10,000
 hover (at/around) dollars per year
 The sales were unchanged at
10,000 dollars per year
 The sales levelled off/hovered
+ at/around 10,000 dollars
 (v) reach a peak of/, at + số liệu/ (v) peak at + số liệu
 reach/hit the highest point of/, at + số liệu …
Đạt mức cao nhất
 increase/go up … to reach a (record = all-time) high of + số liệu

a high of = peak (of the line) / a record high = peak (of the graph)

Prepared by Ms. Trang Le HOMEWORK [Dolphin] IELTS11_WRITING

 reach/hit the lowest point of/, at + số liệu

 fall/ decrease … to a (record = all-time) low of + số liệu
Đạt mức thấp nhất  reach a bottom of/, at + số liệu/ bottom (v) at + số liệu

1.2. To describe the level/rate of change (mức độ thay đổi)

Tính từ Trạng từ Nghĩa

Dramatic dramatically

Sharp Sharply

Enormous enormously

Substantial substantially

Considerable considerably

Significant significantly Thay đổi nhiều,

đáng kể, nhanh và
Tremendous tremendously rõ ràng
rapid/swift rapidly/swiftly

Remarkable remarkably

Noticeable noticeably

Moderate moderately

Constant constantly Thay đổi bình

thường, ổn định, dần
Progressive progressively dần, trung bình
Gradual gradually


Marginal marginally

Minimal minimally
(minimize (v))
Thay đổi ít, không
Steady steadily đáng kể

Slow slowly

Prepared by Ms. Trang Le HOMEWORK [Dolphin] IELTS11_WRITING

Insignificant/ inconsiderable -ly

Unremarkable/ unnoticeable

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