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1. Internal Preparation/Ingress Backdrop Arrangement, PPT Check, Music Check, Program Run
Through -Registration Tables/Attendance Sheet/Face Stickers

HOST: Welcome everyone to our 2023 DOKI-A Mobilization!

But before we formally start, let’s congratulate each and everyone for a job well done! Congratulations to
all of us! And of course


2. PARADE OF TEAMS Announcement of teams while entering the venue

3. PRAYER *can be live or video

Host: Before we officially proceed for today’s program, may I request everyone to please stand for the
opening prayer through AVP

4. HOUSE RULES Welcoming of the participants/House Rules discussion

Host: So once again, welcome to the 2023, DOKI-A Mobilization live here at AVelino Resort and Hotel!
Syempre, itap nyo naman ang balikat ng inyong katabi at sabihing napakaganda ng araw na ito katulad mo!
And of course before we forget, we need to follow the following House Rules during the entire
mobilization. (READ)

5. COUNTDOWN 10-second countdown before the start of the program

HOST: And now, may I request everyone to please hold on your seats and get ready as we are about to
start! In 10, 9, 8, ……

6. ROLL CALL PER AREA Per team/region Chant/Cheer

Host: Huwag na nating patagalin pa ito,

7. REGION MOBILIZATION LAST YEAR VIDEO **video of last mobilization

8. SLOGAN **read out loud

9. RSH OPENING REMARKS **can be live or recorded

Host: Today’s event is not just only a tribute for all the people behind realme’s success, but also a day for
us para huminga, magrelax and have fun with our colleagues. I know everyone is excited to the next part of
our program so to officially open, please welcome our beloved Regional Sales Head/Director, ___________

10. INTERMISSION *Song Number/Dance Number

11. ICE BREAKER "*Region can brainstorm for the virtual icebreaker that is applicable in their

*Must have relation with 10 Pro Series product"

12. TRIBUTE TO PROMOTERS (VIDEO) Appreciation Video thanking the Promoters by RSD

Host: Before we proceed to our game in a while, let us show for now how thankful we are for your
hardwork, so everyone please watch this video.

13. PEAK SEASON MVP STORY "*Invite PS who has the highest sell-out for All Units last December 2022

Host: And now, as we recognize the hardwork and dedication of our promoters, I would like to call on
_________, our Peak season MVP who has the highest sell-out for All Units last December 2022 and to
*Share his/her story how he/she was able to make sell outs despite the pandemic"

14. NEW HERO PRODUCT TALK Designate a Product Master who will introduce our NHP and present the
powerhouse key selling point and key features.

Host: Truly an inspiring story for each and everyone.. And I believe behind those excellent performanceces
they’ve been in training first and foremost. Kaya naman, lets welcome our New Hero Product Master
______ to give us an overall summary of our new hero product and what’s in it for us.

15. KNOWLEDGE CHECK Choose 3 random PS and ask about the KSP of our realme 10 Pro Series.

16. TOP PERFORMERS RECOGNITION Recognition of Awardees (If there are awardees in your region)

Host: Ladies and gentlemen , today, the most outstanding promoters in the field will be honoured whose
passion for their work has significantly contributed to the company. Today we are giving recognition to all
realme’s top performers whose contributions have been remarkable in the company’s victory. Without
further ado, I present to you our awardees..

17. MAIN GAME *Region can brainstorm for the Main Game that is applicable in their Region.


Host: Now, I would like to present to you our New Hero Product Target.


Host: We are now in the most intense and important part of our program. May I call on our RSH/RSM to
come in front and lead our oath of Commitment.


Host: May we live on the pledge that we have committed this year!

And to officially close this today’s program, may I call on our RSD, Mr. _____________

Host: That’s all for our mobilization today! Againn this has been your host, Host Mhae Gabriel. Thank you
everyone stay safe and see you all again on your next mobilization! Let enjoy our lunch!



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