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Technology: “It’s more of a passion than a job”


As a young girl growing up in different cities in northern part of India, Garima Singh had her
head in the stars – she wanted to be an astrophysicist. An introduction to computer
programming at the age of 12 rocketed her into the digital world and eventually an
international career.

1.What do you want to achieve in your new role?

My short to mid-term goal is to strengthen our digital strategy with a clear view regarding
which digital enablers and platforms are needed and how to operationalize that for Sandvik.
Another goal is to foster a culture of innovation in the engineering teams to add business
value, reduce complexity, and drive competitive advantage through engaged and contributing
tech communities.

2.How are you planning to implement that?

We will do this via two initiatives: The first one is to create common digital platforms which
will act as digital enablers for engineering teams so they can focus on building customer-
centric products. The second initiative is to create communities of practice (CoP) and
architecture collaboration forums. These will bring together engineers and architects from
diverse backgrounds, different business areas and divisions, to share learnings, evaluate
technology trends, and innovate creative, out-of-the-box solutions to different business

3.How would you describe yourself?

I’m an explorer and a tech enthusiast – explorer because I do not want to restrict myself within
one kind of tech area or a business domain. I want to learn more and more, experience
different sets of challenges, and be a problem solver of those challenges. We need to be in
constant learning mode since the tech landscape around us is extremely dynamic these days.

4.Why did you choose a career in tech?

Tech is where my soul and heart belong – it’s more of a passion than a job. I’m inspired by how
technology is solving some key challenges within society and sustainability and yet bringing in
new revenue streams, and creating business growth opportunities. For example, smart
building solutions powered by IoT, data and AI techniques, have made many commercial
buildings (hospitals, malls, airports), much better in terms of energy efficiency and a lower CO2
footprint. The same solutions are also designed for better tenant comfort and safety.

5.And where did your interest in technology come from?

I come from a very non-techie family, but while growing up I was always interested in math
and science. At one point I wanted to be an astrophysicist working with space, stars, and
galaxies. But at the age of 12, I was introduced to computer programming and was amazed at
how quickly you can automate with a simple 4-10 lines program and solve the most complex
mathematical problems. That was very inspiring.

Responda as questões abaixo, em português ou inglês.

1. Qual o nome da jovem do texto acima: ___________________________________

2. Qual país de origem?__________________________________________________
3. O que ela deseja ser?__________________________________________________
4. Em que idade ela descobriu sua aptidão para o mundo digital?_________________
5. Encontre no texto ( e escreva em inglês) as expressões equivalentes:
a. Objetivo de médio a longo prazo:____________________________________
b. Inovação cultural:_________________________________________________
c. Redução de complexidade:__________________________________________
d. Aumentar uma cultura de inovação:___________________________________
6. Quantas iniciativas/atividades ela usará para implementar algo novo na empresa
Sandvik? ____________________________________________________________
7. O que seria: “...out-of-the-box solutions to different business problems...”
8. Quais são as duas principais características de Garima Singh?
9. Explique de acordo com o texto, por que ela é apaixonada em tecnologia?
10. O que Garima resolveu por volta da idade de 12 anos?

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