(Ten Things I Didn

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Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before

Killer Robot Ninja



Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before I Was Reformed

Posted on 11. Dec, 2009 by Les in Theology

Ive been a Christian for 7 years. Ive learned, Ive grown, Ive wondered. I came to believe a lot of things that I took for granted, but never thought too much about. But less than a year ago, God showed me something. There is a solid Christianity that has been fought for, that people have died for. There have been Church councils, and controversial men, who stood up to revolt against corrupt practices, and unbiblical doctrines. We arent left in the dark to figure Christianity out all over again. The truth has been opened to, and passed down to us by, Saints past. Not only has reformed theology opened my eyes to new things, but its cleared up so many thing that I believed, but I never really understood.

10. My Sin
I knew I was a sinner. I knew I needed to be forgiven. But just how much of a sinner, I had no idea. Sometimes I would say, Wow, I didnt sin much this week.. Now I know that its quite possible that I have never, for a second, obeyed the command Love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength.. I never took seriously Jesus words that looking at a woman with lust is to commit adultery, or that hating a man in your heart is murder. I ignored the fact that Jesus said You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. -Matthew 5:48 I finally understand that I sin every day, every hour on some level I sin every moment of my life. This is how sinful I am. But God! Oh how merciful He is to such a sinner.

9. God Works All Things for My Good

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11/30/2010 Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before This seemed like a nice idea, God works stuff out in the end. I dont need to worry too much, because God can clean up the messes and put it back together.
But once I understood sovereignty, it all changed. God doesnt just react to what people are doing, or the messes that pop up in life. He is working all things for the good of His people. He orchestrates everything, and my life isnt left to chance for a split second. Nothing surprises Him, not because He knows it all, but because Hes actually in control.

8. Why We Pray for the Lost

This is something everyone does. We pray for our family and friends to be saved. We say things like soften their hearts or reveal yourself to them. Its not something I ever thought about as incosistent with my beliefs, but now I see how strange it was. If God couldnt override peoples free will, how could He save them? How could He do anything different than the 100% He was already giving everyone, waiting fo them to make their decision. What does it mean to soften a heart other than do more than You are doing to change their mind? Now I can pray fervently for God to override a family members sinful will, because I know that its their only hope. If God cant touch our wills, we all go to Hell. God, destroy their will, and MAKE them love You, so they can be saved from Hell!

7. There is Now No Condemnation

I was always on the fence on the can we lose our salvation? question. Id seen and heard of epic backsliding and people who walked completely away from faith. So it only seemed logical that there were certain sins that could push us too far away from God. The Bible says nothing in all of creation can separate us from the love that is in Christ, let alone the very thing he died to forgive. The gospel teaches that everything, past, present, and future is forgiven. So what could undo the work of Jesus and make us accused again? Now I understand that sins arent counted against me, anymore. God convicts me to cease from sinning, but the condemnation and marks against me have been paid for. Im truly free.

6. Jesus Took My Place

The idea that Jesus was in my place on the cross was another nice thought, and was truly my object of faith. But I believed He took everyones place on the cross, even people who would be in Hell. What kind of assurance can I find in a substitution that didnt help such a large number of people it took the place of? What does it mean to die in someones place, if not that they are pardoned? I understand, now, that Jesus was laying His life down for His sheep perfectly. Not one of the people whos place He took on the cross will be in Hell. Anyone who does end up in Hell has not been atoned for. Jesus truly, perfectly, and finally took my sins on Himself, not because I applied His blood to myself, but because the Father placed my sins, specifically, on His Son.

5. The Necessity of Prayer

I used to pray. I would pray especially hard when I messed up, or when something was completely out of my control. When I knew there was nothing I could do about a situation, Id give it over to God. Other than that Id pray very generally that God would help me in my life. Reformed theology has opened my eyes to the truth that I am completely helpless. Im 100% at Gods mercy. God could, if He wanted, take the faith out of my heart tomorrow. Id wake up, shake my head, and say, Wow, that Christianity faze was weird. and get right back to my sinful life. God promises to never do that, but thats how much we are at His mercy. I NEED God to live, I need him in every area because Im powerless without Him. Hes the power that makes me flea from sin, help people, open His word, and even pray. Yes, we should pray that God would give us the desire to pray. God is truly our strength, so we must pray without ceasing, or we are relying on our powerless flesh.

4. Being Born Again

When I look back, I dont even know how I would have defined being born again. I knew it was a change, maybe a feeling. I definitely knew that you needed to be born again to be saved, and I even knew the moment it happened to me. What it was, though, Id be hard pressed to answer. Oh boy! I could tell you now. It is the supernatural change of a God-hater into a God-lover. Its the work of God to change a mans entire nature. We are set free from slavery to sin, and made slaves of righteousness. We are new creations. Without it man can not believe the gospel or repent. Praise God for the free-will smashing new birth!




Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before

3. The Holy Spirit

What a mystery the Holy Spirit was. I believed in the trinity. Father The one who calls the shots. Son The one who came to earth to die for sin. Holy Spirit um its like a mist, that like is everywhere. Kinda like the wind, I guess. And it helps us. Praise God for His Holy Spirit! The third Person of the trinity that works in Gods people. Hes IN me! Its amazing! Hes the One that produces the fruit, the One that makes me understand the Bible, the One that makes me cry Abba, Father! The Holy Spirit confirms to my spirit that Im in Christ. He perfects my broken prayers and praises. Without Gods Spirit inside us, wed never know God.

2. The Necessity of the Gospel

I would, from time to time, share my faith. I would talk about how Jesus died, but the most important thing I was seeking was a decision. Offensive parts of the gospel, about sin and wrath those dont make people want to accept, so Id minimize them. I would let people know that Jesus wanted to make them happier, and fulfill their lives, certainly not that He demands their submission and will take away their rights. Now I know that apart from the clear, complete gospel, nobody can be saved. Anybody who signed a decision card or said a prayer based on a promise of ,The Bible tells us that we can know where we go when we die. Come to Jesus and Hell forgive you., is not going to heaven. They were deceived. People must hear about their sinfulness, the forgiveness on the cross, and the repentance God requires. This is how we are saved, through the gospel.

1. The Meaning of the Universe

Gods creation, I would guess, was an experiment in free-will. How will people respond to God becoming a man and dying? God was trying His hardest to save as many people as possible, but inevitably some would go to Hell, since it was their decision. Jesus died to make salvation possible, and God was going to be eternally frustrated by all the people that He loved who would be in Hell for eternity. In the back of my mind, I always had a theory that God would forgive them all and bring them into Heaven in the end, and wed all rejoice. Oh, how glorious Gods plan truly is. Gods number 1 priority is to show off His majesty and be glorified. God is beautiful, and when we see His beauty and respond in worship, we are fulfilling our entire purpose. When we fail to love God, we are spitting in this glorious Kings face, and we will be punished. The purpose of this creation is for God to demonstrate His power and mercy. The fall of Satan and Adam are all part of this amazing story. Gods righteous hatred toward sinners will display His awesome power for eternity. God became a man and redeemed mankind from His own wrath. All who He has mercy on will worship Him for eternity because of this amazing love displayed on the Cross. Our resurrected glory will be the most amazing pleasure imaginable, fulfilling the purpose of creation. We will worship God, forever, because well know what we were saved from. He displayed love beyond our comprehension! Praise God! Tags: calvinism, doctrine, featured, gospel, reformed, regeneration, salvation, the cross, the gospel, Theology, top ten

16 Comments to Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before I Was Reformed

1. WGJake Dec 11th, 2009 Similar lessons Ive learned. But I must admit that I still struggle with praying. I hate the fact that I dont want to pray as I should. Im definitly praying for God to give me that desire. If u remember me in your prayers please that I would desire to spend more time with my Father. Lovin the blog man.

2. Mike (wretchedsinner) Dec 11th, 2009



11/30/2010 Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before Brother Les, this is absolutely amazing. Great work, Praise God for what He has done in your life. Such clarity, such passion, Solia Deo Gloria! -Mike

3. Nathaniel Watts Dec 11th, 2009 hey man, reading up on your post. thank you for your regular words of faith and encouragement on twitter i am writing to you about your #7. [there is no condemnation] here is some scripture the jumped to my mind when reading it: (Heb 10:26) If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left (Matthew 12:31) And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. what are your thoughts? thanks! they do more than you know.

4. Les Dec 11th, 2009 Nathaniel. Good stuff. These are texts that can seem to point to a losable salvation, and if theyre all we had to clarify the issue, Id say it is losable. But there are amazing entire chapters in scripture that talk about the security of a believer. Romans 8 should be the first place we look when wondering if we can lose our salvation, not because it says what I want it to say, but because its actually the topic being discussed. Paul is spitting venom at the idea that we can fall from grace, the list of things that cant separate us is unbelievable. You couldnt make something up that wasnt covered. So what do these other verses mean in light of that clear declaration. Hebrews 10:26. Someone receives the knowledge of the gospel and in some way believes it. Were cool so far, as the parable of the sower demonstrates, people can understand it without a saving faith, right? The person goes on sinning, unrepentant and demonstrates that they arent saved. 1 John makes it clear that people can claim Christ but not be in Him, and the lack of fruitswill bear them witness. Now, there does seem to be a doctrine to be found there, although Id need more scriptural support to claim it as clearly Biblical. He goes on to say that the person who does that, claims Christ as savior and pretends to be a Christian, but doesnt change, cant be saved after that. Harsh yes, but doesnt discredit clearer scriptures. As far as Matthew 12:31 I would go into detail but lets just do this: Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy. -Jude 1:24 God is able to keep us from stumbling. Since He also promises that no one can pluck us out of His hands, were pretty much closed in on all sides. So how does this apply to Matt 12:31? If there is an unpardonable sin, which there is, God can keep His people from committing it, and He will keep us from doing it, and He will keep His promise to us of eternal life.

5. Kim



11/30/2010 Dec 12th, 2009

Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before

Les, Great Blogwhat a spot on break down.I love the prayer destroy their will, Make them love you, so they can be saved from hell. so true in my case too. Another wretched, snatched from the fire! Praise God he is an invader! Great to meet another reformed Christian creative too.

6. Eddie Eddings Dec 17th, 2009 Stumbled onto your blog today. Very nice! I have not seen anything quite like it. Love the logo also. I will be stopping by this site often. Therejust bookmarked it. Keep up the God work!

7. Les Dec 17th, 2009 are you really mr. Calvinistic Cartoons? thats so cool.

8. Joshua Parker Dec 31st, 2009 I think many of us can fall into those things I did not know, unless one has been taught the Scriptures rightly from their youth. Great points.

9. Arlene Jan 3rd, 2010 Such a great post. I can relate exactly to the points you mentioned. Before I was reformed I lacked understanding and just took a lot of things for granted, especially His grace, though often times without meaning to. But now I appreciate more His sovereignty and grace with a passion for His glory. A sad fact, though, is a lot of people are allergic to Calvinism because some Calvinists leave a bitter after taste when they witness.Theres a stereotype that reformed believers are arrogant and exclusive. I pray that we will be able to witness to them with love, that they may also see the beauty of the Truth!

10. Tanner



11/30/2010 Jan 21st, 2010

Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before

Good post, just now got around to reading it. You should put it on regenerated.us : )

11. Cory D. Jones Jun 24th, 2010 Great post! As you did, so many things began to make so much MORE sense when I let scripture interpret scripture, not whoever took the pulpit that week. Weird. I have one suggestion though Number 9 I have to disagree God works everything for HIS glory, not necessarily my (or your) good. Several Christians have been persecuted for the gospels sake. While not good for them (besides falling into the blessed are those who are persecuted because of me category) God will always use it (as it is predestined) to further His glory, whether we see the benefits or not. I personnally like #10 I think many Christians are guilty of the If I just sin less mentality. Im not sure what part of in bondage to sin or dead in sin they dont understand. I echo your sentiment, Oh, how sinful I am. Praise God that he continues to use imperfect people in His perfect plan.

12. Les Jun 24th, 2010 thanks for the feedback. As for #9 its a Biblical quote. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28 I would argue that the whole point of this text, as Paul is talking about suffering and tribulation, is that even those things ARE for our good. Of course the plan of God is ultimately for His glory (see #1 in my list), but we can rest in the beautiful providence of God as He works all things for the good of His people for His glory. Not health and wealth. Something much better: painful, lesson-learning sanctification.

13. Cory D. Jones Jul 7th, 2010 Agreed. And to think, all I have left to do is fall down and thank Him for using me.

14. Karsten Sep 10th, 2010 This is the post that God used to open my eyes to His sovereignty according to Himself (His Word) and not my flawed reasoning. soli Deo gloria!




Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before

15. Bill Sep 10th, 2010 Awesome post. I can relate brother 16. Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before I Was Reformed | Truth Proclaimed Sep 12th, 2010 [...] at Killer Robot Ninja, Les has created a list of ten things he didnt understand before coming to Biblical doctrine. Ive gotta say, the list is pretty dead on for [...]

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Ten Things I Didnt Understand Before

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