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Worksheets Name

Micrometer Screw Gauge

Total questions: 19
Worksheet time: 19mins
Instructor name: Thandar Aung


What is the reading on the vernier calipers?

a) 8.63 cm b) 8.52 cm

c) 8.62 cm d) 8.62 mm


What is the reading on the vernier calipers?

a) 1.06 cm b) 1.05 cm

c) 1.66 cm d) 1.16 cm


The reading of the micrometer is .............................

a) 12.40mm b) 12.5mm

c) 11.90mm d) 12.04mm 29/05/2024, 4 28 PM
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The reading of the micrometer is .............................

a) 5.92cm b) 5.92mm

c) 6.42mm d) 5.93mm


The micrometer screw gauge is completely closed. What is the zero error?

a) -0.02 mm b) +0.2 mm

c) +0.02 mm d) -0.2 mm 29/05/2024, 4 28 PM
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The reading of the micrometer is .............................

a) 2.88mm b) 2.38cm

c) 2.38mm d) 2.58mm


What is the zero error on the Vernier calipers?

a) -0.04 cm b) -0.06 cm

c) 0.06 cm d) 0.04 cm


Name this measuring instrument.

a) Digital micrometer screw gauge b) Micrometer screw gauge

c) Electronic balance d) Vernier caliper 29/05/2024, 4 28 PM
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Diagram above: jaws tightly closed

Diagram below: jaws measuring an object

What is the corrected reading of the Vernier calipers?

a) 1.06 cm b) 1.03 cm

c) 0.03 cm d) 1.09 cm 29/05/2024, 4 28 PM
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Name this measuring instrument.

a) Vernier calipers b) Micrometer screw gauge

c) Digital vernier calipers d) Vernier Micrometer


a) Inside Micrometer b) Radius Gauge

c) Micrometer d) Caliper


What is the zero error on the Vernier calipers?

a) -0.06 cm b) -0.04 cm

c) 0.06 cm d) 0.04 cm 29/05/2024, 4 28 PM
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Name the missing part.

a) Spindle b) Frame

c) Ratchet d) Sleeve

14. The ability of measuring instruments to obtain a value closest to the actual value is called ____________.

a) Consistency b) Sensitivity

c) Accuracy

15. The ability of measuring instruments to give the same readings with repeated measurements is called

a) Accuracy b) Sensitivity

c) Consistency

16. The right measuring instruments for length are ________.

a) ruler b) Stopwatch

c) lever balance d) Measuring tape

17. Which of the following measuring instruments is used to measure electric current ?

a) b)

c) d) 29/05/2024, 4 28 PM
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18. Which of the following shows measuring instruments for length from the most accurate to the least accurate ?

a) ruler- Vernier calipers - micrometer screw gauge b) Vernier calipers - micrometer screw gauge - ruler

c) micrometer screw gauge - ruler- Vernier calipers d) micrometer screw gauge - Vernier calipers - ruler


The jaws of the Vernier calipers above are closed.

What type of error shown in this diagram ?

a) Parallax error b) Random error

c) Zero error 29/05/2024, 4 28 PM
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Answer Keys
1. c) 8.62 cm 2. a) 1.06 cm 3. a) 12.40mm

4. c) 6.42mm 5. c) +0.02 mm 6. a) 2.88mm

7. c) 0.06 cm 8. b) Micrometer screw gauge 9. b) 1.03 cm

10. a) Vernier calipers 11. c) Micrometer 12. c) 0.06 cm

13. c) Ratchet 14. c) Accuracy 15. c) Consistency

16. d) Measuring tape , a) ruler 17. c) 18. d) micrometer screw gauge -

Vernier calipers - ruler

19. c) Zero error 29/05/2024, 4 28 PM
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