Top 100 High Yield Topic For Nre Step 1 Exam

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Valvular heart disease with murmurs

2. Cardiac temponade and Acute pericarditis

3. Heart failure and it's types

4. Acromegaly, prolactinoma, diabetes insipidus5. Diabetes

melitus with complication

6. MEN1, MEN2A, MEN2B abd Cushing syndrome

7. Obstructive lung disease ( Asthma & COPD)

8. Lung cancers ( SCLC and SCC)

9. Pleural disease ( Pneumothorax& Pleural effusion)

10. Pneumoconiosis ( Silicosis, asbestosis)

11. ARDS and respiratory failure with types

12. Peptic ulcer disease and ZES

13. IBD vs IBS

14. Nephrotic vs nephritic syndrome

By Dr Sadiq Ali
15. Renal failure and ABGs interpretation

16. Strokes with types (MCA block)

17. Aphasia (motor vs sensory)

18. Parkinson disease, Alzheimer's and Huntington

19. Types of anemia

20. ALL, AML, CML, CLL, DIC, ITP, TTP, hemophilia

21. Hemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve

22. Gout, RA, osteoarthritis, SLE & bechet syndrome

23. Temporal arteritis and Kawasaki disease

24. Tumour markers, RCC, SCC of bladder

25. Graves, Hashimoto and Addison disease

26. Burn with management

27. Shock types and management

28 . Wound healing , hypertrophic vs keloid

By Dr Sadiq Ali
29. Achalasia and esophagus CA

30. Krukenburg tumour and gastric perforation

31. Acute appendicitis and post OP infection

32. Cholelithiasis and cholangitis

33. Cholangitis (Charcoat triad and rynold pentad)

34 . Colon cancer and Angiodyaplasia

35. Peutz jagher syndrome, turcot syndrome

36. Hemorrhoids with staging

37. Anal fissure and perianal fistula

38. Extradural vs subdural hematoma

39. Glasgow coma scale interpretation

40. Alvarado score

41. Ranson criteria for pancreatitis

42. Hepatitis B serological markers

By Dr Sadiq Ali
43. Inguinal hernia (Direct vs indirect)

44. Testicular torsion vs epididymitis

45. Varicocele vs Hydrocele

46. Anti tubercular therapy

47. Prostate cancer and metastasis

48. Breast CA( fibroadenoma and lobular CA)

49. Hemorrhage with types

50. DVT and pulmonary embolism

51. Abortion with types

52. Placenta abruptio vs placenta previa

53. Post partum hemorrhage

54. Preclampsia vs Eclampsia

55. Contraceptive methods

56. Primary vs secondary Amenorrhea

By Dr Sadiq Ali
57. Vaginitis

58. Cervical CA, endometrial CA

59. PCOS with management

60. Menopause

61. Conductive vs SNHL

62. Swimmer ear

63. CSOM with types

64. Miener disease vs acoustic neuroma

65. Nasal polyp

66. Foreign body in nose

67. Rhinitis ( allergic & atrohpic rhinitis)

68. Lidwig angina

69. Diphtherial tonsillitis, indication of tonsillectomy

70. Vocal nodules

By Dr Sadiq Ali
71. Congenital heart disease

72. HPS and Hirsphrung disease

73. Immunodeficiency disorders

74. Development milestone

75. Trisomies ( Down syndrome )

76. UVR and undesendent testis

77. Vit. A, k, B3, B9 and B12

78. Glycogen storage disease ( von gierke)

79. Lysosomal storage disease ( Niemen pick)

80. Genomic imprinting, DNA replication

81. Meningitis with CSF interpretation

82. DKA with management

83. Cell cycle and types of cell

84. Bact... Staph, pesudomonas, diptheria, listeria

By Dr Sadiq Ali
85. Virus.. Hepatitis viruses, HIV, EBV, CMV, HPV
86. Imp tables in last micro ( first aid usmle-1 ),
87. Transplant rejection
88. Types of hypersensitivity reaction
89. Antibody with types
90 . Complement system with disorder
91. Uveitis and cataract
92. Glucoma with management
93. Retinal detachment and vitamin A deficiency
94. Sclerits vs epi sclerits
95. Antidote list of common poison
96. Scabies
97. Psoriasis with management
98. Schizophrenia with EPS symptoms
99. Narcolepsy and cataplexy
100. Obstructive sleep apnea & personality disorder

By Dr Sadiq Ali
By Dr Sadiq Ali

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