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Improved propagation of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex Andrews) using a

temporary immersion system

Article in In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant · October 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s11627-014-9602-8


69 4,092

4 authors, including:

Lourdes Georgina Iglesias Andreu Jericó Jabín Bello-Bello

Universidad Veracruzana Colegio de Postgraduados


Hilda Lee
Universidad Veracruzana


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In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.—Plant (2014) 50:576–581
DOI 10.1007/s11627-014-9602-8


Improved propagation of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex

Andrews) using a temporary immersion system
A. Ramos-Castellá & L. G. Iglesias-Andreu &
J. Bello-Bello & H. Lee-Espinosa

Received: 8 August 2013 / Accepted: 17 February 2014 / Published online: 16 April 2014 / Editor: J. Forster
# The Society for In Vitro Biology 2014

Abstract Here, we evaluated the efficiency of shoot multi- that obtained with solid medium. In addition, this system
plication of Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex Andrews using solid produced good results for the transplantation and acclimation
medium, partial immersion, and a temporary immersion sys- (90% of survival) of in vitro-derived plants. These results offer
tem (TIS) to improve micropropagation in this species. new options for large-scale micropropagation of vanilla.
Clusters of shoots were cultivated in vitro using Murashige
and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 9.55 μM Keywords Immersion frequency . Partial immersion .
benzyladenine (BA) and 100 mL L−1 coconut water. For the RITA® . Solid medium . Volume of culture medium
TIS, a RITA® system was used and three immersion frequen-
cies were evaluated (every 4, 8, and 12 h) with an immersion
time of 2 min. After 30-d culture, the TIS produced the Introduction
maximum multiplication rate (14.27 shoots per explant) when
using an immersion frequency of 2 min every 4 h, followed by Vanillin is one of the most highly appreciated flavorings in the
the partial immersion system (8.64 shoots per explant), and food, pharmaceutical, and fragrance industries (Bory et al.
solid medium (5.80 shoots per explant). Next, the effect of the 2008; Greule et al. 2010) and is extracted from the pods of
volume of culture medium per explant was also evaluated for Vanilla planifolia, an orchid native to the tropical forests of
TIS. The most suitable volume of culture medium for shoot southeastern Mexico (Soto Arenas and Cribb 2010; Salazar-
formation was 25 mL per explant, which increased the rate of Rojas et al. 2012). This species is currently listed as threatened
multiplication to 17.54 shoots per explant. Root initiation was owing to the overexploitation that has decimated the wild
90% successful in TIS using half-strength MS medium sup- populations and reduced genetic diversity (Soto Arenas
plemented with 0.44 μM naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 1999; SEMARNAT 2002).
an immersion frequency of 2 min every 4 h. With this system, In Mexico, vanilla is commercially propagated exclusively
the shoot multiplication rate increased threefold compared to through stem cuttings. However, because of poor quality
control, this method has contributed to the spread of pests
A. Ramos-Castellá : L. G. Iglesias-Andreu (*) and diseases such as red bug (Tenthecoris confusus), root and
Instituto de Biotecnología y Ecología Aplicada (INBIOTECA), stem rot (Fusarium oxysporum), and anthracnosis
Universidad Veracruzana, Campus para la Cultura, las Artes y el
Deporte, Av. de las Culturas Veracruzanas No. 101, Colonia
(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides; Hernández 2011); all of
Emiliano Zapata, 91090 Xalapa, Veracruz, México which are responsible for significant financial losses in vanilla
e-mail: production (Pinaria et al. 2010). Sexual propagation, on the
other hand, has the limitation of low or null germination from
J. Bello-Bello
seeds (Torres-González et al. 2011). Therefore, the best option
Colegio de Postgraduados-Campus Córdoba, Carretera Federal
Córdoba-Veracruz km 348, Congregación Manuel León, for propagation of this species is to use micropropagation
94946 Municipio de Amatlán de los Reyes, Veracruz, México techniques.
There are several micropropagation protocols for
H. Lee-Espinosa
V. planifolia, whether by direct organogenesis (Geetha and
Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias de Córdoba, Ver.,
Km. 1, Universidad Veracruzana, 94950 Peñuela-Amatlán de los Sudheer 2000; Giridhar and Ravishankar 2004; Kalimuthu
Reyes, Veracruz, México et al. 2006; Lee-Espinosa et al. 2008; Minno and Nirmal

2009; Sreedhar 2009; Zerihun et al. 2009) or indirect organo- used). The pH was adjusted to 5.8 before autoclaving at
genesis (Janarthanam and Seshadri 2008; Tan et al. 2011). 1.2 kg cm−2 for 15 min at 120°C.
Most of these protocols used solid medium of a solid medium, All cultures were kept at a temperature of 25±2°C, with a
and their efficiency is rather low considering that the multi- 16/8-h light/dark photoperiod, under a light intensity of 40–
plication rate for most protocols is more than 60 d. Also the 50 μmol m−2 s−1 using white-light lamps.
double-phase medium has been used during the multiplication
stage (George and Ravishankar 1997) and liquid medium with Evaluation of the different culture systems. The explants
agitation in combination with a solid medium (Lee-Espinosa (clusters shoots 10×10 mm) were cultivated in different cul-
et al. 2008) has been applied. Upon comparing different ture systems for a period of 30 d: solid culture medium, liquid
systems, Sreedhar (2009) did not find significant differences culture medium with partial immersion (~5 mm of the shoot
for vanilla shoot multiplication rates among treatments using base was submerged in liquid medium), and temporary im-
solid medium, complete immersion, and a temporary immer- mersion using the automated system, RITA® (VITROPIC,
sion system (TIS) using Growtek™. Saint-Mathieu-de-Tréviers, France). A total of 20 explants
TIS, among other advantages, allows for the semi- were used per treatment, two explants/Magenta® GA-7 vessels
automation of the culture process, facilitates medium renewal, of 77×77×97 mm (Sigma-Aldrich) for solid culture medium
and also combines aeration and explant immersion with pro- and partial immersion, with 20 mL of multiplication medium
grammed duration and frequency of immersion, thus reducing per vessel. For the TIS, 54 explants were used (six explants/
hyperhydricity of the plant and increasing survival during the per 1-L RITA® container, 150×130 mm) with 200 mL of
acclimatization stage (Etienne and Berthouly 2002; Levin and liquid multiplication medium per container (i.e., 33.3 mL/
Tanny 2004). The RITA® (Récipient à Immersion Temporaire explant), with 2 min per immersion every 4 h.
Automatique) system has been used in the micropropagation
of several species including Malus sp. (Zhu et al. 2005), Evaluation of the different immersion frequency. For the TIS,
Eucalyptus spp. (McAlister et al. 2005), Saccharum spp. three types of immersions frequency (2 min per immersion)
(Mordocco et al. 2009), Fragaria ananassa, Rubus sp., were evaluated: every 4, 8, and 12 h were applied, and in all
Vaccinium sp. (Debnath 2011), Camptotheca acuminata assays, six explants/per RITA® container were assessed after
(Sankar-Thomas and Lieberei 2011), and Quercus robur 30 d. Three containers per immersion frequency were used.
(Mallón et al. 2012), among others. The objective of this study
was to establish an efficient protocol for the large-scale The effect of culture medium volume per explant. To evaluate
micropropagation of V. planifolia using a TIS, based on the effect of the volume of culture medium per explant for the
RITA®. TIS, three treatments were tested: 50.0, 33.3, and 25.0 mL per
explant (four, six, and eight explants/per RITA® container,
respectively). In all cases, the same multiplication medium
and an immersion frequency of 2 min every 4 h were used.
Materials and Methods Three containers per treatment were used.
For all treatments, after 30-d culture, the number of shoots
Plant material and culture media. Young stem cuttings of per explant was counted and the length, diameter, and number
vanilla (V. planifolia) were collected in Papantla, Veracruz, of leaves on the shoots obtained were measured for each
Mexico. For the in vitro establishment of axillary buds, the treatment.
disinfection method by Lee-Espinosa et al. (2008) was follow-
ed. The buds were cultivated in Murashige and Skoog (MS) Rooting and acclimatization. Shoots longer than 2 cm were
medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) supplemented with transferred to RITA® containers with half-strength MS medi-
9.55 μM benzyladenine (BA), 35 mg L−1 cysteine hydrochlo- um supplemented with 0.44 μM NAA and 15 g L−1 sucrose.
ride, 30 g L−1 sucrose, 2 g L−1 activated charcoal, and The explants were immersed for 2 min every 4 h. Nine
2.2 g L−1 Gelrite™ (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). After containers were used (ten shoots/per RITA®). Percent rooting
three subcultures of 30 d each, the cultivated explants were was determined after 45-d culture. Rooted seedlings that were
used for different treatments. 5- to 10-cm long were transplanted in 50×30×7 cm trays with
a 1:1 mixture of peat moss (Premier, Rivière-du-Loup,
For the multiplication phase cluster shoots below 10 mm in Canada) and agrolita ® (Agrolita, Tlalnepantla de Baz,
height were used, cultivated in MS medium supplement- Mexico) as substrate and transferred to a greenhouse. Plants
ed with 9.55 μM BA, 150 mg L −1 ascorbic acid, were watered three times a wk and foliar fertilizer
35 mg L−1 cysteine hydrochloride, 30 g L−1 sucrose, (Nitrofoska® foliar PS, COMPO, Zapopan, Mexico) was ap-
100 mL L−1 coconut water, and 2.2 g L−1 Gelrite™ (Sigma- plied weekly. Once the plants had grown to a height greater
Aldrich) was used as a gelling agent (where solid medium was than 12 cm, they were transferred to individual pots (20×

5 cm) containing a mixture (1:1:1) of compost, agrolita®, and among treatments. Therefore, the greatest impact of the three
peat moss and watered twice weekly. culture systems was a substantial increase in the multiplication
rate of V. planifolia using a liquid medium system, compared
Statistical analyses. For all trials, the experimental design was with that of the solid medium. This increase was the greatest
completely randomized with three replicates. The data for the when the TIS was used.
number of shoots obtained were subjected to analysis of Sreedhar (2009) found no differences in the multiplication
variance (ANOVA) using the statistical program SPSS rate for V. planifolia among solid medium, complete immer-
(Version 11.5 for Windows Inc., Chicago, IL). To detect sion, and TIS with Growtek™ system. This author obtained
differences among treatments, Tukey’s test was used 2.46 shoots/explant and doubled the shoot elongation and the
(P<.05). The variables, length, diameter, and number of biomass with the TIS over 5 wk. This may be because the
leaves, were analyzed using generalized linear model (GLM) author used explants that had been cultured for 10 yr, and the
with the program R 2.15.2. To determine differences between shoots’ tips were not removed to allow for the formation of
the levels of treatments, the contrast routine was used. new shoots.
Our results also concur with those obtained in other spe-
cies. Hempfling and Preil (2005) found that the shoot multi-
plication rate in Phalaenopsis spp. cultivated using a tempo-
Results and Discussion rary immersion bioreactor (TIB) increased around fivefold
over that obtained using solid medium. Yan et al.
Evaluation of the different culture systems. To evaluate the (2010) obtained a greater shoot multiplication in monk
three culture systems, solid media, partial immersion with fruit (Siraitia grosvenorii) using the Plantima® system
liquid culture, and the automated temporary immersion sys- than when using solid or liquid media. Similarly, for
tem (TIS) RITA®, four vegetative growth parameters of banana (Musa spp.), Farahani and Majd (2012) achieved
V. planifolia were measured after 30 d (Table 1). The results double the shoot formation rate relative to that obtained using
revealed significant differences among the three culture sys- solid or liquid media. Arencibia et al. (2013) also doubled
tems evaluated, with the best multiplication rate achieved with the shoot multiplication rate in raspberry (Rubus spp.)
TIS (14.27±0.89 shoots per explant), followed by the partial using a TIB.
immersion system (8.64±0.51 shoots per explant), and solid
medium (5.80±0.69 shoots per explant; Fig. 1a–c). The shoot Determination of immersion frequency. We also evaluated the
length also differed significantly between TIS (13.50 ± effect of different immersion frequencies (2-min immersions
0.88 mm) and solid medium (10.47±1.01 mm), but no signif- every 4, 8, and 12 h) using the RITA® system. The only
icant differences were observed for TIS and the partial immer- differences observed were in shoot length and vigor, and there
sion system (12.67±1.2). Furthermore, there were no differ- were no significant differences in the number of new shoots
ences detected in the number of leaves or shoot diameter formed, shoot diameter, or the number of leaves (Table 1).

Table 1. Effect of the culture system, immersion frequency, and volume of culture medium per explant on multiplication rate, shoot height, diameter,
and number of leaves in V. planifolia

Micropropagation system Multiplication ratez X ± S.E. Shoot lengthy X ± S.E. (mm) Diametery X ± S.E. (mm) No. of leavesy X ± S.E.

Solid culture medium 5.80±0.69 c 10.47±1.01 b 5.07±0.51 a 1.20±0.10 a

Partial immersion 8.64±0.51 b 12.67±1.20 ab 4.80±0.29 a 1.73±0.17 a
Temporary immersion 14.27±0.89 a 13.50±0.88 a 4.83±0.23 a 1.67±0.16 a
Immersion frequencies in RITA® with 2-min immersion
Frequency every 4 h 14.27±0.89 a 13.50±0.88 a 4.83±0.23 a 1.67±0.16 a
Frequency every 8 h 14.00±0.61 a 13.53±1.46 a 4.53±0.30 a 2.40±0.15 a
Frequency every 12 h 14.90±0.59 a 8.67±0.78 b 4.47±0.32 a 1.80±0. 14 a
Volume of culture medium per explant (mL)
25.0 17.54±1.14 a 13.30±1.01 a 4.40±0.31 a 1.80±0.13 a
33.3 14.27±0.89 ab 13.50±0.88 a 4.83±0.23 a 1.67±0.16 a
50.0 13.45±1.08 b 13.10±0.57a 4.70±0.40 a 1.90±0.28 a

For multiplication rate, means with different letters per column represent significant differences between treatments (Tukey P=.05). For shoot height,
diameter, and number of leaves, means with different letters per column represent significant differences between treatments detected using the contrast

Figure 1. Micropropagation of
Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex
Andrews multiple shoots
proliferating after 30-d culture. a,
Solid culture medium. b, Partial
immersion in liquid medium. c,
Temporary immersion with 2-min
immersions every 4 h. d,
Immersion frequency every 4 h. e,
Immersion frequency every 8 h. f,
Immersion frequency every 12 h.

Shorter shoots were observed using the 12-h immersion fre- Volume of culture medium per explant. Our experiments also
quency (8.7±0.78 mm), compared to 4- and 8-h (~13.5 mm determined that a smaller volume (25 mL) of culture medium
for both frequencies). Differences were observed in the ap- per explant significantly increased the multiplication rate, to
pearance of the leaves of shoots formed in the different fre- 17.54±1.14 shoots per explant in comparison with volumes of
quencies tested. All shoots of the 4-h frequency were greener 33.3 and 50 mL, which produced 14.27±0.89 and 13.45±1.08
and regular leaf shape and size (Fig. 1d). In the 8-h shoots per explant, respectively. There were, however, no
frequency, callus formation in leaves was observed in
approx. 40% of the shoots formed (Fig. 1e). While for
the 12-h frequency, all the leaves were whitish in color
and thickened by callus tissue (Fig. 1f). We conclude
the optimal results were achieved using a system with 2-min
immersions every 4 h for the micropropagation of
V. planifolia. As the immersion frequency decreased, the
plants obtained were less vigorous, suggesting that
V. planifolia is a nutrient-demanding species.
In contrast to our results, Sreedhar (2009) obtained a max-
imum of 2.42 vanilla shoots per explant with 30-min immer-
sions every 8 h using the Growtek™ system. Furthermore,
hyperhydricity was observed in the plantlets generated with
45-min immersions every 8 h. Our results showed that vanilla
does not require prolonged immersion times, but responds
best to shorter times (2 min) and more frequent immersions
(every 4 h). This may prevent hyperhydricity and callus
growth on plantlets and result in production of vigorous
plants. In the micropropagation of banana (Musa spp.) using
a TIB, Roels et al. (2005) found no significant differences in
shoot production per explant with 4-min immersions every 3,
5, and 7 h, but in the latter treatment, shoots were longer. In
habanero chili (Capsicum chinense), Bello-Bello et al. (2010)
increased the multiplication rate using the modular temporary Figure 2. In vitro rooting and acclimatization of V. planifolia. a, Rooting
immersion bioreactor (BioMINT™) with 2-min immersions in RITA® after 45-d culture with 2-min immersions every 4 h. b, Plantlets
every 8 h. in the process of acclimatization in the greenhouse after 30-d acclimation.

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ment and Plant Breeding” network.
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uated (Table 1).
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