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1. There are a few weak arguments provided below. Identify their types from the list of 2.

different types of weak arguments provided below. There may be multiple instances of
the types.
Personal attack Use of personal experience Misleading statistics

Not taking into account Hasty Generalization Inappropriate comparison

alternative viewpoint
i. A couple of students struggled with the assignment, so it's safe to say the entire class is not
grasping the material.
ii. 90% of students surveyed said they found the course easy, and the survey was conducted only
among a selected group of high-achieving students.
iii. The jury board needs to be provided with a criminal’s past records because it helps to make a
decision regarding that individual’s latter verdicts.
iv. As Coca Cola is more expensive than Pepsi, Pepsi tastes worse than Coca Cola.
v. After observing the first week, it was found that 50% of the students are understanding the new

2. Write the effects of the following causes in one sentence each. 5

i. The implementation of interactive learning tools in the classroom led to increased student
ii. Due to the implementation of remote work policies, employees experienced a more flexible work
iii. Following the implementation of customer feedback mechanisms, businesses experienced higher
customer satisfaction and loyalty.
iv. Because of the adoption of agile project management practices, teams became more adaptable
and responsive to change.
v. Owing to the implementation of energy-efficient technologies in manufacturing processes,
companies successfully reduced their carbon footprint, contributing to a more sustainable and
environmentally responsible industry.

3. Write the solutions of the following problems in one sentence each. 5

i. With the increase in remote work, communication challenges emerged among team members.
ii. The company faced declining customer satisfaction due to prolonged response times.
iii. Students reported difficulty accessing educational resources online.
iv. The community faced increased traffic congestion during peak hours.
v. Employees reported feeling overwhelmed due to a lack of work-life balance.

4. The table below shows the number of cars sold by different companies in the UK from 10
2020 to 2022.
Take a look at the table and write a paragraph analyzing the data, main features, trends, and
changes from the table in approximately 150 words. Maintain academic style, and underline
cohesive devices.
Year 2020 2021 2022
Volkswagen 15,635 8,854 13,118
Audi 7,435 7,647 8,941
BMW 10,305 6,420 9,523
Renault 1,799 2,019 4,666

5. Look at the following outline of the essay “Does government having access to citizens’ data have
more concerns than benefits?”
A. Introduction
B. Body
1. Benefits
a. Public health and safety measures
i. Having detailed health information for easy access by public doctors
ii. Providing emergency support to critical patients
b. Crime prevention and investigation
i. Identifying potential threats
ii. Investigating using personal data and criminal database
c. Policymaking
i. Developing and modifying rules
ii. Resource allocation
2. Concerns
a. Violation of individual privacy
i. Having access to private communications
ii. Having access to confidential information
b. Potential for abuse of power
i. Not allowing authority criticism
ii. Interrupting or shutting down online business
c. Lack of transparency and accountability
i. Potential bias in prosecution
ii. Lack of accountability for data breaches
3. Refutation
C. Conclusion

Write the essay in around 500 words.

You have to: 15
i. Write the introduction and conclusion within 60-70 words each.
ii. Write each of the body paragraphs in around 130 words.
iii. Underline the thesis statement, topic sentence, thesis restatement, and cohesive
devices. 2.5
Also, you must use at least 5 in-text citations from the following extracts. Use proper APA
format for the citations.

I. “Governments collect data for the purposes of public safety, national security, and
policymaking. Data collected by public institutions under them can inform decision-making
processes, resource allocation, and the development of public services.” GRAFFERSID in
II. “When the government is performing surveillance over video, communication lines, and
Internet resources, then no one is being physically harmed by these activities. It is one of three
primary methods of collecting information to keep people safe.” Regoli in 2019
III. “The advent of government surveillance has brought about an easier way to determine the
reason for an action and the level of justice that is necessary for any circumstance.” Edubirdie
in 2022
IV. “Public surveillance can also perpetuate other societal problems, like discrimination. Data
aggregated from public surveillance systems can be fed into algorithms, but when fed with
biased data, the algorithm will reinforce the biases within the data it has, further intensifying
unwarranted discrepancies in law enforcement.” Day in 2023
V. “Privacy breaches can lead to reputational damage and compromise professional relationships.
Maintaining data privacy is crucial for individuals and businesses to preserve their reputations
and maintain trust with clients, customers, and partners.” GRAFFERSID in 2023
VI. “Information gathered for legitimate purposes maybe misused by the members of the
government. It is not difficult to obtain personal data of citizens because of the power, reach,
and resources federal security agencies have at their disposal.” Santani in 2019

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