Ethics of Tourism

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The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Tourism Code of Ethics

Number 472/2020


1. General

2. Significance of the Tourism Code of Ethics

3. Objectives of the Tourism Code of Ethics

4. Principles of the Tourism Code of Ethics

5. Ethical obligation of the Community at tourist destinations and


6. Ethical obligation of Tourist Service Providing Enterprises

7. Ethical obligation of Professionals and Employees of tourist

service providing enterprises

8. Ethical obligation of Private Guides

9. Ethical obligation of Visitors

10. Principles of Ethical Code of Public Servants

11. Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

12. Measures to be taken on those who violate the Code

13. Effective Date

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Tourism Code of Ethics
Tourism is one of the economic sectors that draw considerable attention in both the
developed and developing countries around the world for its invaluable contribution for
generation of foreign currency and job creation as well as fosters in the the development
of trade and service providing institutions at all levels; contributing about to the overall
socio-economic development, and helping to maintain good relationships and
understanding among different societies and cultures.
Ethiopia is endowed with historical, cultural and natural attractions to develop tourism in
a sustainable manner. In spite of its vast potential, the development of the tourism
industry and the derived outcome is still at its infancy when compared to other well
established tourist destinations.
However, the quality of the service delivery and thereby, the contribution to the economic
and social development played by the recently developed types of tourist service-
providing enterprises is encouraging; so that to support this promising development, to
benefit the community in a sustainable manner, and making the desired development
objective achievable as quickly as possible, Tourist Service Providing Enterprises and all
stakeholders in the industry should continue to work together in a coherent and integrated
Moreover, in order to achieve the desired development objectives and to controls the
relationships; the communities around tourist attractions, Tourist Service Providing
Enterprises, investors, employees, professionals in the industry and even visitors should
be governed by an agreed upon Code of Ethics. The implementation of this Code of
Ethics largely focuses on awareness-creation about its benefits, and if serious violations
of the Code occur, they should be dealt with according to the relevant law of the land.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, based on its mandate to decree issue
directives and create an enabling environment for the development of tourism sector;has
declared this Code of Ethics of Tourism. To issue the Code, reference has been made to
the Global Code of Ethics of Tourism endorsed by the United Nations World Tourism
Organization ( UNWTO), General Assembly held in Santiago, Chile, in 1999, and due
consideration was given to tailor the Code to help fit to the sectors situation and
circumstances for practical implementation , monitoring and evaluation purposes. In
addition, the major stakeholders of the industry were consulted in various instances and
their contribution was invaluable in the preparation of this Code of Ethics.

1. General

1.1 Short Title

This Directive may be cited as “Code of Ethics of Tourism No 472/2020’’.

1.2 Issuing Authority

This Code of Ethics for Tourism is issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism pursuant to

proclamation No 691/2010.

1.3 Definitions
In this Code, unless the context requires otherwise requires:
1. ‘‘Ethics’’ means, according to the definition of the Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Commission of Ethiopia , is a psychological framework designed to single out the right idea
and action and foster proper behaviour to help people overcome their wrong attitudes and
2. ‘‘Tourist Service Providing Enterprise’’ or ‘‘Enterprise’’ refers to legally registered hotels,
lodges, motels, pensions/guest houses, restaurants, tour operators and other legal enterprises
which provide services and products to tourists.
3. ‘‘Tourist” means According to the UNWTO , is a person who travels away from his
permanent residence and stays in a destination for not less than 24 hours and not more than
one full year, for a variety of purposes excluding remunerated activities.
4. ‘‘Private Guide” means a person who is licensed in the field and is engaged in tourist
guiding activity.
5. ‘‘Ministry” and ‘‘Minister’’ mean Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Minister,
6. ‘‘Person’’ means a natural person or an entity having legal rights of a person.

1.4 Scope of Application

This Code is applicable to:

A. Tourist Service Providing Enterprises and their employees all over the country.
B. Tourist Guides all over the country.
C. Tourists and visitors travelling all over the country.

1.5 Amendment of the Code

The issuing authority may amend this Code of Ethics for Tourism when deemed necessary.

2 Significance of the Code of Ethics of Tourism

2.1 Understanding that there shall be responsible and sustainable tourism to effectively conserve and
utilize the country’s historical, cultural and natural resources;
2.2 Recognizing that tourism is a sector to create fraternity among several societies and pronounces
Amicable environment in promoting common understands among state;
2.3 Realizing the need to follow up and formulating an effective system to maximize the
positive impacts of tourism and minimize its negative impacts in the socio-economic
2.4 Recognizing that the importance to create mutual understanding and effective interactions
between visitors and the host community;
2.5 Believing that Tourism Service Providing Enterprises, the community, and other relevant
institutions that benefit from the development of tourism, would follow acceptable work
procedure and service delivery standards; this Code is approved and implemented.
3 Major Objectives of the Code of Ethics of Tourism

3.1 To enhance the multidimensional benefits of tourism and significantly reduce the negative
impacts in sustainable manner,

3.2 To create awareness among investors, employees and professionals in the tourism industry
about the principles of this Code of Ethics of Tourism and to make those who fail to observe
the Code accountable according to relevant law,
3.3 To create awareness among investors, managers, employers, and customers about the
appropriate behaviour and moral obligations that they should comply with,
3.4 To significantly reduce the level of ethical misconduct that may arise between employees of
Enterprises and tourists and take appropriate measures to prevent and solve problems.

4 Principles of the Code of Ethics of Tourism

4.1 To preserve and protect the history, culture, and natural resources of the country,
4.2 To develop sustainable tourism in a responsible manner,
4.3 To respect the Federal, Regional, and Local laws and regulations,
4.4 To respect the cultural values of the peoples, nations and nationalities of the country,
4.5 To respect the rights of movement of visitors from one place to the other,
4.6 To develop the Ethiopian traditional ways of hospitality to welcome guests,
4.7 To realise that payment for services corresponds to the quality of service delivery,
4.8 To enhance the diversity and quality of service,
4.9 To realize the obligation of building the positive image of the country,
4.10 To develop positive attitude, honesty, sincerity and transparency.

5 Mandatory Code of Ethics for Communities Located Around Tourist Sites and
5.1 To take individual and common responsibilities for the preservation of Natural resources,
historical and cultural values as well as to respect the laws and regulations issued to protect
the environment,
5.2 To protect the destruction, theft and any other kind of illegal activity against heritages,
5.3 To recognize the fact that tourism resources are universal in character that they are world
heritages of mankind, even though they are under the possession of the community,
5.4 To reflect positive and welcoming attitudes towards tourists and visitors,
5.5 To respect the rights of visitors to travel and to visit around,
5.6 To refrain from requesting money from tourists without providing any service, and to avoid
forcing or irritating them by demanding for gifts.
5.7 To refrain from any activity that jeopardizes the well-being of tourists and their properties,
5.8 To oppose and refrain from violating the human rights and the physical well-being of the
members of society, especially from any type of sexual exploitation of women,
children and youth
6. Mandatory Code of Ethics of Tourist Service Providing Enterprises
6.1 To abide by the Federal, regional and local laws, regulations and guidelines,
6.2 To manage Tourist Service Providing Enterprises to render quality service in
reflecting the natural and historical values of each destination in an environmental and
historical friendly manner,
6.3 To comfier accurate and updated information about the services they provide to
customers and other relevant bodies,
6.4 To respect all agreements reached with visitors, customers and guests,
6.5 When non performance occurs due to unforeseen event requesting an apologize, it provides
other equivalent services as an alternative, or make price adjustments or provide compensation
for the unrealized service,
6.6 Take care the welfare of their guests and safety of their properties,
6.7 To inform customers in advance about the prices of services and to accommodate the prices
with quality and standard of service delivery,
6.8 To oppose and refrain from any act that violates the human rights and the physical well-being
of the community, especially from any type of sexual exploitation of women, children and
6.9 To provide quality services to customers and guests,
6.10 To hire skilful and experienced employees with adequate knowledge,
6.11 To provide capacity-building and training in the field,

6.12 To inform the formal procedures of hiring , promotion, transfer, penalty, leave, training,
dismissal to employees and apply them accordingly,
6.13 To aware employees that salary and additional benefits are paid based on their qualification,
nature of the work and market considerations,
6.14 To respect the rights of employees and to ascertain that the working environment is healthy
and conducive to their well-being,
6.15 To make sure that the work environment is free of any kind of partiality.

7. Mandatory Code of Ethics of Professionals and Employees at Tourist Service

Providing Enterprises
7.1 To refrain from any kind of unlawful activities,
7.2 To abide by the law, policies and regulations of the enterprise,
7.3 To be loyal and honest to their enterprise or employer,
7.4 To take care for the property of the enterprise and make use of it properly,
7.5 To treat guests politely, respectfully and equally,
7.6 To reflect a welcoming and hospitable behaviour,
7.7 To serve guests professionally, honestly and according to the ethics of the job requires ,
7.8 To satisfy visitors and guests in providing quality, standardized and consistent service,
7.9 To discharge the obligation in safe guarding the safety of life and property of visitors,
employees of enterprise,
7.10 to refrain from drinking alcohol, eating chat and taking drugs, While on duty,
7.11 To oppose and refrain from violating the human rights and the physical well-being of the
members of society, especially from any type of sexual exploitation of women,
children and youth.

8. Mandatory Code of Ethics of Tourism Guides

8.1 To abide by federal, regional and local laws, regulations, and guidelines,
8.2 To refrain from trafficking heritage as well as drugs,
8.3 To acquire and implement the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively carry out a
guide’s activities,
8.4 To be knowledgeable about the historical values and cultural values of the local peoples as
well as of the features of attractions area,
8.5 To discharge an individual obligation to protect the life and property of the visitors,
8.6 To serve guests polite, respectfully and non-discriminatory manner,

8.7 To reflect an Ethiopian hospitality for guests,
8.8 To oppose and refrain from violating the human rights and the physical well-being of the
members of society, especially from any type of sexual exploitation of women,
children and youth.
8.9 To maintain personal hygiene and wear suitable clothes,
8.10 to refrain from drinking alcohol, eating chat and taking drugs, While on duty,
8.11 To serve visitors honestly and truthfully with positive behaviour,
8.12 To inform customers in advance about the details and the price of the services offered, making
sure that the price is compatible with the quality of the guiding service to be provided,
8.13 To refrain from tempting guests to do something illegal.

9. Mandatory Code of Ethics of Visitors

9.1 To comply with the country’s immigration, health and other laws and regulations,
9.2 To Obtain information about tourist destinations, travel and visit related activities of the
country from the relevant body,
9.3 To Respect the cultural values of the visited region and host community,
9.4 To oppose and refrain from violating the human rights and the physical well-being of the
members of society, especially from any type of sexual exploitation of women,
children and youth.
9.5 To Refrain from visiting prohibited areas and taking photographs or videos ,
9.6 To Refrain from illegal hunting of wild life,
9.7 To Refrain from illegal drugs, human and heritages trafficking,
9.8 To Refrain from illegal money exchanging activities,
9.9 To Respect laws and regulations enacted to protect and maintain cultural and natural resources
at tourist attraction areas, and refrain from causing damage to these resources,
9.10 To maintain and protect the environment hygiene and refrain from any activity that may spoil
9.11 To Refrain from all kinds of activities that may adversely affect natural and cultural resources,
9.12 To Respect laws and regulations enacted with regard to entry points, destinations, and service
giving centres,
9.13 To Refrain from giving money or anything to the people for free without receiving some kind
of service in return,
9.14 To Respect the rights of employees in tourist service providing enterprises and that of
professionals in the sector as well as the citizens.

10. Principles of Ethical Code of Public Servants

10.1 Integrity
10.2 Loyalty
10.3 Transparency
10.4 Confidentiality
10.5 Honesty
10.6 Accountability
10.7 Prioritizing the Public Interest
10.8 Exercising Legitimate Authority
10.9 Impartiality
10.10 Respecting the Law
10.11 Responsiveness
10.12 Exercising Leadership

11. Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

11.1 Based on this Code of Ethics ofTourism , Tourist Service Providing Enterprises shall issue an
appropriate and detailed Code of Ethics for their employees
11.2 All stakeholders shall take the necessary measures for the observance of ethical obligations
specified in this Code of Ethics,
11.3 The Ministry, in collaboration with Regional and City Administrative Culture and Tourism
Bureaus, Tourist Service Providing Enterprises, Tourism Training Institutions, and other
stakeholders, will organize an awareness creation forum on the implementation of the Code,
11.4 The Ministry will establish a mechanism whereby inquiries, opinions suggestions and
grievances are handled and reported at all levels, and information with regard to the Code of
Ethics is organized and evaluated. A Grievance Handling Committee will also be established
at all levels,
11.5 The Ministry, Regional and City Administrative Tourism Bureaus, and related offices shall
follow up and clarify issues which may arise with regard to the obligations in this Code and
take appropriate measures accordingly,
11.6 In order to enable tourists recognize this Code, it will be posted on the website of the Ministry,
as the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopian embassies and consulates,
Tourist Service Providing Enterprises in Ethiopia, Federal and Regional Government
institutions, training centres, and other government and non-government organizations.

12. Measures to be taken on those who violate the Code
Taking into consideration that Tourist Service Providing Enterprises and individuals who
violate this Code will be held accountable according to the relevant law, the following
administrative actions will be taken,
12.1 When a complaint or grievance is reported as a result of violation of the Code against an
enterprise or a guide for the first time, the office of the relevant regional of city
administrative Culture and Tourism Bureau will investigate the issue and if necessary
provide written warnings to the enterprise or guide,
12.2 If a complaint is reported on a particular enterprise or a guide for the second time, the
relevant office will investigate the matter and, depending on the circumstances,
provide a last warning stating that the license will not be renewed again, and also that
all stakeholders will be notified about the situation accordingly,
12.3 If a complaint is reported on an enterprise or a guide for the third time, the relevant
office of the regional Culture and Tourism Bureau or the Ministry will notify licensing
authority by sending the necessary supporting evidence so that the license would be
terminated for one year. In addition all concerned parties will be informed the situation,
12.4 An enterprise or a guide whose license has been suspended for a year has the right to
appeal to the licensing authority for reconsideration within the given time frame.
However, the issue may be reconsidered only if he/she agrees in writing not to commit
similar offence against the code and if found accountable next time to have his/ her
license to be suspended permanently,
12.5 In relation to violation of the Code of Ethics, if an enterprise of a guide whose license
after an official appeal has been reinstated violates the Code again, the Ministry or the
relevant regional culture and tourism Bureau will inform the licensing body to cancel
his/ her license for once and for all,
12.6 The penalties mentioned above are applicable only if the violation of the Code of Ethics
is relatively minor. However, serious violations of the Code which may impair the
sector and damage the country’s good image, will be dealt with out necessarily under
going through the above steps , rather , it would be dealt accordingly based on the
extent of violation of the code by the enterprise or the guide,
12.7 Anyone who does not agree with the decision made or measures taken, can appeal to the
Grievance Handling Committee established at all levels, which is composed of the
relevant stakeholders in the industry. If he/she is not content with the Committee’s
decision he/she can take the case to the Court.

13. Effective Dates

This Code of Ethics of Tourism shall come into force on the date of its endorsement,
December 23, 2011.

Amin Abdulkadir
Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

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