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Developing Strategic Leadership


Student ID: @00754537

Task 1: Coaching- reflective essay
Coaching skills are an important part of developing a successful toolkit for leaders.
Coaching can accelerate the learning and development of the team members (Peláez
Zuberbuhler et al. 2020). Important coaching skills such as listening, querying, and
being curious can help to tell less and ask more. Having these skills at the right
moments can empower people so that they can think for themselves and think
differently (Martens and Vealey, 2023). This can help to get better outcomes. For this
purpose, training in coaching skills needs to be a priority for every individual who is an
aspiring leader. The toolkit of leaders is developed over time, and it is also developed
with the help of different activities.
Coaching as an underpinning leadership skill
Leaders have recognised that developing, refining and improving the skills is important
to become a successful leader (Zaim et al. 2021). Coaching can be considered as a
form of development that the leaders are hesitant. This can take any form, and coaching
comes from a varied background. Some of the coaches are tough and more
challenging, and some of the coaches are sensitive and encouraging (Peláez
Zuberbuhler et al., 2020). Apart from this, some of the coaches are flexible. Therefore,
openness to discuss what style of coaching can fit the needs of the leaders can be
considered an important step for developing a successful leader.
Evidence has shown that coaching can help leaders stay aligned with the organisational
goals and objectives. Therefore, it is important for technical leaders who need to stay
focused on the operational aspects (Zaim et al. 2021). Focusing on the broader goals
and targets can make sure that the personal and the organisational targets are met.
Apart from this, coaching can develop a depth of qualitative insights and supportive self-
analyses, which can help to make appropriate decisions. This is how coaching can help
to maximise the effectiveness of the leaders. In the fast-paced corporate landscape,
leaders have to face complex and conflicting choices (Martens and Vealey, 2023). This
can challenge the ethical compass of the leaders. The decisions taken by the leaders
can not only have an impact on the organisations, but they also influence the lives of all
the stakeholders and the entire community. Coaching in this aspect can help the leaders
to rise even above all the dilemmas and promote integrity in the business (Martens and
Vealey, 2023). It can assist leaders in making ethical decisions so that they can
recognise ethical dilemmas. This process is important for encouraging leaders in order
to assess the consequences of every option.
Following the utilitarianism theory of ethical leadership, ethical leaders focus on overall
happiness. Coaching in this aspect can help to minimise the harm to the employees
within the organisation (Everett et al. 2021). This is how, following this theory of
leadership, coaching is important for leaders so that they can make better decisions,
which can bring improvement in business operations.
Besides, coaching can help leaders to delve into their core values along with ethical
principles. Through this process, leaders can be able to reflect on their ethical and
moral principles and can also be able to align their choices with ethical values (Zaim et
al., 2021). This is important for having proper guidance in personal and professional
lives. Coaching can guide the leaders to make ethical decisions by having
encouragement to develop critical thinking and empathy. This is how it can facilitate
discussions about ethical dilemmas, and the leaders can be able to take alternative
actions (Martens and Vealey, 2023). Hence, it can be stated that coaching can underpin
the development of ethical leadership by exploring alternative actions to navigate
complicated situations.
Importance of coaching for successful employee motivation and engagement
Coaching can help the employees to turn into a higher level of productivity, and this is
how it can boost better performance at the workplace. Coaching employees can help
them improve their skills and competencies, and all of these are necessary for
improving employee engagement (Riyanto et al., 2021). Coaching can help the
employees to improve their performance by enhancing their skills. It can also help to
understand their responsibilities in the organisation in order to boost team engagement.
When the employees know what to do, this will surely motivate them to show higher
standard performance (Molino et al. 2020). Coaching can help to train the employees so
that they can start thinking about the goals and objectives of the companies. This, in
turn, is important for mentoring the workplace. Hence, it can be stated that coaching can
help to improve the organisational performance (Kerdpitak and Jermsittiparsert, 2020).
Achieving company goals is one of the most significant advantages of coaching. This is
why developing a string coaching culture can help to drive a lasting change by
establishing personal and business-oriented goals (Riyanto et al. 2021). Achieving the
personal goals of the employees is centred around the contextual training of the
employees and their career development. When the organisation is able to focus on its
goals, this will help the company move forward (Kerdpitak and Jermsittiparsert, 2020).
Meeting the goals of the organisation can also help to improve the performance of the
employees as they would get proper training. Investing more in the coaching of the
leaders and employees is important to close the skill gaps, and this is of utmost
importance to reach the company goals (Riyanto et al. 2021). Besides, it has been
evident that coaching in the workplace can enhance the employee engagement and
motivation. This ultimately leads to a better outcome for the business. When the
employees are supported and valued, they are more committed to their work and
ultimately these employees have proved to outperform their peers.
This process is essential for the employees to develop better skills and capabilities. The
employees can get better opportunities to learn and grow. In this way coaching can
assist the employees to feel that they are more engaged and motivated to perform their
responsibilities (Riyanto et al. 2021). On the other hand, coaching can help the
employees to have regular feedback and recognition for their duties. This is adequate to
make the employees feel appreciated and this can also help to enhance the motivation
and engagement of the employees. With proper coaching, the employees can develop
their careers and grow new opportunities and it makes the employees more committed
to their work (Riyanto et al. 2021). Building confidence is another important advantage
of coaching. It helps to boost confidence among the employees and the employees who
are confident are more likely to achieve their goals (Kerdpitak and Jermsittiparsert,
2020). The employees can become more confident both professionally and personally
and this is important for the accomplishments of the employees.
Coaching and its commitment to stability and change during pandemic
During the outbreak of the pandemic, most of the global organisations have been
disrupted. In such unforeseen situations, the coaches have helped the organisations a
lot to maintain the stability and the changes (Jarosz, 2021). During the prevalence of the
pandemic, the employees of the organisation have suffered from low morale due to the
change in the work culture. This has decreased the productivity of the organisations
(Stanković and Radojević, 2022). In this aspect, the leaders of the organisations have
been flexible and have started to promote good health. They have taught the employees
about how to handle the changes in the work culture. This is how the leaders with
effective coaching have been able to maintain stability and change within the
companies during the pandemic session (van Nieuwerburgh et al. 2022).
Besides, during the pandemic situation, the majority of the organisations lacked the
necessary skills which could have assisted them in managing the change. This has
made the organisations fragile (Doyle and Bradley, 2023). In this aspect, coaching can
help to bring experts from specific fields who can assist in bridging the gaps. Coaching
has also helped in personal development, and this has helped to make the employees
more effective (Stanković and Radojević, 2022). This is how the managers have
focused more on developing future strategies. Coaching has helped organisations to
run in a more stable way during uncertain times. For this reason, the majority of
organisations have started to invest a lot in leadership (van Nieuwerburgh et al., 2022).
Furthermore, one of the most significant ways through which the leaders have been
able to maintain the stability and the changes positively in the organisations during the
crisis period is digital training (Doyle and Bradley, 2023). Big companies have started to
adopt remote working and implement cutting-edge technologies in their organisational
culture. Leaders have helped the employees to have proper training and development
programs so that they can be able to handle these technologies effectively (van
Nieuwerburgh et al. 2022). This is how the leaders with effective coaching have been
successful in maximising the productivity of the employees even during the pandemic
situation (Stanković and Radojević, 2022).
From the above section of the study, it can be stated that the pandemic has proven the
effectiveness of leaders and their coaching. Coaching has offered a measurable
improvement in productivity and employee engagement during the period of the

Task 2: Leadership Skills Development Record and Leadership Skills

Development Plan
Key dates What did you do? Why? What did you learn from How have/will you use

this? this?

Any further action?

1. 25.04.2023 1. I have 1. I have been asked 1. I have learned about 1. As a leader and

volunteered a team to practice leadership from this volunteer of my team,

during a sports commitment and activity. This practical I was responsible to

activity in my trustworthiness for my skill has encompassed take initiatives. When

university. entire team. For this the ability of mine to I will have an effective

reason, I have started lead and influence the leadership skill, I will

to volunteer my sports team. I think not be afraid of taking

team volunteering is the first risks and new

step of developing a initiatives.

successful leadership. Besides, I need to

develop better

2. 17.06.2023 relationships with the

2. I have participated members of my team

in an internship in a 2. I needed to 2. I have learned to boost my

marketing agency practice self-driven problem solving skills leadership skills.

learning and listening and listening skills from

skills in order to the internship program. 2. With the problem

achieve a successful solving skill, I will be

future career. able to identify the

problems in my

workplace. I will also be

able to determine the

root causes. This will

help me to find out the

best solutions. Besides, I

will listen to all my peers

3. I have participated properly before making

3. 29.01.2024 in a passion project ( any decisions.

I have mentored a 3. Mentoring my team I need to define the

show in my 3. This passion has helped me to focus problem first and then

university ) project has allowed on the betterment of conduct a brainstorming

me to show my team. I have also to improve my problem

commitment and learned about strategic solving skills. I will also

passion to make a planning from this make a proper research

better community. activity. before solving the


3. I will be able to have

the directions to which

the business will travel.

Table 1: Personal development plan

(Source: Learner)
This section of the study shows the skills that I need to learn and the ways I can achieve
these skills. Leadership development record can be considered as personality-based
assessment that is designed for the leaders. This assessment can help the leaders to
improve managerial and executive performance. Besides, the research work shows the
leadership skills development plan and how it can help the employees and the
managers gain and build leadership competencies (Sydorenko, 2020). Both the
leadership development record and leadership skills development plan are well
structured and can be personalised according to the needs of the individuals.
What do I need to learn?
From the domain of leading and managing people effectively, I need to learn how to
make open communication first. Communication is the most important skill that I will
need to develop for the betterment of my future career (Kourtesopoulou and Kriemadis,
2021). To successfully manage and lead a team, communicating thoughts and ideas is
the most important task. Besides, developing creativity is another goal that I need to
learn in this domain (El Khatib et al. 2021). Creativity would enable me to have better
problem solving and to make better decisions. This skill in the workplace can encourage
innovation, which is also important for enhancing individual productivity (Guzmán et al.,
In the domain of teamwork and managing interpersonal relationships, my goal
would be to develop teamwork skills. Teamwork plays a pivotal role when it comes to
developing interpersonal relationships (Wrede et al., 2020). This skill can assist people
to cooperate with each other, and it can also help to motivate others within the team.
Apart from this, I will need to develop empathy in this aspect. This would help me to
understand the views and opinions of others. This is how I will be able to show respect
to my co-workers, which is important for developing interpersonal relationships
(Kourtesopoulou and Kriemadis, 2021).
Furthermore, in the domain of interpreting people analytics or financial
information/managing, I need to develop consulting skills. This will help me to clearly
define the issues and create hypotheses regarding the causes of issues. Besides, this
skill will help me to manage the change process while making my peers satisfied
(Guzmán et al. 2020).
Action to achieve this
• To achieve communication skills, I need to keep the audience in mind, and it is
also important to define the goals of the audience. In this aspect, I need to outline
carefully what I need to convey, and I need to learn to eliminate the irrelevant
details (Guzmán et al. 2020).
• In order to achieve creativity skills, I must be willing to take risks. This can lead to
success by boosting my creativity. Insecurity in taking risks can suppress the
creativity skills, so it is important to develop confidence (Kourtesopoulou and
Kriemadis, 2021).
• To achieve effective teamwork skills, it is important to maintain open
communication. Communication will enable me to share my ideas with others,
which is important to gain teamwork skills. Besides, I need to develop an
effective leadership skill so that I can manage and lead the teams successfully
(El Khatib et al. 2021).
• To develop empathy, I need to develop good listening skills. This will assist me in
listening to the opinions and views of others so that I can develop feelings and
experiences about others. This would help me to motivate others (El Khatib et al.
2021). Following the transformational leadership theory, the leaders need to
inspire and motivate the team members. This can help to gather exceptional
results. Following this theory, I need to learn about the abilities of others, and
based on their interest, I need to motivate them. This is also important for
managing a team effectively (Saad Alessa, 2021). I also must be aware of my
own opinions.
• Lastly, for consulting skills, I should develop proper networking with people who
want to share their interests.
Resources needed
A solid support system will be needed to gain all the essential skills. This support
system will help me to boost my confidence and the support system can include
neighbours, business owners, teachers and others who can motivate me to face
success. Apart from this, there are different online courses available in Coursera,
LinkedIn, YouTube and so on. These channels offer leadership courses which can help
me to develop the required skills. Furthermore, there are plenty of leadership reading
guides, and these books are great resources that I can seek for self-help (Granitz et al.
2021). All of these resources can help me to gain creative inspiration. All of these would
help to incorporate the leadership qualities in me.
Potential barriers to success
The most significant barrier that I would face in my leadership development is the lack
of time for getting training (Lee, 2021). This can be a hindrance to my leadership
development. Besides, a lack of accountability in the managers or in the seniors of the
team can also be a hurdle for me. Most of the leaders do not hold the responsibility to
participate in the activities of developing new leaders (Alabdullah and Hussein, 2023).
Apart from this, I may also face a lack of resources, and this can hamper the quality of
my leadership. To become a successful leader, it is important to have the necessary
infrastructure which can effectively coach the leaders. The leaders need to have a clear
idea about their roles and competencies (Wrede et al. 2020). I can face issues in
making sure that there is proper alignment in the strategic goals and vision of the
Success criteria and benefits of success
When I have a high standard of my personal conduct and when I am able to
acknowledge my own mistakes, then I can state that I have achieved success. Besides,
after achieving all the above-mentioned skills, I will be able to demonstrate empathy to
others (Kourtesopoulou and Kriemadis, 2021). Despite all the activities, I will take time
to correct my actions, and this would also include an apology to others if appropriate.
Apart from this, with the development of all the required leadership skills I will be able to
have active communication with all my members (El Khatib et al. 2021). I will
passionately listen to their opinions and views, and this, in turn, would help me to
develop meaningful relationships with others.
Target dates for review and completion
25.04.2023, 17.06.2023, 29.01.2024
From the above study, it has been concluded that a leadership development plan is an
important tool for leaders to understand the potentials that need to be developed. The
above study has summarised that communication and creativity are the most important
skill that needs to be developed in order to develop successful leadership. Besides,
leaders need to develop teamwork skills and empathy in order to manage and lead a
team successfully. Apart from this, the above study has shown that leaders can face
several issues in developing leadership, such as a lack of resources, inadequate
support and so on.

Task 3: A leadership case study

This part of the study showcases the impact of leadership on the success of
organisations. The study will show the different leadership skills which can have a
proper influence on employee engagement and can also have a positive impact on
employee motivation. This section of the study has utilised the case study of the Body
Shop in this aspect in order to show how leadership has assisted the company in
overcoming the issue of declined productivity. This task shows the issues faced by the
company due to the inadequate leadership qualities and mismanagement of the teams.
From the case study, it has been found that the company has suffered from several
backlash and boycotts due to unethical principles. The research work shows the ways
by which effective leadership practices have helped the company to overcome the
issues and achieve higher profitability.
Main body
From the case study, it can be stated that The Body Shop is a high-profile company, and
the former CEO of the company has implemented stricter control in the business
(Korovkin, 2020). This has hampered the core values of the organisations to a large
extent. This has caused the company to face difficulties in achieving higher revenues. It
has been evident from the case study that the sales of the company had fallen by 5% in
the year 2016 (Mogaramedi et al. 2020). This has triggered L'Oreal to cut its losses and
sell the business to Natura & Co. During this period, the new CEO of the company,
David Boynton, has taken the helm of the assaulted business. This CEO has taken an
oath to reinvent the business strategy and to properly execute the business (Kezar,
2023). The effective leadership strategy of David Boynton has helped The Body Shop
regain its brand reputation and old productivity.
The main issue that was associated with the company was its ethical practices. Since
The Body Shop is known for its ethical products and environmentally friendly products,
the practice of unethical principles has been a great challenge for the company
(Korovkin, 2020). From the case study, it has been found that due to the unethical
issues, numerous customers have stopped buying from the company. This boycott and
backlashes had hindered the productivity of The Body Shop to a large extent. In this
aspect, the CEO David Boynton has contributed a lot (Mogaramedi et al. 2020). It has
been found from the case study that the previous CEO of the company has resulted in a
cultural mismatch within the organisation. This cultural mismatch has resulted in a
misalignment within the business operations and this has hampered the business
operations of the organisation (Korovkin, 2020). The new leader has always kept in
mind about the goals and objectives of the company. He knew that the base of the
company is activism and so David has always tried to keep the business operations
aligned with activism (Mogaramedi et al. 2020).
In order to mitigate the cultural misalignment, the new leader has always made sure that
every member of the team is valued and respected. He ensured that nobody was left
behind in the team while making decisions (Mogaramedi et al. 2020). This can be
considered as one of the most significant leadership of this CEO that has mitigated the
cultural mismatch. The leader has followed culturally inclusive communication with the
employees, and this has assisted the leader in dealing with the cultural mismatch within
the organisation (Korovkin, 2020). The case study has shown that the leader has put
the employees of the organisation first and above everything before making any
decisions. This has made the employees feel valued and respected, and it is important
to overcome the issues of cultural mismatch (Mogaramedi et al., 2020).
Apart from this, the case study has revealed that unethical principles have been a
significant issue for the company (Korovkin, 2020). For this reason, the CEO has started
to take innovative approaches in order to get rid of unethical practices. The leader has
shown his ethical approaches and developed several innovative strategies that have
assisted in making the business sustainable in the highly competitive world. For
instance, the packaging crisis due to the throwing of plastic shower gel bottles has been
an issue for the company. It has been found by the company that the number of plastic
bottles in The Body Shop is equal to the total number of cars within the country. This
unethical practice has made the customers switch to other brands, and this is how the
customer base has been hampered (Goestjahjanti et al. 2020). This is another issue
that has caused a decline in the productivity of the company.
In this aspect, the leader with innovative thinking has introduced a substitute of plastic
bottles for the products of the company. The leader has set an objective for the
company to source PCR plastic from the waste pickers (Mogaramedi et al. 2020). This
has not only eradicated the unethical practices of the company but has also enhanced
employment in the country. This has shown that the leaders have been effective and
have acted with honesty and transparency (Korovkin, 2020). The activities of these
leaders have adhered to the moral code, and the leaders have always been
accountable for their actions. From the case study, it has been found that the leader of
the company treats all the individuals equitably without any sort of bias or discrimination
(Korovkin, 2020). Therefore, it can be stated that an effective leader makes decisions on
the basis of merit, not favouritism. This makes the decisions more effective and the
leaders more effective in addressing the issue. Following the participative theory of
leadership, the leader of The Body Shop makes every employee valued and respected.
This theory states that leaders need to make every employee participate in the decision-
making as he believes that making participate, everyone can make the output better
(Wang et al. 2022). According to participative decision-making theory, the CEO of The
Body Shop thinks that the company can achieve more productivity when everyone
works together.
Studies have shown that empathy can be considered as a hallmark of leadership as this
can assist the leaders to understand the needs and concerns of the employees (Ashfaq
et al. 2021). An effective leader also needs to look after the society and the community
in which it is striving instead of only working to gain profit. The case study has shown
that the CEO of the company is not working on philanthropic things like other corporate
organisations. Instead of this, the leader of this organisation focuses on the areas of
environment and social justice. This has helped the organisation to maintain its
credibility, and this has also helped to offer its leadership a position globally. This has
helped the organisation to overcome the bad reputation of having unethical principles.
The company, under the influence of such leaders, have developed effective CSR
strategies, and this has helped the organisation to achieve a greater position in the
competitive market. It has been evident from the case study that the leader of The Body
Shop has recognised the role of the company in society and in the work for making
positive contributions is far beyond profit. This strategy of the leader has helped to
embrace, sustainability and diversity in the practices of The Body Shop.
One of the most significant features of an effective leader is being purpose-driven, as
this is the most fundamental for the success of the organisation. From the case study, it
has been found that the CEO of the organisation of The Body Shop has been purpose-
driven as the leader thinks that this is the true and fundamental fact for the business
(Korovkin, 2020). This has made the organisation more resilient and more ethical. This,
in turn, has made the leader more trustworthy, and it has been found that trust is the
most significant cornerstone for having a successful organisational culture (Canavesi
and Minelli, 2022).
The case study has revealed that the purpose-driven strategy by the CEO of the
organisation has helped to re-energise the business (Korovkin, 2020). The leader has
taken responsibility for the actions and the decisions, no matter if would lead to success
or failure. This has been useful for the leaders to foster a sense of belonging ( Canavesi
and Minelli, 2022). Studies have shown that engaged employees are more likely to be
committed to their workplace. This is essential for achieving the mission of the
organisation and also to promote responsible behaviour by all the employees.
From the above section of the study, it has been found that the organisation has faced
several issues, such as unethical principles, cultural mismatch and so on. However, the
new leader of the organisation has assisted the organisation to get rid of these issues.
This section of the study offers recommendations which can bring more improvement in
the leadership of the company, and the recommended strategies are as follows-
• It can be recommended for the leader of The Body Shop that the leader needs to
think more creatively. This can help the leader to set better priorities and make
better decisions. This, in turn, would have a more positive impact on the long-
term success of the organisations. The leaders need to have a strong
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation before
making the strategies. This can help the leader to make more successful and
effective strategies for the company.
• Besides, it is also recommended that leaders delegate tasks effectively. It means
the leaders need to assign the tasks more responsibly to the employees. This
would help the leader to have more focus on the projects and develop more
effective skills. Checking and monitoring the progress of the teams is important
for the leaders as this can help to make sure that the employees are on track.
• Since the leaders of the organisation have brought several changes in the
company, it is important to have successful change management. In this aspect,
the leaders need to have effective planning, implementation and monitoring
strategies which would handle the changes effectively. This would help the
leaders to meet the organisational goals in a more effective way.
• Apart from this, developing interpersonal communication is important for the
leaders, and so it has been recommended for the leader of The Body Shop. This
would assist the leader to better interact and influence others. The leader can
also motivate people, and this can be done by understanding the organisational
behaviour. This can help the leader to develop a positive work environment and
this is of utmost importance for The Body Shop in order to regain the brand
image and reputation of the company.

The above study has summed up that leadership is important for the success of the
organisations. The case study of The Body Shop has been utilised in the study to gain
insights about leadership. It has been found from the above study that the company has
faced several issues, such as unethical practices, cultural mismatch and so on. All of
this has caused boycotts and backlash, and this, in turn, has declined the revenue of
the company. From the above study, it has been found that the effective leadership
strategies of the leader of the company have helped the company to overcome the
issues. The leader of The Body Shop had started to practice inclusive communication
and this has helped to mitigate the unethical practices of the company. The above study
has shown that the new leader of the organisation has put the employees first and
considers every employee's opinion in decision-making. This has helped to make more
effective decision making and has made all the employees feel valued and respected.
This is the most significant leadership strategy to increase productivity and to improve
the brand image of the company, The Body Shop.

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