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Exist. Tell. Spread your story.

Every story is worth recounting.

Every life counts.

roaming? What sacrifices did you make?

about? What are your fears?
is it now another form of
to go through. What are these
Has your roaming ended or
You still have some hardships forever?
leave an indelible mark on you
flee? left? What did you see that will
recognition? How do you feel
the same reasons as you to you lived through since you
For whom do you have
before you did? Did they have Where are you now? What have
situation you have faced? Have you found your relatives?
someone experiencing a place you left or did they leave
What would you write to it only temporary? friends? Did they stay in that without a possible return.
You are now in a new place. Is Where are your family and You were involved in an escape
made you feel hopeful?
What word or thought has hopes uncertainties hardships

Errance (roaming in french) : forced departure loneliness

The act of walking, of travel-
You’ve been gone for
ling without interruption. ERRANCE 1 : a few days.
You have experienced a period
of deep loneliness. Were you
− The act of walking without
2 : a few weeks. totally alone or did you belong
purpose, at random. a roleplaying game for one character 3 : one month. to a group but still feeling
− Can also refer to the action by angela quidam 4 : a few months. alone?
of “tergiverser” (French word 5 : one year.
for delaying a decision or a 6 : several years
commitment; word that may How did you experience this
have a political connotation). loneliness? What did you think
Why? What did you run from?
about during this period?
How was the place you left?

juil. 2019.

pour le Corazon Bundle
caractères utilisés : Francisco (HomelessFonts)
& Alegreya (Juan Pablo del Peral) J ULY 2019

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