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Fading Signal

A larp about a mecha pilot dying in space, their last contact with
someone home on earth, and their first contact with something unknown.
Meant to be played digitally, on separate computers in dark rooms
thousands of miles apart.

Sadia Bies
Twitter: @sadiabies
What you need: Before you play:

• 3 hours Find time to talk with the other

• 3 players players. Videochat right before you
• Computers with webcam capabilities play is preferable, but use whatever
• Your favorite platform that allows group format works for you.
text chat, group video chat, and screen
sharing. (Discord,, etc.) • What themes are each of you
• An online timer that allows you to edit interested in exploring?
the time after it starts running (vclock, • What are parts of the mecha genre
google timer, etc.) that you all are interested in? Parts
that you don’t like?
• Are there any simple facts about
this world that you want to set up?
Encouraged themes: Players shouldn’t have a complete
understanding of how mecha or the
• Even when faced with inevitable monsters they fight work before the
destruction, humanity struggles on game.
• What we hide from ourselves • Are there any topics that you don’t
• What we hide from others want to involve in play for any
• What we do when there is nothing left reason?
to be done • Are there any difficult topics you do
want to include but would benefit
from discussing beforehand?


Be mindful of what people said they didn’t want to play with. If you’re worried you’ll
forget keep a list next to you. Even if the subject seems innocuous respect your fellow
players wishes to not engage with that content.

If at any point during play you are uncomfortable or need to take a moment you can
not respond to the chat for a few minutes. The signal is unstable. When you return
you can say that the signal cut out and play will resume without questions.

If you are uncomfortable and need the subject of play to change you can write or say
pause. The timer will be stopped and you can take a moment to negotiate play away
from the area that is bothering you.

If you need to leave the game you may do so at any time. Let the other players know
that you are leaving the game.

Ask before the game starts if people want to be checked up on or given space if they
need to pause or leave play.

Description of play:

Choose who will be managing the timer. Have them screenshare the timer with

Play consists of text chat between players. It is a line between the the pilot and the
crew member back on earth. All text chat between the pilot and crew member is
meant to be in character, without any out of game descriptions of what’s happening.
Your character can of course describe what is happening around them. The third
player will join this chat at their discretion.

There are moves that each character can do. You can type the name of the move into
the chat in paratheses or describe the move in character. These moves exist not to
avoid the fate of the pilot dying out in space, but to show what you can do, even in
the context where survival is no longer possible. The one controlling the timer should
adjust it if moves are used that lower the battery life.

The pilot can choose at any point to open a video channel from the cockpit. At that
point their battery life is significantly shortened and they will die when the video chat
is over. If they open the channel the crew member should also go on video chat. The
third player may remain in the text chat, open an audio line, or also go on video chat
at their discretion. Turn the timer off. The pilot is responsible for ending the chat by
cutting their video, at which point the game has come to a close. You should have less
time in the video chat than you had left on the timer but dramatic timing trumps all.
Does the video cut off right before you confess a secret? Do you die after one perfect
final line? It’s up to the pilot to make the ending meaningful.
Pilot: Crew Member:
Ace, rookie, daredevil, analyst, leader, Commander, mentor, childhood friend, ex-
mystic pilot, ex-partner, zealot

Your mecha is a ruined husk. A rend You saw it go down from back on earth.
in your chassis lets in the darkness, Hundreds of thousands of miles away, feet
the empty part of space that holds the firmly planted on the ground. The video
mysteries you fight. You’ve grappled feed only came through when the solar
with monsters, felt them grasp at wind let up, but you watched the vitals
the shell that made you big enough on the mecha drop on all the monitors.
to walk amongst the stars. Now you You heard them scream in the cockpit.
can feel how small you are, a human You were a hundred thousand miles away
curled in the body of a mechanical and when it came down to it, there was
beast, something too soft and delicate nothing you could do. Now the room has
to survive. You watch the slow blink of gone quiet. The only vital sign that’s left is
your life support. You have 2 hours left the battery life, flashing up on the central
to live. monitor. In life support mode, if the pilot
doesn’t try anything, there are 2 hours
Why do you pilot? left. There are 6 hours of spaceflight to
What is your reason for living? reach them.

Pilot Moves: Do you think this war is winnable?

• Reactivate mecha: -15 min What can you do with your own two
• Fire weapons: -15 min hands?
• Increased heart rate: -10 seconds
• Video chat: -all of the remaining Crew Member Moves:
time • Send out tow drone: ETA 6.5 hours
• (Create your own. Remember the • Send out other mecha: ETA 9 hours
cost.) • Fire laser into space: blast ETA 3
• Scan the area: Scan complete 30
• (Create your own. Remember time.)
[REDACTED] is a role for players who like world building, dramatic pauses, unusual
speech patterns, and helping others explore their character. It isn’t a GM role but it
is a role about knowing when to step in and when to fade back where the joy comes
from helping other narratives reach their peak over fully exploring yours during play.

Whichever of these roles you play you are the first direct communication humans
have received. You are vastly more powerful than either of these humans. Your role is
to heighten play, to push at the things they don’t want to say, to know more than you
should and to be curious about what you don’t. Your story is larger than this moment,
but for this one human pilot it is their climax. You should be as honest as you can to
playing an inhuman character with different wants and needs, but also remember to
use your role to complicate the narrative rather than solve it.

Monster: Mecha:
hivemind, natural phenomena, soul, ghost, AI, alien, mythological,
terraformer, ancient, returning, fated willpower

You are vast and undiscovered. No one You were created by humans, to look
knows your purpose or your desires. like humans, and to carry them inside
No one knows if you even think at all. you. You have never spoken to one.
All that humans have experienced is You were made to destroy, to send out
your violence. A violence that only you lasers, bullets, and fire, large enough to
know the purpose of. Earth is a small fight monsters. You were also made to
planet out of millions and yet, you are protect. You know that what you carry
here. They have built false bodies that within you is soft, vulnerable meat. It is
look like their own, large enough to from that center that all of your actions
contend with you. You have never seen stem, it is that softest part within you
one outside its shell. Now there is one that births war. You can feel that part,
that you broke, drifting through space, your pilot, dying with your battery.
dark but not empty. This is a chance
for you to learn about these creatures. How did you first recognize your own
What is your purpose? What do you know about your pilot that
How do you feel about humans? no one else knows?

Monster Moves: Mecha Moves:

• Enter chat: you can enter the • Enter chat: you can enter the text
text chat at any time, or start an chat at any time, or start an audio
audio chat at any time. Wait for a chat at any time. Wait for a dramatic
dramatic moment to reveal yourself, moment to reveal yourself, or a
or a moment when the other players moment when the other players are
are struggling. struggling.
• You can decide your capabilities. • You can decide your capabilities. If
With that, you are responsible for you take actions that are restarting or
not ending play prematurely by moving your body you should assign
killing the pilot before the video appropriate time costs to them. Moves
chat has started or the timer has you make should be used to increase
run out. Moves you make should be tension and further the scene.
used to increase tension and further
the scene.

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