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VESSEL 3 1 4

Written for Death in Space - Planetfall JAM - 2022

DEATH IN SPACE is © Stockholm Kartell and/or other authors.

VESSEL 314 is an independent production by Stackelberg and

is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the
DEATH IN SPACE Third Party License.
Background Setup
During an ice mining operation in The characters are approached to The characters get the coordinates to
an asteroid cloud an icebreaker rescue the ice breaking operation since where the freighter last known location
found a strange spaceship frozen the company owning the freighter and a promise of a reward. The
in ice. The ship got salvaged to “Vessel 314” (1D6) company wants the freighter operation
the large freighter that was back under their control and nothing to
waiting for ice outside the 1. suddenly lost all contact with be removed from it.
asteroids. When the ship melts the freighter.
an ancient Artificial Intelligence 2. have had reports on thawed
also thawed. space-pathogens on the
The AI spread to both humans 3. believe that the freighter has
been jacked by pirates. The Ship is the frozen strange
and the freighters algae dams. 4. has an ongoing conflict spaceship found among the asteroids
For humans the AI was with a labour union
detrimental. The algae, as a The Ice-Breakers are three smaller
organisation that has
ships made for collecting ice with their
simpler organism, was more threatened to interfere
crane arms from the asteroids and
controllable and the AI begun with production.
bringing it back to the Freighter.
building biological structures in 5. employed a sibling to one of
the characters, a sibling
the pools. reported missing. The Freighter is the enormous space
m st fro hangar where ice is brought to be
w i t h a reque ing
been ha
iled em send melted, sorted and repacked before
e i g h t e r of th t y pe of
The AI spread to humans and Algae by the fr s pecific one transport back from the asteroids.
wit h es with
(1d4) 1. Nanoparticles 2. Filaments 3. c e t h a t match i l w as
n The ha
Magnetic dust 4. Robotic fir needles. c h a r a cters.
of the code…
n s o m e s trange old
Approaching the freighter The ice-mining
1-3 (1D6) 4-6 The Ice-breakers are small, cramp
ships of poor design, bad ventilation
Detects an Receiving a signal and no personal space. The crew on
ice-breaker from the freighter each of the three Icebreakers
supporting the freighter is twelve
1 Inactive. Onboard are seven Long lines of disturbing numbers 4 members, divided into three shifts.
dead crewmembers, all have in rhythmic frequencies, spoken by
starved to death, even though an synthetic voice.
One shift working, one sleeping and
the algae pools are full of edible one relaxing/working out.
Each Shift have a Pilot, one
2 Inactive. On board are four The last surviving crew member . 5 Navigator, one Crane arm operator
famine-stricken crewmembers alternately asks to be saved,
that refuse to eat algae. The alternately asking them to turn and one outside in EVA suit.
starving crew can in their around.
delirium incoherent tell a story of The Ice-breakers are usually
the frozen devilship that killed roaming the asteroids, trying to fill
everybody else. their container with ice as fast as
possible. When the container is full
3 Patrolling. Onboard are a
crew of five that all have eaten of
A guttural voice that first has
great difficulty forming words but
. 6 they bring it back to the Freighter,
the algae and become affected, then manages to ask them for help gets an empty container and begin
see table A.I.-infected animals/ due to an engine failure. Sparse of the ICE-hut anew.
humans for effect. They are details about what has happened to
kognive impaired and demented. the freighter.

The voice is created by the AI by letting the algae push decaying gas
through a dead crew member's vocal cords controlled by algae threads.
Onboard Freighter 314 Rooms (1D12)

The Freighter 314 is a huge hangar The Vessel 314 is a interfutson of (1)
where the Ice-breakers leave their huge storage rooms with tanks, pools
containers packed with ice. The Ice is and basins, (2) melting rooms, mixed with
then processed by the Freighter eight (3) crew quarters, (4) small dining areas,
people crew. (5) gym, (6) growing baths for algae and
(7) fungus, (8) engine rooms, (9) security,
Most of the processing is done
(10) bridging drive and (11) three ordinary
automatically by the huge pools and
hangars and (12) one hangar with the
tanks into which the ice is brought.
strange thawning ship.
There the ice are melted and run
through a filtration system to
separate different materials and Cousine
element. Ice is mostly water but
elements like hydrogen, nitrogen, The standard food on this mining
ammonia and so on are stored in operation isvitamin enriched algae, served
their own tanks. Filtrated materials with protein dense fungus cubes. As the
are then again frozen for transport. operation is away from larger HUB:s for a
long period of time both of the main
The eight crew on the freighter are
components - Algae and Fungus - are
the captain, the navigator, a security
grown onboard the freighter and the
officer, three technicians and two
In the Pools the AI infected
To reach its goals the A.I.

Algae clumps together and
want more computing power, forms...
with equals more algae to
make larger biological 1. lumps big as footballs that slowly floats
rtificial ntelligence constructs. It needs a larger up and drifts above the pools.
body of water to multiply the
2. spiral patterns that in waves create
algae. Preferably an ocean
The A.I. wants to control algae monotonous clicking sounds.
where its algae could form
and use it to… (1D6
) continents. The A.I.:s short 3. large algae branches that extend out of
1. Terraform atmospheres to the gas composition an Alien term goal is to get the engine the basins through the freighter at almost
civilization needs. on the freighter repaired so it completely straight 90-degree angles with
can take itself to a HUB or the goal of penetrating biological matter.
2. Manufacture membranes of an unknown plastic planet with water.
composition that binds sunlight and charges enormous 4. thin freckle-like rods topped by
amounts of energy. feather-like plumes that extends out of
KILL IT the baths.
3. Build biological structures capable The A.I. is possible to
of sending signals to distance stars. 5. circular patterns that form wells,
inactivate in most part if the
algae on the freighter and on apparently deeper than what should be
4. Halt all technological advancement that could lead to the the ice-breakers dies. To possible in the basins. Dark fumes
development of unstoppable AI-singularities. delete the A.I. completely it's emerge from them.
also needed to destroy its 6. a living changing mass that constantly
5. Discover dangerous new Meta-mathematics mecanic form, see table by
shifts between the shapes above in
different terraces.
6. Open gates to other Galaxies.
Personality Communication Underlings
The Alien A.I. ain't human and have a The A.I.:s mean of communication are… On the Freighter the A.I. have control
strange personality by human measures. (1D4) over some creatures. (1D4)
1. It is a notorious liar and it dont believe 1. an disturbing synthetic voice over the 1. It is in control over the dead corpses of

that humans can see through the most the crew members who are “reanimated”
intercom system.
blatant lies it spins. by threads of algae and putrid gases.
2. It can only express itself in 2. text messages that flicker past the
broken screens around the freighter. 2. It has hundreds and hundreds of tiny
metaphors, parables and images.
flying insects, biologicas manufactured
3. It won't take a no for an answer out of plant matter from the algae.
3. By faul algae induced vapur that gives
and is keen on acting threateningly the characters images in they mind's Handle them as “Oort Fies”, page #94,
against those who oppose it. eye. but mostly controlled by the A.I.

alluring with
It is flattering and 4. Through its underlings. 3. The algae has spun long whipping
aracters as if
4 promises for the ch
tentacles from the bowels of the freighter.
present of a
they were in the 4. The A.I. have got contact with creatures
God. from the void, hounds living outside of our
the space and time.

Void Hounds. Reptile like dark animals with glittering teeth. Comes in packs of 1+1D6
BDY +1, DEX +1, SVY –3, ML 9, HP 4, DR 12, ATK bite (BDY, 1d6)
Special: Tries to drag living victims into the abyss beyond time and space, which can be done in a
straight corner. If the hound have locked its jaw on a victim it will attempt to drag it into the void on
its next turn. Roll Bdy (10) to resist. Victims that successfully return from the void is corrupted.
W h y w a s t h e s h i p f r o z e n ? ? ? ?? ?? ??

1. The Ship has had a bridging malfunction that left them frozen to the core.
2. The Crew seem to have frozen the ship themselves. Characters might
realize that this was because the cargo was dangerous.

3. The ship was damaged in combat and the hull is scarred of star shaped
holes from an unknown weapon system

4. The Crew became insane and froze the ship. Evidence of their insanity is
obvious in the ships ceiling
5. The Ship was assaulted and eaten by a beast that came out of the darkness
between the Stars. The ice is the frozen thick mucus from the beast.
6. The ship was controlled by a foreign computer system that flew it against the
crew's wishes into a stellar ice geyser.

A.I. - i n f e c t e d a n i m a l s / h u m a n s , g e t …
1. itching and tingling sensations in the rapidly spreading eczema. Anger.

2. dulled body parts, dizziness and

blood pressure. Sadism.
drop in
3. really H U N G R Y with the feeling that
something is crawling under their skin. 4. shortness
of bre ath accompa
Self-pity. cough of a to nied by pers
ugh black m istent
ucus. Affla
5. hypersensitive to sensory stimuli. Tics. tus.
6. different people get different symptoms from those above when they are inflicted but with added bad-smelling gases through the mouth and anus.

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