Suggestion Box Feedback

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Box 22848
+264 81 285 0669

24 May 2024

Feedback from the Suggestion Box

Dear Students, Tutors and Parents of Riverdale Private Academy

The school would like to extend utmost gratitude to everyone who contributed valuable feedback to the
suggestion box placed around the school premises. Your input helps us understand the current state of affairs
at our school and enables us to make informed decisions for the benefit of all stakeholders. Herewith follows
the feedback from the suggestion box. Inter alia:

1. Timetable Adjustments: We acknowledge the valid concern raised by students regarding safety
concerns related to the timing of classes ending at 18h00. While it's challenging to accommodate changes due
to part-time tutors, we are committed to finding a workable solution to ensure the safety of our students
without compromising on academic schedules of the entire centre. The school will have a meeting with the
affected students and tutors to reach a compromising stand.

2. WiFi and Distractions: Concerns about the availability of WiFi at the school has been noted. Due to
potential distractions from social media, the school is hesitant in installing WIFI. We will assess the situation
further to determine the most appropriate course of action to promote a conducive learning environment.

3. Tuck-shop Improvements: The feedback regarding the tuck-shop has been duly noted, and we will
take steps to enhance the variety of snacks available to students, including the introduction of fat cakes and
other snacks.

4. Shortage of Sanitary Products: It's regrettable that some students have not complied with bringing
essential items like sanitary products and cleaning detergents to school. To address this issue, we will explore
avenues for donations to ensure that all students have access to these necessities. However, students pending
in this line are highly encouraged to come on board.


5. Syllabus Coverage: We understand concerns about tutors falling behind on the syllabus. Initiatives
such as extra classes over weekends or compensatory teaching with selected students will be implemented to
address this issue effectively. Details will be communicated shortly.

6. Payment for School T-shirts: Despite prior agreements at different avenues including the previous
parents meeting, delays in payments for school t-shirts and name tags have occurred. We appreciate those
who have already paid and we urge others to fulfill their obligations promptly to expedite the distribution
process. We are excited to announce that orders for those who have paid are be delivered soon.

7. Examination Timetable: The release of the mini examination timetable will be released soon and will
prioritize convenience, ensuring that no student has to sit for two subjects on the same day.

8. Award Giving Ceremony: We recognise the importance of acknowledging the hard work and
dedication of both tutors and students. Plans for an award-giving ceremony are underway to celebrate their

In conclusion, we value the feedback provided through the suggestion box and assure you that your concerns
are being addressed diligently. We remain committed to fostering an environment conducive to academic
excellence and holistic development. Your continued cooperation and support are essential as we work
together towards achieving our goals.

Warm regards,

School principal

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