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09/03/23, 02.

01 Kuis Production Activity Control: Attempt review



/ PRODUCTION ACTIVITY CONTROL (ONSITE) / Kuis Production Activity Control

Started on Thursday, 9 March 2023, 2:00 AM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 9 March 2023, 2:01 AM

Time taken 48 secs

Marks 0.00/17.50

Grade 0.00 out of 100.00

Question 1

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A component made on a particular work center has a setup time of 138 minutes and a run time of 3 minutes per piece.
An order for 500 is to be processed on 2 machines simultaneously. The machines can be set up at the same time.
Calculate the elapsed operation time.

Answer: 

The correct answer is: 888.00 1/8
09/03/23, 02.01 Kuis Production Activity Control: Attempt review

Question 2

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A component made on a particular work center has a setup time of 100 minutes and a run time of 5 minutes per piece.
An order for 500 is to be processed on 2 machines simultaneously. The machines can be set up at the same time.
Calculate the elapsed operation time (in minutes).

Answer: 

The correct answer is: 1350.00

Question 3

Not answered

Marked out of 2.00

An order for 108 of a product is processed on work centers A and B . The setup time on A is 30 minutes , and run time is
10 minutes per piece . The setup time on B is 50 minutes , and the run time is 5 minutes per piece . Wait time between
the two operations is 4 hours . The move time between A and B is 10 minutes . Wait time after operation B is 4 hours ,
and the move time into stores is 15 minutes . There is no queue at either workstation. Calculate the total manufacturing
lead time for the order (in minutes).

Answer: 

The correct answer is: 2205.00

Question 4

Not answered

Marked out of 2.00

An order for 100 of a product is processed on work centers A and B . The setup time on A is 30 minutes , and run time is
10 minutes per piece . The setup time on B is 50 minutes , and the run time is 5 minutes per piece . Wait time between
the two operations is 4 hours . The move time between A and B is 10 minutes . Wait time after operation B is 4 hours ,
and the move time into stores is 10 minutes . There is no queue at either workstation. Calculate the total manufacturing
lead time for the order (in minutes).

Answer: 

The correct answer is: 2080.00 2/8
09/03/23, 02.01 Kuis Production Activity Control: Attempt review

Question 5

Not answered

Marked out of 2.00

An order for 100 of a product is processed on work centers A and B . The setup time on A is 30 minutes , and run time is
10 minutes per piece . The setup time on B is 50 minutes , and the run time is 5 minutes per piece . Wait time between
the two operations is 4 hours . The move time between A and B is 10 minutes . Wait time after operation B is 15 hours ,
and the move time into stores is 15 minutes . There is no queue at either workstation. Calculate the total manufacturing
lead time for the order (in minutes).

Answer: 

The correct answer is: 2745.00

Question 6

Not answered

Marked out of 2.00

An order for 100 of a product is processed on work centers A and B . The setup time on A is 30 minutes , and run time is
11 minutes per piece . The setup time on B is 50 minutes , and the run time is 5 minutes per piece . Wait time between
the two operations is 4 hours . The move time between A and B is 10 minutes . Wait time after operation B is 4 hours ,
and the move time into stores is 15 minutes . There is no queue at either workstation. Calculate the total manufacturing
lead time for the order (in minutes).

Answer: 

The correct answer is: 2185.00 3/8
09/03/23, 02.01 Kuis Production Activity Control: Attempt review

Question 7

Not answered

Marked out of 2.00

An order for 100 of a product is processed on work centers A and B . The setup time on A is 30 minutes , and run time is
10 minutes per piece . The setup time on B is 103 minutes , and the run time is 5 minutes per piece . Wait time between
the two operations is 4 hours . The move time between A and B is 10 minutes . Wait time after operation B is 4 hours ,
and the move time into stores is 15 minutes . There is no queue at either workstation. Calculate the total manufacturing
lead time for the order (in minutes).

Answer: 

The correct answer is: 2138.00

Question 8

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Aturan pengurutan prioritas menentukan yang mana dari berikut ini? I. Alokasi barang kepada pelanggan; II. Mesin
mana selanjutnya; III. Pekerjaan mana yang harus dijalankan di work center

Select one:

a. I hanya

b. II saja

c. III saja

d. I, II, dan III

The correct answer is: III saja 4/8
09/03/23, 02.01 Kuis Production Activity Control: Attempt review

Question 9

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Aturan urutan prioritas slack menjadwalkan pekerjaan dengan slack paling sedikit untuk dijalankan terlebih dahulu.

Select one:

a. Salah

b. Benar

The correct answer is: Benar

Question 10

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Desain dan praktik pengendalian aktivitas produksi (PAC) yang baik dapat memampatkan run time.

Select one:

a. Benar

b. Salah

The correct answer is: Salah

Question 11

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Hubungan utama pengendalian aktivitas produksi (PAC) dengan sistem MPC lainnya adalah

Select one:

a. Perencanaan material yang terperinci

b. Perencanaan material dan kapasitas

c. Pembuatan jadwal induk produksi

d. Perencanaan kapasitas terperinci

The correct answer is: Perencanaan material dan kapasitas 5/8
09/03/23, 02.01 Kuis Production Activity Control: Attempt review

Question 12

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan elemen dari lead time? I. Run Time; II. Setup Time; III. Queue Time

Select one:

a. I, II, dan III

b. II saja

c. I hanya

d. I dan II saja

The correct answer is: I, II, dan III

Question 13

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Mengidentifikasi bottleneck paling sering dilakukan dengan

Select one:

a. Perencanaan kapasitas kasar

b. Perencanaan kebutuhan kapasitas

c. Perencanaan kebutuhan material

d. Analisis aliran nilai

The correct answer is: Perencanaan kapasitas kasar 6/8
09/03/23, 02.01 Kuis Production Activity Control: Attempt review

Question 14

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Penjadwalan vendor sangat penting dalam sistem just-in-time (JIT).

Select one:

a. Salah

b. Benar

The correct answer is: Benar

Question 15

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Representasi visual dari proses penjadwalan dapat diberikan oleh:

Select one:

a. Poka-yoke

b. Aturan pengurutan prioritas

c. Gantt Chart

d. Perencanaan kebutuhan kapasitas

The correct answer is: Gantt Chart

Question 16

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Sistem kontrol lantai produksi (SFC) diperlukan dalam sistem just-in-time (JIT).

Select one:

a. Salah

b. Benar

The correct answer is: Salah 7/8
09/03/23, 02.01 Kuis Production Activity Control: Attempt review

Question 17

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Sistem kontrol lantai produksi (SFC) tetap mengikuti perubahan pada rencana material oleh sistem MRP.

Select one:

a. Benar

b. Salah

The correct answer is: Benar

Question 18

Not answered

Marked out of 0.50

Tujuan utama dari pengendalian aktivitas produksi (PAC) adalah

Select one:

a. Penggunaan kapasitas yang efisien

b. Penggunaan tenaga kerja yang efisien

c. Memenuhi rencana MPC

d. Penggunaan bahan yang efisien

The correct answer is: Memenuhi rencana MPC

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