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WO 2008/062441 A2 ll (12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 29 May 2008 (29.05.2008) (10) International Publication Number WO 2008/062441 A2 (61) International Patent Classification: AOIG 15/00 (2006.01) en ternational Application Number: PCT/IN2007/000404 (22) International Filing Dat 7 Seplemiber 2007 (07.09.2007) 5) ing Language: lish (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: 355/MUM/2006, 10 September 2006 (10.09.2006) IN am m) Applicant and Inventor: CHOPKAR, Shivshankar, Kanhuji (IN/N} Atmospheric Rainmaking Research Society, Gandhi Ward, (Chimur, Dist. Chandrapur (MS), Pin: 442 903 (IN), (74) Agents. MOHAN, Dewan; R.K. Dewan & Company, Trade Mark & Patent Attomeys, Podar Chambers, S.A. Brelvi Rd, Fort, Mumbai 400 001, Mabarashira (IN), (B1) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every Kind of national protection available): AE, NG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA. BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA,CH, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, BE, EG, , GD, GE, GH, GM, GI, HN, HR, HU, ID, Th, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PHL PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, ‘1, TM, TN, TR, UA, UG, US, UZ. VC, VN, ZA, 2M, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available: ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, 82, 17, UG. 2M, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TI, TM), ropean (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, FE, E FR, GB, GR, HU, IB, 18, 1, LT, LU, LY, MC, MT, NI 1K, TR), OAPI (BE, BI, CF, CG, C iA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG) Declarations under Rule 4.1 4 0 the identity of the inventor (Rule 4.17()) 4s to the applicant's enttement to claim the priority ofthe earlier application (Rule 4.17(i)) of inventorship (Rule 4.17) Published: without international search report and to be republished pon receipt of that report (54) Title: ARTIFICIAL RAINMAKING SYSTEMS (57) Abstruct: A method for creating anificial rainfall is disclosed. ‘The method comprises generating at least one high power intensity pulsed LASER; targeting the LASER onto a plurality of moisture bearing clouds for a predetermined time duration until autificial lightning is triggered; and causing & natural endothermic reaction resulting in condensation of vapour in sad clouds due to the cooling effoct of the endothermic reaction, resulting in precipitation. WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 ARTIFICIAL RAINMAKING SYSTEMS Field of Invention: The invention relates to artificial rainmaking systems. Background of Invention: Over the last few decades, drastic changes in the rainfall patterns have been observed around the world. Droughts have become common, as rainfall in many places has reduced to a large extent. This has led to reduction in agricultural produce, As agricultural produce is reduced, sufficient food is not available. Industries also need large quantities of water, but due to rainfall reduction the growth of the industries is hampered. Some regions face floods due to heavy and continuous rainfall. Such floods also damage the agricultural produce as well as the life and property. Research is being done to have controlled precipitation. Many techniques have been devised for modification of weather and having artificial rainfall. Some of the techniques used for this purpose are cloud seeding by aircraft borne flares, rockets for seeding the clouds and cause precipitation and the like. Cloud seeding, a form of weather modification, is the attempt to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds, by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, The usual intent is to increase precipitation, but hail suppression is also widely practiced. Silver iodide and dry ice are the most commonly used substances in cloud seeding. WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 Lasers are known to trigger lightning discharges. Very short laser pulses of femtosecond order with peak powers reaching giga watts propagate over long distances. In this technique a collimated laser beam is used to ionize air thus creating a conducting path for free charges and thus results into occurrence of a lightning. Laser triggered lightning was observed by using CO2 lasers. For a lightning strike to be triggered, the motion of thunderclouds had to be monitored to choose the precise time for a laser shot to take place. This theory is also disclosed in the New Journal of Physics as “Laser-triggered Lightning Discharge”. Airborne lasers are used mainly in weapon systems for aircrafts. These systems use Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL) for this purpose. These systems have two lasers which can be generated on the airplane. First laser tracks the missiles launched from the enemy territory, and the computers measure its direction, velocity and other parameters and will lock the missile as the target. The second laser has weapons-class strength. The aircraft fires three to five second bursts of high power high frequency lasers and destroys the enemy missiles. Solar power satellites are developed which can generate large power. These satellites beam back the energy to the earth using lasers. Thus, these power satellites catch the energy flowing from the sun and then pump it to the earth via a laser. Japanese Patent application JP2005224151 discloses a method and device for artificial rainfall. This method includes spraying gas hydrate having a crystal structure obtaining by charging of a gas molecule into a water basket formed WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 with water molecule. When ice crystals are raised via an up current of air, precipitation takes place. Another Japanese patent application JP2006205143 discloses an artificial rain system. This invention discloses an artificial rainfall system which is provided with a convenient structure suitable for allowing artificial rain similar to natural rain to precipitate. JP2007082408 describes an artificial rainfall method utilizing thermal energy. The artificial-rainfall method comprises collecting of solar energy on the ground surface at the desert area and uses it to heat surrounding atmosphere so as to produce ascending air current. This air current takes moisture vapor generated by vaporizing moisture in the seawater on the ascending air current so as to carry the moisture to the low-temperature atmosphere up in the sky and causing condensation to form cloud particles. The cloud particles condense and water is precipitated. PCT application WO2007/033449 also discloses a process for artificial growth of clouds and causing them to condense to precipitate. This artificial growth of clouds is achieved using pulverizing devices for pulverizing small clouds with water to form larger clouds which are condensed resulting in rainfall. All the above mentioned process and apparatus are aimed at creation of clouds at a place where rainfall is required and then condensation of these clouds to result in precipitation. These techniques are not exactly reliable and the effect of these techniques is doubtful. Also many times the clouds pass over certain regions without precipitating and leaving the region without rain. Thus there WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 was a need for a method which gives better results by controlling the precipitation of the clouds that are formed naturally. Objects of invention: The object of this invention is to provide a method and apparatus for artificial rainfall. Another object of this invention is to provide a method and apparatus to solve the problem of basic needs of water and food of human beings. Yet another object of this invention is to prevent excess of rainfall at certain places by controlled precipitation. Still one more object of this invention is to provide a method and apparatus for artificial rainfall which does not use any chemicals. One more object of this invention is to increase the agricultural produce by means of artificial rainfall. Another object of this invention is to provide a method for artificial rainfall which is not harmful to the environment. Yet another object of this invention is to provide a reliable method for artificial rainfall. WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 Summary of the Invention: According to this invention there is provided a method for artificial precipitation of rain, by triggering of artificial lightning using a high power pulsed laser resulting in artificial precipitation of clouds by natural endothermic reaction Typically, said artificial lightning is created about 3 km above the ground in the atmosphere by means of high powered pulsed laser. Typically, said artificial lightning discharge creates high temperature of about 3000 °K leading to breaking bonds of N> and Q, and formation of active [N] and (Oo. Typically, said active Nitrogen and Oxygen react with each other forming NO and ; by an endothermic reaction. Typically, heat energy required for said endothermic reaction is absorbed from the atmospheric clouds leading to super cooling. Typically, condensation takes place on Cloud Condensation Nucleus in clouds parcel due to the supercooling. Typically, small droplets formed in upper atmosphere lead to formation of rain drops causing artificial precipitation of rain. WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 Brief Description of Drawings: The invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying, drawing, in which Figure | is a flow diagram for the working of the system in accordance with this invention. Figure 2 is a schematic diagram showing the set up for demonstration of endothermic reaction associated with artificial lightning for condensation and enhancing precipitation, in accordance with this invention. Detailed Description of the Drawings: According to this invention there is provided a method and apparatus for artificial rainmaking by means of artificial lightning. Precipitation is observed after lightning where intense precipitation was not even present in the clouds before the lightning but it developed abruptly in the same regions after lightning. Three theories that disclose this phenomenon are: (1) Reynolds’ Effect (2) Ion capture theory and (3) Breaking drop theory. Precipitation after lightning is formed by natural endothermic reactions in the atmosphere. This natural endothermic process is put to use for artificial rain making by means of a high power intensity LASER beam which acts as an agent for artificial lightning in the atmosphere. This LASER may be generated WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 on ground, at cloud level and also in space. Artificial lightning using a LASER beam is possible by following ways: (i) Creating artificial lightning in atmosphere by means of a high power intensity LASER situated on land. By transmitting high power intensity LASER pulses in the atmosphere, a path for electric discharge is created resulting in lightning. (ii) By using high power intensity LASER beam generated on. an aircraft or a helicopter having a generator for powering the laser triggers lightning in the atmosphere and thus result into precipitation. Alternatively the laser can be powered from a ground based power source or space based source like a satellite or space station. (iii) In space, solar energy is used to produce high power intensity LASER beam on a solar power satellite or a space station. This LASER beam transferred to a particular ground station and released in the surrounding atmosphere which acts as an agent for artificial lightning, Fig | illustrates the flow of the method for creating artificial rain. A very high frequency and high power laser is used as an agent for artificial lightning (1). Laser pulses of femtoseconds range is used for this purpose. The laser induces lightning discharge (2). The discharge of lightning increases the temperature of the region to such an extent that the bonds between atmospheric nitrogen (Nz) and oxygen (O;) break (3). This results in the formation of active [N] and [0] (4). The active [N] and [O] react with each other forming NO and 0; (5). This reaction is an endothermic process and thus absorbs heat from the surroundings. This heat is actually absorbed from the atmospheric clouds thus causing condensation (6), Small droplets are formed as a result of this condensation. A WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 chain of droplet formation starts and results into raindrops (7). Thus by inducing artificial lighting using a laser, precipitation takes place. After lightning, precipitation is formed by endothermic reactions in the atmosphere. This phenomenon is used for artificial rainmaking by creating artificial lightning in the upper atmosphere and triggering lightning, leading to endothermic reactions between Nitrogen and Oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. Lightning creates, high temp, at high temp., bonds of Nitrogen and oxygen break out into active [NJ and active [0] > ™ WN O=O — [0] [0] These active [N] and active [0] reacts with each other and forms NO and O3 N,+0,) > 2NO-AH sesseeed (AH=43.2 kcal/mol) 30; — 203 - AH (AH=67.6 kcal/mol) Reaction 3 and 4 are endothermic in nature, and large amount of heat energy is absorbed from the surrounding atmospheric clouds causing condensation to take place. This process gives rise to chain of CCN formation and natural seeding process is created for formation of another set of rain drops in upper atmosphere. WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 Assuming an air channel having length of 5 km and thickness of 0.15 m at a height of 5.5 km from the ground, the energy generated during lightning is 4.22x10* kcal., out of which 4.16 x 10° kcal energy is used in breaking of bonds of O, and N; forming N and O active molecules and remaining heat of energy is lost in radiation and convection. Active N and O further form O and NO by endothermic reaction which absorbs 8.37 x 10° kcal of energy. But to achieve the dew point, only 1.58 x 10° kcal energy is required which is much less than the above energy and the difference energy is taken from the system. This suggests that endothermic reaction not only affects the channel but also the surrounding atmosphere by causing cooling. The theoretical calculations are as follows: Nitrogen (78%) and Oxygen (21%) are the two major components of atmospheric air. The thunderstorm electric discharge or lightning creates high temperatures up to 3000°K which breaks down the bonds of N; and O, molecules. For break down of N2 and Q2 bonds, heat energy of 226.8 kcal/mol and 118.86 kcal is required respectively which is utilized from the lightening discharge of 3000 °k. At such high temperature, the N; and O; molecular bonds break out- > 2[N] a) 0-0 — 2{0] 2) Due to moving atmosphere, these active [N] & [0] move to other place with the air steam and react with each other forming either NO or O; as follows- N+0+AH=NO (AH=43,200 cal/mol) @) 0+0+0+AH=0, (AH=67,600 cal/mol) @) WO 20087062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 Since the reactions (3) & (4) are endothermic, energy required for these eS rrr———rrrrrr rr combines with one atom of O forming one molecule of NO, absorbing 43,200 cal from the surrounding atmosphere. Similarly, in the Os formation 67,600 cal/mol heat energy is absorbed from the surrounding atmosphere. The absorption of a large amount of heat energy from the surrounding atmosphere results in supper cooling. The cooling thus leads to the formation of raindrops. Due to lightning, the water droplets condense on aerosols which act as cloud condensation nuclei (C.C.N.) which further produce another set of rain drops. This process gives rise to an appreciable increase in the rate of rainfall. In thunder clouds, on an average 70 flashes of lightning occur per minute. For purpose of calculations, consider a 5 km long and 0.15m thick lightening channel at a height of 5.5 km from the ground level. The relative humidity within the thunderclouds is more than 90% and having pressure - 550 mbar and temperature -2°C. Therefore, the total volume of fluid in the channel is 88.31 m’. The density of clouds is found to be 0.6 kg/m3 at temperature -2°C and at pressure 550 mbar. Thus the weight of fluid in the said clouds channel is 52.98 kg. Saturation mixing ratio of water vapor over dry air at temperature -2°C and a pressure of 550 mbar is 6.09g/kg. Therefore, weight of water vapor in the said channel is 322.68g. Mixing ratio of solid particles over dry air in the clouds is, 5.10g/kg at temperature -2°C and pressure 550 mbar. Therefore, weight of the solid particles contained in the said cloud channel is 270.19 g. The total weight 10 WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 of water vapor and solid particles in the solid cloud channel is 592.879g at temperature - 2°C, and pressure 550mbar, under general condition of clouds in the atmosphere. Generally, Water vapor concentration in excess of 7g of water per kg of dry air (7g/kg to 17g/kg) is required for warm season thunderstorms. The water vapor/solid particles mixing ratio, on average, is 12g/kg of dry air in thunderstorm formation. Therefore, 592.87 g of water vapor /solid particles are mixed with 49.4 kg of dry air for thunderclouds formation in the atmosphere. Air is found to be 0.70 kg/m’ at temperature -2°C and pressure 550 mbar in the atmosphere density. Therefore, volume of dry air in he said channel is 70.57 m> in thundercloud formation. Thus the weight of water vapor /solid particles in the said thunderstorm channel is 3.58 kg. Thunderstorm electric discharge or lightning creates high temperatures up to 3000° K and releases large amount of heat energy. The heat energy generated due to lighting in the channel can be estimated form the following expression. Qi=(MiS:T)) water vapor + (MzS2T2) air (5) Where M, — Mass of water vapor in the said channel (3.48 kg) S, — Specific heat of water vapor (0.661) T; — Rise In temperature of water vapor (3000K) M2 — Mass of air in the said channel (49.4kg) S) > Specific heat of air (0.237) T2 — Rise in temperature of air (3000 K). Therefore, with the values given in the parentheses for different parameters, we get Q=4.22x10%keal (6) WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 Out of generated heat a portion Q) is lost due to radiation and is given by Q=ect! (y Where by the Stephan’s Law emissive of the radioactive body is (0.8) at (3000K). Therefore, with the above values in the parenthesis we have Q= 87.74 cal ---(8) Heat loss due to radiation is negligible, because lightning appears for a fraction of a second. Hence, the heat energy generated by lightning in the channel is Q&4.2 x 10° kcal which is utilized for breaking nitrogen and oxygen bonds and produces atomic nitrogen and atomic oxygen in active state. These active nitrogen and oxygen react and form NO and Os as follows: N+0+AH=> NO (AH= 43,200 cal/ mol) sees 9) and O0+0+0+ AH=>0; (AH= 67,600 cal/ mol) (10) Reaction (9) and (10) are endothermic and heat energy is required for theses endothermic reactions to occur. Heat absorption in endothermic reactions:- Consider the volume of dry air to be 70.57 m? in the channel. Therefore, the volume of nitrogen and oxygen present in the channel is 70.57 x 0.78 m? and 70.57 x 0.21 m’, respectively. We know that at NTP, 22.4 lit of any gas WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 contains 6.024x10" molecules. Therefore, at temperature -2°C and pressure 550 mbar, 40.83 lit of any gas will contain 10.98 x 10”? molecules Hence, 70.57x780 liters of nitrogen will contains 14.8 x 10°° molecules of Nitrogen in the said channel. Therefore, ny =2.35 x 10° cesses (ID) Similarly, 70.57x210 liters of Oxygen will contain 3.98 x 10° molecules of Nitrogen in the said channel. Number of Nitrogen moles contained in the said channel and the number of oxygen moles contained in the said channel will be- my = 6.6x 10° In the reaction N; + 02 + AH=2NO seen (12) (n moles of Nz + n moles of O; + AH — 2n moles of NO) e-n(13) 44% of nitric oxide is formed at 3000°k in an electric arc. Therefore, approximately 100 moles at nitrogen take part in NO formation, i.e. 100 moles of N; + 100 moles of O; + 100 AH — 100 moles of NO..... (14) Hence, heat absorbed during NO formation in the said channel is AH, = 4.32 x 10° kcal. Further, according to the following reaction, remaining 557 moles of oxygen 30,+AH — 20; (n moles of 0, + AH —> 2n moles of Os) (18) According to cotton about 10% of O; is formed at 3000°K in an electric arc Therefore, approximately 60 moles of oxygen take part in Ozone formation, 13 WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 ie. 3x 60 moles of O, + 60 AH — 2 x 60 moles of O; seveees (16), Hence, heat energy absorbed during Ozone formation in the said channel is AH, = 4.05 X 10° kcal. Thus, the total heat energy absorbed from surrounding by endothermic reaction is AH; = 8.37 X 10° kcal. It was found that, out of 2.35 X 10° moles of Nitrogen and 6.60 X 10° moles of Oxygen in the said channel, only 100 moles of Nitrogen and 160 moles of Oxygen took part in both the reactions. Calculation of energy used in bond breaking: Bond strength in diatomic molecules of Nitrogen (weast1975) is- N= N— 2268 keal/mol. 217) Therefore, 226 X 10* kcal of heat energy is utilized for breaking 100 moles of Nitrogen. Bond strength in dynamic molecules of Oxygen‘ is O=O0 118.86 kcal/mol +n(18) There, 1.90 X 10° kcal of heat energy is utilized for breaking 160 moles of Oxygen. Hence, a total of 4.16 X 10* kcal of heat energy is utilized for breaking Oxygen and Nitrogen bonds in the said channel which is taken from 4.22 X 10° kcal of energy generated in the lightning channel. WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 Heat energy compared to dew point:- The cooling produced by the endothermic reaction may increase the water vapor pressure of the region. In that process dew point may be reached, which would lead to more precipitation. When temperature of 3.58 kg of water vapor contained in that said channel comes down from 100°C to 0°C and then to dew point at -8°C, the amount of heat released would be Q=M (tet) + M (tot) + ML saves (19) Where, M=3.58 x10° gm; ty=1000C; ty = 0°C; t=-8°C:L=540 cal/gm/0°C ie, Qy=1.58 x10? kcal seve (20) This amount (~1.58 x10° keal) is much less than the heat energy (~8.37x 10° keal) required for endothermic reactions in the said channel. Therefore, it is expected that the endothermic reactions will affect not only the inside of the said channel, but also the surrounding atmosphere. Thus, it can be concluded that endothermic reactions absorb large amount of heat form the surrounding, creating super cooling by achieving the dew point of the water vapor in the atmosphere. Evidences in support of hypothesis:- There are number of indirect evidences which support this novel rain forming mechanism- In radar observations it has been reported that intense precipitation was developed after first lightning discharge (Battan 1981) Blering and Marwitz WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 investigated the incidence of lightning flashes during hail storms. They observed that storms having high flashing rate were the most likely one to produce halls. Battan (1981) showed that the very rapid growth of precipitation particles/ice crystals is caused by electrical forces following a lightning discharge. In many cases, the on set of strong electrification follows the appearance of heavy precipitation within the cloud in the form of hail stones (Wallace and Hobbs, 1977). Fig 2 illustrates the set up for laboratory experiments carried out using chambers and generating artificial lightening, Fig 2 of the accompanying drawings, shows a steel chamber (21) of size 10°x10°x10" with insulating cover on outer surface of steel chamber. It is connected with steam water pipe (4" inch) supply (27) with controlled system. It is connected with steam pipe (214) for removal of condensed water from steam and pure steam as water vapour enters in to the steel chamber. The Glass window (212) is for inspection inside steel chamber and also has a steel door for a man hole of size 3'x3' (213) for inside operation in the steel chamber. As shown in Fig No.2, there is provided a glass chamber (22) of size 3' feet diameter with Artificial Lightning System. A vacuum system (211) is also provided with the Glass chamber (22). The Glass Chamber is also connected with inlet for Nitrogen and Oxygen (24) and (25) respectively, with controlled system. For measuring high temperature, a thermometer (23) is fixed within the glass chamber. Inside Glass Chamber’ there are two tungsten anode plates which are connected with high electric power connection as shown as (26). Tungsten anode plates are connected with high power D.C. Supply shown as 16 WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 (28) with transformer (210) and ammeter (29) for measuring electric current. This whole system is used as on and off automatic switch, which creates artificial lightning inside glass chamber in presence of Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas. Experiment 1- First of all vacuum system was started in glass chamber. Then mixture of nitrogen (70%) and oxygen (20%) having ratios of 3.5 part volume nitrogen and 1 part volume of oxygen was passed through the glass chamber followed by water system into the steel chamber in proper quantity. Then high electric D.C. current was applied to two tungsten electrodes in the chamber by switching on and off buttons which created artificial lightening. In this experiment, it was observed that condensation of steam takes place which results into formation of water droplet on the surface of glass chamber due to endothermic reaction. Again this may be explained based on the fact that In the glass chamber artificial lightning creates 2500°C temperature which breaks the bond between N = N and O =O in to active nitrogen N* and active O* as- N=N > N*N* O=0 — OFO* These N* and O* formed, react with each other to form NO and 3. This is an endothermic process and the energy required for this process is taken from surrounding glass chamber. a)N+O+ Ah=NO (Ah = 43200 cal/mol) b)O+0+0+An=0; (Ah = 67600) cal/mol) WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 Reactions (1) and (2) are endothermic. Heat energy required for these endothermic reactions is taken from surrounding glass chamber. This cooled the walls of chamber where water vapors through steam got condensed. Experiment 2- Nitrogen and oxygen inlet gas systems were completely stopped but the steam inlet was on. Now in glass chamber there was only air of chamber capacity having natural ratio of 71 % nitrogen and 21 % oxygen. Direct high electric D.C. current was passed by switching on and off button which created artificial lightning in the chamber through two tungsten electrodes. Since, volume of air was limited to chamber volume., this time; we observed very less tiny water droplets on the surface of glass chamber This may be due the reason that Nitrogen and Oxygen content of chamber was limited due to which endothermic reaction could not go for longer time, so it could not create sufficient cooling and hence yielded very less water droplets in the chamber. Experiment 3 - Third time, only water steam inlet system was connected to steel chamber. There was no flow of Nitrogen and Oxygen in glass chamber Also, no current was applied to create artificial lightening, This time no condensation was observed which corroborated that without lightening there was no endothermic reaction and no water vapor condensation. This experiment suggested that water droplets are obtained only by condensation which is obtained from endothermic reaction associated with artificial lightning created in glass chamber. This approach may be useful making artificial rain in a region in the presence of sufficient clouds to get rid of WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 the problem of droughts and to achieve the aim of "To Green Revolution in the whole world for all human being". Sampling and analysis of rain water: In monsoon season, rain occurs as shower with tiny water drops, which are formed without lightning. But in pre monsoon season, rain occurs with lightning having bigger size rain drops, some times hail stone/ice crystals with heavy rain. So we compare these two types of rain on laboratory scale. For his purpose, samples of rain water have been collected in monsoon and non-monsoon seasons. These are analyzed for rain drop size and chemical composition. According to proposed hypothesis, samples collected after lightening show higher concentrations of Nitrate, as per our observation. Radar observations:- With the help of modern technology and Radar Observation the location, before and after lightning photographs is compared and studied to observe any change in physical atmospheric conditions like visibility and the like. WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 Claims 1. A method for creating artificial rainfall, said method comprising the following steps, generating at least one high power intensity pulsed LASER; targeting the LASER onto a plurality of moisture bearing clouds for a predetermined time duration until artificial lightning is triggered; and causing a natural endothermic reaction resulting in condensation of vapour in said clouds due to the cooling effect of the endothermic reaction, resulting in precipitation. 2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said LASER is generated on ground level, below the target clouds. 3. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said LASER is generated on the level same as the target clouds by means of LASER generators on an aircraft or helicopter. 4. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said LASER is generated in space above the target clouds using solar energy on a space station or a satellite. 5. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said artificial lightning is created about 3 km above the ground level. 20 WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 6. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said artificial lightning discharge creates high temperature of about 3000 °K. leading to breaking bonds of Nz and O, and formation of active [N] and [0]. 7. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said active Nitrogen and Oxygen react with each other forming NO and O; by an endothermic reaction. 8. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein condensation takes place on Cloud Condensation Nucleus in said clouds. 9. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein small droplets are formed in said clouds, which leads to formation of rain drops causing artificial rain. 21 WO 20081062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 uw FIGURE -1 WO 2008/062441 PCT/IN2007/000404 FIGURE -2

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