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© Old School Role Playing 2021


What is Old School Role Playing about?

At Old School we are all about the classic version of role playing games that were
popular in the late 1970s to the early 1980s. You know the games. You played them as kids.
They were far better than many of the later versions that came along. At Old School we bring you
high quality adventures and adventure products for gaming at a reasonable price.

The adventures themselves are well thought out. They have a few puzzles, riddles and
other encounters as well as plenty of monster bashing action. Some have been thoroughly play
tested by other gamers. The goal is to provide you the game master adventures to use on the spur
of the moment when players want to play and you do not have the time to prepare something

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Joseph A. Mohr
Written by Joseph Mohr. Maps created by Joe Mohr with Cosmographer 3+.

Artwork by various artists as follows:

Cover Page Alien Worlds Public Domain

Back Cover Luxury Liner Public Domain

Cepheus Engine and Samardan Press are trademarks of Jason “Flynn” Kemp. I am not affiliated
with Jason “Flynn” Kemp or Samardan Press.

This adventure is a mystery story. The players are put in a position where they must solve a
mystery in order to get paid. The travelers are aboard a luxury liner as a perk of their last job.
This is the finest luxury liner in the sector and the waiting list to get aboard one of these ships is
very long. On the third day aboard the passenger liner a murder takes place. All of the other
passengers are talking about it. Soon the travelers are summoned to speak to the captain who
makes them an offer (see below).

The murder takes place on a luxury liner called The Flamingo. This is a posh liner in which most
of the passengers are rich, noble or powerful people. The body is found in one of the fancier
cabins on the second deck. The ship will be described in brief terms in this section. The state
rooms all have the same furnishings:

1. Beds
2. Tables
3. Video Screen (for entertainment)
4. Window
5. Bathroom
6. Dresser/Drawers
7. Closet


1. Bridge

This area is controlled by keycard. Only members of the crew can enter.

The officers who run the ship do so from here. The usual things can be found in this place

Navigation station
Pilot console
Communication station
2. Main Promenade

A large open space provides room for playing shuffleboard or other games. The space is
also used for ballroom dancing. A spiral staircase leads from here to all other levels.

3. Smaller Staterooms

While just about all of the passengers are wealthy....some are richer than others. These are
basically the “economy” version of the staterooms.

4. Engineering

This area is controlled by keycard. Only members of the crew can enter.

The usual things one would expect to find in an engineering section are here including:

Engineering robots
Impulse and jump drives
Fuel cells
Gravity generators
Ship’s computer


1. Dining Room

Meals are served in this area. The passengers mingle here daily.

2. Cargo Bay

Luggage bigger than personal baggage is kept here. The door to this area is controlled by
keycard. Any member of the crew can enter.

3. Air Locks

These are the air locks where passengers enter and exit the ship. This area is controlled by
key card.

4. Larger Staterooms

The wealthier passengers get these rooms. This includes the victim. He can be placed in
any of these rooms.

This is the casino level.

1. Kitchen

Chefs prepare the finest meals possible from here. Activity is constant around the clock in
this area.

2. Casino

Several tables are set up here providing various games of chance. These games include:

Poker (several varieties)

There are slot machines lining the walls. Odds of winning are low.


1. Medical Bay

Occasionally passengers get sick or injured. A few even die from time to time. The doctor
treats (the living) patients here.

2. Sun Bay

Comfortable lounge chairs are set up here. An artificial sky is projected on the ceiling.
Sun shines brightly and warmly here on the simulation. Passengers lie here and enjoy the
comfortable experience for hours and get a good tan as well.

Corporate Executive Charles Davis, III 2C6669 Age 48

5 terms
Skills: Admin-2, Body Pistol-1, Instruction-1, Recruiting-1, Corporate Politics-6, Corporate
Backstabbing-3, Mergers and Acquisitions-4, Corporate Survival-3

Charles is the (now former) CEO of the Hydra Mega-Corporation. Hydra has diverse business
interests all across the Sonora sector. From manufacturing munitions to mining asteroids Hydra
has their hands in it.

His body is found lying on the floor of his luxury state room. A small caliber bullet hole is found
in the back of his head. Blood is pooled up beneath his face.
Each suspect is listed. Each is given a motive for hating the victim. Each has an alibi. Some of
the alibis can be confirmed by another witness. Some cannot. Some of the suspects have also
witnessed things. Some have not. These details are listed here along with the stats and the
possessions and skills.

Trisha Davis 686979 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: Brawling-1, Gambling-1, Streetwise-2, Prostitution-2

Trisha is the current wife of Charles Davis III. Or, rather, she is his widow. She was wife number
five of the executive. She has a dark past and met the victim on a pleasure planet about a year

Alibi: She says that she was lounging on the sun bay deck at the time of the murder.

Who can confirm: Passenger Malika Fernandez. She was lounging in the next chair.

What she saw: She saw suspect Vance Parsons arguing with the victim at dinner on the night
before the murder

Rogue Anthony Rubello 5767D4 Age 25

3 terms
Skills: Computer-1, Demolition-2, Forgery-2, Streetwise-1

Anthony is the lover of Trisha. They have been having an affair now for nearly eleven months.
They met soon after Trisha married Charles. A computer check of his background might reveal
that he once served time on a prison planet for discharging a gun at a prominent business man.

Alibi: He was playing cards at the casino

Who can confirm: Samuel Tennison

What he saw: He witnessed Beatriz Kerr sneaking into the victim’s room the night of the murder

Bureaucrat Asst Manager Samuel Tennison 974547 Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Admin-2, Interrogation-1, Liaison-1, Recruiting-2, Accounting-5, Creative Accounting-4

Samuel is the senior accountant for the Hydra Mega-Corporation. He has been skimming the
books for some time now. He has stolen millions from the company and is seriously considering
taking his money and running for an obscure, far away, planet where he can retire with his ill-
gotten gains.

Alibi: Was drinking at the casino bar

Who can confirm: Anthony Rubello

What he saw: He heard Anthony Rubello arguing with the victim. He heard something about
Rubello sleeping with the victim’s wife.

Army Major Jack Smith 367787 Age 36

2 terms
Skills: Air/Raft-1, Dagger-2, Electronics-1, Fwd Obsvr-1, Rifle-1, SMG-2, Assassination-3

Jack Smith is not his actual name. He is currently employed as an assassin and is on the job. His
experience in the army dulled him to the pain of others. Killing people for a living is what keeps
him interested in living. He is armed with a body pistol and a silencer. It is not the murder
weapon. He wears cloth armor. If questioned harshly he may decide to kill one of the
investigators. A computer check may reveal that he does not exist.

He is here to kill Noble Sir Phillip Abe. That is his assignment.

Alibi: He states that he was wandering the ship taking in the sights.

Who can confirm: No one

What he saw: Nothing

Rogue Beatriz Kerr 678C5A Age 22

2 terms
Skills: Carousing-1, Streetwise-1

Beatriz is the mistress of the victim. She is the most recent in a long string of mistresses. A
computer check may reveal that she once worked on a pleasure planet as a prostitute.

Alibi: She was visiting the bridge with one of the crew members that she has formed a brief
relationship with.

Who can confirm: Security Officer Shamus Murphy

What she saw: She overheard suspect Trisha Davis arguing with the victim on the first night of
the cruise. They were arguing about the victim sleeping with other women. The word divorce
was mentioned several times. She also heard something about a prenuptial agreement.

Scientist Freja Wood 265BA6 Age 46

7 terms
Skills: Admin-2, Computer-3, Gravitics-1, Jack-o-T-3, Laser Rifle-1, Mechanical-1,

Freja is the inventor of one of the products which put Hydra Mega-Corporation on the map.
Unfortunately Charles Davis, III patented the idea and basically stole all the profits from her. She
came aboard the liner to confront him over his greedy ways. A computer check may reveal that
she owns several patents used by the victim’s corporation.

Alibi: She was working on a new invention idea in her state room all night.

Who can confirm: No one

What she saw: nothing

Bureaucrat Asst Manager Alice Anderson 7B964A Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Brawling-1, Carousing-1, Instruction-2, Shotgun-1

She is the executive assistant of Charles Davis, III. She is also one of his previous mistresses.
She was discarded recently for someone younger. She is the actual killer. The victim promised
to leave his wife for her. And now she finds out that he has already found a younger lover and is
dumping her.

She shot the victim with a body pistol that she snuck aboard the liner. She then hid the gun on the
lowest deck under the cushions of one of the lounge chairs in the sun bay.

A computer check may reveal that he owns a body pistol which is registered on the world New
Xehadia. This computer file also has a serial number for the gun which can link her to the crime.

Alibi: She claims that she was dancing on the promenade with a passenger that night until after 2
AM. The passenger was Ben Cruz.

Who can confirm: Ben Cruz will admit that he danced with her that night. But she left him at

What she saw: She overheard suspect Paul Davis complaining about what a jerk his brother was.
His brother is the victim.
Rogue Thomas Man 9A9889 Age 22
1 term
Skills: Hovercraft-1, Liaison-1, Streetwise-1

Thomas is an activist and a radical. He has been protesting the environmental damage that Hydra
Mega-Corporation has inflicted on planets all over the sector. He is especially concerned with his
home world which is soon to be developed by the company. A computer check will reveal that he
has multiple arrests for violence at protests.

Alibi: He was handing out literature on the promenade all night

Who can confirm: Most of the passengers (on a 4+) and some of the crew (on a 7+)

What he saw: nothing

Hunter Paul Davis A56AB4 Age 42

2 terms
Skills: Computer-1, Hunting-2, Mechanical-1, Survival-1

He is the brother of Charles Davis, III. He is a bit of a playboy and spends most of his time out
hunting and on safari. He and his brother have been seen arguing about money and their family
on a number of occasions. A computer check could reveal that he only owns CR 1500. How
could he afford this trip?

Alibi: Was sleeping with passenger Zoe Cohen at the time

Who can confirm: Zoe Cohen

What he saw: He knows his brother well. The victim has angered many people and has many

Rogue Jacob Gruber B78694 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: Demolition-1, Jack-o-T-1, Laser Carbine-1, Streetwise-1, Tracked Vehicle-1

Jacob is a hopeless gambler. He is a perpetual loser at cards, dice and other games of chance.
One of his friends once offered to bet him which Skuxabian crow would leave it’s perch on a
power line first. He took the bet. And lost a substantial sum of money. He never met a bet he did
not like. He has lost most of them. He also owes a great deal of money to the victim.

Jacob was seen playing cards with the victim the night of the murder. He was observed losing a
great deal of money.
A computer check may reveal that he has been banned from two casino planets for welching on

Alibi: Was losing cards at the casino at the time

Who can confirm: Suspect Butch Stannek

What he saw: The night of the killing he saw the victim berating his brother suspect Paul Davis
for being a loser.

Marine Butch Stannek 576444 Age 40

3 terms
Skills: Cutlass-3, Tactics-1

Butch is a hot headed marine who was finally dishonorably discharged for beating up too many
officers. He was observed in a brief confrontation with the deceased a day before the murder.
Several witnesses saw the victim bump into Butch. Some words and shoving were eschanged.

A computer check will reveal that he was dishonorably discharged from the marine core for
beating an officer nearly to death.

Alibi: Was winning at cards (from Suspect Jacob Gruber)

Who can confirm: Suspect Jacob Gruber

What he saw: Nothing. He has not seen the victim again since the altercation on the first day.

Noble A Gentry Jacob Robinson 9AB79A Age 32

1 term
Skills: Helicopter-1, Medical-1

Jacob’s family lent a great deal of money to Charles Davis, III when he was starting up the Hydra
Mega-Corporation. The debt was never repaid. A computer check may reveal that he is heavily in
debt and near bankruptcy.

Alibi: Was in his room preparing a speech. He considers this a working vacation.

Who can confirm: No one

What he saw: He has noticed Suspect Jack Smith lurking in the shadows in places all over the
ship. “The guy seems positively creepy.”
Marie Renolds 3567A8 Age 30
3 terms
Skills: Bribery-1, Forgery-1, News Reporting-2

She is a news reporter for the Sonoran News Agency. She was once sexually assaulted by the
victim Charles Davis, III at a party. There were no witnesses so the matter was dropped.

Alibi: She was trying to get an interview with passenger Malika Sokolov at the time.

Who can confirm: Passenger Maria Sokolov.

What she saw: She overheard suspect Jacob Robinson claiming that the victim owed him a great
deal of money and that he was going to collect on this trip.

Bureaucrat Manager Vance Parsons 266D59 Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Cutlass-1, Interrogation-1, Liaison-1, Corporate Politics-2, Creative Accounting-3

Vance is the CEO of a rival corporation called the Manus Equipment Corporation. Unfortunately
questionable accounting practices and the harsh business practices of the Hydra Mega-
Corporation have taken a toll on the company. He is near bankruptcy and tax auditors are at his

Alibi: Was asleep in his state room at the time of the murder

Who can confirm: No one.

What he saw: Nothing

Pirate Captain Judas Kelinar 442568 Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Brawling-1, Engineering-1, Laser Carbine-1, Mechanical-2

Judas is an escaped criminal. He has served 10 years of a 99 year sentence on a nearby penal
colony but managed to escape. He made his way onto this liner in the hope of resuming his
previous career as a pirate.

Alibi: He was hiding in the luggage area for most of the voyage. He does not want to be seen in
case someone might recognize him from his past work.

Who can confirm: No one. But his identity as a pirate and escaped criminal can easily be
verified by consulting a computer.
What he saw: Nothing

A medical expert can determine the time of death as about midnight.

There is a bullet wound in the back of the victim’s head. This is the cause of death.

The size of the bullet hole indicates that a body pistol was used.

A ballistic’s expert could link the gun to the murder easily if it is found.

If the gun is found the serial number in the computer records could match it to the murder. The
serial number has been scratched off but can be raised by use of chemicals. Fortunately the
Security Officer has the necessary chemicals to do so. Ballistics testing could confirm that the
gun is the murder weapon.

There are no fingerprints on the weapons. It was wiped clean after use.

There are many crew members aboard the craft. The ones listed here are just the most important
ones that might come into play. Should any others be necessary draw them from the section on
random passengers. None of the crew are armed.

Ship’s Captain
Scout Adam Hall 887483 Age 54
4 terms
Skills: Electronics-1, Jack-o-T-1, Mechanical-1, Pilot-4, Vacc Suit-1

Adam Hall is the captain of the luxury liner. He is a kindly looking gentlemen with a little gray
hair and a big smile. That is, he was smiling, until he lost a passenger to a murder.

Ship’s Doctor
Doctor Philip Smith 599794 Age 26
2 terms
Skills: Computer-1, Electronics-1, Medical-2

This is a gregarious fellow who pays a lot of attention to the lady passengers aboard the liner. He
also tends to drink a little too much.
Cruise Director
Kim Jackson 953B66 Age 30
3 terms
Skills: Streetwise-1, Carousing-1, Hospitality-3, Entertainment-2

This young woman is friendly and outgoing. She takes care of the various entertainment aboard
the luxury liner.

Head Steward
Navy Lieutenant Ali Jenson 7835B9 Age 26
2 terms
Skills: Steward -4, Jack-o-T-1, Vacc Suit-1

Chief Engineer
Navy Lieutenant Chloe Moreau 588967 Age 30
3 terms
Skills: Electronics-1, Engineering-3, Mechanic-2, Revolver-1

Scout Nina Robinson 959399 Age 26
2 terms
Skills: Navigation-2, Pilot-1, Small Watercraft-1, Vacc Suit-1

Security Officer
Army Captain Shamus Murphy 2785B5 Age 47
3 terms
Skills: Revolver-3, Ballistics -2, Medical-1, Rifle-1, SMG-2, Tactics-1
Armed with a revolver. Wears cloth armor.

Most passengers are unarmed. Those few who are armed will be specified.

Rogue Zoe Cohen 9AA847 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: Jet-Driven Aircraft-2, Streetwise-3
She is here to pick pockets.

Bureaucrat Asst Manager Feng Ito 47B589 Age 46

2 terms
Skills: Helicopter-3, Instruction-2, Sword-1
He is on board to conduct business.

Army Trooper Ben Cruz A7C4A6 Age 32

1 term
Skills: Electronics-1, Rifle-2
He is a soldier who won a trip aboard this liner.

Army Captain Bartholomew Davies 89A758 Age 76

2 terms
Skills: Bayonet-1, Fwd Obsvr-1, Rifle-2, SMG-1
He is an old soldier who recently lost his wife. He is taking this cruise to scatter her ashes in her
favorite part of space.

Rogue Malika Fernandes 778486 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: Carousing-2, Jack-o-T-1, Liaison-1, Streetwise-1
She is a prostitute that works on one of the pleasure planets. She saved enough from her work
there to take this cruise. She has a small dagger hidden on her person.

Doctor Robert Owen C46B45 Age 54

4 terms
Skills: Electronics-1, Medical-6, Streetwise-2, Sword-2
He is an eminent brain surgeon traveling with his wife.

Matilda Own 4B9857 Age 36

2 terms
Skills: Forgery-1, Gambling-1, Shotgun-1
She is traveling with her husband Robert.

Scientist Malika Sokolov 3B3D77 Age 42

6 terms
Skills: Scientific Research-3, Carousing-1, Computer-1, Electronics-1, Jack-o-T-1,
Mechanical-1, Quantum Physics-7
She is a highly renowned physicist.

Noble C Baron Ren Sullivan 97467C Age 25

1 term
Skills: Hunting-1, Tracked Vehicle-1, Carousing-3
He is a rich young playboy noble.

Merchant 4th Officer Logan Hall 927B78 Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Auto Rifle-1, Jack-o-T-2, Mechanical-1, Steward-1
A wealthy merchant.

Diplomat Counselor Isidora Abe 875887 Age 38

5 terms
Skills: Carousing-1, Computer-1, Gambling-1, Helicopter-1, Interrogation-1, Liaison-1,
Recruiting-1, Vacc Suit-1
A politician.

Hunter Finn Gazi 34C566 Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Computer-1, Electronics-1, Gravitics-2, Hunting-5, Mechanical-1
A famous hunter. He has a rifle in his baggage.

Three days prior to the murder - Passengers begin arriving at the space port and begin boarding

Maid hears an argument in the state room of the victim 10 minutes before time of death. She
could not tell weather the voices were male or female. Voices were muffled as she was outside
the room.

Estimated time of death Midnight local time.

As this is a cruise ship there are many experiences that the passengers pay to view. Some of these

The Sonoran Nebulae

The Black Hole of Anetbi

The Zacasaian Supernova

And the Kaloonian Quasar

The Sonoran Cruise Line Corporation has many wealthy customers who travel this sector in
luxury and style. These are not the sort of people who want to be associated with a notorious
murder like the killing of Charles Davis, III. This matter requires skill and diplomacy. And it also
requires a degree of separation from the cruise line. It just would not do for employees of the
company to be questioning the people aboard this liner.

Someone, not associated with the company, is needed for this sort of work.

Once the luxury liner docks at the destination the suspect can be turned over to the authorities.
Accusing or killing a suspect, who later turns out to be innocent, will not please the patron.
Payment will not be tendered for a false accusation. Killing an innocent suspect may result in
appropriate criminal charges against the traveler(s) responsible.

Ship’s Captain
Scout Adam Hall 887483 Age 44
4 terms
Skills: Electronics-1, Jack-o-T-1, Mechanical-1, Pilot-4, Vacc Suit-1

Adam Hall is the captain of the luxury liner. He offers CR 250,000, on behalf of the Sonoran
Cruise Line Corporation, for the players to investigate and solve the murder of Charles Davis, III.

Witnesses are not always reliable. Anyone who watches police shows on television can tell you
that. Each of the suspects has a story to tell. Some will point the finger at other suspects. The
witnesses listed in this section, however, are not suspects. No one, yet anyway, has pointed the
finger at them.

Navy Starman Beatriz Hernández 525676 Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Broadsword-1, Fwd Obsvr-1, Steward -2, Jack-o-T-1

She is a maid aboard the liner. She changes sheets, puts mints on pillows and cleans up the
rooms. She overheard an argument in the victim’s state room just before the estimated time of
death. She heard two voices. One was a man. The others was a woman.

Victor Rossi 489224 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: Streetwise-2
Victor is a passenger traveling with his parents. He was out partying on the casino deck when he
says he heard a gun shot. He actually did not hear the fatal shot that killed the victim but instead
heard the sound of a champagne cork. He says that he heard this sound about midnight.

Diplomat 3rd Secretary Martha Khan 344454 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Carousing-1, Instruction-1, Liaison-1, Spear-1
This minor government official is a passenger. She saw a confrontation between the victim and a
much larger man (Suspect Butch Stannek). The larger man threatened to “seriously hurt” the
victim if he saw him again. The two men were separated by members of the ship’s crew.

Noble B Sir Philip Abe 65A84B Age 76

2 terms
Skills: Carbine-1, Pilot-1, Ship's Boat-1
He saw a man who had a bulge in his jacket. From prior experience this passenger believes that
this bulge was a gun. The man he saw is suspect Jack Smith.

Kara Olsen 87BC6A Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Brawling-1, Dagger-1, Gambling-1
Kara is one of the serving girls that bring drinks and food to the patrons of the casino. She saw a
passenger, suspect Alice Anderson, hiding something under a cushion on the lowest level in the
sun bay.

Belter Jon Robinson 78A868 Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Electronics-1, Instruction-1, Prospecting-2, Vacc Suit-3
Jon is a belter who recently got a major strike. He saw the victim and a his wife arguing hotly at
the dinner table on the second night. It seemed as though the couple were close to physical
confrontation. He heard the word divorce mentioned at least six times during the conversation.

Simon Katz 474974 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: Cudgel-1, Forgery-1, Gambling-1
He saw a man in one of the bathrooms, at the star port before boarding, who was wearing a
striped outfit under his clothes. The striped outfit looked a lot like a prison outfit. The man is
suspect Judas Kelinar

Army Captain Barry Cohen 6A3257 Age 39

1 term
Skills: Halberd-1, Rifle-2, SMG-1
While on the promenade (top level) he saw suspect Marie Renolds confront the victim and his
wife. She made allegations of sexual assault by the victim. He seemed to laugh at her and then
walked away. The victim’s wife seemed quite shaken by the experience.

Scientist Ralph Jensen 2A4469 Age 34

4 terms
Skills: Computer-1, Electronics-1, Jack-o-T-1, Mechanical-1, Pike-1, Shotgun-2, Survival-1
He heard an argument between suspect Freja Wood and the victim. She seemed to be blaming
him for some kind of irregular business dealing. This argument took place on the day of the
murder near his stateroom.

Should the players inquire about it there are some potential experts aboard the liner who might
have knowledge which could prove useful to their investigation. These experts are members of
the crew and would be put at their disposal by the captain if requested:
Ship’s Doctor (Forenesics/Medical Examiner)
Chief Engineer (Engineering)
Science Officer (Science)
Security Officer (Ballistics)

These experts are detailed in the ship’s crew section.

To solve this crime the travelers will need to question witnesses, develop suspects, interrogate
suspects and look for physical evidence. Skills come into play if the travelers want to use their
own character abilities to perform some action that an expert might otherwise perform.

Medical skill is obviously useful for making conclusions regarding medical evidence, forensic
evidence, cause of death, etc.

Scientific skill might also be important for determining questions of forensics.

Handgun skills might be useful for making determinations regarding ballistics.

Engineering skills might be useful for questions of mechanics or engineering.

Computer skills might be useful for learning important background (and skills) of the individual

Ultimately the Game Master will need to decide what skills might be useful for making a
determination and then setting an appropriate number to make in order to come to some
important conclusion. The available experts listed in the previous section might alternatively be
used for these determinations.

Interrogation skill might be very useful for talking to witnesses and suspects. It is highly unlikely
that the actual murderer will break down and have a Perry Mason moment where they admit that
the did it. But they might make such an admission when presented with proof that is hard to
argue with or with circumstances that are difficult to explain away. High interrogation skill
should make this a more likely occurrence. Any suspect clearly caught in a lie will be more likely
to make a damning admission (+5 modifier to interrogation). On a natural 12 an innocent suspect
might even admit guilt.

Once the crime has been solved the suspect could be taken into custody, may attempt to flee or
might even resort to violence.

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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication
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owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or
co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement
with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in
Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity.
The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and
interest in and to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions
of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this
License. You may use any authorised version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any
Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open
Game Content You Distribute.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using
the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.

12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or
governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision
shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

High Guard System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Mercenary System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!,
Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy
Collins, and JD Wiker.Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave

T20 - The Traveller’s Handbook Copyright 2002, Quiklink Interactive, Inc. Traveller is a
trademark of Far Future Enterprises and is used under license.

Traveller System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Traveller is © 2008 Mongoose Publishing. Traveller and related logos, character, names, and
distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Far Future Enterprises unless otherwise noted.
All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized User.

Cepheus Engine System Reference Document, Copyright © 2016 Samardan Press; Author Jason
"Flynn" Kemp

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