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On arriving in the Sirius Sector, the Founder’s fleet was scattered and
damaged. Most of these ships and their crews were discounted as destroyed,
but had in fact arrived safely in Sirius far from the rest of humanity. Many
believed themselves to be the sole survivors of the fleet and that they were
likely the only humans in this strange new galaxy. Without any idea of how
they might return to Earth, most of the scattered Battle Brothers were forced
to contend with their inevitable deaths in a strange new galaxy.

Humanity was not alone in this galaxy however, and the arrival of these
strange interlopers drew the eyes of powerful entities in Sirius: the Havoc
Gods. These gods bided their time and reached out to the Battle Brothers in
their most desperate moments. Each Havoc God sought to sway these new
arrivals to their influence through various gifts and boons.

The God of War offered strength, allowing its Disciples to triumph over their
INTRO foes. Change granted its followers knowledge and secrets, necessary for
understanding their place in this new galaxy. Plague offered renewed vitality
Havoc Disciples are Battle Brothers who have embraced the worship of a
to those taken by disease. While Lust offered redemption and power to those
particular Havoc God. Individually powerful and resilient, each Havoc
cast out by the Battle Brothers.
Disciple has been molded with unique blessings by the god they follow.
Those who accepted the pact were granted powerful boons by their patrons,
Stranded in the Sirius Sector, many Battle Brothers were scattered and left
who reforged them in their image. These Havoc Disciples repaid their gifts
with little chance of survival. These desperate castaways were approached
with a fanatical loyalty, willing to devote their lives to the god who had
by different gods who offered powerful boons in exchange for their worship. chosen them. Disciples began to seek each other out, forming new bands
Each god empowered their respective followers, reforging their Disciples utterly dedicated to their respective god.
according to their will. The Havoc Disciples are now torn between fanatical
devotion to their new gods and maintaining their former discipline.
Yet the fanaticism demanded by their faith was often at odds with the
discipline required to maintain their cohesion as a unit. While some Disciples
ABOUT OPR recognized organization as a necessary means to achieving their God’s goals
OPR ( is the home of many free games which are against powerful foes, others viewed it as a mere distraction, and cared little
designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. about structure that once defined their lives as Battle Brothers. As a result,
many bands are held together through brute force, as leaders struggle to
preserve order amongst fanatics. Others have collapsed into marauding
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only exist thanks to hordes of zealots, roving blindly through the sector as they spread havoc in
the support of our awesome community. the name of their god.

If you want to help us in making more awesome content, you can support us How will your devotion guide you?

Thank you for playing!

Created by: Gaetano Ferrara


Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost

Lust Destroyer Champion [1] 3+ 3+ Dual Energy Claws (A8, Rending) Ambush, Fast, Hero, Tough(6) 160pts
Lust Champion [1] 3+ 3+ Champion Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)), CCW (A1) Fast, Hero, Tough(3) 75pts
Lust Cultist Champion [1] 5+ 5+ Champion Rifle (24", A2), CCW (A1) Fast, Hero, Tough(3) 35pts
Lust Cultists [10] 5+ 5+ Rifle (24", A1), CCW (A1) Fast 135pts
Lust Brothers [5] 3+ 3+ Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A1) Fast 155pts
Lust Talon Raptors [5] 3+ 3+ Dual Energy Claws (A2, Rending) Ambush, Fast, Flying, Furious 160pts
Lust Support [3] 3+ 3+ Heavy Flamer (12", A1, AP(1), Blast(3), Reliable), CCW (A1) Fast, Relentless 140pts
Lust Destroyers [3] 3+ 3+ Dual Energy Claws (A4, Rending) Ambush, Fast, Tough(3) 235pts
Mutated Lust Cultists [10] 5+ 6+ Claws (A2) Fast, Mutations 115pts
Mutated Lust Brothers [5] 3+ 4+ Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1)) Mutations, Very Fast 155pts
Greater Lust Mutated [3] 3+ 4+ Heavy Claws (A4, AP(1)) Mutations, Tough(3), Very Fast 245pts
Mutated Lust Destroyer [1] 3+ 4+ Dual Mutated Claws (A6, AP(1)) Ambush, Fast, Mutations, Tough(6) 145pts
Lust Bikers [3] 3+ 3+ Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)), Tough(3), Very Fast 285pts
Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A2)
Lust APC [1] 3+ 2+ Storm Rifle (24", A3, AP(1)) Impact(3), Tough(6), Transport(11), Very Fast 215pts
Lust Tank [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1)), Impact(6), Tough(12), Very Fast 550pts
Demolition Cannon (24", A1, AP(4), Blast(6), Indirect)
Lust Heavy Tank [1] 3+ 2+ Quad Laser Cannon (36", A4, AP(3), Deadly(3)), Impact(9), Tough(18), Transport(11), Very Fast 885pts
Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1))
Lust Infernal Brute [1] 3+ 2+ Stomp (A4, AP(1)), 2x Brute Hammer (A2, Blast(3)) Fast, Fear(2), Tough(12) 335pts
Lust Fiend [1] 3+ 2+ Steel Tails (A8, AP(1)), Fiend Claws (A4, Rending), Fast, Fear(2), Regeneration, Tough(12) 420pts
Stomp (A4, AP(1))
Lust Crab Walker [1] 3+ 2+ Battle Cannon (30", A2, AP(2), Blast(3)), Fast, Fear(3), Regeneration, Tough(18) 800pts
Reaper Cannon (24", A4, AP(1)), Crab Flail (A8),
Crab Fists (A4, AP(3)), Stomp (A6, AP(2))
Lust Dragon [1] 3+ 2+ Forge Flamethrower (18", A2, AP(1), Blast(3), Reliable) Aircraft, Regeneration, Tough(6) 240pts

Blessing of Lust: This model and its unit move +1”
on Advance, and +2” on Rush/Charge.
Chosen Veteran: Gets +1 to hit in melee and
Dark Tactics: Once per this unit's activation, before
attacking, pick one other friendly unit within 12”,
which may move by up to 6".
Mutations: When in melee, roll one die and apply
one bonus to all models with this rule. On a 1-3
attacks get Rending, on a 4-6 attacks get AP(+1).
Repair: Once per this model's activation, before
attacking, if within 2” of a model with Tough, roll
one die. On a 2+ you may remove D3 wounds from
that model.
Very Fast: Moves +4” when using Advance, and +8”
when using Rush/Charge.
War Chant: This model and its unit get Furious. If
they already had Furious, they get extra hits from
Furious on unmodified rolls of 5-6 instead.


Acquiescence (1): Target enemy unit within 18"
gets -1 to hit rolls next time it shoots.
Seizure (1): Target enemy unit within 9" takes 1 hit
with AP(2) and Deadly(3).
Pain (2): Target enemy model within 12" takes 2
hits with AP(4).
Pleasure (2): Target 2 friendly units within 12" get
+1 to defense rolls next time they take hits.
Ecstasy (3): Target 2 friendly units within 18" get +2
to hit rolls next time they charge.
Overpower (3): Target enemy unit within 18” takes
1 hit with Blast(9).


Lust Destroyer Champion [1] - 160 pts Lust Cultist Champion [1] - 35 pts Lust Talon Raptors [5] - 160 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 3+ Quality 5+ Defense 5+ Quality 3+ Defense 3+
Dual Energy Claws (A8, Rending) Champion Rifle (24", A2) Dual Energy Claws (A2, Rending)
Ambush, Fast, Hero, Tough(6) CCW (A1) Ambush, Fast, Flying, Furious
Upgrade with one: Fast, Hero, Tough(3) Upgrade all models with:
+10pts Apostle (War Chant) Upgrade with one: +30pts Chosen Veteran
+10pts Lust Lord (Blessing of Lust) +10pts Apostle (War Chant) Replace all Dual Energy Claws:
+35pts Dark Smith (Repair) +10pts Lust Lord (Blessing of Lust) +15pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A2)
+40pts Warlock (Caster(2)) +35pts Dark Smith (Repair) Replace one Heavy Pistol:
+50pts Havoc Lord (Dark Tactics) +40pts Warlock (Caster(2)) +5pts Plasma Pistol (12", A1, AP(4))
+60pts Master Warlock (Caster(3)) +50pts Havoc Lord (Dark Tactics) +15pts Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
Replace Dual Energy Claw: +60pts Master Warlock (Caster(3)) +15pts Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4))
+5pts Champion Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)), Replace Champion Rifle and CCW: +25pts Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
Flamer-Mod (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable), -5pts Champion Pistol (12", A2), CCW (A2)
CCW (A4) Replace Champion Pistol:
+50pts Rapid Storm Rifle (24", A6, AP(1)), +5pts Champion Shred Pistol (9", A3, Rending)
CCW (A4) +5pts Flamer Pistol (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
Replace Flamer-Mod: +10pts Champion Shotgun (12", A4, AP(1))
+5pts Plasma-Mod (12", A1, AP(4)) +70pts Champion Sniper Rifle
+5pts Fusion-Mod (6", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) (30", A2, AP(1), Sniper)
Replace CCW: Replace CCW:
+5pts Energy Hammer (A2, Blast(3)) +10pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending)
+15pts Energy Sword (A4, AP(1), Rending)
+25pts Energy Axe (A2, AP(2), Deadly(3)) Lust Cultists [10] - 135 pts
+30pts Energy Fist (A4, AP(4)) Quality 5+ Defense 5+
Upgrade with : Rifle (24", A1)
+25pts Chosen Veteran CCW (A1)
Lust Champion [1] - 75 pts Replace all Rifles and CCWS:
Quality 3+ Defense 3+ free Pistol (12", A1), CCW (A2)
Champion Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)) Replace up to two Rifles:
CCW (A1) +5pts Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4))
Fast, Hero, Tough(3) +5pts Shotgun (12", A2, AP(1))
Upgrade with one: +10pts Grenade Launcher (24", A1, Blast(3))
+10pts Apostle (War Chant) +10pts Shred Rifle (18", A2, Rending)
+10pts Lust Lord (Blessing of Lust) +15pts Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
+35pts Dark Smith (Repair) +15pts Machinegun (30", A3)
+40pts Warlock (Caster(2)) +30pts Sniper Rifle (30", A1, AP(1), Sniper)
+50pts Havoc Lord (Dark Tactics)
+60pts Master Warlock (Caster(3)) Lust Brothers [5] - 155 pts
Replace Champion Heavy Rifle and CCW: Quality 3+ Defense 3+
-10pts Champion Heavy Pistol (12", A2, AP(1)), Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1))
CCW (A2) CCW (A1)
-5pts Dual Energy Claws (A4, Rending) Fast
Replace Champion Heavy Pistol: Upgrade all models with:
-5pts Flamer Pistol (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) +50pts Chosen Veteran
+10pts Champion Plasma Pistol (12", A2, AP(4)) Replace all Heavy Rifles and CCWS:
+10pts Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)), +10pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)),
Flamer-Mod (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) Heavy CCW (A2, AP(1))
+15pts Champion Noise Rifle Replace one Heavy Rifle:
(18", A3, Ignores Cover) +5pts Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
+45pts Champion Storm Rifle (24", A4, AP(1)) +5pts Noise Amplifier (9", A4, Ignores Cover)
Replace Flamer-Mod: +10pts Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4))
+5pts Plasma-Mod (12", A1, AP(4)) +10pts Shred Rifle (18", A2, Rending)
+5pts Fusion-Mod (6", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +15pts Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
Replace CCW: +35pts Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1))
+10pts Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) +45pts Reaper Cannon (24", A4, AP(1))
+15pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) +50pts Noise Cannon
+15pts Lust Whip (A3, AP(1)) (30", A3, AP(1), Ignores Cover)
+20pts Energy Axe (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +55pts Autocannon (36", A3, AP(2))
+20pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) +55pts Laser Cannon (36", A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Upgrade with one: +55pts Missile Launcher
+15pts Jetpack (Ambush, Flying) (30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On)
+105pts Combat Bike (Very Fast, Tough(+3), Replace one Heavy Rifle and CCW:
Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1))) free Sgt. Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)),
Upgrade with: Sgt. Hand Weapon (A2)
+20pts Chosen Veteran Replace Sgt. Heavy Pistol:
+5pts Plasma Pistol (12", A1, AP(4))
Replace Sgt. Hand Weapon:
+10pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending)
+15pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4))
Replace all Heavy Rifles:
+25pts Noise Rifle (18", A2, Ignores Cover)


Lust Support [3] - 140 pts Lust Bikers [3] - 285 pts Lust Heavy Tank [1] - 885 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 3+ Quality 3+ Defense 3+ Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Heavy Flamer (12", A1, AP(1), Blast(3), Reliable) Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)) Quad Laser Cannon (36", A4, AP(3), Deadly(3))
CCW (A1) Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)) Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1))
Fast, Relentless CCW (A2) Impact(9), Tough(18), Transport(11), Very Fast
Replace any Heavy Flamer: Tough(3), Very Fast Upgrade with one:
+20pts Heavy Fusion Rifle Replace all Heavy Pistols and CCWs: +25pts Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)),
(18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +5pts Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A1) Flamer-Mod (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
+25pts Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1)) Replace one Heavy Rifle: +45pts Storm Rifle (24", A3, AP(1))
+35pts Reaper Cannon (24", A4, AP(1)) +5pts Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) +60pts Havoc Missiles
+40pts Noise Cannon +10pts Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4)) (24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On)
(30", A3, AP(1), Ignores Cover) +15pts Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) Replace Flamer-Mod:
+45pts Laser Cannon (36", A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)) Replace one Heavy Pistol and CCW: +5pts Fusion-Mod (6", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
+45pts Missile Launcher free Sgt. Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), +5pts Plasma-Mod (12", A1, AP(4))
(30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On) Sgt. Hand Weapon (A2) Upgrade with any:
+45pts Plasma Cannon (30", A1, AP(4), Blast(3)) Replace Sgt. Heavy Pistol: +10pts Spiked Ram (Impact(+2))
+50pts Autocannon (36", A3, AP(2)) +5pts Plasma Pistol (12", A1, AP(4)) +25pts Dozer Blade (Strider)
Replace Sgt. Hand Weapon:
Lust Destroyers [3] - 235 pts +10pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) Lust Infernal Brute [1] - 335 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 3+ +15pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Dual Energy Claws (A4, Rending) Stomp (A4, AP(1))
Ambush, Fast, Tough(3) Lust APC [1] - 215 pts 2x Brute Hammer (A2, Blast(3))
Replace all Dual Energy Claws: Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Fast, Fear(2), Tough(12)
+60pts Storm Rifle (24", A3, AP(1)), CCW (A1) Storm Rifle (24", A3, AP(1)) Replace one Brute Hammer:
Replace any Storm Rifle: Impact(3), Tough(6), Transport(11), Very Fast +80pts Missile Array (30", A4, AP(2), Lock-On)
-20pts Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)), Upgrade with one: Replace one Brute Hammer:
Flamer-Mod (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) +25pts Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)), +55pts Super-Heavy Fusion Rifle
Replace any Flamer-Mod: Flamer-Mod (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) (18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(6))
+5pts Plasma-Mod (12", A1, AP(4)) +45pts Storm Rifle (24", A3, AP(1)) +75pts Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1))
+5pts Fusion-Mod (6", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +60pts Havoc Missiles +90pts Heavy Reaper Cannon (24", A6, AP(2))
Replace one Storm Rifle: (24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On) +95pts Heavy Plasma Cannon
-15pts Heavy Flamer Replace Flamer-Mod: (30", A1, AP(4), Blast(6))
(12", A1, AP(1), Blast(3), Reliable) +5pts Fusion-Mod (6", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +115pts Twin Laser Cannon
+15pts Reaper Cannon (24", A4, AP(1)) +5pts Plasma-Mod (12", A1, AP(4)) (36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Replace any CCW: Upgrade with any: Replace any Brute Hammer:
+10pts Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) +10pts Spiked Ram (Impact(+2)) +10pts Brute Flail (A4, AP(1), Rending)
+20pts Energy Axe (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +10pts Dozer Blade (Strider) +20pts Brute Axe (A2, AP(2), Deadly(3))
+20pts Energy Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending) +20pts Brute Fist (A4, AP(4))
+30pts Energy Fist (A3, AP(4)) Lust Tank [1] - 550 pts Upgrade any Brute Fist with one:
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ +30pts Heavy Flamer
Mutated Lust Cultists [10] - 115 pts Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1)) (12", A1, AP(1), Blast(3), Reliable)
Quality 5+ Defense 6+ Demolition Cannon (24", A1, AP(4), Blast(6), +45pts Storm Rifle (24", A3, AP(1))
Claws (A2) Indirect)
Fast, Mutations Impact(6), Tough(12), Very Fast Lust Fiend [1] - 420 pts
Upgrade with one: Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Mutated Lust Brothers [5] - 155 pts +25pts Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)), Steel Tails (A8, AP(1))
Quality 3+ Defense 4+ Flamer-Mod (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) Fiend Claws (A4, Rending)
Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1)) +45pts Storm Rifle (24", A3, AP(1)) Stomp (A4, AP(1))
Mutations, Very Fast +60pts Havoc Missiles Fast, Fear(2), Regeneration, Tough(12)
Upgrade all models with: (24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On) Replace Steel Tail:
+25pts Wings (Ambush, Flying) Replace Flamer-Mod: +5pts Dual Maul Cutters (A6, AP(3))
+5pts Fusion-Mod (6", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) Replace Steel Tail and Fiend Claw:
Greater Lust Mutated [3] - 245 pts +5pts Plasma-Mod (12", A1, AP(4)) +100pts Twin Fiend Autocannon (36", A8, AP(2))
Quality 3+ Defense 4+ Upgrade with any: +155pts Twin Ecto-Cannons
Heavy Claws (A4, AP(1)) +10pts Spiked Ram (Impact(+2)) (24", A4, AP(4), Blast(3))
Mutations, Tough(3), Very Fast +15pts Dozer Blade (Strider)
Replace Demolition Cannon:
Mutated Lust Destroyer [1] - 145 pts -15pts Twin Laser Cannon
Quality 3+ Defense 4+ (36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Dual Mutated Claws (A6, AP(1)) -10pts Rapid Autocannon (36", A6, AP(2))
Ambush, Fast, Mutations, Tough(6) Replace Twin Heavy Machineguns:
Replace Dual Mutated Claws: +40pts Twin Laser Cannon
+60pts Mutated Gun (24", A6, AP(1)), (36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Mutated Claw (A3, AP(1))


Lust Crab Walker [1] - 800 pts

Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Battle Cannon (30", A2, AP(2), Blast(3))
Reaper Cannon (24", A4, AP(1))
Crab Flail (A8)
Crab Fists (A4, AP(3))
Stomp (A6, AP(2))
Fast, Fear(3), Regeneration, Tough(18)
Replace Reaper Cannon:
+40pts Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1))
+80pts Twin Laser Cannon
(36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Replace Crab Flail:
+15pts Twin Heavy Flamer
(12", A2, AP(1), Blast(3), Reliable)
+15pts Havoc Missiles
(24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On)

Lust Dragon [1] - 240 pts

Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Forge Flamethrower (18", A2, AP(1), Blast(3),
Aircraft, Regeneration, Tough(6)
Replace Forge Flamethrower:
+115pts Forge Cannon (30", A8, AP(3))

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