GF - Wolf Prime Brothers 3.3.1

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Following the genetic innovations of the Founder, the Battle Brothers were
soon deployed to maintain unity and peace over Earth and its nearby
colonies. Early space travel had proven an expensive and difficult process,
and as a result, Battle Brothers were assigned to each colony as a permanent
garrison. These garrisons were formed into the first Detachments, serving as
their world’s first line of defence against insurgency and civil conflict.

Detachments rapidly adapted to combat on their respective worlds,

developing unique tactics, equipment and roles to excel in localized
conflicts. By the time that the first wave of recruits had been fully trained,
most Detachments had already developed their own unique culture, skills
and traditions, which set them apart from the original Battle Brothers. Many
Detachments became symbols of stability and cultural identity on their
respective home worlds, gathering respect and political influence as their
reputation grew.
At the height of the Detachments’ influence, the Founder revealed his vision
Prime Brother Detachments are elite battle companies of superhuman
of a united and uplifted humanity, capable of thriving throughout the galaxy
warriors with highly specialized training and tactics. Stranded in the Sirius
with the use of advanced gene-mods. In order to overcome political
Sector, the Detachments settled a number of worlds which they have obstacles to his vision, the Founder led a daring coup to seize control of
adapted to their unique needs.
humanity’s colonies. Detachments moved quickly, with some declaring their
loyalty to the Founder while others opposed him. This division sparked a
The Detachments changed over time as well, becoming more distinct and long and destructive civil war which soon engulfed all of humanity.
developing their own ideas of how best to serve their Founder. Now,
Detachments struggle to maintain a sense of unity and purpose as they On Earth, the fighting was particularly fierce and some feared that it might
become more distinct.
leave the world uninhabitable. A portion of humanity chose to flee the
situation, commandeering one of the Founder’s fleets. The Founder drew a
ABOUT OPR number of Detachments from the front lines to pursue these refugees, but a
massive wormhole left both fleets stranded in the Sirius Sector.
OPR ( is the home of many free games which are
designed to be fast to learn and easy to play.
The Battle Brothers moved quickly to establish themselves in the Sirius
Sector, with each remaining detachment tasked with gathering their
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only exist thanks to surviving members and settling on a world in order to best achieve the
the support of our awesome community. Founder’s vision. Their time in Sirius has given the detachments time to
further specialize and hone their skills, building upon their predecessors in
If you want to help us in making more awesome content, you can support us new ways. This has fostered a strong sense of independence and even rivalry
on among a number of detachments, united only by their loyalty to the original
Founder and his successors, the Conduits.
Thank you for playing!
How will your detachment adapt to the Sirius Sector?

Created by: Gaetano Ferrara


Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost

Wolf Grave Prime Master [1] 3+ 2+ Fist-Pistol (12", A6), Counter-Attack, Fearless, Hero, Tough(6) 255pts
Energy Sword (A4, AP(1), Rending),
Energy Fist (A4, AP(4))
Wolf Prime Master [1] 3+ 2+ Master Heavy Pistol (12", A2, AP(1)), CCW (A2) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) 80pts
Wolf Elite Raider [1] 4+ 3+ Master Heavy Pistol (12", A2, AP(1)), CCW (A2) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Furious, Hero, 60pts
Strider, Tough(3)
Wolf Raider Squad [5] 4+ 3+ Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A2) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Furious, Strider 140pts
Wolf Infiltration Squad [5] 4+ 3+ Marksman Carbine (18", A1, Rending), CCW (A1) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Scout, Strider 130pts
Wolf Assault Squad [5] 3+ 2+ Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), Heavy CCW (A2, AP(1)) Counter-Attack, Fearless 205pts
Wolf Prime Brothers [5] 3+ 2+ Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A1) Counter-Attack, Fearless 175pts
Wolf Blaster Squad [5] 3+ 2+ Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4)), CCW (A1) Counter-Attack, Fearless 220pts
Wolf Desolator Squad [5] 3+ 2+ HE-Launcher (30", A2), CCW (A1) Counter-Attack, Fearless 220pts
Wolf Infernal Squad [3] 3+ 2+ Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable), CCW (A1) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Relentless 125pts
Wolf Elimination Squad [3] 3+ 3+ Sniper Rifle (30", A1, AP(1), Sniper), CCW (A1) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Scout, Stealth 180pts
Wolf Guard Squad [3] 3+ 2+ Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), Counter-Attack, Fearless, Heavy Shield, 295pts
Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) Tough(3)
Wolf Eradication Squad [3] 3+ 2+ Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)), CCW (A1) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Tough(3) 260pts
Wolf Heavy Prime Brothers [3] 3+ 2+ Grave Auto-Rifle (18", A4), CCW (A1) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Tough(3) 260pts
Wolf Jetpack Squad [3] 3+ 2+ Twin Assault Blaster (12", A4), CCW (A1) Ambush, Counter-Attack, Fearless, Flying, 280pts
Wolf Aggro Squad [3] 3+ 2+ Twin Fist-Flamers (6", A3, Reliable), Counter-Attack, Fearless, Tough(3) 390pts
Dual Energy Fists (A4, AP(4))
Wolf Hover Squad [3] 3+ 2+ Suppressor Cannon (24", A3, AP(2), Indirect), CCW (A1) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Relentless, Strider 330pts
Wolf Prime Bikers [3] 3+ 2+ Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)), Counter-Attack, Fast, Fearless, Tough(3) 325pts
Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A2)
Wolf Prime ATV [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)), Gatling Gun (18", A6) Fast, Fearless, Impact(3), Scout, Strider, 235pts
Wolf Anti-Grav APC [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Frag-GL (18", A2, Blast(3)) Fast, Fearless, Impact(3), Strider, Tough(9), 285pts
Wolf Anti-Grav Tank [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Light Gatling Gun (18", A8), Fast, Fearless, Impact(6), Strider, Tough(15) 490pts
Twin Frag-GL (18", A2, Blast(3))
Wolf Heavy Anti-Grav Transport Tank [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1)), Fast, Fearless, Impact(9), Strider, Tough(18), 725pts
Heavy Gatling Gun (18", A8), Transport(11)
Proximity Defense Array (18", A3, AP(1), Lock-On)
Wolf Heavy Anti-Grav Destroyer Tank [1] 3+ 2+ Heavy Plasma Cannon (30", A1, AP(4), Blast(6)), Fast, Fearless, Impact(9), Strider, Tough(18), 835pts
Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1)), Transport(6)
Heavy Gatling Gun (18", A8),
Proximity Defense Array (18", A3, AP(1), Lock-On)
Wolf Attack Speeder [1] 3+ 2+ Gatling Gun (18", A6), Ambush, Fast, Fearless, Impact(3), Strider, 325pts
Strike Missiles (18", A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)) Tough(9)
Wolf Light Walker [1] 3+ 2+ Incendiary Cannon (12", A2, AP(1), Blast(3), Reliable), Counter-Attack, Fear(2), Fearless, Scout, 345pts
Light Fist (A4, AP(2)), Stomp (A3, AP(1)) Tough(9)
Wolf Attack Walker [1] 3+ 2+ Chest-GL (18", A1, Blast(3)), Stomp (A5, AP(2)), Counter-Attack, Fear(3), Fearless, Tough(15) 565pts
2x Walker Claw (A6, AP(1), Rending)
Wolf Support Turret [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Rapid Laser Talon (24", A9, AP(3)), Counter-Attack, Entrenched, Fearless, 315pts
Turret Crew (A3) Immobile, Tough(6)

Battle Rites: This model and its unit get +1 to hit
when shooting.
Counter-Attack: Strikes first when charged.
Heavy Shield: When units where all models have
this rule take hits, those hits count as having
AP(-1), to a min. of AP(0).
Medical Training: This model and its unit get
Precision Shots: This model and its unit get AP(+1)
when shooting.
Repair: Once per this model's activation, before
attacking, if within 2” of a model with Tough, roll
one die. On a 2+ you may remove D3 wounds from
that model.
Veteran Infantry: Gets +1 to hit in melee and
War Chant: This model and its unit get Furious. If
they already had Furious, they get extra hits from
Furious on unmodified rolls of 5-6 instead.


Fury (1): Target friendly unit within 12" gets +1
attack next time it charges.
Hurricane (1): Target 2 enemy units within 9" take 2
hits each.
Storm (2): Target 2 enemy units within 18" get -1 to
hit rolls next time they shoot.
Thunder (2): Target enemy unit within 12" takes 4
hits with AP(2).
Lightning (3): Target enemy model within 12" takes
3 hits with AP(4).
Wrath (3): Target 2 enemy units within 12" get -4"
next time they Advance, or -8" next time they 2

Wolf Grave Prime Master [1] - 255 pts Wolf Elite Raider [1] - 60 pts Wolf Assault Squad [5] - 205 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Quality 4+ Defense 3+ Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Fist-Pistol (12", A6) Master Heavy Pistol (12", A2, AP(1)) Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1))
Energy Sword (A4, AP(1), Rending) CCW (A2) Heavy CCW (A2, AP(1))
Energy Fist (A4, AP(4)) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Furious, Hero, Strider, Counter-Attack, Fearless
Counter-Attack, Fearless, Hero, Tough(6) Tough(3) Upgrade one model with:
Upgrade with one: Upgrade with one: +30pts Medical Training
+10pts Judge (War Chant) +10pts Judge (War Chant) Upgrade all models with any:
+30pts Ancient Banner (Fear(+3)) +30pts Ancient Banner (Fear(+3)) +25pts Jetpacks (Ambush, Flying)
+35pts Engineer (Repair) +35pts Engineer (Repair) +75pts Veteran Infantry
+40pts Archivist (Caster(2)) +40pts Archivist (Caster(2)) Replace one Heavy Pistol:
+50pts Captain (Battle Rites) +50pts Captain (Battle Rites) +5pts Flamer Pistol (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
+60pts Lieutenant (Precision Shots) +60pts Lieutenant (Precision Shots) +5pts Plasma Pistol (12", A1, AP(4))
+60pts Master Archivist (Caster(3)) +60pts Master Archivist (Caster(3)) Replace one Heavy CCW:
Replace Energy Sword and Energy Fist and Fist- Replace Master Heavy Pistol: free Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3))
Pistol: free Flamer Pistol (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) +5pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending)
-35pts Energy Greatsword (A8, AP(1), Rending), +5pts Master Gravity Pistol (9", A4, Rending) +15pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4))
Combat Shield (Heavy Shield) +5pts Master Auto-Rifle (18", A3) +15pts Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Replace Energy Sword: +5pts Master Plasma Pistol (12", A2, AP(4))
+20pts Energy Fist (A4, AP(4)) +10pts Master Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)) Wolf Prime Brothers [5] - 175 pts
+20pts Master Precision Rifle (24", A2, Reliable) Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Wolf Prime Master [1] - 80 pts +35pts Master Marksman Carbine Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1))
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ (18", A2, Rending, Sniper) CCW (A1)
Master Heavy Pistol (12", A2, AP(1)) Replace CCW: Counter-Attack, Fearless
CCW (A2) +5pts Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) Upgrade one model with:
Counter-Attack, Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) +10pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) +30pts Medical Training
Upgrade with one: +15pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) Replace any Heavy Rifle:
+10pts Judge (War Chant) +15pts Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +5pts Auto-Rifle (18", A2)
+30pts Ancient Banner (Fear(+3)) Upgrade with one: +5pts Precision Rifle (24", A1, Reliable)
+35pts Engineer (Repair) +5pts Infiltration Gear (Scout) Replace one Heavy Rifle:
+40pts Archivist (Caster(2)) +5pts Orbital Drop (Ambush) +5pts Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
+50pts Captain (Battle Rites) +10pts Gravity Rifle (18", A2, Rending)
+60pts Lieutenant (Precision Shots) Wolf Raider Squad [5] - 140 pts +10pts Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4))
+60pts Master Archivist (Caster(3)) Quality 4+ Defense 3+ +15pts Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
Replace Master Heavy Pistol: Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)) +15pts Heavy Mod-Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)),
-5pts Flamer Pistol (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) CCW (A2) Grenade-Mod (12", A1, Blast(3))
+10pts Master Gravity Pistol (9", A4, Rending) Counter-Attack, Fearless, Furious, Strider +35pts Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1))
+10pts Master Auto-Rifle (18", A3) Upgrade one model with: Upgrade all models with any:
+10pts Master Plasma Pistol (12", A2, AP(4)) +30pts Medical Training +55pts Veteran Infantry
+15pts Master Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)) Replace one Heavy Pistol and CCW: Replace one Heavy Rifle and CCW:
+15pts Master Precision Rifle (24", A2, Reliable) +5pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), +5pts Sgt. Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)),
+30pts Master Marksman Carbine Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) Sgt. Hand Weapon (A2)
(18", A2, Rending, Sniper) +10pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), Replace Sgt. Heavy Pistol:
Replace CCW: Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) +5pts Gravity Pistol (9", A2, Rending)
+5pts Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) +15pts Heavy Chainsaw Sword (A4, AP(1)) +5pts Plasma Pistol (12", A1, AP(4))
+10pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) +15pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), Replace Sgt. Hand Weapon:
+20pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) +10pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending)
+20pts Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +15pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), +20pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4))
Upgrade with one: Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
+10pts Combat Shield (Heavy Shield) Upgrade all models with: Wolf Blaster Squad [5] - 220 pts
+15pts Jetpack (Ambush, Flying) +10pts Orbital Drop (Ambush) Quality 3+ Defense 2+
+100pts Combat Bike (Fast, Tough(+3), Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4))
Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1))) Wolf Infiltration Squad [5] - 130 pts CCW (A1)
Upgrade with: Quality 4+ Defense 3+ Counter-Attack, Fearless
+15pts Veteran Infantry Marksman Carbine (18", A1, Rending) Upgrade one model with:
CCW (A1) +30pts Medical Training
Counter-Attack, Fearless, Scout, Strider Replace any Plasma Rifle:
Upgrade one model with: +5pts Heavy Plasma Rifle (30", A1, AP(4))
+30pts Medical Training +25pts Plasma Auto-Rifle (24", A2, AP(4))
Upgrade all Marksman Carbines with:
+70pts Scopes (Sniper)


Wolf Desolator Squad [5] - 220 pts Wolf Aggro Squad [3] - 390 pts Wolf Heavy Anti-Grav Destroyer Tank [1] - 835 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Quality 3+ Defense 2+
HE-Launcher (30", A2) Twin Fist-Flamers (6", A3, Reliable) Heavy Plasma Cannon (30", A1, AP(4), Blast(6))
CCW (A1) Dual Energy Fists (A4, AP(4)) Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1))
Counter-Attack, Fearless Counter-Attack, Fearless, Tough(3) Heavy Gatling Gun (18", A8)
Upgrade one model with: Replace any Twin Fist-Flamer: Proximity Defense Array (18", A3, AP(1), Lock-On)
+30pts Medical Training +5pts Twin Fist-Pistols (12", A3) Fast, Fearless, Impact(9), Strider, Tough(18),
Replace any HE-Launcher: Upgrade all models with : Transport(6)
+5pts AT-Launcher (30", A1, AP(2), Lock-On) +45pts Shoulder-GL (18", A1, AP(2)) Replace Heavy Gatling Gun:
Replace one HE-Launcher: +70pts Rapid Laser Talon (24", A6, AP(3))
+20pts Vengeance HE-Launcher Wolf Hover Squad [3] - 330 pts Replace Twin Heavy Machinegun:
(30", A1, Blast(3), Indirect) Quality 3+ Defense 2+ +40pts Twin Laser Cannon
+30pts Vengeance AT-Launcher Suppressor Cannon (24", A3, AP(2), Indirect) (36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
(30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) CCW (A1) Replace Heavy Plasma Cannon:
Upgrade all models with: Counter-Attack, Fearless, Relentless, Strider +5pts Heavy Laser Cannon
+15pts Mini-GL (18", A1, Indirect, Limited) (36", A1, AP(3), Deadly(6))
Wolf Prime Bikers [3] - 325 pts
Wolf Infernal Squad [3] - 125 pts Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Wolf Attack Speeder [1] - 325 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)) Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)) Gatling Gun (18", A6)
CCW (A1) CCW (A2) Strike Missiles (18", A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Counter-Attack, Fearless, Relentless Counter-Attack, Fast, Fearless, Tough(3) Ambush, Fast, Fearless, Impact(3), Strider,
Wolf Elimination Squad [3] - 180 pts Wolf Prime ATV [1] - 235 pts Replace Gatling Gun:
Quality 3+ Defense 3+ Quality 3+ Defense 2+ +15pts Fusion Destroyer
Sniper Rifle (30", A1, AP(1), Sniper) Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)) (12", A2, AP(4), Deadly(3))
CCW (A1) Gatling Gun (18", A6) +20pts Laser Talon (24", A3, AP(3))
Counter-Attack, Fearless, Scout, Stealth Fast, Fearless, Impact(3), Scout, Strider, Tough(6) Replace Strike Missile:
Replace any Sniper Rifle: Replace Gatling Gun: +5pts AA-Pod (24", A2, AP(2), Lock-On)
+85pts Laser Sniper Rifle +35pts Super-Heavy Fusion Rifle +10pts Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1))
(30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Sniper) (18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(6)) Upgrade with one:
+20pts Frag-GL (18", A1, Blast(3))
Wolf Guard Squad [3] - 295 pts Wolf Anti-Grav APC [1] - 285 pts +20pts Rocket-GL (18", A2, AP(2))
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Quality 3+ Defense 2+ +50pts Fury Missiles (24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)) Twin Frag-GL (18", A2, Blast(3))
Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) Fast, Fearless, Impact(3), Strider, Tough(9), Wolf Light Walker [1] - 345 pts
Counter-Attack, Fearless, Heavy Shield, Tough(3) Transport(11) Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Replace any Relic Sword: Replace Twin Frag-GLs: Incendiary Cannon (12", A2, AP(1), Blast(3),
+5pts Energy Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending) +50pts Twin Storm Rifle (24", A6, AP(1)) Reliable)
Upgrade with one: Light Fist (A4, AP(2))
Wolf Eradication Squad [3] - 260 pts +90pts Twin AA-MG (30", A6, Lock-On) Stomp (A3, AP(1))
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ +95pts Artillery Relay (36", A1, Blast(6), Indirect) Counter-Attack, Fear(2), Fearless, Scout, Tough(9)
Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +95pts Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1)), Replace Incendiary Cannon:
CCW (A1) Shield Projector (Stealth) +90pts Twin Iron-Cannon (36", A6, AP(2))
Counter-Attack, Fearless, Tough(3) +125pts Missile Array (30", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3)) Replace Light Fist:
Replace any Fusion Rifle: -25pts Walker Pistol (18", A2, AP(2))
+15pts Heavy Fusion Rifle Wolf Anti-Grav Tank [1] - 490 pts Upgrade with one:
(18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) Quality 3+ Defense 2+ +20pts Frag-GL (18", A1, Blast(3))
Replace one Fusion Rifle: Twin Light Gatling Gun (18", A8) +60pts Twin Walker-MG (24", A4, AP(1))
+50pts Super-Heavy Fusion Rifle Twin Frag-GL (18", A2, Blast(3))
(18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(6)) Fast, Fearless, Impact(6), Strider, Tough(15)
Replace Twin Light Gatling Gun:
Wolf Heavy Prime Brothers [3] - 260 pts +70pts Twin Laser Talon (24", A6, AP(3))
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ +75pts Twin Laser Cannon
Grave Auto-Rifle (18", A4) (36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
CCW (A1) Replace Twin Frag-GLs:
Counter-Attack, Fearless, Tough(3) +50pts Twin Heavy Fusion Rifle
Replace any Grave Auto-Rifle: (18", A2, AP(4), Deadly(3))
+5pts Grave Precision Rifle (24", A2, Reliable) +50pts Twin Storm Rifle (24", A6, AP(1))
+15pts Grave Heavy Rifle (24", A3, AP(1)) +50pts Twin Tempest Rifle (18", A8, AP(1))
Replace one Grave Auto-Rifle: Upgrade with one:
+35pts Grave Heavy Machinegun (30", A4, AP(1)) +50pts AA-Pod (24", A2, AP(2), Lock-On)
+50pts Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1))
Wolf Jetpack Squad [3] - 280 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Wolf Heavy Anti-Grav Transport Tank [1] - 725 pts
Twin Assault Blaster (12", A4) Quality 3+ Defense 2+
CCW (A1) Twin Heavy Machinegun (30", A6, AP(1))
Ambush, Counter-Attack, Fearless, Flying, Heavy Gatling Gun (18", A8)
Tough(3) Proximity Defense Array (18", A3, AP(1), Lock-On)
Replace all Twin Assault Blasters: Fast, Fearless, Impact(9), Strider, Tough(18),
+10pts Twin Plasma Blaster (12", A2, AP(4)) Transport(11)
Replace Heavy Gatling Gun:
+70pts Rapid Laser Talon (24", A6, AP(3))
Replace Twin Heavy Machinegun:
+40pts Twin Laser Cannon
(36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Upgrade with one:
+50pts Gatling Gun (18", A6)
+50pts Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1))


Wolf Attack Walker [1] - 565 pts

Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Chest-GL (18", A1, Blast(3))
Stomp (A5, AP(2))
2x Walker Claw (A6, AP(1), Rending)
Counter-Attack, Fear(3), Fearless, Tough(15)
Replace one Walker Claw:
+25pts Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)),
Walker Fist (A4, AP(4))
+30pts Light Gatling Cannon (24", A10)
+45pts Heavy Plasma Cannon
(30", A1, AP(4), Blast(6))
+65pts Twin Laser Cannon
(36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Replace one Walker Claw:
+25pts Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)),
Walker Fist (A4, AP(4))
+30pts Missile Array (30", A4, AP(2), Lock-On)
Replace any Twin Heavy Rifle:
free Heavy Flamer
(12", A1, AP(1), Blast(3), Reliable)
+5pts Light Gatling Gun (18", A4)
Replace Chest-GL:
+10pts Chest-Gun (24", A2, AP(1))
+10pts Chest-Fuser (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
+30pts Chest-MG (30", A3, AP(1))
Upgrade with one:
+50pts AA-Pod (24", A2, AP(2), Lock-On)
+65pts AA-MG (30", A3, AP(1), Lock-On)

Wolf Support Turret [1] - 315 pts

Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Twin Rapid Laser Talon (24", A9, AP(3))
Turret Crew (A3)
Counter-Attack, Entrenched, Fearless, Immobile,
Replace Twin Rapid Laser Talon:
+15pts Twin Rapid Autocannon (36", A9, AP(2))

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