Indian Summer Period Monologue

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So anyways the girls at school are like

"you got your period! you're gross!" and she doesn't know what it is! she's
What's al this BLOOD?!"
and all these bitches at school are so mean to her not one of ‘em
takes the time to explain

what I would do
what I would have done if I was there
would be to take her aside and say

(Sitting beside Daniel, putting an arm on his shoulder, as if teaching him

about his rst period.) you know
"this is natural"
I" know it looks bad now?
but you'll get used to it"
"this is normal
so like
adjust your expectations kid"
you know
"take a deep breath and accept these new conditions under which you'l
be living for the
oh say
thirty years”

fact is all those bitches at school are just like her they just had the god
fortune to be born to someone who explained shit to em' that’s nothing to
be superior about nothing to like LORD over another individual if you get
born into some luck, fuckin SHARE it that’s all I’m saying


but yeah so yeah to answer your question

if it was a girl: "Carrie"
if it was a boy: "Hank"
shit this weed is really strong!

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