GIT - Slide

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Gastrointestinal tract

Slide no. 1 Old code: 18 New code : S_050 GI / App_1
This slide described before .
Acute supportive appendicitis.
On power X 4

On power X10
Slide no. 2 Old code: K - 97 New codes : S_050 GI /St- 1
Section shows fragment of esophageal – stomach junction . There is
neoplastic growth composed of gland which lined by single cuboidal cells
with hyperchromatic nucleus , high N/C ratio & plenty mitotic figures.
Round & oval structures. Thin layer of muscularis mucosa the neoplastic
growth extend to serosal. The stomach shows inflammatory infiltrate &
intense desmoplastic reaction (dense fibroblast)
Adenocarcinoma of stomach.
Slide no. 3 Old code: 16 New codes : S_050 GI Co- 1
The section shows colonic mucosa with a raised polypoid lesion
composed of neoplastic glands, which are highly irregular in size & shape,
showing complex branching pattern. They are lined by stratified highly
atypical columnar epithelial cells tumor cells with hyper chromatic
nucleus , high N / C ratio surrounded by desmoplastic & inflammation.
Almost in serosal there is no mucosal secretion.
Adenocarcinoma of colon
Necrotic debars in the gland indicates high turn over of cells or (highly
proliferating cells)
On power X4
On power X10

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