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Metamorphic rocks

As we learned in previous labs, rocks are naturally composed of various

inorganic minerals that have a crystalline form found in nature. Rocks are
generally divided into three types: Igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks,
and the last type is metamorphic rocks
Metamorphic rocks are a type of rock that forms from existing rock due to
changes in temperature, pressure, or the presence of chemically active
fluids. These changes usually occur deep within the Earth's crust.
Metamorphic rocks can be sedimentary, igneous, or another metamorphic
rock. Metamorphism can change the mineralogy, texture, and chemical
composition of the rock.
Metamorphism rocks have tow basic types:
1-Thermal metamorphic:
Thermal metamorphism, also known as contact metamorphism, is a type of
metamorphism that occurs when existing rocks are subjected to high
temperatures due to contact with a heat source this type of metamorphism
typically affects rocks in the immediate vicinity of the heat source and is
characterized by changes in mineralogy and texture.
During thermal metamorphism, the heat from the magma causes the
minerals in the surrounding rocks to recrystallize, often forming new minerals
that are stable at high temperatures. The original texture of the rock can
also be altered, with the development of new minerals and the loss of
features like bedding or layering.
2- Regional metamorphic:
occurs over large areas of the Earth's crust due to tectonic forces such as
continental collision or subduction. It typically affects rocks at depth during
mountain-building events or other large-scale tectonic processes. Regional
metamorphism is responsible for the formation of most metamorphic rocks.
During regional metamorphism, rocks are subjected to high pressures and
temperatures over extended periods of time. These conditions cause the
minerals in the rocks to recrystallize and reorganize, leading to changes in
mineralogy and texture. The original rock, known as the protolith, is often
completely transformed into a new type of rock.
Classification of metamorphic rocks:
Metamorphic rocks are classified based on their texture and mineral
composition. The texture of a metamorphic rock refers to the arrangement
of its mineral grains , and it has two types:
1-foliated :
Foliated metamorphic rocks are rocks that have a layered or banded
appearance due to the alignment of mineral grains within them. This
alignment is typically the result of directed pressure during metamorphism,
which causes the minerals to reorganize into parallel layers or bands.
And there are serval types of foliated metamorphic rocks like
slate,phyllite,schist and gneiss.
Foliated metamorphic rocks are important indicators of past tectonic
events and can provide valuable information about the geological history
of an area.
2- non foliated:
are rocks that do not exhibit a layered or banded appearance. Unlike
foliated rocks, which result from directed pressure during metamorphism,
non-foliated rocks typically form under conditions of uniform pressure. Non-
foliated metamorphic rocks are often composed of one mineral or mineral
type and lack the alignment of minerals seen in foliated rocks.
Common types of non-foliated metamorphic rocks include:
quartzite,marble and hornfels , on-foliated metamorphic rocks are
important in geology and industry and provide valuable insights into the
geological history and processes that have shaped the Earth's crust.
benefits and industrial uses:
-Metamorphic rocks such as marble and quartzite are used as decorative
stones in buildings
- slate and schist, are used as dimension stones for flooring, roofing, and wall
cladding due to their strength
- garnet schist and quartzite, are used as abrasive materials in sandpapers,
grinding wheels, and polishing
- marble and quartzite are crushed and used as aggregates in concrete,
road construction, and landscaping
- Metamorphic rocks can contain valuable minerals and ores such as gold,
silver, copper
- Metamorphic rocks provide valuable information about the geological
history and processes that have shaped the Earth's crust, making them
important for geological studies and research.
Overall, metamorphic rocks play a crucial role in various industries and
provide valuable resources that are essential for modern life.

Formation of metamorphism rock:

Metamorphic rocks form through the process of metamorphism,
which involves the transformation of pre-existing rocks under
conditions of high temperature, pressure, and/or chemical activity.
The formation of metamorphic rocks typically occurs deep within the
Earth's crust or in regions where tectonic forces are at work .
Here are the general steps involved in the formation of metamorphic
1. Parent Rock (Protolith): Metamorphic rocks originate from pre-
existing rocks called protoliths. These protoliths can be
sedimentary, igneous, or even other metamorphic rocks. The
nature of the protolith determines the type of metamorphic rock
that forms.

2. Heat: Heat is a key factor in metamorphism, as it provides the

energy needed for chemical reactions and mineralogical
changes. Heat can come from several sources, including the
Earth's internal heat, magma intrusions, or even contact with hot
fluids circulating through the crust.

3. Pressure: Increased pressure is another important aspect of

metamorphism. Pressure can be caused by the weight of
overlying rocks or by tectonic forces, such as during mountain-
building events. The application of pressure can cause changes
in the mineral structure and alignment of minerals within the rock.
4. Deformation: Tectonic forces can also cause rocks to be
subjected to deformation, resulting in folding, faulting, and
shearing. Deformation can lead to the development of foliation,
which is the preferred orientation of minerals along planes,
giving metamorphic rocks their characteristic layered

5. Fluid Activity: Fluids, such as water or hydrothermal fluids, play a

significant role in metamorphism. They can transport and
introduce new chemical components into the rock, facilitating
chemical reactions and the growth of new minerals. Fluids can
also help in the recrystallization and reorganization of existing

6. Chemical Changes: Under the influence of heat, pressure, and

fluid activity, the minerals within the protolith undergo chemical
changes. New minerals may form, while others may recrystallize
or transform into different mineral assemblages. These changes
are driven by the conditions of metamorphism and can result in
the development of metamorphic textures and structures.

7. Cooling and Solidification: After undergoing metamorphic

changes, the rocks may eventually cool and solidify, preserving
the new mineral assemblages and textures. The resulting rocks
are classified as metamorphic rocks and can exhibit a wide
range of characteristics, including foliation, banding, or a non-
layered structure, depending on the specific conditions of
It's important to note that the specific type of metamorphic rock
formed depends on the combination of factors such as the parent
rock type, the temperature and pressure conditions, the duration of
metamorphism, and the presence of fluids. Examples of common
metamorphic rocks include slate, marble, quartzite, and gneiss,
among others.

The sources:

1. Scientific books:
- "Principles of Metamorphic petroleum" by R. Vernon.
- "Metamorphic petroleum" by Bruce Yardley.
- "Metamorphic Rocks: a Classification and Glossary of
Terms" by Bruce Yardley and Douglas MacKenzie.
2. Websites of scientific organizations:
- The official website of the Geological Society of America
(The Geological Society of America):
- Official website of the American Institute of geology
(United States Geological Survey):

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