Management of Acute Pain in The Intensive Care Unit: Lauren Coleman, Jin Lee, and Christine Cocanour

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Management of Acute Pain in the

Intensive Care Unit
Lauren Coleman, Jin Lee, and Christine Cocanour

ill patient can be challenging. Many ICU patients are ventilated, cogni-
INTRODUCTION tively impaired, and/or unable to self-report pain. Consequently, these
Pain management in the critically ill patient is complex. Each patient patients are at risk for undertreatment of their pain. Valid assessment
brings a unique set of sociodemographic, pharmacokinetic, and phar- tools help guide analgesia while avoiding excess medication administra-
macogenomic variables that are coupled with underlying psychosocial tion in those patients with adequate pain control.16,19–22 A number of
and medical comorbidities. These not only influence a patient’s re- assessment tools are available for use in the ICU patient.14
sponse to painful stimuli but also to treatment. We know that critically For those patients able to self-report pain, the Numeric Rating
ill patients experience pain at rest, during routine intensive care unit Scale (NRS) in a visual format had the best sensitivity, negative predic-
(ICU) care, and during procedures.1,2 Pain can originate from multiple tive value, and accuracy in ICU patients.14 More recently, the Defense
sources, including somatic, visceral, and neuropathic. Pain may be and Veterans Pain Rating Scale (DVPRS) has become increasingly
acute, chronic, or acute on chronic in nature. Comorbidities such as popular.23 It combines a 1–10 pain scale with facial expressions and
depression and anxiety can exacerbate pain.3,4 Patients that are younger, colors to express pain intensity. The DVPRS also includes supplemen-
female, and of nonwhite ethnicity are more likely to experience more tary questions to measure the degree to which pain interferes with a
intense pain.4–8 Aging patients experience many physiologic changes patient’s usual activity, sleep, mood, and stress (Fig. 3.1).
that may decrease their perception of pain and increase their vulnera- The Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) and the Critical Care Pain Obser-
bility to the adverse effects of pain medications.9–11 vation Tool (CPOT) (Fig. 3.2) have the greatest validity and reliability
It is imperative to adequately treat pain in the ICU patient. Pain for monitoring pain in those unable to self-report.14 BPS is a three-
during a procedure is not only influenced by the type of procedure domain assessment tool with four possible scores in each domain.
(including routine care such as turning) but also by preprocedural Scores range from 3 to 12, with scores above 6 indicating an unaccept-
pain intensity.2,5,8,12,13 Adequate assessment of pain and preemptive able level of pain.14,24–26 CPOT is similar, with four domains and scores
analgesia are essential.14 Inadequate pain control contributes to the ranging from 0 to 2 in each domain. The possible score ranges from 0
development of delirium, and severe pain may lead to cardiac instabil- to 8, with 3 or above indicating the presence of pain.27–32
ity (tachycardia, bradycardia, hypertension, and/or hypotension), re- Vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen satu-
spiratory distress (desaturation, bradypnea, and/or ventilator distress), ration, and end tidal carbon dioxide) are not considered valid indicators
and immunosuppression.14,15 for pain in critically ill patients and should only be used as cues to initi-
To optimize an analgesic regimen, it is important to obtain a thor- ate further evaluation using one of the validated assessment measures.14
ough past medical history that includes a complete list of medications In unresponsive or paralyzed patients in which the validated scales are
and whether alcohol, tobacco, or opioid dependence is present. Man- impossible to use, no current assessment methods are available. Promis-
aging drug withdrawal in addition to achieving satisfactory analgesia ing technology under development for this patient population includes
requires a multimodal approach. measuring heart rate variability (Analgesia Nociception Index), incorpo-
Multimodal analgesia combines two or more drug classes or tech- rating several physiologic parameters (Nociception Level Index), and
niques, employing different mechanisms of action that may target examining pupillary reflex dilation using video pupillometry.33–38
multiple pain pathways in order to achieve a synergistic or additive
effect. This results in lower opioid consumption with the same or im- OPIOIDS
proved level of comfort.16 Multimodal analgesia may include opioids,
nonopioid analgesics such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs Historically, opioids were considered the mainstay of treatment for
(NSAIDs) or gabapentinoids, regional or neuraxial blocks, and non- non-neuropathic pain in the critically ill patient population because of
pharmacologic therapies. Each patient’s medical history, allergies, age, their high potency and efficacy.14,39,40 Opioids act at specific G-protein–
injuries, and comorbidities will dictate the optimum regimen. Pain coupled receptors designated delta, kappa, and mu. These exist pre-
management protocols that mandate the use of validated pain and dominantly in the central nervous system, but also peripherally and in
sedation scales consistently decrease the consumption of opioids and certain organs (notably the gastrointestinal tract and heart).41 By acting
sedatives in ICU patients.17,18 at these receptors, opioids decrease the perception of pain without in-
ducing loss of consciousness. All clinically relevant opioids are active at
the mu receptor, and some have additional activity at other receptors.41
ASSESSMENT The decision regarding which opioid to prescribe is highly depen-
An assessment-driven and standardized pain management protocol dent on specific patient comorbidities and circumstances. When
improves ICU patient outcomes, but assessment of pain in the critically titrated appropriately, all intravenous opioids are considered equally

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14 PART I Common Problems

Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

No pain Hardly Notice Sometimes Distracts Interrupts Hard to Focus of Awful, Can't bear As bad as
notice pain, distracts me, can some ignore, attention, hard to do the pain, it could
pain does not me do usual activities avoid prevents anything unable to be,
interfere activities usual doing do nothing
with activities daily anything else
activities activities matters

DVPRS supplemental questions

For clinicians to evaluate the biopsychosocial impact of pain

1. Circle the one number that describes how, during the past 24 hours, pain has interfered with your usual ACTIVITY:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Does not interfere Completely interferes

2. Circle the one number that describes how, during the past 24 hours, pain has interfered with your SLEEP:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Does not interfere Completely interferes

3. Circle the one number that describes how, during the past 24 hours, pain has affected your MOOD:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Does not affect Completely affects

4. Circle the one number that describes how, during the past 24 hours, pain has contributed to your STRESS:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Does not contribute Contributes a great deal

Fig. 3.1 The DVPRS is a graphic pain reporting tool for patients that can self-report. (From https://www.

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CHAPTER 3 Management of Acute Pain in the Intensive Care Unit 15

Critical Care Pain Observation Tool

Indicator Description Score

Facial expression No muscular tension observed Relaxed, neutral 0
Presence of frowning, brow lowering, Tense 1
orbit tightening, and levator contraction
All of the above facial movements plus Grimacing 2
eyelid tightly closed
Body movements Does not move at all Absence of movements 0
Slow, cautious movements, touching or rubbing Protection 1
the pain site, seeking attention through movements
Pulling tube, attempting to sit up, Restlessness 2
moving limbs/thrashing, not following commands,
striking at staff, trying to climb out of bed
Muscle tension No resistance to passive movements Relaxed 0
Evaluation by passive Resistance to passive movements Tense, rigid 1
flexion and extension
of upper extremities Strong resistance to passive movements, Very tense or rigid 2
inability to complete them
Compliance with the Alarms not activated, easy ventilation Tolerating ventilator or 0
ventilator (intubated movement
Alarms stop spontaneously Coughing but tolerating 1
Asynchrony: blocking ventilation, alarms Fighting ventilator 2
frequently activated
OR Talking in normal tone or no sound Talking in normal tone 0
Vocalization or no sound
(extubated patients) Sighing, moaning Sighing, moaning 1
Crying out, sobbing Crying out, sobbing 2

Total, range 0–8

Behavioral Pain Scale

Item Description Score

Facial expression Relaxed 1
Partially tightened (e.g., brow lowering) 2
Fully tightened (e.g. eyelid closing) 3
Grimacing 4
Upper limbs No movement 1
Partially bent 2
Fully bent with finger flexion 3
Permanently retracted 4
Compliance with Tolerating movement 1
Coughing but tolerating ventilation for most of the time 2
Fighting ventilator 3

Unable to control ventilation 4

Fig. 3.2 Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) and Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) are two commonly used
tools for monitoring pain in those patients that are unable to self-report. (Adapted from Gelinas C, Fillion L,
Puntillo KA, et al. Validation of the critical-care pain observation tool in adult patients. Am J Crit Care.
2006;15(4):420–427 and Payen JF, Bru O, Bosson JL, et al. Assessing pain in critically ill sedated patients by
using a behavioral pain scale. Crit Care Med. 2001;29(12):2258–2263.)

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16 PART I Common Problems

TABLE 3.1 Opioid Agents and Considerations for Use

Opioid Dosage Forms Onset Pharmacokinetics Considerations
Fentanyl IV, IM, intranasal, trans- 1–2 min • Metabolized by the liver • Very potent (100 times the potency of morphine)
dermal, transmucosal • No active metabolites • Rapid onset and short duration
• Prolonged use leads to accumulation in
peripheral compartments
• Less association with histamine release
Hydromorphone PO, IV, IM, SQ 5–15 min (IV) • Metabolized by the liver into weak • Potent (7–10 times the potency of morphine)
30 min (PO) metabolites • Improved safety profile over morphine in renal
• Excreted renally impairment
• Less association with histamine release
Morphine PO, IV, IM, SQ, transder- 5–10 min (IV) • Metabolized by the liver into potent • Use with extreme caution in renal impairment
mal, transmucosal 15–60 min (PO) metabolites • Use with caution in hepatic impairment
• Excreted renally • High association with histamine release (can
lead to bronchospasm and hypotension)
Oxycodone PO 10–30 min • Metabolized by the liver to multiple • Available in combination or alone
metabolites (oxymorphone)
Hydrocodone PO 15–30 min • Metabolized by the liver to multiple • Only available as a combination currently
metabolites (hydromorphone) • Use with caution in those with severe asthma
Methadone PO 30–60 min • Metabolized by the liver • Plasma levels and risk of death peak 5 days
• No active metabolites after start
• Excreted in feces • Respiratory depressant effect occurs later
than analgesic effect
• Watch for QTc prolongation
• Inhibits serotonin reuptake and can also pro-
duce analgesia via NMDA receptor antagonism
Tramadol* PO 60 min • Metabolized by the liver into • Also modulates serotonin and norepinephrine
O-desmethyl tramadol uptake (can lead to seizures)
• Excreted renally • Less respiratory depression and fewer GI side
effects than pure opioids
*Although not a typical opioid, tramadol is structurally related to morphine and has effects at opioid receptors
GI, Gastrointestinal; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; PO, oral; SQ, subcutaneous.

effective with regard to analgesic efficacy and clinical outcomes.39 How-

ever, studies have shown patients may demonstrate variability in opioid
pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, resulting in more favorable Despite being a commonly used analgesic and antipyretic, acetamino-
reactions to one opioid over another.42 Thus providers must be com- phen’s exact mechanism of action remains unknown. It has consistently
fortable with many different opioids, depending on the patient’s reac- been shown to reduce opioid requirements when used as an adjunct;
tion and clinical course. Common parenteral and oral opioids are furthermore, acetaminophen has minimal side effects. For the critically
summarized in Table 3.1. ill patient, acetaminophen offers an advantage in that it can be admin-
Though opioids remain a cornerstone of pain management, con- istered via multiple routes of administration (intravenous [IV], orally
siderable attention is now focused on limiting the opioids required [PO], nasogastric [NG], per rectum [PR]). Although the IV formula-
through the use of multimodal therapy. This is primarily because of tion has a slightly faster onset when used as a first dose, there is minimal
the many side effects of opioid-centered analgesia. Short term, these difference between the IV and enteral/rectal formulations when admin-
can include physical dependence, ileus, constipation, nausea and vom- istered in a scheduled manner.45 Acetaminophen carries a risk of hepa-
iting, respiratory depression, sedation, pruritus, and urinary reten- totoxicity, though this is more commonly noted when high doses are
tion.43 Opioids may increase ICU length of stay and worsen post-ICU used for chronic pain rather than short-term acute pain. In 2011, the
patient outcomes. Long-term sequelae of opioid use include addiction, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a recommendation to
immunosuppression, and opioid-induced hyperalgesia. These compli- reduce the maximum daily dose of acetaminophen from 4000 mg/day
cations are prevalent, regardless of the specific opioid used or the route to 3000 mg/day; however, it is important to note that this recommenda-
of administration. tion was aimed at consumers exposed to numerous over-the-counter
Particular attention should be paid to bowel dysfunction associated acetaminophen-containing combination products. In the inpatient set-
with opioids secondary to binding of mu receptors in the enteric ner- ting, the maximum daily dose should remain 4000 mg/day.46
vous system.44 Opioids often induce constipation or worsen preexist-
ing constipation; prevalence of these conditions with opioid use vary
in the literature from 22% to 81% of patients.44 Thus prevention via a
robust bowel regimen that includes laxatives and/or bulking agents is NSAIDs work as analgesics and antipyretics by inhibiting cyclooxygen-
an essential consideration when prescribing opioids. ase (COX) enzymes, thereby reducing the formation of prostaglandins.

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CHAPTER 3 Management of Acute Pain in the Intensive Care Unit 17

A wide variety of NSAIDs are available with numerous routes of ad- this effect has not yet been demonstrated in the ICU setting, studies are
ministration (IV, PO, NG, PR, topical) and varying degrees of selectiv- currently ongoing.
ity to COX-1 and COX-2.
Historically, there has been a reluctance to use NSAIDs in the acute
pain setting because of their adverse effects, including increased risk of
gastrointestinal bleeding, nephrotoxicity, impaired platelet function, Topical lidocaine patches can be used for localized pain to avoid sys-
and impaired wound healing. NSAIDs have long been avoided in the temic effects, but their efficacy remains unclear, and caution should be
setting of fractures because of the risk of nonunion; however, more exercised near open wounds. Lidocaine drips have been used in the
recent literature reviews have shown that this does not appear to be a perioperative setting to reduce opioid requirements and ileus recovery
long-term issue, particularly with early postinjury or postoperative time, but its role in the critical care setting remains largely un-
administration.47–49 Thus the most recent guidelines support their use known.57,58
in this setting.50
Platelet inhibition is primarily associated with inhibition of COX-1
and can be avoided with the use of COX-2 selective agents such as ce-
lecoxib. Unfortunately, COX-2 selective agents are not without risk— Centrally acting a2 agonists, such as dexmedetomidine and clonidine,
they are contraindicated after coronary artery bypass graft surgery and may offer analgesic effects while avoiding respiratory depression. How-
carry a risk of cardiovascular thrombotic events, such as myocardial ever, data regarding their use for acute pain in the critically ill popula-
infarction and stroke. Despite their known risks, NSAIDs can be ben- tion are minimal, and cardiovascular effects such as hypotension and
eficial in mitigating opioid exposure in select patient populations. bradycardia limit their use in hemodynamically unstable patients.
A summary of the previously discussed nonopioid analgesics can
be found in Table 3.2.
Opioids and other medications that often work well for nociceptive
pain offer minimal benefit for neuropathic pain. For patients who suf-
fer from diabetic neuropathy, spinal cord injury, burn pain, phantom Regional anesthesia techniques include neuraxial blocks (such as spi-
limb, post-stroke central pain, postherpetic neuralgia, or other forms nal and epidural catheters), paravertebral blocks, intercostal nerve
of neuropathic pain, gabapentinoids should be considered.51–53 Gaba- blocks, transversus abdominis plane blocks, and peripheral nerve
pentin and its prodrug, pregabalin, work by inhibiting presynaptic blocks of the extremities. The use of regional anesthesia is associated
calcium channels. Originally developed as antiepileptic medications, with improved analgesia in many patient populations, including post-
these agents have shown to be effective in the management of chronic operative and polytrauma patients. Many studies have also shown that
neuropathic pain.54 Although less data are available regarding their use the use of regional anesthesia leads to decreases in opioid-related side
for acute pain, gabapentinoids should be considered when a source of effects.43 Of special interest within the critically ill population is the
neuropathic pain is suspected. Caution should be exercised when ini- association between epidural analgesia and improved global pulmo-
tiating gabapentin or pregabalin in the elderly, as these agents are nary outcomes.59
known to cause somnolence and dizziness. In patients with renal dys- Despite the many benefits of regional anesthesia documented in
function, doses should be adjusted accordingly. the literature, it remains generally underused in the critically ill popu-
lation for a multitude of reasons. Hemodynamic instability and sepsis
are considered relative contraindications to neuraxial techniques.60
MUSCLE RELAXANTS Critically ill patients may also require anticoagulation or develop co-
Patients who experience pain secondary to muscle spasm may find agulopathy, both of which may limit the ability of providers to per-
benefit from antispasmodic agents such as methocarbamol, cyclo- form neuraxial techniques safely. Finally, caution must be exercised in
benzaprine, baclofen, or diazepam. However, literature regarding patients at risk for developing compartment syndrome because of the
their efficacy is scant, particularly in the acute pain setting. Careful potential masking of symptoms. Of note, however, this can also be a
consideration must be given before using these agents, given the as- concern with systemic analgesia.
sociated risk of sedation. This is especially a concern in the older
adult patient.
Music modalities for pain management can broadly be separated
KETAMINE into music medicine and music therapy. Music medicine uses music
Ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative that acts as an N-methyl-D- to promote relaxation, provide distraction, and/or alleviate ten-
aspartate (NMDA) antagonist and has been used in the perioperative sion.61 Music therapy is instead a holistic approach involving a
and procedural setting for its anesthetic and analgesic effects. More music therapist that focuses on the healing process of music via
recently, subanesthetic doses of ketamine have been used in a continu- personal interaction.
ous fashion to provide analgesia without eliciting hallucinations or Within the critically ill population, three small studies have found
other psychomimetic effects. Benefits of ketamine in the critically ill minimal to moderate improvements in self-reported and assumed
setting include its neutral hemodynamic effects and its lack of respira- pain scores through various forms of music medicine.62–64 Two of these
tory suppression. Traditionally, ketamine has been avoided in patients studies even found temporary improvement in pain scores for me-
with cardiovascular comorbidities and patients with elevated intracra- chanically ventilated patients undergoing music medicine.63,64 In post-
nial pressure (ICP); however, recent literature suggests that ketamine operative patients, a recent meta-analysis of 97 studies found that
may be used safely in patients with ICP concerns.55 music medicine had a small to moderate effect on reducing opioid us-
At higher steady-state levels, magnesium has been shown to exhibit age, and music therapy was found to decrease patient perception of
similar anti-NMDA activity in the perioperative setting.56 Although pain intensity.61 Music interventions generally had a stronger impact

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18 PART I Common Problems

TABLE 3.2 Nonopioid Agents and Considerations for Use

Class Medication Dosage Forms Considerations
Acetaminophen Acetaminophen PO, IV, rectal • Caution in hepatic dysfunction
• IV formulation associated with hypotension
NSAIDs Nonselective PO, IV, topical, rectal • Caution in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, acute kidney
Ibuprofen injury, and cardiovascular events
(COX-1 selective) • Ketorolac carries a black box warning cautioning against more than
Ketorolac 5 days of use to mitigate these risks
(COX-2 selective) PO
Gabapentinoids Gabapentin PO • Consider for neuropathic pain
Pregabalin • Caution in elderly patients and renal
Venlafaxine dysfunction
• Monitor for dizziness and drowsiness
Muscle relaxants Baclofen PO • Caution in elderly patients and renal dysfunction
Methocarbamol • Tolerance/dependence may develop with prolonged use of baclofen
Diazepam PO, IV • Associated with sedation and respiratory depression
NMDA antagonists Ketamine IV, IM, PO • Contraindicated in history of CVA, severe cardiac decompensation,
or conditions in which an increase in blood pressure may be harmful
• Increased risk of laryngospasm (procedural doses)
• Potential for tolerance with long-term use
• Monitor for emergence reactions
Magnesium (high dose) IV, PO • Contraindicated in patients with bradycardia
• IV bolus can be associated with hypotension
• Caution in patients with renal dysfunction and neuromuscular
Sodium channel blockers Lidocaine IV, topical • IV product contraindicated in heart block
• Monitor for neurologic and cardiac toxicity
a2 agonists Dexmedetomidine IV • Associated bradycardia and hypotension
• Potential for tachyphylaxis to develop with long-term use
Clonidine PO • Associated hypotension and sedation

COX, Cyclooxygenase; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; PO, oral.
Data from Erstad BL. Attempts to limit opioid prescribing in critically ill patients: Not so easy, not so fast. Ann Pharmacother. 2019;53:716–725;
O’Connor A, Dworkin R. Treatment of neuropathic pain: An overview of recent guidelines. Am J Med. 2009;122, S22-–S32; See S, Ginzburg R.
Skeletal muscle relaxants. Pharmacotherapy. 2008;28(2):207–213.

on acute or procedural pain versus chronic or cancer pain. Given these

results, and the fact that music modalities are inexpensive and safe,
consideration should be given to employing these modalities in the Aromatherapy involves the inhalation, topical application, or injection
ICU, pending availability and institutional logistics. of plant oils with pleasant smells. Common fragrances include berga-
mot, rose, orange, and mint, though lavender essential oil is one of the
most frequently discussed in the literature. Although evidence examin-
COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL MODALITIES ing aromatherapy for pain management in the ICU is lacking, a system-
Cognitive behavioral modalities include hypnosis, guided imagery, and atic review of randomized controlled trials found that aromatherapy
relaxation methods. Although these modalities have been extensively reduces anxiety and improves sleep in critically ill patients.66 This effect
studied as an adjunct for both acute and chronic pain management, has also been noted in the mechanically ventilated subpopulation.67
there is unfortunately a paucity of evidence within the critically ill
population. Examining the postoperative literature, cognitive behav-
ioral modalities frequently are found to improve postoperative pain
and analgesic use.65 Thus clinical practice guidelines from several Physical modalities include techniques such as acupuncture, cold or
prominent medical societies recommend cognitive behavioral therapy heat therapy, and massage. Although these interventions are generally
as adjunctive treatments in the postoperative patient.65 As these mo- safe and inexpensive, there is scant scientific literature in the critically
dalities are noninvasive and associated with minimal harm, the critical ill population. One small study found acupuncture in the ICU to be
care provider may consider incorporating these techniques into pain feasible and safe, but effectiveness of the technique in this setting has
management. not been studied.68 Furthermore, the impact of physical modalities for

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CHAPTER 3 Management of Acute Pain in the Intensive Care Unit 19

pain management in other patient populations is highly variable. As Pain Medicine, and the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Committee on
such, clinical practice guidelines neither recommend nor discourage Regional Anesthesia, Executive Committee, and Administrative Council.
the use of these techniques for postoperative pain management.65 Journal of Pain. 2016;17(2):131–157.
Whether the critically ill patient would benefit from these physical This clinical practice guideline was developed by an interdisciplinary expert
panel after incorporating a systemic review of postoperative pain manage-
modalities is currently unknown.
ment. Special focus is given to tailoring pain management to the individual
patient and the surgical procedure involved.
Devlin JW, Srobik Y, Gélinas C, Needham DM, Slooter AJC, Pandharipande PP,
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coupled with underlying psychosocial and medical comorbidities. These guidelines represent the most recent recommendations from the Society
of Critical Care Medicine as a collaborative effort by a large interdisciplinary
• The costs of inadequate pain control are high and include the development
cohort of international experts. An emphasis is placed on the evidence behind
of delirium, cardiac instability, respiratory distress, and immunosuppression. various multimodal agents.
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resultant reduction in opioid-related side effects. based recommendations to improve the management of acute pain after
• Nonpharmacologic modalities for pain control should not be underestimated musculoskeletal injury.
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a review. The Ochsner Journal. 2010;10:179–187.
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April 08, 2024. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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