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CMFAS Module 9A

(1st Edition)

Mock Exam

AIA Premier Academy 79

For Internal Use Only. Version 2.0 [05/2012]
CMFAS Module 9A

Mock Exam 1

1. A structured Investment-linked Life Insurance policy has the following features:

Issuer = Company A
Credit Rating of issuer = AA+
Tenure = 2 years
Structure of the product = Annual payout plan
Maturity value = 100% of the initial amount of single premium
Payout = 1% of the initial amount of single premium per annum
Early redemption clause = Yes, if the underlying outperforms the benchmark by 20% at the
end of any trading day.

Which one of the following risk will be of LEAST concern to an investor based on the above-

mentioned information?

A. Credit risk
B. Market risk
C. Liquidity risk

D Leverage risk
2. Which one of the following about participation products is True?
A. Participation products participate in the price performance of the underlying assets
and offer full upside potential with full downside protection.

B. Participation products are legally secured debentures.


C. They are commonly marketed under the name of ‘certificates’ or ‘notes’.

D Derivatives contracts and bonds are used for both the principal and return

[C1, S3.3]

3. Which of the following regulatory instrument(s) must a structured Investment-linked Life


Insurance policies comply with?

A. Insurance Act
B. Companies Financial Act

C. Deposit Insurance Scheme


D All of the above

[C4, S5]

4. The forward price of a barrel of oil is S$150. The current spot price is S$120. The cost of
carry is therefore equal to a:
A. Premium of S$30
B. Premium of S$50
C. Discount of S$30
D Discount of S$50
[C3, S2.1]

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5. The sub-fund’s operating expenses to the daily average Net Asset Value is :
A. Turnover ratio
B. Expense Ratio
C. Soft dollar
D Bid / offer spread
[C4, S1.2]

6. Which one of the following statements relating to structured Investment-linked Life Insurance
policies (ILPs) is TRUE?
A. All structured ILPs are homogenous in nature
B. A structured ILP is designed purely as a protection product
C. The buyer of a structured ILP is not exposed to any form of risk

D The structured ILP’s sub-funds are valued less frequently compared to other ILP

[C4, S2.3]

7. Which one of the following statements about portfolio rebalancing is TRUE?
A. Portfolio rebalancing is adopted in all portfolio bonds
B. Portfolio rebalancing maintains the desired level of risk exposure
C. Fund managers use portfolio rebalancing to increase risk exposure
D The return of the portfolio will improve after rebalancing

[C5, S1.1(a)]

8. Structured products are:


A. Secured debt securities of the issuer

B. Created by combining traditional investments with financial derivatives
C. Entitled to share the issuer’s profits

D Equity securities that give higher return as compared to traditional products

[C1, S1]

9. Structured Investment-linked Life Insurance policy is less ________ than traditional

Investment-linked Life Insurance policy.

A. liquid
B. risky
C. complex
D regulated
[C4, S2.3]

10. Structured deposits are issued by:

A. Banks
B. Lloyds’ syndicates
C. Insurance companies
D Stock broking houses
[C1, S1.2]

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11. A structured Investment-linked Insurance policy (ILP) has the following features:

Issuer = Insurer A
Underlying Asset = Basket of 6 stocks
Tenure = 2 years
Maturity Value = Initial capital amount + Guaranteed 1% of the capital
Bonus payout = 2% of the initial capital every year if the price of all 6 stocks has increased
by 10% on maturity as compared to the price on the start date of the investment.

Assume that an investor invests S$50,000 in this structured ILP

Calculate the total amount that the investor will receive at the end of the 2 years under the
WORST possible market performance scenario.
A. S$50,000
B. S$50,500

C. S$52,000

D S$52,500

12. John expects the Gold market to have big movement in the near future but unsure which
direction. He can apply the following strategy to capture the market:
A. Selling Naked Puts
B. Short Call
C. Bear Straddle
D Bull Straddle

[C3, S3.6]

13. The counterparty to the derivative contract default, it may cause:


A. Total loss of principal amount of the investment

B. Early redemption of the investment
C. Lesser redemption amount for the investment

D All of the above

[C2, S6.5]

14. An investor placed $100,000 in Australia (AUD) investment when AUD was S$1.40. The

AUD has since depreciated against the S$ and is now worth only S$1.20. On the other
hand, the AUD investment has appreciated by 10% in AUD terms.
What is the investor’s nest gain / loss on the investment, as measured in S$?
A. Gain of 10%
B. Gain of 6%
C. Loss of 10%
D Loss of 6%
[C2, S4]

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15. Which of the following option strategies would be MOST appropriate if Sally is bullish about
a stock but does not want to own it?
A. Long a stock
B. Long a call
C. Short a stock
D Short a call

16. Performance participation structured products:

A. Are secured debt instruments
B. Carry lower degrees of investment risk
C. Share in the profits of the participating funds

D Typically offer unlimited upside potential with no downside protection

[C1, S3.3]

17. Derivatives are financial instruments that are generally used for:
Manage risks

Betting of the price movement of the underlying assets.
C. Hedging against unwanted price movements
D Serve all the above functions
[C3, S1]

18. John decides to invest S$100,000 in the following investment:

Prosperity Fund issued by Smarty Bank and distributed by Brilliant Bank. This fund seeks

yearly investment returns, (before fees and expenses) that correspond to 150% of the
returns of the yearly performance of the Japan Index fund.

What is / are the risk(s) that the above investor is subject to?

A. Market risk
B. Liquidity risk
C. Credit risk of Smarty Bank

D All of the above



19. Jane, a Singaporean, invests in an exchange-traded portfolio fund issued by AAA+ rating
bank, denominated in US$. Which ONE of the following risks should Jane be most
A. Issuer risk
B. Counterparty risk
C. Liquidity risk
D Foreign exchange risk

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20. Which ONE of the following methods may be used to mitigate counterparty default risk?
A. Investing only in listed companies
B. Using non-publicly traded securities
C. Asking for collateral from the counterparty
D Dealing in the same foreign currency
[C2, S2]

21. Which of the following statements regarding derivatives is FALSE?

A. Derivatives come in many different varieties
B. Holders of derivative contracts own the underlying assets
C. Derivative contracts are an integral part of structured products

D The underlying assets of derivative contracts can be non-financial

[C3, S1]

22. Portfolio bonds are:

A. Less complex and risky as compared to Investment-linked Life Insurance policies
Lifestyles policies
Conventional bonds ad
D Portfolios of investments with no insurance element
[C5, S2]

23. Those investments that carry a low probability of loss of principal while offering a high

probability of potential returns can be said to be:

A. Rare gems

B. Bold investments
C. Safe Instruments
D Unworthy investments

[C1, S2.2]

24. What is a portfolio of investments with an insurance element called?


A. Option
B. Hedge fund

C. Portfolio bond
D Structured deposit
[C5, S1]

25. Investors may wish to invest in structured products as they:

A. Are highly liquid assets
B. Carry low investment risk
C. Are simple products to understand
D Provide access to investment markets that are otherwise closed to them
[C1, S1.3]

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26. A gearing structured product will have the following effect:

A. Leveraged
B. Lending
C. Contango
D Backwardation
[C2, S5.2]

27. Portfolio bonds may be invested in a variety of investment instruments, including:

A. Bonds
B. Equities
C. Derivatives

D All of the above

[C5, S1]

28. A structured investment-linked product should be valued _____________.

A. At least once a month
At least once every two years
At least once every three years ad
D Only when there are significant changes to the investment portfolio
[C4, S7.1]

29. Company Delta issues a structured product, which is distributed by Company Elite.

Subsequently, Company Delta’s credit rating is downgraded. What kind of risk does this
present to the investor?

A. Liquidity risk
B. Issuer-specific risk
C. General market risk

D Counterparty risk
[C2, S1-3]

30. Structured products:

A. Are equity securities

B. Are also known as hybrid products

C. Carry singled-faceted, non-complex investment risks
D Typically combine traditional investments with property investments

31. Which of the following regarding to Warrants is WRONG?

A. Warrants have no value after expiry date
B. Holder of put warrants have the obligation to sell the underlying assets
C. Exchange-traded warrants are settled in cash
D Call warrants have intrinsic value when the strike price is less than market price

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32. One advantage of a portfolio of investments with an insurance element is that:

A. Investment return of the portfolio will not fluctuate
B. There is no early withdrawal charge by the fund manager
C. The policy owner will have various market views from many fund managers
D The policy owner can change asset allocation as his financial needs change over
[C5, S2]

33. Negatively correlated securities may serve to:

A. Reduce fee charges for the investor
B. Enhance portfolio diversification
C. Prevent early redemption of the securities

D Increase investment concentration in the investor’s portfolio

[C2, S6.2]

34. The players in the futures market fall into two categories – hedgers and speculators. Which

one of the following statements regarding hedgers is CORRECT?
Hedgers seek to:
A. Benefit from price volatility
B. Minimize risk
C. Sell to profit from falling prices
D Buy to profit from rising prices

[C3, S2.7]

35. The players in the futures market fall into two categories – hedgers and speculators. Which
one of the following statements regarding speculators is WRONG?
A. Buy Low sell high
B. Buy low and keep the investment for long period

C. Sell to profit from falling prices

D Buy to profit from rising prices

[C3, S2.7]

36. Investors of structured products may face counterparty risks, which means that:
A. The issuer’s credit rating may be downgraded
B. The issuer may face difficulty in meeting its cash flow obligations
C. Interest rate fluctuations may affect the quality of the structured products
D The counterparty may fail to meet its contractual obligations to the issuer
[C2, S2]

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37. Investors may wish to invest in structured products as they:

A. Have the ability to offer customized exposure
B. Are useful as a complement to traditional investments
C. Are accessible to retail investors in the same ways that other investment products
D All of the above
[C1, S1.3]

38. Which of the following is one of the characteristics of structured Investment-linked Life
Insurance policies (ILPs)?
A. Structured ILPs have simple structures
B. Structured ILP investors are exposed to little downside risk

C. Structured ILP sub-funds are in tailor-made products

D Structured ILPs have relatively high insurance element
[C4, S1]

39. A structured product manager purchased a zero-coupon bond at S$100 for every S$300
invested in the structured product.
The structured product aims to provide a return of the capital portion to investors at maturity.
Assuming that the zero-coupon bond matures at the same time as the structured product,
what must the maturity value of the zero-coupon bond be, in order for the structured product
to meet the return of principal to the investor?
A. S$100

B. S$200
C. S$300

D S$380
[C1, S1.1]

40. If John uses S$200,000 to buy a 5-year bond from Supreme Company and he wishes to
mitigate the risk of the company’s failure on his Supreme Company bond, he can seek to
buy a/an __________ swap on the Supreme Company Bond.

A. Equity
B. Currency

C. Interest rate
D Credit default
[C3, S4.3]

41. A portfolio bond is suitable for investors who:

A. Want to invest in bonds
B. Have a short investment time horizon
C. Are seeking a high level of insurance protection
D Are looking to invest in a portfolio of different funds
[C5, S3]

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42. Your client has asked you to distinguish between a futures contract and a forward contract.
Which one of the following comparison is CORRECT?
A. Futures are a type of derivative contract whereas forwards are not a type of
derivative contract
B. Futures are not subject to margin requirement whereas forwards are subject to
margin requirement
C. Settlement of futures occurs at the end of the contract whereas forwards are marked-
to-market on a daily basis
D Futures are standardized contracts traded on the exchanges whereas forwards are
customized private contracts trade over-the-counter between two parties
[C3, S2]

43. The January futures price of oil is US$100 per barrel, but the cash price is US$93 per barrel.
Which one of the following statements BEST describes this situation?

A. Basis is “US$93 in January”
B. Basis is “US$100 in January”
C. Basis is “US$7 over January”
D Basis is “US$7 under January”
ad [C3, S2.5]
44. Which of the following statements about portfolio bonds is FALSE?
A. Death benefit can be included in portfolio bonds

B. Portfolio bonds offer a wide range of investment choices


C. The principal of portfolio bonds is generally guaranteed

D Policy owners may appoint their own portfolio managers who are within the insurer’s

[C5, S1]

45. Structured deposits are:

A. Capable of generating high returns
B. Not considered as investment products

C. Included in the Deposit Insurance Scheme in Singapore


D Usually arranged such that the capital is guaranteed by the bank

[C1, S1.2]

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46. On 1 January 2011, David decides to invest S$100,000 in the following structured
Investment-linked Life Insurance policy from his life insurer:
Capital preservation fund (maturing on 1 January 2021) seeks to provide policy owners with:
- Annual payout of 4.5% of the initial NAV as at each policy anniversary; and
- 100% capital guarantee on maturity

In making this investment, David is assured of:

A. The 4.50% annual payouts, regardless of the performance of the investment in the
underlying sub-fund
B. Getting back 100% of his capital on maturity, regardless of the investment
performance of the underlying sub-fund
C. Getting a full refund of his premium paid if he changes his mind and cancels the
investment within ten days

D All of the above


47. A / an ___________ is a security that entitles the holder to buy or sell an underlying security

at a strike price on or before an expiry date.

A. Bond
B. Equity
C. Option
D Unit trust

[C3, S3]

48. Which one of the following statements regarding option is TRUE?


A. It gives the holder of call option the right to buy the underlying asset
B. It gives the holder of put option the right to buy the underlying asset
C. It gives the holder of call option the obligation to sell the underlying asset

D It gives the holder of put option the obligation to sell the underlying asset
[C3, S3.7]

49. An investor placed S$20,000 in a single-premium structured Investment-linked Life


Insurance policy with a sum assured of S$25,000. If an early redemption events is triggered
by the insurer, the investor will MOST likely receive the:
A. Total sum assured with the accrued payouts
B. Total sum assured plus the initial capital amount
C. Initial capital amount with the accrued payouts
D Accrued payouts but the initial capital amount is kept by the insurer

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50. Which of the following investment product may provide guaranteed to the principal amount?
A. Bond
B. Structured Fund
C. Structured Deposit
D All of the above


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Answers for Mock Exam 1

1 d 11 b 21 b 31 b 41 d
2 c 12 d 22 b 32 d 42 d
3 a 13 d 23 a 33 b 43 d
4 a 14 d 24 c 34 b 44 c
5 b 15 b 25 d 35 b 45 d
6 d 16 d 26 a 36 d 46 b
7 b 17 d 27 d 37 d 47 c
8 b 18 d 28 a 38 c 48 a
9 a 19 d 29 b 39 c 49 c
10 a 20 c 30 b 40 d 50 c

r Ac

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Mock Exam 2

1. The main difference between portfolio bonds and unit trusts is the presence of
A. Fund manager.
B. Dealing account
C. Early withdrawal charge
D Set-up charges
[C5, S1.1 (b)(vii)]

2. Which of the following can be used to mitigate counterparty risk of a portfolio bond?
A. Invest in publicly traded derivative products.
B. Invest in shares with high trading volume

C. Ask counterparty for margin

D All of the above
[C2, S2]

3. Which RISK relates to the return component of a structured product?

Market Volatility
Interest Rate ad
C. Counterparty defaults
D Credit Risk of the issuer
[C1, S2.1]

4. Which of the following applies to the investment component of a structured ILP fund?
A. Banking Act

B. Company Act
C. Insurance Act
D Code on Collective Investment Scheme

[C4, S5]

5. The price volatility of __________ product can be significantly greater than direct

A. Hedged

B. Leveraged
C. Unleveraged
D Pooled investment
[C2, S5.2]

6. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of dealing account?

A. Set up when investors elects to invest in External and Family funds
B. Set up when there is cash investment
C. Need to maintain positive balance at all times
D All of the above
[C5, S1.1 (b)(vii)]

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7. Structured Investment Link Plan

Issuer: Insurance Company B

Death Benefit: 120% of initial investment
Credit rating: AA

Investment Portfolio: None

Asset Allocation: None

Fund Objective: Capital appreciation with guaranteed 10% returns on annual basis.

Inception Date: Since 2000

Inception Price: $1.00
Current Price: $0.90

Which of the following advice is the LEAST appropriate by the advisor?
A. It is difficult to determine the market risk of the product as fund managers are given
the full discretion to invest.

B. This investment is not suitable for investors who have low risk tolerance.
C. Investors who has initial investment of $10,000 will have death benefit of $12,000.
D It is highly possible that fund managers invested in very risky derivatives in order to
guarantee the 10% returns.

8. Which of the following has the least impact on the value of the derivatives?

A. The spot price of the underlying asset

B. The number of investor for the underlying asset

C. The price volatility for the underlying asset

D The dividend rate of the underlying asset
[C3, S3.2]

9. Investment amount: $10,000 at $10 per unit


Which of the following will result in the least amount of early withdrawal fee?
A. Bid-offer spread of 5%

B. Single price with 3% redemption charge

C. 10 units deducted at market value at the time of withdrawal
D 10% of the market value of the investment at the time of withdrawal
[C4, S1.2]

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10. A structured Investment-linked Life Insurance policy has the following features:
Issuer = Company A
Underlying Asset = Basket of 5 stocks
Tenure = 5 years
Structure of the product = Annual payout plan
Maturity value = Initial capital amount + Guaranteed 1% of the capital
Payout = 1.5% of the initial capital every year if the price of all 5 stocks has increased by
10% on maturity as compared to the price on the start date of the investment
Assume that an investor invests $150,000 in this structured ILP

Calculate the total amount that the investor will receive at the end of the 5 years under the
BEST possible market performance scenario.
A. $150,000

B. $160,500

C. $161,250
D $162,750

11. Performance participation products offer

A. high returns low risk ad
B. full upside potential
C. downside protection
D a fixed income instrument for the principal component


12. Which of the following is a non-standardized contract?


A. Options traded in an exchange

B. Unit trusts issued by a bank
C. Forward Contract over the counter

D An Exchange Traded Fund that tracks the STI index


13. The forward price of a barrel of oil is S$220. The current spot price is S$260. The cost of
carry is therefore equal to a:

A. Premium of S$20
B. Premium of S$40
C. Discount of S$20
D Discount of S$40

14. Structured Fund is :

A. Issued by a bank
B. Issued by an insurance company
C. A collective investment scheme
D Principal protected

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15. An investor of a structured ILP should be least concerned about :

A. The payoff under the worst case scenario
B. The risk nature of the product
C. Expected returns of the product
D The technicalities and mechanics of how the investment works
[C4, S2.1]

16. The main benefit of the portfolio bond is:

A. Making changes to the fund selection after maturity
B. Regular withdrawals when financial needs change
C. Flexibility of terminating the insurance protection and still continue with the
investment portion

D Capital is guaranteed at maturity


17. Structured Deposits are:

A. Issued by fund managers
B. Not investment products
C. Structured products
D Covered by Deposit Insurance Scheme in Singapore
[C1, S1.2]

18. In a long put, the option is _________ when the strike price is less than the market price.

A. “in-the-money”
B. “at-the-money”

C. “out-of-the-money”
D Intrinsically positive


19. Which of the following is FALSE?

A. A call seller pays the premium

B. A call buyer has the right to buy


C. Buyer determines the time to exercise the options

D Seller has the obligation to buy or sell

20. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Structured Products?

A. They are unsecured debt securities of the issuer.
B. They have equity-like structures and participate in the profits of the issuer.
C. They are hybrid products.
D They are more complex products.

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21. On 1 January 2011, John decides to invest S$300,000 in the following structured
Investment-linked Life Insurance policy from his life insurer:

Capital preservation fund (maturing on 1 January 2021) seeks to provide policy owners with:
- Annual payout of 4.5% of the initial NAV as at each policy anniversary; and
- 100% capital guarantee on maturity

Which of the following may likely happen?

A. The 4.50% annual payouts which are independent of the performance of the
investment in the underlying sub-fund.
B. Capital is guaranteed upon maturity.
C. Capital is guaranteed from the second year onwards.
D The annual payout of 4.5% is cumulative and payable on maturity date.

[C4, S2.4(a)]

22. Automated trading helps fund managers with market pricing by :
A. Producing research paper

B. Replacing the expertise of fund managers
C. Exercising judgment calls
D Identifying profit opportunities arising from subtle anomalies

23. The statement to Policy Owners will show


A. Transactions occurred during the statement period


B. Fund Management Charges


C. How units are redeemed

D Fees and charges payable through deduction of premiums or units for the next

24. John expects stock price not to move much in either direction. He will:
A. Long a call option

B. Long a put option


C. Apply bull straddle strategy

D Apply bear straddle strategy

25. The Forwards contract is priced at $10 for physical delivery. Which is more beneficial to the
A. Forward price increased by $20
B. Spot price increased by $20
C. Forward price decreased by $10
D Spot price decreased by $10

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26. Future contracts will not standardise

A. Quantity of the underlying assets
B. Quality of the underlying assets
C. Date and location for the delivery of the underlying assets
D Prices

27. The credit risk of the issuer of the structured product forms a
A. Primary risk to principal
B. Primary risk to return
C. Secondary risk to upside potential

D Secondary risk to downside protection


28. Peter wants to buy structured investments. He is concerned about liquidating his
investments when he needed the money. Which of the following is his most concerned risk?

A. Credit Risk
B. Liquidity Risk
C. Interest Rate Risk
D Counterparty Risk

29. A ________ is a security that allows the holder the right to buy or sell an underlying security

at a strike price on expiration.

A. Bond

B. Equity
C. American option
D European option


30. Structured ILPs are suitable for buyers who:


A. Do not want any risk exposure at all


B. Wish to provide their dependants with death protection

C. Are retiring and wishing to receive a series of payouts for life
D Are seeking capital appreciation with medium to high risk of losing their capital.
[C4,S3 & 4]

31. Which of the following gives the most capital protection?

A. Derivatives
B. Coupon Bearing Bonds
C. Options
D Real Estate Investment Trusts

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32. Which of the following would you use to enjoy full upside potential?
A. Covered Call
B. Naked Call
C. Bear Straddle
D Protective Put

33. Which statement about mitigating risk of counterparty is FALSE?

A. Use publicly traded derivative products
B. Ask for collateral when the value of the underlying asset depreciates
C. Ask for collateral when the value of underlying asset appreciates

B. Use payment netting to reduce counterparty risk


34. Which of the following is most appropriate when the investor expects the market to go down
but does not wish to sell his stock?

A. Long Put
B. Long Call
C. Short Put
D Short Call
[C3,S3.4 (b)]

35. Which of the following will be the least concern for a bank when structuring a structured

A. Reducing counterparty risk

B. Marketing of structured product

C. Adopting effective risk management
D Providing liquidity


36. Which of the following best describe reverse convertible bonds?


A. Investor has full upside potential


B. Use a Put option

C. Tracks the performance of underlying asset
D Investor has limited downside protection
[C1,S3.2 (a)]

37. Which of the following does not describe leveraging?

A. Trading on margin
B. It can magnifies both gains and losses
C. Trade at a lower value than the actual contract value
D Using collaterals to mitigate counterparty risk

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38. Which of the following about portfolio rebalancing is FALSE?

A. Maintain the original level of risk exposure
B. Portfolio rebalancing is adopted in all portfolio bonds
C. Involves moving units from one fund to the other fund
D Performance is adversely affected in the short run

39. Which of the following does not describe market risk?

A. When interest rate goes up, the cost of the borrowing goes up and the share price of
the company may go down.
B. When interest rates goes up, the price of bond goes down and coupon rate increase.
C. When SGD appreciate against USD, an Singaporean investing in the USD stock

market will earn less returns as SGD is now stronger.

D When SGD depreciates against Thai Baht, a businessman trading in the Thai market
will earn more profits as SGD is now weaker.

40. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Structured products deliver return to investors only when:
A. Pricing on the structure is reasonable
B. Anticipated market view is correct

C. Able to attract more than expected fund size


D Strategy or structure to capture market view is appropriate

[C1, S3]

41. Which of the following about callable securities are INCORRECT?

A. Issuer is likely to exercise his right to “call” when the interested rate has declined

B. They expose investors to high risks and should be avoided at all times
C. Cheaper than straight, non-callable securities and pay higher coupons
D May be redeemed before maturity


42. Issuer specific risk include:

A. Interest Rate Risk
B. Operational Risk
C. Exchange Rate Risk
D Inflation
[C2, S1]

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CMFAS Module 9A

43. The following coefficient may serve to enhance portfolio diversification:

A. -0.5
B. 0
C. 1
D 1.5

44. Negatively correlated securities:

A. Will definitely provide better returns to the portfolio
B. Move in opposite direction in terms of price movements
C. Move in same direction in terms of price movements

D Indicates that they have no relation to each other


45. The main difference between futures and forwards is:

A. Forwards are standardized contracts.
Margin is required for forward contracts.

Forwards are marked-to-market on a daily basis.
D Forwards are traded over the counter.

46. Which of the following condition for futures contracts can be negotiated?

A. Quality

B. Quantity

C. Delivery date
D Price

47. Which of the following statements regarding warrants are FALSE?

A. European warrants can only be exercised on expiry date.

B. Holders of warrants have the obligation to fulfil contract terms.

C. They have no value after expiry date.

D Exchange traded warrants are settled in cash.


48. A credit default swap transfers the _________ risk of a note or bond to another party, in
exchange for a series of fee payments.
A. Credit
B. Interest rate
C. Exchange rate
D Inflation

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CMFAS Module 9A

49. Based on a single premium structured investment linked life insurance policy, the death
benefit is:
A. Greater than the single premium
B. Same amount as the single premium
C. Lower than the single premium
D Regardless of the single premium

50. A benefit illustration will contain the following EXCEPT

A. Insurance charges
B. Distribution costs
C. Guaranteed and non-guaranteed benefits

D Value of redemption of units


r Ac

AIA Premier Academy 101

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CMFAS Module 9A

Answers for Mock Exam 2

1 B 11 B 21 B 31 B 41 B
2 A 12 C 22 D 32 D 42 B
3 A 13 D 23 A 33 C 43 A
4 D 14 C 24 D 34 D 44 B
5 B 15 D 25 B 35 B 45 D
6 C 16 B 26 D 36 B 46 D
7 D 17 C 27 A 37 D 47 B
8 B 18 C 28 B 38 B 48 A
9 A 19 A 29 D 39 C 49 A
10 D 20 B 30 D 40 C 50 D

r Ac

AIA Premier Academy 102

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CMFAS Module 9A

Mock Exam 3

1. Which of the following is a similarity between structured product, bond & option?
A. The principal is guaranteed.
B. Provide stability in returns.
C. They have fixed maturity dates.
D They have upside participation.

2. Which of the following most describe a structured fund?

A. It is only distributed by the bank channel.
B. The main disclosure document is the factsheet.

C. It has low administration cost.

D It has a trust structure.

3. Which of the following is the PRIMARY RISK relating to the return component of a structured
A. Market Risk
B. Interest Rate Risk
C. Counterparty Risk
D Liquidity Risk

[C1, S2.1]

4. Which of the following best describe Bonus Certificate and Airbag Certificate?

A. Bonus certificate may be knocked-out only at maturity.

B. Bonus certificate‘s investor bears full downside of the underlying asset.
C. Airbag certificate has limited upside potential.

D Airbag certificate was created to reduce the impact of price decline.


5. Which of the following applies to a structured ILP fund?

A. Banking Act

B. Company Act
C. Deposit Insurance Act
D Code on Collective Investment Scheme

6. Which of the following cannot be use to mitigate liquid risk of a portfolio bond?
A. Invest in publicly traded products.
B. Invest in shares with high trading volume.
C. Ask counterparty for margin.
D Invest in shares that are high in demand.

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7. When institution has insufficient cash to meet it cash flow obligations, the institution has
problem with its
A. Liquidity
B. Credit worthiness
C. Interest rate
D Structure

8. Which of the following cannot be use to mitigate counterparty risk of a portfolio bond?
A. Invest in publicly traded derivative products.
B. Go into private negotiation with counterparty for collaterals
C. Invest via the subsidiaries of the counterparty

D All of the above.


9. The additional amount required to restore the account is called…

A. Initial Margin
B. Margin Call
C. Variation Margin
D Maintenance Margin
[C3, S2.6]

10. There are 2 main types of market participants in the future market – hedgers and speculators.

For the hedgers, their objective is…

A. To profit from the rising prices.

B. To profit from the falling prices.

C. Achieve protection against unfavourable price changes.
D All of the above.

[C3, S2.7]

11. Which of the following describe a non-standardised contract?


A. Forward contract traded over the counter


B. Commodity future contracts

C. Financial future contracts
D All of the above.
[C3, S2]

12. The strike price of the put option is $10. The market price is $15. The intrinsic value of the
put option is…
A. In-the-money
B. At-the-money
C. Out-of-the-money
D Under-the-money
[C3, S3]

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CMFAS Module 9A

13. John long a put option, he is..

A. bullish about the market.
B. bearish about the market.
C. neutral about the market.
D intending to hold the stock.
[C3, S3.5]

14. The following statements are true for call option:

A. The seller of call option pays the premium.
B. The holder of call option has the right to buy.
C. The buyer of the call option has unlimited downside.

D The seller decides on the exercise price.

[C3, S3.7]

15. A swap will not result in the change in

A. Cash flow
Level of risk
D Credit risk
[C3, S4]

16. A 5-year structured ILP has the following features:


1. Death Benefit = 102% of initial investment


2. Maturity Benefit = 100% of initial investment

3. Maturity Payout = 20% if the 3 of the stock as listed went up by 10% from the initial stock

The product is likely to comprise of:
A. Bond + Insurance

B. Fixed deposit + Insurance

C. Bond + Derivative + Insurance
D Equity + Bond + Insurance

[C4, S1)]

17. Which of the following best described price which units of portfolio bond are subscribed?
A. Forward pricing
B. Offer price
C. Bid price
D Historic pricing

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18. John invest in a US$ structured product issue by Bank A with a credit rating of AA. The fund
size is US$8mil. John is concern about getting his money when he needs, he is most
concern about which of the risk?
A. Foreign exchange risk
B. Interest rate risk
C. Liquidity risk
D Credit risk

19. Which of the following applies to portfolio rebalancing?

A. It can only be performed by fund managers.
B. It can be done in portfolio bond.

C. It can only be done on a quarterly basis.

D The desired level of performance is not adversely affected

20. Which of the following has the least impact on the price of the derivatives?
A. The current spot price of the underlying asset.
B. The number of investor for the underlying asset.
C. The market demand for the underlying asset.
D The volatility of the underlying asset.

21. The coefficient of correlation of 2 securities that are not correlated is

A. +0.5

B. 0
C. -0.5
D 1

[C2, S6.2]

22. Hoi Seng is thinking about investing in stocks but he is not expecting the market to move

much in either direction. What strategy should he adopt?


A. Bull straddle
B. Bear straddle
C. Long put
D Long call

23. Which of these least describe an issuer-specific risk?

A. Internal operation of Company A
B. Regulatory impact on the industry which Company B is in
C. Down grade in credit rating of Company C
D Exchange rate of the securities in which Company D is traded in
[C2, S1]

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24. Which will track the opposite direction of an index?

A. Bonds
B. Derivatives
C. Fixed Income instruments
D Warrants
[C4, S2.4(b)]

25. Which is true about Structure ILP’s death benefit?

A. Death benefit is the same amount as the single premium invested
B. Death benefit is more than the single premium invested
C. Death benefit is lower than the single premium invested
D Death benefit is capped at 110% of the single premium invested

[C4, S1.1]

26. Which is not true about options?
A. Gives the right not to exercise

B. Call option is the right to buy
C. Put option is the right to sell
D Maximum potential loss is the cost of premium
[C3, S3.7]

27. Which feature makes Portfolio Bond different from Unit Trust?

A. Fees

B. Charges
C. Dealing Account

D Drip-feeding
[C5, S1.1(b)(vii)]

28. What information is found in the “Statement to Policy Owners”?

A. Net cash surrender value at the end of the previous statement period
B. Number and value of units held at the end of the previous statement period

C. Projection on policy values under reasonable investment expectation

D Current death benefit at the start of current statement period

[C4, S6.3]

29. Which investment product offers some degree of capital guarantee?

A. Portfolio Bonds
B. Structured Deposits
C. Structured Notes
D Traditional fixed income instruments
[C1, S1.2]

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30. Which is least descriptive of callable structured products?

A. Exposes investors to interest rate and reinvestment risks
B. Cheaper than straight, non-callable securities and pay higher coupons
C. The price of callable bond is more than the price of a call option
D Issuer callable feature may be redeemed before it’s maturity date, at the issuer’s
[C1, S4.2]

31. Which of the following statement is TRUE about warrant?

A. Warrant can only be traded over the counter
B. The holder of warrant may choose whether or not to exercise their contractual rights
C. The holder of warrant must fulfill the contractual rights

D Warrants have value after the expiry date

[C3, S3]

32. James is expecting big volatility of gold but was not sure in which direction. What strategy

can he adopt?
A. Bull straddle
B. Bear straddle
C. Long put
D Long call

[C3, S3.6(a)]

33. Market maker’s role is to:


A. Ensure there is a seller and a buyer

B. Ensure that the security increase in price
C. Ensure that the fund managers earn a commission

D Speculate on the price movements of an underlying security

[C2, S3]

34. Issuer: Company Y

Credit rating : C

Tenure: 2 years
Maturity value: 100% capital
Payout 7% annual payout

Which of the following risk will be MOST concern to an investor based on the above
mentioned information?
A. Leverage risk
B. Market risk
C. Liquidity risk
D Credit risk

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35. Which of the following statement about participation products is TRUE?

A. Participating products are unsecured debentures
B. Participating products has unlimited downside protection
C. Participating products has lower risk compared to other structured products
D Participating products are capital guaranteed
[C1, S3.3]

36. Jasmine invested $20,000 in a structure ILP with sum assured of $25,000. In event of early
redemption, what will she NOT receive?
A. Capital invested
B. Sum assured
C. Accrued interest

D All the above

[C4, S1.1]

37. Which of the following is the MOST risky investment?

Synthetic bond + Insurance
Synthetic bond + Derivative
C. Conventional bond + Insurance
D Conventional bond + Derivative
[C4, S2.4]

38. Which of the following about reverse convertible bonds is TRUE?

A. Reverse convertible bond is a structured product

B. Reverse convertible bond protects capital

C. Reverse convertible has protection on downside as value of the stock falls
D Reverse convertible bond and conventional bond can be used interchangeably

[C1, S3.2(a)]

39. Which of the following scenario is FALSE?


A. Interest rate increase, cost of borrowing increase, company share’s price goes down
B. Interest rate goes down, cost of borrowing goes down, price of corporate bond

C. SGD appreciates against USD, the supplier of a US toy maker makes more profit
because SGD is now worth more
D Thai Baht appreciates against SGD, a Thai restaurant owner earns less and it cost
more now to buy raw materials from Thailand
[C2, S1, 2]

40. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

A. Portfolio bond has an insurance element
B. Portfolio bond has a wide range of investment choice
C. Portfolio bond are popular in countries where insurance enjoy tax benefits
D Investor of portfolio bond can choose to invest in funds outside the insurer’s platform
[C5, S1]

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CMFAS Module 9A

41. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

A. Portfolio rebalancing maintains the original risk exposure
B. Portfolio rebalancing is used across all structured ILP
C. Portfolio rebalancing means moving units from a fund that is outperforming into funds
that are performing less well
D Portfolio rebalancing is an automatic rebalancing on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or
annual basis
[C5, S1.1]

42. Which one of the following regarding speculator is TRUE?

A. Buy high sell low
B. Buy low sell high
C. Buy low and keep the investment for a long period

D Buy and sell to profit from falling and rising prices

[C3, S2.7]

43. Structure deposits are:

Capable of generating high returns
Considered as investment products
C. Included in the Deposit Insurance Scheme in Singapore
D Investors are secured creditors of the issuer in the event of liquidation.
[C1, S1.2]

44. Which of the following Acts provides policy owners to have priority claim on insurance fund
assets over general creditors in case of bankruptcy?

A. Company Act
B. Insurance Act
C. Code on CIS

D All the above

[C1, S4.4(c)]

45. When one is bullish about the market, he can leverage by using which of following strategy?
A. Long stock

B. Short stock
C. Long call
D Short call

46. Michael has a strong feeling that a particular stock is about to move lower, yet his is fearful of
selling a stock short because of the unlimited losses. What strategy can he use?
A. Covered calls
B. Long puts
C. Protective puts
D Naked calls
[C3, 3.5(a)]

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47. Structure Investment-linked Life Insurance policies are suitable for buyers who:
A. do not want any risk exposure at all
B. wish to provide for their dependants
C. are retiring and wish to receive a series of payouts for life
D are seeking capital appreciation with medium to high risk of losing the principal
[C4, S3, 4]

48. Investors of structured products may face counterparty risks, which means that:
A. the issuer’s credit rating may be downgraded
B. the issuer may face difficulty in meeting its cash flow obligations
C. interest rate fluctuations may affect the quality of the structured products
D the counterparty may fail to meet its contractual obligations to the issuers

[C2, S2]

49. A structured Investment-linked Life Insurance policy (ILP) has the following features:
Issuer = Insurer A
Underlying Asset = Basket of 6 stocks

Tenure = 3 years

Maturity Value = Single Initial Capital + Guaranteed 1% of the initial capital

Bonus payout = 3% of the initial capital amount every year if the price of all 6 stocks has
increased by 10% on maturity as compared to the price on the start of date of the investment.

Assume that an investor invests S$100,000 in structured ILP.


Calculate the total amount that the investor will receive at the end of the 3 years under the

BEST possible market performance scenario.

A. S$101,000
B. S$104,000

C. S$109,000
D S$110,000

50. Which of the following option strategies would be the most appropriate if an investor wishes
to use leverage and is bullish on certain stock?
A. Long a call
B. Sell a naked put
C. Write a covered call
D Buy a protective put
[C3, S3.4(a)]

AIA Premier Academy 111

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CMFAS Module 9A

Answers for Mock Exam 3

1 C 11 A 21 B 31 B 41 B
2 D 12 C 22 B 32 A 42 D
3 A 13 B 23 D 33 A 43 B
4 D 14 B 24 B 34 D 44 B
5 D 15 B 25 B 35 A 45 C
6 C 16 C 26 A 36 B 46 B
7 A 17 B 27 C 37 B 47 D
8 C 18 C 28 B 38 A 48 D
9 C 19 B 29 B 39 A 49 D
10 C 20 B 30 C 40 D 50 A

r Ac

AIA Premier Academy 112

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CMFAS Module 9A

Mock Exam 4

1. When buying reverse convertible bonds, we are actually buying a bond and a ________?
A. Long call option
B. Written put option
C. Sell naked call
D Protective puts
[C1, S3.2(a)]

2. Performance participation structured products

A. are unsecured debt instrument
B. have unlimited downside protection element

C. Do not track the performance of any underlying assets

D Carry low degrees of investment risk compared to yield enhancement products.
[C1, S3.3]

3. Which of the following features about derivatives allows the investors to magnify gains?
B. ad
Ability to gain from inverse of market movement.
reduced counterparty risk when traded in a stock exchange
C. Contract terms are negotiable when traded over the counter
D Small capital outlay as compared to the full contract value.

4. Which has the HIGHEST risk?

A. Traditional Bond + Insurance

B. Synthetic Bond + Insurance

C. Traditional Bond + Derivative
D Synthetic Bond + Derivative

[C4, S2.4 (c)]

5. Mr. Tan, who is a fish whole-seller in Singapore. He bought his fish from US and Japan and

then he sold it to Indonesia and UK. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. If Sing dollar appreciates against US dollar, his profit falls.

B. If Yen depreciates against Sing dollar, his profit falls

C. If Sing dollar appreciates against Indonesia Rupiah, his profit increases.
D If Sing dollar depreciates against Pound, his profit increases.
[C2, S1]

6. Jessica has a structured deposit of S$200,000. She has no need for this money and intends
to hold till maturity. What is the greatest risk she is faced?
A. Interest Rate Risk
B. Foreign exchange Risk
C. Counterparty Risk
D Credit Risk

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CMFAS Module 9A

7. Which of the following investment will allow the investor to enjoy the full upside potential of
the market?
A. Covered call
B. Protective Put
C. Bear Straddle
D Selling a naked put
[C3, S3.4 & 3.5]

8. What does holding a long position in CFD mean?

A. Investor has long investment horizon
B. Expecting a bullish market ahead
C. Expecting a bearish market ahead

D Investor has short investment horizon

[C3, S5]

9. Which of these investors will gain the best profits?

A. Investor with a call option but underlying investment tools have stagnant price
Selling naked calls and faced with price increment
Price increment and holding protective put
D Selling covered call but underlying investment tools have stagnant price
[C3, S3.4 & 3.5]

10. Which of the following has the largest liquidity risk?


A. Small fund size investing in SGX listed derivatives


B. Small fund size investing in OTC derivatives


C. Large fund size investing in SGX derivatives

D Large fund size investing in OTC derivatives
[C2, S3]

11. Which of the following is FALSE about derivatives?

A. A derivative contract is a delayed delivery agreement.

B. The holder of the derivatives contract owns the underlying assets.

C. Derivatives can be used as risk management tools.

D Derivatives are useful hedging tools.


12. Which of the following features has the LEAST similarity among the various structured
A. To protect capital
B. To hedge away risks
C. To address tax issues
D To standardise contract features
[C1,S4.1 & S4.2]

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13. Jonathon made a US$1,000 investment in 2006. US$ was worth S$1.533 in 2006. When it
matured in 2010, there is a principal repayment of US$1,000 and a bonus payoff of US$400.
US$ was worth S$1.288 in 2010. What was his total return on his investment?
A. 17.63%
B. 26.09%
C. 27.02%
D 33.63%
[C2, S4]

14. John invested S$100,000 in US$ FX futures with ABC Index, which risk is he least concerned
A. Foreign exchange risk

B. Leverage

C. Credit default risk
D Market risk

An Australian deposited US$12m in a US bank. What type of risk is he subject to?
A. Interest rate
B. Foreign Exchange rate
C. Credit risk
D All of the above


16. Which of the following is a true statement about the holder of a put option?

A. The holder of the put option has the right to buy.

B. The holder of the put option cannot influence the exercise price.
C. The max potential loss is unlimited.

D The holder of the put option paid the premium.

[C3, S3.7]

17. Mr. Teng brought a structured Investment-linked Life Insurance policy (ILP) in 1 Oct 2010. It

will mature in 1 Oct 2018.

It has the following features:

- 100% capital guaranteed
- 2.5% of NAV as annual payout at each policy anniversary.

Mr. Teng is assured of which of the following?

A. 100% of capital if held till maturity
B. 2.5% of NAV as annual payout regardless of underlying fund performance
C. 20% of NAV as total annual payout regardless of underlying fund performance
D None of the above

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18. Which of the following is used to track the opposite performance of an index?
A. Bonds
B. Options
C. Futures
D Derivatives
[C4, S2.4 (b)]

19. By taking a long position in CFD,

A. the investor receives dividends and pays interest
B. the investor pays dividends and pays interest
C. the investor receives dividends and receives interest

D. the investor pays dividends and receives interest

[C3, S5]

20. Which of the following is the most common consideration when structured products adopt
different structures?

A. Product complexity
B. Pricing
C. Tax treatment
D Investment Objectives

21. In a structured product, derivatives are typically not used to provide investors with

A. regular income

B. upside participation
C. principal guarantee
D downside protection

[C2, S6.2]

22. Which of the following does not describe callable bonds?


A. They are cheaper.

B. Cannot be invested via portfolio bond.

C. As interest rate decreases, there will be a higher chance for callable bond to be called.
D They offer higher coupons.
[C1,S4.2 / C5, S1]

23. An international seafood trading company buys supplies from United State and Japan. While
they supply to England and Indonesia. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. When Sing dollar depreciate against US$, the company profit increase.
B. When Sing dollar appreciate against Japanese Yen, the company profit
C. When Sing dollar depreciate against Pound, the company profit increase.
D When Sing dollar depreciate against Indonesia, the company profit decrease
[C2, S1]

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CMFAS Module 9A

24. Investor A invest $50,000 in an investment in England when 1EURO$ = S$1.90. The Euro
dollar depreciates to S$1.70 although the investment gains by 30%. What the profit/loss of
the investor?
A. 16% gain
B. 24% gain
C. 16% loss
D 24% loss
[C2, S4]

25. In a long put, the option is _________ when the strike price is less than the market price.
A. “in-the-money”
B. “at-the-money”
C. “out-of-the-money”

D Intrinsically positive


26. Which of the following statement about leveraging is false?

A. Trading on margin is a leveraging technique.
C. ad
Future contracts have inherent leverage effect.
Leverage evens out investment peaks & trough and hence reduces volatility.
D. The effect of leverage multiplies both gains & losses.
[C2, S5.2]

27. If the shares are currently trading at S$15, an option to buy it at S$12. What is the intrinsic

value of the option?

A. S$6

B. S$5
C. S$4
D. S$3

[C3, S3.7]

28. The April futures price of oil is US$95 per barrel, but the cash price is US$100 per barrel.
Which one of the following statements BEST describes this situation?

A. Basis is “US$95 in April”


B. Basis is “US$100 in April”

C. Basis is “US$5 over April”
D Basis is “US$5 under April”
[C3, S2.5]

29. Which one of the following regarding speculator is TRUE?

A. Buy high sell low
B. Buy low sell high
C. Providing market liquidity
D Buy low and keep the investment for a long period
[C3, S2.7]

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30. A fund manager’s Singapore portfolio is currently worth S$1000,000 , and has a portfolio beta
of 1.2 to the STI. The price coverage per contract is S$20,000. How many contracts does he
need to sell to reduce the possibility of loss in his portfolio?
A. 42
B. 50
C. 60
D 62
[C3, S2.8]

31. Mr. Spout is looking at investing a fund in a single premium. The Fund restricts
withdrawals/redemption up to 20% of fund size each day. The Fund objective is to achieve
10% capital appreciation. Launch price is S$1 current price is S$0.90. Which is the MOST
substantiated statement by the advisor?

A. the person may not be able to redeem the full amount he/she wishes

B. A person who invested since the launch has not experienced any capital appreciation
C. The fund manager invest in high yield bond and derivatives to achieve the 10%

The market risk cannot be ascertained as the fund manager does not have full control
over the fund investment

32. Which of the following is FALSE?

A. A call seller pays the premium

B. A call buyer has the right to buy


C. Buyer determines the time to exercise the options


D Seller has the obligation to buy or sell

[C3, S3.7]

33. Which of the following describes Variation Margin?


A. A fraction of the full value of the contract.

B. The additional amount required to restore the account to the initial margin.

C. The additional amount required to restore the account to the maintenance margin.
D The additional amount required to restore the account to the additional margin.


34. By taking a short position in CFD,

A. the investor receives dividends and pays interest
B. the investor pays dividends and pays interest
C. the investor receives dividends and receives interest
D. the investor pays dividends and receives interest
[C3, S5]

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CMFAS Module 9A

35. Which of the following is one of the characteristics of structured Investment-linked Life
Insurance policies (ILPs)?
A. Structured ILPs have simple structures
B. Structured ILP investors are exposed to little downside risk
C. Structured ILP sub-funds are in tailor-made products
D. Structured ILPs have relatively high insurance element
[C4, S1]

36. Which of the following regulatory instrument(s) must give the policy owners of Structured
Investment-linked policy priority claims in the event of liquidation?
A. Insurance Act
B. Companies Financial Act

C. Deposit Insurance Scheme

D Code of Collective Investment Scheme
[C4, S5.1]

37. An investor placed S$100,000 in Australia (AUD) investment when AUD was S$1.20. The
AUD has since depreciated against the S$ and is now worth only S$1.10. On the other hand,
the AUD investment has appreciated by 5% in AUD terms.
What is the investor’s nest gain / loss on the investment, as measured in S$?
A. Gain of 10%
B. Gain of 4%

C. Loss of 10%

D Loss of 4%

[C2, S4]

38. An insurer marketing a structure ILPs must comply with requirements in the:
A. Insurance Act

B. Financial Adviser Act

C. Company Act
D All of the above

[C4, S5]

39. Which of the following has a low probability of losing capital and has corresponding low risk?
A. Rare gem
B. Bold investment
C. Safe investment
D Unworthy investment
[C1, S2.2]

AIA Premier Academy 119

For Internal Use Only. Version 2.0 [05/2012]
CMFAS Module 9A

40. Which of the following has the highest upside?

A. Protective put
B. Bear straddle
C. Bull straddle
D Long Call
[C3, S3.4(c)]

41. Which of the following is the riskiest strategy?

A. Short put
B. Long put
C. Short call

D Long call

[C3, S3.5(b)]

42. Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A. The value of portfolio bond depends on the value of the underlying investment.
The value of conventional bond depends on interest rate.
There is guarantee of the principals invested in portfolio bond.
D There is guarantee to the return of par value in conventional bond
[C5, S1]

43. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the fees & charges for portfolio bond?

A. The product charges cover the cost of setting up the bond and its ongoing


B. Sending paper valuation statement is free of charge.

C. There may be early withdrawal charge imposed by the deposit taker or fund manager
for early withdrawal.
D When the dealing account holds a negative balance, charges are applied.

[C5, S1.1(b)]

44. Mr. Bean is looking at investing a fund in a single premium. The Fund restricts

withdrawals/redemption up to 20% of fund size each day. The Fund objective is to achieve
10% capital appreciation. Launch price is S$1, current price is S$0.90. Which is the LEAST

substantiated statement by the advisor?

A. the person may not be able to redeem the full amount he/she wishes
B. A person who invested since the launch has not experienced any capital appreciation
C. The fund manager invest in high yield bond and derivatives to achieve the 10%
D The market risk cannot be ascertained as the fund manager does not have full control
over the fund investment

AIA Premier Academy 120

For Internal Use Only. Version 2.0 [05/2012]
CMFAS Module 9A

45. The maturity amount of a structured product may be lower than the original investment, this
can be caused by ONE of the following circumstances:
A. The investor’s portfolio diversification is high
B. Fluctuation in the price of the underlying assets
C. There was no collateral given by the counterparty
D The counterparty to the derivative contract defaults
[C2, S6.5, Table 2.3]

46. The strike price of the call option is $15. The market price is $12. The intrinsic value of the
call option is…
A. In-the-money
B. At-the-money

C. Out-of-the-money

D Under-the-money
[C3, S3]

47. Company delta issues a structured product, which is distributed by Company Elite.
Subsequently, Company Delta’s credit rating is downgraded. What kind of risk does this
present to the investor?
A. Liquidity risk
B. Issuer-specific risk
C. General market risk

D Counterparty credit risk


[C2, S1(a)]

48. Performance participation structured products:

A. Are secured debt instruments
B. Carry lower degrees of investment risk

C. Share in the profits of the participating funds

D Track the price performance of the underlying assets

[C1, S3.3]

49. The turnover ratio is defined as the:

A. Ratio between offer and bid prices
B. Number of times that a dollar of assets is reinvested in a given year
C. Number of times that the units in an ILP sub-fund are exchanged for cash
D Ratio of the sub-fund’s operating expenses to the daily average net asset value
[C4, S1.2]

50. Which one of the following statements regarding structured products is TRUE?
A. structured products are by nature homogenous
B. most structured products do not have fixed expiry or maturity date
C. structured products fall under the category of traditional investments
D structured products may use different forms of wrappers as the underlying asset
[C1, S1.2]

AIA Premier Academy 121

For Internal Use Only. Version 2.0 [05/2012]
CMFAS Module 9A

Answers for Mock Exam 4

1 B 11 B 21 A 31 B 41 C
2 A 12 D 22 B 32 A 42 C
3 D 13 A 23 C 33 B 43 B
4 D 14 C 24 A 34 D 44 D
5 D 15 D 25 C 35 C 45 D
6 D 16 D 26 C 36 A 46 C
7 B 17 A 27 D 37 D 47 B
8 B 18 D 28 C 38 D 48 D
9 C 19 A 29 C 39 C 49 B
10 B 20 C 30 C 40 D 50 D

r Ac

AIA Premier Academy 122

For Internal Use Only. Version 2.0 [05/2012]

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