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Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Draw scientifically, technically correct labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
iii. Start writing each main question on new page.
iv. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
v. For each MCQ (i.e. Q. No. 1-B) evaluation would be done for first attempt only.
vi. For each MCQ correct answer must be written along with its alphabet.
Eg.: (i) (a)……..., (ii) (b) ……..., (iii) (c) ……....

1. (A) Answer the following questions: [5]

1. Write proper answer in the box:

m1 m2 m1 m2

d 3d
If F = , then F =
2. In Dobereiner’s triads Li, Na, K, the atomic masses of Lithium and Potassium are 6.9 and 39.1
respectively, then what will be the atomic mass of sodium.
3. State whether the given statement is true or false:
A concave lens is a converging lens.
4. By considering first correlation complete the second correlation:
Hubble telescope: 569 km high from earth surface
Revolving orbit of Hubble telescope:
5. Find the odd man out:
Tinning, Anodization, Alloying, Froth floatation.
(B) Choose the correct alternative: [5]
1. The reaction of iron nail with copper sulphate solution is _______ reaction.
(A) Combination
(B) Decomposition
(C) Displacement
(D) Double displacement
2. Observe the following diagram and choose the correct alternative:
Magnetic lines of force Magnetic lines of force

R2 R1 R2
A A
+` + 
+ + 
5V A B

(A) The intensity of magnetic field in A is larger than in B.

(B) The intensity of magnetic field in B is less than in A.
(C) The intensity of magnetic field in A and B is same.
(D) The intensity of magnetic field in A is less than in B.
3. A ray of light makes an angle of 50° with the surface S1 of the glass slab. Its
will be _______.
(A) 50° (B) 40°
(C) 140° (D) 0°

4. Water expands on reducing its temperature below _______°C.

(A) 0 (B) 4
(C) 8 (D) 12

5. The carbon compound is used in daily life is _______.

(A) Edible oil (B) Salt
(C) Carbon dioxide (D) Baking soda

2. Attempt any five of the following questions: [10]

1. Two tungsten bulbs of power 50 W and 60 W work on 220 V potential difference. If they are
connected in parallel, how much current will flow in the main conductor?
2. Give scientific reason:
In the electric equipment producing heat e.g. iron, electric heater, boiler, toaster etc., an alloy
such as Nichrome is used, not pure metals.
3. A metal ball of mass 5 kg falls from a height of 490 m. How much time it will take to reach
the ground? (g = 9.8 m/s2)
4. Write names of first four homologous series of alcohols:

series of alcohols

5. Observe the following figure and complete the table:


2F1 A F1 A O F2 2F2

Points Answers
i. Position of the object
ii. Position of the image
iii. Size of the image
iv. Nature of the image

6. Out of sodium and sulfur which is a metal? Explain its reaction with the oxygen.
7. A tapping vessel opens in a tank like container that is tapering on the lower side. The tank has
an outlet for water on the upper side and a water inlet on the lower side. Finely ground ore is
released in the tank. A forceful jet of water is introduced in the tank from lower side and
gangue particles and pure ore are separated by this method.
i. The above description is of which gravitation separation method?
ii. Draw labelled diagram of this method.
3. Attempt any five of the following questions: [15]
1. What would be the value of ‘g’ on the surface of the earth if its mass was twice and its radius
half of what it is now?
2. Write merits of Mendeleev’s periodic table.
3. Study the following chemical reaction and answer the questions given below:

AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq)  AgCl(s)  + NaNO3(aq)


i. Identify and write the type of chemical reaction.

ii. Write the definition of above type of chemical reaction.
iii. Write the names of reactants and products of above reaction.
4. Explain the following temperature Vs time graph:

Boiling water + Vapour

100 D
C Liquid – Gaseous state
C 60
10 A B
(0, 0)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Ice + Water
Time (Minutes)
(Solid + liquid)

5. Surabhi from std. X uses spectacle. The power of the lenses in her spectacle is 0.5 D.
Answer the following questions from the given information:
i. Identify the type of lenses used in her spectacle.
ii. Identify the defect of vision Surabhi is suffering from.
iii. Find the focal length of the lenses used in her spectacle.
6. Complete the following table:
Sr. No. Common Name Structural Formula IUPAC Name
1. Ethylene CH2 = CH2 …….
2. ……. CH3COOH Ethanoic acid
3. Methyl alcohol ……. Methanol
7. What is meant by space debris? Why there is need to manage the debris?
Q.4. Answer any one of the following questions: [5]
1. Taking into consideration the period of the elements given below, answer the following
Atomic Radius
O 66
B 88
C 77
N 74
Be 111
Li 152
i. Arrange the above elements in a decreasing order of their atomic radii.
ii. State the period to which the above elements belong.
iii. Why this arrangement of elements is similar to the above period of modern periodic
iv. Which of the above elements have the biggest and the smallest atom?
v. What is the periodic trend observed in the variation of atomic radius while going from
left to right within a period?
2. The observation made by Swarali while doing the experiment are given below. Based on these
write answers to the questions:
Swarali found that the light ray travelling from the denser medium to rarer medium goes away
from the normal. If the angle of incidence (i) is raised by Swarali, the angle of refraction (r)
went on increasing. However after certain value of the angle of incidence the light ray is seen
to return back into the denser medium.
i. What is the specific value of Li called?
ii. What is the process of reflection of incident ray into denser medium called?
iii. Draw the diagrams of three observations made by Swarali.

Science and Technology Part - 1
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Draw scientifically, technically correct labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
iii. Start writing each main question on new page.
iv. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
v. For each MCQ (i.e. Q. No. 1-B) evaluation would be done for first attempt only.
vi. For each MCQ correct answer must be written along with its alphabet.
Eg.: (i) (a)……..., (ii) (b) ……..., (iii) (c) ……....

Q.1. (A) Solve the following questions: [5]

i. Fill in the blank and rewrite the sentence: (1)
The initial velocity (during launching) of the Mangal-Yaan must be greater than _______ of
the earth.

ii. Match the pairs: (2)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

i. Ethanol a. Hydrogen peroxide
ii. Methane b. Tincture iodine
c. Biogas
d. Non-stick cookware

iii. Write co-relation: (1)

Molecular formula of beryllium oxide: BeO :: Molecular formula of beryllium chloride :

iv. Write whether the following statement is true or false: (1)

Simple microscope is used for watch repairs.

(B) Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the statement: [5]
i. Combustion of coal in air is a _______ reaction.
(A) combination (B) displacement
(C) decomposition (D) double displacement

ii. When electric current is passed through the solenoid, it shows magnetic lines of force similar
to a _______.
(A) bar magnet (B) horse shoe magnet
(C) disk magnet (D) spherical magnet

iii. The crystals of ferrous sulphate are_______.

(A) Blue in colour (B) Pink in colour
(C) Pale green in colour (D) Colourless

iv. A laser beam enters from air to soap solution in water then _______.
(A) it goes away from the normal (B) it bends towards the normal
(C) it travels straight without bending (D) it returns back into air
v. When temperature of water is reduced below _______ C, it expands.
(A) 0 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 12
Q.2. Solve the following questions (any five): [10]
i. If mass of a planet is eight times the mass of the earth and its radius is twice the radius of the earth,
what will be the ratio of escape velocity of earth to the escape velocity on the planet?

ii. Explain why value of g changes if we go inside the earth.

iii. Complete the following flowchart and write the general formula of alkane:

CH4 _______ C3H8 _______ C5H12

iv. What is a geostationary satellite? Why are geostationary satellites not useful for studies of polar region?
v. If the speed of light in a medium is 1.5  108 m/s, what is the absolute refractive index of the medium?
(Velocity of light in vacuum 3  108 m/s)

vi. In two methods of control of corrosion of aluminium, either a layer of aluminium oxide is formed or a
silver plating is done on the surface. State to which electrode the aluminium article is attached in these
methods respectively.
vii. Write down any two rules used for drawing ray diagrams for the formation of image by convex lens.
Q.3. Solve the following questions (any five): [15]
i. An object thrown vertically upwards reaches a height of 500 m. What was its initial velocity?
How long will the object take to come back to the earth? (g = 10 m/s2)

ii. Explain the similarity and difference in two events namely adding NaOH to water and adding
CaO to water.

iii. Observe the following reaction carefully and answer the sub-questions:
NH3 + HCl NH4Cl

a. What are the salt and acid in the above reaction?

b. Which is the base in the above reaction? It is weak or strong?
c. Write a reaction showing dissociation of this base in water.

iv. Explain the following temperature Vs. time graph:

Boiling water + Vapour

100 D
Liquid – Gaseous state
C 70
10 A B
(0, 0)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Ice + Water Time (Minutes)
(Solid + liquid)

v. Doctor has prescribed a lens having power +1.5 D for correction of eye defect. What will be
the focal length of the lens? What is the type of the lens and what must be the defect of

vi. Give scientific reason:

Anodes need to be replaced from time to time during the electrolysis of alumina.

vii. What is meant by Vinegar and Gashol? What are their uses?
Q.4. Solve the following questions (any one): [5]
i. Observe the following diagram and write the answers of the following questions:
1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18
H He
1 1 2
Li Be B C N O F Ne
2 2, 1 2, 2 2, 3 2, 4 2, 5 2, 6 2, 7 2, 8
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
3 2, 8, 1 2, 8, 2 2, 8, 3 2, 8, 4 2, 8, 5 2, 8, 6 2, 8, 7 2, 8, 8
K Ca
4 2, 8, 8, 1 2, 8, 8,2
Ra 2
7 3
4 Argon atom
Potassium atom
a. Write the atomic numbers of first two elements in the second group.
b. Write the number of valence electrons of the elements in the halogen group.
c. Draw the diagram of electronic configuration of magnesium atom.
d. After completion of a period, what change does take place in the electronic
configuration of the next element?
e. Write the names of any two elements from the diagram which do not take part in
chemical reaction.
ii. Observe the following diagram and write the answers of the given sub-questions:
Magnetic field

N B Coil C S

B1 R1
Conducting brushes

a. Which instrument the above figure shows?

b. Which rule is used to determine the direction of the current produced?
c. State the rule.
d. In which direction (B1 to B2 or B2 to B1) will the current flow in the external circuit in
that situation?
e. What change will have to be made in the coil for increasing the current several times
without changing the magnet?

Science and Technology Part - 1
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40

Note: i. All questions are compulsory.

ii. Use of a calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs (Q. No. 1(A)) only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For each MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C), (D) with sub-question number is to be written as
an answer.
For Eg: (i) (A), (ii) (B), (iii) (C)
vi. Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

Q.1. (A) Write the correct alternative: [5]

i. According to Mendeleev’s periodic law, properties of elements are periodic function of their _______.
(A) Atomic numbers (B) Atomic masses
(C) Densities (D) Boiling points
ii. The vapour content in the air is measured using a physical quantity called _______.
(A) Absolute humidity (B) Relative humidity
(C) Dew point (D) Humidity
iii. For the normal human eye, the near point is at _______ cm.
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 25 (D) 30
iv. The astronomical object closest to us is _______ is our galaxy.
(A) Mars (B) Venus (C) Jupiter (D) Moon
v. In the Wilfley table method, the particles of gangue are separated by _______ separation method.
(A) Magnetic (B) Froth floatation (C) Hydraulic (D) Gravitational
(B) Answer the following: [5]
i. Find the odd one out:
Voltmeter, Ammeter, Thermometer, Galvanometer.
ii. Complete the correlation:
Alkene : C = C :: Alkyne: _______.
iii. State true or false:
The frequency of AC is 50 Hz.
iv. Match the Columns:
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(a) 600 nm
The wavelength of red light (b) 700 nm
(c) 500 nm
v. Name the first artificial satellite sent by Russia in space.
Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two): [4]
i. The weight of an object changes from place to place though its mass is constant.
ii. Stars twinkle but we do not see the twinkling of planets.
iii. Elements belonging to the same group have the same valency.
(B) Answer the following (any three): [6]
i. How much heat energy is necessary to raise the temperature of 5 kg of water from 20C to 100C?
ii. Observe the given figure of Fleming’s Right Hand Rule and write the labels of A and B correctly.
Motion of a conductor

iii. Observe the given graph and answer the following questions:

1 kg Volume of water
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Temperature C
a. Name the process represented in the figure.
b. At what temperature does this process take place?
iv. Complete the given chemical reaction:
CuSO4 (aq) + Fe (s)  _______ + _______.
Name the type of the reaction.
v. Write a short note on Alloying.
Q.3. Answer the following (any five): [15]
i. An element has its electronic configuration as 2, 8, 2. Now answer the following questions:
a. What is the atomic number of this element?
b. What is the group of this element?
c. To which period does this element belong?
ii. Observe the given figure showing the orbit of a planet moving around the Sun and write the three
laws related to it: D C
E 1 3
F Sun A
The orbit of a planet moving
around the Sun
iii. Read the given passage and answer the following questions:
The home electrical connection consists of ‘live’, ‘neutral’ and ‘earth’ wires. The ‘live’ and the
‘neutral’ wires have potential difference of 220 V. The ‘earth’ is connected to ground. Due to a fault
in the equipment or if the plastic coating on the ‘live’ and the ‘neutral’ wires gives a way the two
wires come in contact with each other and a large current flows through it producing heat. If any
inflammable material (such as wood, cloth, plastic, etc.) exists around that place it can catch fire.
Therefore a fuse wire is used as a precautionary measure.
a. Name the two wires having potential difference of 220 V.
b. What is short circuit?
c. Write the function of a fuse.
iv. Observe the given figure and answer the following questions: C
Air i N
a. Name the process represented by the figure.
b. State the two laws related to the process. Dr Glass

v. What is an artificial satellite? Name any two types of artificial satellite and state their functions.
vi. Answer the following questions:
a. Define Hydrocarbons.
b. Name the types of Hydrocarbons.
c. Name two carbon compounds used in day-to-day life.
vii. Observe the given figure of reactivity series of metals and answer the following questions:
Lithium React with water Higher

React with acids


Zinc React with oxygen




Reactivity series of metals

a. Name two metals which react with water.
b. Name two moderately reactive metals.
c. Name the most highly reactive metal and the most less reactive metal.
viii. Complete the following table:
Straight chain of Molecular
Structural formula Name
Carbon compounds formula

C HCH CH4 Methane

CC _______ _______
CCC _______ C3H8 _______

HCCCCH _______ _______

CCC C


Q.4. Answer any one of the following: [5]

i. Draw a scientifically correct labelled diagram of a human eye and answer the questions based on it:
a. Name the type of lens in the human eye.
b. Name the screen at which the maximum amount of incident light is refracted?
c. State the nature of the image formed of the object on the screen inside the eye.

ii. Observe the following picture and answer the Collected rust
following questions: Water drop
a. What is a rust? O2
b. Write the chemical formula of rust. Fe2+ (aq)

c. Write the reaction of oxidation of iron at anode. e

Cathode Anode
d. Write the reaction of oxidation of iron at cathode.
e. What is corrosion? Fe  Fe2+ + 2e
+ 
O2 + 4H + 4e  2H2O Iron
Science and Technology Part - 1
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40

Note: i. All questions are compulsory.

ii. Use of a calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs (Q. No. 1(A)) only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For each MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with sub-question number is to be written
as an answer.
For Eg: (i) (A), (ii) (B), (iii) (C)
vi. Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

Q.1. (A) Choose the correct option: [5]

i. The minimum velocity of the spacecraft to escape from earth’s gravitational force must be
(A) 112 km/s (B) 11.2 km/s (C) 1.12 km/s (D) 0.112 km/s
ii. The melting point of pure ethanoic acid is .
(A) 17C (B) 19C (C) 15C (D) 27C
iii. The process of separation of light into its component colour while it is passing through a
medium is called .
(A) Reflection (B) Refraction
(C) Dispersion (D) Internal reflection
iv. The conversion of ferrous sulphate into ferric sulphate is reaction.
(A) Oxidation (B) Displacement
(C) Electrolysis (D) Reduction
v. Lithium (Li), and Potassium (K) is Dobereiner’s triad.
(A) Magnesium (Mg) (B) Aluminium (Al)
(C) Sodium (Na) (D) Calcium (Ca)
(B) Solve the following sub-questions: [5]
i. State true or false:
The refractive index depends upon the velocity of light in medium.
ii. Write the correlated answer:
Torch : Concave lens :: Camera : .
iii. Find odd man out:
Zinc, Iron, Phosphorus, Sodium.
iv. Draw the structural formula of C3H8.
v. Which satellite is used in educational field among INSAT and GSAT series?
Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two): [4]
i. Star appears to be twinkling at night.
ii. Simple microscope is used for watch repairs.
iii. The copper vessels turn greenish and silver articles turn blackish when kept open in air for
long time.
(B) Answer the following questions (any three): [6]
i. An object takes 5 seconds to reach the ground from a height of 5 m on a planet. What is the
value of ‘g’ on that planet?
ii. Identify ‘A’ and ‘B’ from the following table and complete the table. Write the chemical

Δ Heat

…………. ………….

iii. Write the modern periodic law and also give the names of ‘blocks’ in modern periodic table.

iv. Distinguish between ‘alternating current’ and ‘direct current’.

v. Define specific heat capacity. Write its S.I. unit.

Q.3. Answer the following (any five): [15]
i. An iron ball of mass 3 kg is released from a height of 125 m and falls freely to the ground.
Assuming that the value of ‘g’ is 10 m/s2, calculate:
a. Time taken by the ball to reach the ground.
b. Velocity of the ball on reaching the ground.
ii. An element has its electron configuration as (2, 8, 2). Answer the following:
a. What is the ‘atomic number’ of this element?
b. What is the ‘Group’ of this element?
c. To which period does this element belong?
iii. a. Write the ‘endothermic’ or ‘exothermic’ nature of the reaction:

2KClO3 (s) ⎯⎯
→2KCl(s) + 3O2 

b. Balance the given chemical equation:

NaOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) → Na 2SO4 (aq) + H2O(l)

c. From given reaction, identify ‘oxidant’ and ‘reductant’:

CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O

iv. A copper sphere of 100 g mass is heated to raise its temperature to 100C and is released in
water of mass 195 g and temperature 20C in a copper calorimeter. If the mass of the
calorimeter is 50 g, what will be the maximum temperature of water?
(Specific heat of copper = 0.1 cal/gC)
v. a. Draw a neat labelled diagram of ‘dispersion of white light through glass prism’.
b. Which coloured ray is the least deviated?
c. Which coloured ray is the most deviated?

vi. Complete the following table for convex lens:

Nature of
Position of object Position of image Size of image
(a) Real and
At focus F2 Point image
(b) Real and
At 2F1 At 2F2
(c) Between F1 and O On the same side (object
Very large
(within focal length) side)
vii. Observe the following diagram and answer the questions:

Anode (Graphite)

Steel (Graphite lining)
tank Mixture of alumina,
cryolite and fluorspar
aluminium Outlet for molten

a. Write the ‘anode reaction’.

b. Write the ‘cathode reaction’.
c. What is the purpose of mixing ‘cryolite’ and ‘fluorspar’ with ‘alumina’ in the
electrolytic reduction of alumina?
viii. a. What is the principle behind the working of satellite launch vehicle?
b. Write the formula for the escape velocity.
c. Write the long form of ‘ISRO’.
Q.4. Solve the following questions (any one): [5]
i. Observe the diagrams and answer the questions:
+ − – +



Plug key Plug key

Magnetic needle Magnetic needle

a. Which effect of electric current is shown in the above figure?

b. What will happen if the number of electric cells is increased on the magnetic needle?
c. If the distance between the conductor and magnetic needle is increased, what will be
the effect on intensity of magnetic field?
d. If the ends of electric cell are interchanged, what will be the effect of the magnetic
e. Write the names of any two instruments which work on magnetic effect of electric
ii. Answer the following:
a. Draw the electron-dot structure of Methane.
b. Define Homologous series.
c. Write the IUPAC names of the following:
(i) CH3 − CH2 − COOH
(ii) CH3 − CHOH − CH3
(iii) CH3 − CO − CH2 − CH3
Q.1 (A) Write the correct alternative: 5
(i) t produced in
If I is the current flowing continuously through the circuit, the heart
the resistor R in the time t will be _________
(A) IRT (B) IR2T (C) I2RT (D) IRT2

(ii) __________ element belongs to group 18.

(A) Na (B) O (C) Fe (D) Ne

(iii) __________ is a satellite vehicle.


(iv) The phenomenon in which the ice converts to liquid due to applied pressure and
then re-converts to ice once the pressure is removed is called _________
(A) Boiling point (B) regelation
(C) freezing (D) melting point

(v) As we rise from the surface of the earth, the value of g _________
(A) increases (B) becomes zero
(C) does not change (D) decreases

(B) Answer the following : 5

(i) Complete the correlation : Object is at unlimited distance : Point is at focus F12 ::
Object is between F1 and 2F1 :
(ii) State True or False:
In chemical equation we write the reactants on the right and the product on the
(iii) Write the name of the law shown in the following diagram:

(iv) Match the columns:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
Anomalous behaviour of water (a) 0°C to -10°C
(b) 0°C to 4°C
(c) 0°C to 10°C
(v) What is meant by space debris?

Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two) : 4
(i) Elements belonging to the same group have the same valency.
(ii) It is necessary to connect earth wires in home electric connection.
(iii) Sodium metal is always kept in kerosene.

(B) Answer the following (any three) : 6

(i) A tennis ball is thrown up and reaches a height of 5 m before coming down. What
was its initial velocity? (𝑔 =10 𝑚/𝑠2)
(ii) Identify the process described in the sketch below and write any two uses.

(iii) Explain the law of refraction.

(iv) Balance the following chemical equation (Do not write step by step)
(a) H2S + SO2  S ↓ + H2O
(b) MnO2 + HCl  MnCl2 + H2O + Cl2↑
(v) Write a note on: ‘Persistence of vision’

Q.3. Answer the following (any five) : 15

(i) (a) What is the chemical formula of rust?
(b) Write the chemical reaction of electric current passing through positive and
negative surface of iron.
(ii) Answer the following questions with the help of following diagram.

(a) Heat is transferred from where to where?

(b) Which principle do we learn about from this process?
(c) Which property of the substance is measured using this principle?
(iii) The electronic configuration of metal ‘A’ is 2, 8, 1 and that of metal ‘B’ is 2,8,2.
(a) Which of the two metals is more reactive?
(b) Write the name of more reactive metal.
(c) Write their reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid

(iv) Complete the following table:

(v) Distinguish between myopia and hypermetropia. (Any 3 points)

(vi) Saturated hydrocarbons are classified into three types. Write these names giving one
example each.
(vii) Who will spend more electrical energy? 500 W TV Set in 30 mins, or 600 W heater in 20
(viii) Describe the demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic table.

Q.4. Answer any one of the following: 5

i. With the help of a neat labelled diagram prove that a rainbow is the combined effect of
the refraction, dispersion, and total internal reflection of light.
ii. Answer the following questions.
a) Draw neat labelled diagram of ‘Esterification Reaction’
b) Write the molecular formula of ester.
c) Describe the characteristics of ester.
d) Write any two uses of ester.

Science and Technology Part - 1
Time: 2 Hours Max Marks: 40

Note: i. All questions are compulsory.

ii. Use of a calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs (Q. No. 1(A)) only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For each MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with subquestion number is to be written as
an answer.
For Eg: (i) (A), (ii) (B), (iii) (C)
vi. Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

Q.1. (A) Choose the correct Alternative: [5]

i. Gold plated ornaments is the example of _______.
(A) Electroplating (B) Alloying
(C) Anodizing (D) Galvanizing

ii. The functioning of the satellite launch vehicle is based on _______.

(A) Newton’s first law of motion (B) Newton’s second law of motion
(C) Newton’s third law of motion (D) Newton’s universal law of gravitation

iii. _______ is one of the combustible components of L.P.G.

(A) Ethane (B) Propane
(C) Methane (D) Ethene

iv. The power of a convex lens of focal length 25 cm is ________.

(A) 4.0 D (B) 0.25 D (C) –4.0 D (D) –0.4 D

v. ______ colour is deviated the least, in the spectrum of white light obtained with a glass prism.
(A) Red (B) Yellow (C) Violet (D) Blue

(B) Answer the following: [5]

i. Find the odd one out:

ii. Complete the correlation:

Group 1 : Alkali metals : : _________ : Halogens.

iii. Match the correct pair:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

Refractive index of water (a) 1.31
(b) 1.36
(c) 1.33

iv. State True or False:

An electric motor converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

v. Write the IUPAC name for the following structural formula:

CH3  CH  CH3

Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two): [4]
i. Atomic radius goes an increasing down a group.
ii. Simple microscope is used for watch repairs.
iii. It is recommended to use airtight container for storing oil for long time.

(B) Answer the following questions (any three): [6]

i. An object takes 5 s to reach the ground from a height of 5 m on a planet. What is the value of
‘g’ on the planet?
ii. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Hope’s Apparatus.
iii. State the Laws of Refraction.
iv. Answer the following:
(a) Name the main ore of aluminium.
(b) What impurities are present in aluminium ore?
v. Observe the given figure of Fleming’s Left Hand Rule and write the labels of ‘A’ and ‘B’:
Force of the conductor

Q.3. Answer the following (any five): [15]

i. Write the demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic table.
ii. State the laws related to the given diagram:
E 1
F Sun A

iii. Identify the type of chemical reaction given below:

(a) CuSO4 + Fe 
 FeSO4 + Cu
(b) 2Mg + O2 
 2MgO
(c)  2KCl + 3O2 
2KClO3 
iv. If the speed of light in a medium is 1.5  108 m/s, what is the absolute refractive index of the
medium? (Speed of light in vacuum = 3  108 m/s).
v. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions based on it:
If heat is exchanged between a hot and cold object, the temperature of the cold object
goes on increasing due to gain of energy and the temperature of the hot object goes on
decreasing due to loss of energy.
The change in temperature continues till the temperatures of both the objects attain the
same value. In this process, the cold object gains heat energy and the hot object loses heat
energy. If the system of both the objects is isolated from the environment by keeping it
inside a heat resistant box, then no energy can flow from inside the box or come into the
(a) Heat is transferred from where to where?
(b) Which principle do we learn about from this process?
(c) How will you state the principle briefly?
vi. Complete the following table for convex lens:

Sr. Nature of the

Position of the object Position of the image
No. image
1. Beyond 2F1 ________ ________
2. ______ At infinity
3. Real, inverted
______ ________
and enlarged
vii. Explain the following terms:
(a) Metallurgy
(b) Ores
(c) Gangue.
viii. State the importance of Space Mission.
Q.4. Answer any one of the following questions: [5]
i. Observe the following diagram and answer the questions given below:
Magnetic field

N B Coil C S

B1 R1
Conducting brushes

a. Identify the above diagram. 1

b. Write the principle on which the above appliance works. 1
c. Write the working of the above appliance. 2
d. Write the use of the above appliance. 1
ii. a. Identify saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon from the given structural formula: 2
(1) H – C –– C – H (2) C=C
b. Draw electron dot structure for (1) and (2). 2
c. Define Homologous series. 1
Science and Technology Part - 1
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

Note: i. All questions are compulsory.

ii. Use of a calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs (Q. No. 1(A)) only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with subquestion number is to be written
as an answer.
For Eg.: (i) (A), (ii) (B), (iii) (C)
vi. Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

Q.1. (A) Choose the correct alternative: [5]

i. The device used for producing current is called _______.
(A) A voltmeter (B) An ammeter
(C) A galvanometer (D) A generator
ii. If a ray of light passes from a denser medium to a rarer medium in a straight line, the angle of
incidence must be _______.
(A) 0 (B) 30 (C) 60 (D) 90
iii. The power of convex lens of focal length 20 cm is _______
(A) +5.0 D (B) 0.20 D (C) –5.0 D (D) 0.5 D
iv. Good conductor of electricity is ________.
(A) Bromine (B) Iodine (C) Graphite (D) Sulphur
v. The height of medium earth orbit above the surface of the earth is:
(A) 1,500 km (B) 250 km (C) 45,000 km (D) 25,000 km
(B) Answer the following questions: [5]
i. Find the odd man out:
Loudspeaker, Microphone, Electric motor, Magnet.
ii. Complete the co-relation:
CuI2 : Brown : : AgCl : _________
iii. Match the pair:
Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
Substance Refractive index
Air (a) 1.33
(b) 1.46
(c) 1.0003
iv. State True or False:
“Wavelength of red light is close to 700 nm.”
v. Write the name of small satellite made by a group of students from COEP (College of
Engineering, Pune) sent to the space through ISRO in 2016.
Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two): [4]
i. For electric power transmission, copper or aluminium wire is used.
ii. Lemon or tamarind is used for cleaning copper vessels turned greenish.
iii. Elements belonging to the same group have the same valency.
(B) Answer the following questions (any three): [6]
i. How do we feel about air in each of the following conditions?
(a) Relative humidity is more than 60%.
(b) Relative humidity is less than 60%.
ii. Complete the following reaction:
C12H22O11 heat
 ________ + ________
iii. Distinguish between Mass and Weight.
iv. Complete the following table:

Type of Satellite The names of Indian Satellite and launcher

1. Navigational Satellite : ________

Satellite Launcher : ________

2. Earth observation Satellite : ________

Satellite Launcher : ________

v. Define periods and groups of modern periodic table.

Q.3. Answer the following questions (any five): [15]

i. Calculate the escape velocity on the surface of the moon given the mass and radius of the
moon to be 7.34  1022 kg and 1.74  106 m respectively. (Given: G = 6.67  10–11 Nm2/kg2).
ii. An element has its electron configuration as 2, 8, 1. Now answer the following questions:
(a) What is the atomic number of this element?
(b) What is the group of this element?
(c) To which period does the element belong?
iii. Observe the figure and name the ray AB, ray CD, ray GH:
i Air

r C

e G Air

iv. Read the following sentence and answer the questions:

“NaCl is an ionic compound.”
(a) Why is NaCl an ionic compound?
(b) State any two properties of ionic compounds.
v. Identify the physical and chemical changes from the following phenomena:
(a) Transformation of ice into water.
(b) Ripening of fruit.
(c) Milk turned into curd.
(d) Evaporation of water.
(e) Digestion of food in the stomach.
(f) Iron fillings get attracted towards the magnet.
vi. Observe the following figure and answer the questions:
Wax layer

Specific heat capacity of metals
(a) Which element has maximum specific heat capacity? Justify.
(b) Which element has minimum specific heat capacity? Justify.
(c) Define specific heat of object.
vii. Identify figures A, B, C and given their uses:
(A) (B)


viii. Complete the following flow chart:


Saturated __________

Alkene __________
__________ CnH2n–2
Ex. : _______
Ex. : Ethene Ex. : _______

Q.4. Answer any one of the following questions: [5]

i. Observe the figure and answer the following questions:

(a) Name the defect of vision represented in above figure.

(b) State the reasons for this defect.
(c) How is it corrected?
(d) Draw the diagram to show the correction of this defect.
ii. Complete the following table:

S.N. Common Name Structural Formula IUPAC Name

1. Ethylene CH2 = CH2 _______
2. Acetylene _______ Ethyne
3. Acetic acid CH3 – COOH _______
4. Methyl alcohol _______ Methanol
5. _______ CH3 – CO – CH3 Propane-2-one
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Draw scientifically correct labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
iii. Start writing each main question on new page.
iv. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
v. For each MCQ (i.e. Q. No. 1-B) evaluation would be done for first attempt only.
vi. For each MCQ correct answer must be written along with its alphabet.
Eg.: (i) (A)……..., (ii) (B) ……..., (iii) (C) ……....

1. (A) Solve the following questions. [5]

i. Identify the process shown in figure and name it. (1)

56 Ba
n MeV
n n
235 236
92 U 92 U n
36 Kr 200
200 MeV

ii. Pranav and Pritee are twins in your class. They belong to _______ twins type. (1)
iii. There is a oil layer on the water surface of river in your area. What will you do? (1)
iv. Fill in the boxes with the help of the given clue: (1)
Continuous consumption of alcohol and tobacco material ________


v. Find out the correlation: (1)

White revolution : Increase in dairy production :: Green revolution : ________.
(B) Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the statements: [5]
i. Somatic and stem cells undergo ________ type of division.
(A) meiosis (B) mitosis
(C) budding (D) cloning
ii. Which of the following is a man-made disaster?
(A) Earthquake (B) Flood
(C) Meteoric (D) Leakage of toxic gases
iii. In a food chain autotrophic plants are present at the _______ level.
(A) Tertiary nutrition (B) Secondary nutrition
(C) Producer (D) Apex
iv. ________ is a cold blooded animal.
(A) Bat (B) Snake
(C) Rabbit (D) Elephant
v. ________ is a connecting link between annelida and arthropoda.
(A) Duck-billed platypus (B) Peripatus
(C) Lungfish (D) Whale
2. Solve any five of the following questions: [10]
i. Complete the following chart:


ii. Draw a neat diagram of the structure of chromosome and label the parts:
a. Centromere b. p-arm.
iii. What are the advantages of hydroelectric power generation?
iv. State any four benefits of animal classification.
v. State any four objectives of disaster management.
vi. Give scientific reason:
Microbial enzymes are used instead of chemical catalyst in a chemical industry.
vii. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
A liberal view behind the concept of organ and body donation is that after death our body
should be useful to other needful persons so that their miserable life would become
comfortable. Awareness about these concepts is increasing in our country and people are
voluntarily donating their bodies.
Life of many people can be saved by organ and body donation. Blinds can regain their vision.
Life of many people can be rendered comfortable by donation of organs like liver, kidneys,
heart, heart valves, skin etc. Similarly, body can be made available for research in medical
studies. Many government and social organizations are working towards increasing the
awareness about body donation.
a. What is the liberal view behind the organ and body donation?
b. Name any four organs that can be donated.
3. Solve the following questions (any five): [15]
i. Answer the following questions:
a. What do you mean by central dogma?
b. What is transcription?
c. What is meant by triplet codon?
ii. Complete the following chart and state which process of energy production it represents:

Lipids Proteins

Fatty acids Glycolysis

Kreb’s cycle

CO2 + H2O + Energy

iii. a. Playing games on mobile while eating is right or wrong. Justify.

b. What do you conclude from the following picture?

c. Observe the following picture and state what can be the outcome?

iv. Observe the diagram and answer the questions:

Emission of
hot gases
Fuel Combustion


a. Which energy is generated from the power plant?

b. State its source.
c. Which is more ecofriendly  Power generation from coal or Power generation from
natural gas? Why?
v. Identify my class/phylum and give one example of it:
a. I have mammary glands and exoskeleton in the form of hair.
b. We form the highest number of animals on the planet. We have bilateral symmetry and
our exoskeleton is in the form of chitin.
c. I live in your small intestine, my body is long and thread like and pseudocoelomate.
vi. Observe the following figure and answer the questions:
Gas Soil Processing
Garbage cover of sewage

Well to
level Collection of sewage

a. Identify the process shown in the figure.

b. Explain the process in short.
vii. a. What is biotechnology?
b. Explain any two commercial applications of it.
4. Solve any one of the following questions: [5]
i. a. Identify the following symbols and state their significance: (2)

(1) (2)
b. How can biodiversity be conserved? (3)
ii. Answer the following questions:
a. “Gender of child is determined by the male partner of couple.” Draw a diagram
explaining the above statement. (2)
b. Prepare a slogan for campaign against female foeticide. (1)
c. In the following figure, explain how new fungal colonies of mucor are formed: (1)



d. Identify and state the type of reproduction represented in the above figure. (1)
Science and Technology Part - 2
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40

i. Solve the questions in sequence.
ii. Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

1. (A) Solve the following questions: [5]

i. Match the columns: (2)

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

a. Haemoglobin 1. Skin
b. Ossein 2. Blood
3. Bones

ii. Find odd one out: (1)

Diabetes, Anaemia, Leukemia, Thalassemia
iii. Write the correct co-relation: (1)
Transverse Binary Fission : Paramoecium :: Longitudinal Binary Fission :
iv. Who am I? (1)
I have suckers. I am blood sucking ectoparasite and my body is segmented.
(B) Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentences: [5]
i. Calcareous spines are present on the body of _______ animal. (1)
(A) Fish (B) Snail
(C) Sponge (D) Star fish
ii. _______ beverage is obtained by fermentation of apple juice. (1)
(A) Cider (B) Wine
(C) Coffee (D) Cocoa
iii. _______ is man-made disaster. (1)
(A) Earthquake (B) Flood
(C) Leakage of poisonous gas (D) Meteorite
iv. ________ microbes provide organic manure to the paddy fields. (1)
(A) Azolla (B) Anabaena
(C) Azotobacter (D) Acetobacter
v. The length of a sperm is about _______ micrometers. (1)
(A) 400 (B) 5
(C) 60 (D) 600
2. Answer the following questions (any five): [10]
i. Hydroelectric energy, solar energy and wind energy are called renewable energies. Why? (2)
ii. Complete the following table: (2)
Plant/Microbes Function
1. Pteris vitata -----------------------
2. Pseudomonas -----------------------
3. ----------------------- Absorption of uranium and arsenic
4. ----------------------- Absorption of radiations of nuclear waste
iii. Define vestigial organs. Write any two names of vestigial organs in human body. (2)
iv. Despite of various diagnostic tests, a couple could not have a child. In this situation, which
remedies will you suggest? (2)
v. Write any four harmful effects of consumption of alcoholic drinks on human body. (2)
vi. Complete the following table: (2)

Source Microbe Amino Acid

Sugar molasses and salt Citric acid


Lactobacillus delbrueckii -----------------------

Corn steep liquor Aspergillus itaconius

vii. First aid training is essential. Why? (2)

3. Answer the following questions (any five): [15]

i. What will you do? Why? (3)
a. Child of your neighbour is addicted to tobacco chewing?
b. Your friend has developed the hobby of snapping selfies.
c. Your sister has become incommunicable. She prefers to remain alone.

ii. a. Write main types of vitamins. (3)

b. Name water soluble vitamins.
c. Name fat soluble vitamins.

iii. Complete the flow chart: (3)


Biotic components


Producers Animals Decomposers


iv. a. What are the meaning of the following symbols? Write your role accordingly. (3)

v. The building in which you are residing has caught fire on the ground floor. What necessary
rescue steps will you take? (3)
vi Explain with suitable examples importance of anatomical evidences in evolution. (3)
vii. Answer the following questions:
a. In our country, there seems to be lack of awareness regarding reproductive health.
Why? (1)
b. Write the symptoms of disease gonorrhea. (1)
c. What precautions will you take maintain reproductive health? (1)
4. Answer any one of the following questions: [5]
i. Identify the class of given animals and write one characteristic of each animal:
a. Kangaroo b. Penguin c. Crocodile
d. Frog e. Sea-horse
ii. Draw schematic of power plant based on natural gas and answer the following questions:
i. At which place natural gas power plant is situated in Maharashtra?
ii. How is pollution reduced in natural gas based power plant?
iii. Give two examples of eco-friendly electricity process.
Science & Technology Part - 2
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A)], only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with sub-question number is to be written as an
For e.g. (i) (A), (ii) (B), (iii) (C).
vi. Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

Q.1. (A) Choose the correct option and write its number for the following questions: [5]
i. Transfer of information from molecule of DNA to mRNA is called _______ process.
(A) Transcription (B) Translation (C) Translocation (D) Mutation
ii. Body breaks up into several fragments and each fragment starts to live as a new individual. This is _______
type of reproduction.
(A) Budding (B) Fragmentation (C) Regeneration (D) Binary fission
iii. Incomplete combustion of fuels leads to formation of _______
(A) Carbon monoxide (B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Chlorofluorocarbon (D) Hydrogen sulphide
iv. The spindle fibres start appearing from _______ stage of karyokinesis.
(A) Prophase (B) Metaphase (C) Anaphase (D) Telophase
v. Salts which can be used as supplement of calcium and iron are obtained from _______
(A) Carbonic acid (B) Acetic acid (C) Citric acid (D) Gluconic acid
Q.1. (B) Solve the following questions: [5]
i. Find odd one out:
Drying, Salting, Cooking, Soaking with sugar.
ii. Write the correct co-relation:
Annelida: Earthworm :: Platyhelminthes: _______
iii. State whether True/False:
Tobacco containing substances cannot cause cancer of mouth and lungs.
iv. Write function of testes.
v. I am connecting link between Reptilia and mammals. What is my name?
Q.2. (A) Give Scientific Reasons. (Any two) [4]
i. Indians should follow family planning for controlling the population.
ii. We feel exhausted after exercising.
iii. Hydroelectric energy, solar energy and wind energy are called renewable energies.
Q.2. (B) Solve the following questions. (Any three) [6]
i. Complete the following chart:

Effect of Radioactive
ii. Distinguish between Aves and Mammalia.
iii. By observing given picture, write any two effects of this disaster:

iv. Explain four ways to minimize stress.

v. Complete the following conceptual picture:

Oil spill


Biogas and

Q.3. Solve the following questions (Any five): [15]

i. Explain the importance of Anatomical evidences with examples.
ii. What will you do? Why?
a. Child of your neighbor is addicted to tobacco chewing.
b. Your friend has developed the hobby of snapping selfies.
c. Your sister has become incommunicative. She prefers to remain alone.
iii. Which precautions are necessary for proper decomposition of domestic waste?
iv. Observe the following diagram. Write the answers of the following questions.

Wings Head


a. To which phylum does the animal included in the diagram belong?

b. What is the exoskeleton made up?
c. What is the symmetry?
v. Explain the following concepts in short:
a. Surrogacy
b. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
c. Sperm Bank
vi. Label the body organization of human in the following figure:

vii. Make a table based on forms of energy and corresponding devices:

Forms of Energy Devices
a. Electric _______

b. Mechanical Sewing machine, Bicycle

c. Thermal _______

d. _______ Solar cooker, Solar heater

viii. Complete the paragraph using proper words:

(Mechanical, Rhizobium, Aquatic, Toxic, CO2, Nitrogen, Pseudomonas, Amoeba, Bacteria, Hydrocarbons)
Spilling of petroleum oil occurs in ocean due to various reasons. This oil may prove fatal and toxic to
_______ organisms. It is not easy to remove the oil layer from surface of water by _______ method.
However, bacteria like _______ spp. and Alcanivorax borkumensis have the ability to destroy the pyridines
and other chemicals. Hence, these _______ are used to clear the oil spills, These are called as
hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (HCB). HCB decompose the _______ and bring about the reaction of carbon
with oxygen. _______ and water is formed in this process.
Q.4. Solve the following questions (Any one): [5]
i. Attempts at various levels are performed for conserving environment. Which role would you like to perform.
Give two actions each:
a. Prevention b. Control c. Production
d. Awareness e. Conservation
ii. a. What is Biotechnology?
b. Give one use of Biotechnology.
c. Give one commercial use of Biotechnology.
d. Write two bacterial examples of biofertilizer.
e. Write two names of crops genetically developed.
Science and Technology Part - 2
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

Note: i. All questions must be attempted.

ii. Wherever necessary scientifically correct diagrams and correct labelling should be drawn.
iii. Start every main question on a new page.
iv. Numbers to the right indicate full marks.
v. For Question No.1(A) MCQ marks will be given only for the first attempt.
vi. The answer to every MCQ should be written as shown:
Example – Q. No. 1(A) (i) (b).
Q.1. (A) Choose the correct alternative from the given options: [5]
i. Water reservoir possesses energy.
(A) Nuclear (B) Thermal
(C) Kinetic (D) Potential
ii. In mitotic division, nuclear membrane completely disappear in phase.
(A) Telophase (B) Prophase
(C) Metaphase (D) Anaphase
iii. Genetic changes occur due to pollution.
(A) Radioactive (B) Air (C) Water (D) Soil
iv. In human, sperm production occurs in the organ.
(A) Seminal vesicle (B) Testes
(C) Prostate gland (D) Cowper’s gland
v. Which sanctuary of Assam is underthreat due to dams and indiscriminate use of water?
(A) Tadoba (B) Kaziranga (C) Manas (D) Sundarban
(B) Answer the following sub-questions as per given instruction: [5]

Name the locomotory organ of animal shown in the above figure.

ii. Find the correct co-relation:
Spirogyra: Fragmentation :: Planaria : .
iii. Write whether the following statement is True or False:
DNA fingerprinting is mainly useful in Forensic Sciences.
iv. Write the molecular formula:
4% acetic acid (Vinegar).
v. Which molecules are necessary for the formation of plasma membrane?
Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two): [4]
i. While performing the exercise, we feel tired.
ii. Hydroelectric energy, solar energy and wind energy are called renewable energies.
iii. Microbial enzymes are used instead of chemical catalysts in chemical industry.
(B) Answer the following questions (any three): [6]
i. Distinguish between Aerobic respiration and Anaerobic respiration (any two points).
ii. Write a short note on Sacred groves.
iii. Explain the term:
Modern technology of reproduction IVF.
iv. How is Balanoglossus connecting link between chordates and non-chordates?
v. Explain Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
Q.3. Answer any five questions from the following. [15]

Identify and explain the above different types of symmetry.

ii. Write any six factors affecting the social health.
iii. Complete the following chart:
Substance obtained by microbial processing Roles
(a) Citric acid
(b) Ascorbic acid
(c) Beta carotene
(d) Glycolipids
(e) Vanillin
(f) Xylitol
iv. Explain the three different levels of Biodiversity.
v. Observe the following figure and answer the questions:
GnRH Hypothalamus


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 1718 19 2021 22 2324 25 2627 28 1 2

a. Identify the process in above figure and after how many days it will repeat again?
b. Write the names of hormones involved in this process.
vi. What are the advantage of hydroelectric power generation?
vii. a. Define vestigial organs.
b. Write name of any two vestigial organs in human body.
c. Explain how one human vestigial organ is functional in another animal.
viii. What will you do in the following cases and why?
a. Child of your neighbour is addicted to tobacco chewing.
b. You have to use free space around your home for good purpose.
c. Your friend has developed the hobby of snapping selfies.
Q.4. Solve any one of the following: [5]
i. a. What is meant by disaster management? [1]
b. Classify the following activities into pre-disaster management and post-disaster
management: [2]
(i) Identifying the pro-disaster areas.
(ii) Quick establishment of help centre.
(iii) Participation of preferably local peoples saved from the disaster in arranging the
help to victims.
(iv) Getting special training for disaster management.
c. Complete the diagram: [2]

Necessary materials in
First-aid box

ii. Observe the figure and answer the following questions:

Inject virus in
the plant

Virus infects
the pieces of
potato leaves
a. Identify the process given in the above figure. [1]
b. Write the importance of above process. [2]
c. Write any two benefits of Biotechnology. [2]
Q.1 (A) Write the correct alternative: 5
(i) All chromosomes are arranged parallel to equatorial plane of cell in ________
phase of mitosis.
(A) Prophase (B) Metaphase
(C) Anaphase (D) Telophase

(ii) In thermal power plants, the ________ energy in the coal is converted into
electrical energy through several steps.
(A) solar (B) nuclear
(C) thermal (D) chemical

(iii) Genetically Modified ________Crops has the ability to destroy bollworms.

(A) BT Brinjal (B) Golden Rice
(C) BT Cotton (D) corn

(iv) _________ disease is related with the synthesis of insulin.

(A) Cancer (B) Diabetes
(C) Viral infections (D) Dwarfism

(v) ________ helps to improve concentration in studies

(A) Meditation (B) Music
(C) Dance (D) Laughing

(B) Answer the following : 5

(i) Complete the correlation :
Wisdom teeth : vestigial organ :: Lungfish :
(ii) Separate the odd component.
progesterone, estrogen, melanin, testosterone
(iii) State True or False:
The turbines at the thermal power plant operate on solar energy.
(iv) My outer structure is made of exoskeleton; I have three pair of legs to walk. Tell
me to which phylum I belong?
(v) Write any two examples of man-made disasters.

Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two) : 4

(i) Cell division is one of the very important properties of cells and living organisms.
(ii) Girls face stress due to gender inequality.
(iii) Our body irritates if it comes in contact with jellyfish.

(B) Answer the following (any three) : 6
(i) Complete the following diagram

(ii) Describe any two animals of endangered species.

(iii) Complete the picture

(iv) Explain the term Bioinsecticides.

(v) What do you understand by mock drill? Give examples.

Q.3. Answer the following (any five) : 15

(i) Answer the following questions with respect to the below figure.

(a) Identify the reaction shown in the figure.

(b) Where is this reaction used?
(c) Which atom is used in this reaction?

(ii) What will you do?
(a) Your younger brother is addicted to smoking.
(b) Your maid’s husband beats her after getting addicted with alcohol.
(c) Your younger brother is playing game on mobile phone while eating.
(iii) What do you mean by fossils? Write the importance of fossils.
Write the name of method to find the age of fossils.
(iv) Name the largest phylum of kingdom Animalia. Write any two characteristics of it.
(v) Why is it necessary to ban the use of plastic bags?
(vi) Which precautions will you take during spraying of pesticides?
(vii) Following are the pictures of some disasters. How will be your pre- and post-disaster
management in case you face any of those disasters?

(viii) Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis. (Any 3 points)

Q.4. Answer any one of the following: 5

i. With the help of a neat labelled diagram write any three parts of inside of flower.
ii. What are the three endangered heritage places in India? Mention two measures you
will take to protect this with reasons.

Science and Technology Part ‐ 2
Time: 2 Hours Max Marks: 40

Note: i. All questions are compulsory.

ii. Use of a calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs (Q. No. 1(A)) only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For each MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C), (D) with subquestion number is to be written as
an answer.
For Eg: (i) (A), (ii) (B), (iii) (C)
vi. Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

Q.1. (A) Write the correct alternative: [5]

i. Bones contain ________ amino acids.
(A) Melanin (B) Haemoglobin
(C) Ossein (D) Insulin
ii. Giant squirrel is an example of ________ threatened species.
(A) Endangered (B) Rare
(C) Vulnerable (D) Indeterminate
iii. Human being belongs to ________ class.
(A) Mammalia (B) Amphibia
(C) Reptilia (D) Cyclostomata
iv. Organs like _______ can be donated after death.
(A) Skin (B) Heart
(C) Lungs (D) Bones
v. Volcano is a _________ disaster.
(A) Social (B) Political
(C) Biological (D) Geological
(B) Answer the following: [5]
i. Find the odd one out:
Earthquake, Flooding, Tsunami, War
ii. State true or false:
Oxidation of proteins is carried out in aerobic respiration.
iii. Complete the correlation:
Western ghat : Asiatic lion : : Sunderban sanctuary : __________
iv. Which type of fuel is used in thermal power plant?
v. Identify the picture and name it.
Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two): [4]
i. Cell division is one of the important properties of cell and organisms.
ii. Cockroach belongs to phylum Arthropoda.
iii. Power generation plant based on natural gas is eco-friendly.
(B) Answer the following (any three): [6]
i. Complete the following diagram:


Evidences of

in bone

ii. What do we learn from the story of Jadav Molai Payeng?

iii. Distinguish between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. (two points)
iv. Define genetically modified crops and give any two examples.
v. What are vitamins? Write two types of vitamins.
Q.3. Answer the following (any five): [15]
i. Explain the meanings of the following symbols:

(1) (2) (3)

ii. Write any three characteristics of class reptilia.

iii. (1) Which substance is used to produce cheese?
(2) Which enzyme was used earlier for cheese production?
(3) Which enzyme is used to produce vegetarian cheese?
iv. (1) Which process is shown in the given diagram?
(2) What is the importance of this process?
(3) Which organs can be transplanted by this process?

v. What is meant by disaster? Write any two examples of each natural and man-made disaster.
vi. Write the objections raised against Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
Solar energy + CO2
of cellulose
to glucose Harvesting


Cellulose CO2
Biofuel CO2

Liquid fuel

(1) Which process is shown in the above given picture?

(2) Give two examples for liquid fuels and solid fuels obtained by this process.
vi. (1) Complete the stages in electric generator using wind energy.

(2) Write limitations in an electric generator using wind energy.

Q.4. Answer any one of the following: [5]

i. a. Sketch and label the essential and accessory whorls of flower.
b. What is pollination?
c. Give any two examples of agents of pollination.
ii. What will you do?
(1) You are spending more time on internet.
(2) Child of your neighbour is addicted to tobacco chewing.
(3) Your sister has become incommunicative.
(4) You have to use free space around your home for good purpose.
(5) Your brother studying in XII has developed the stress.
Science and Technology Part - 2
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

Note: i. All questions are compulsory.

ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs (Q. No. 1(A)) only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with subquestion number is to be written
as an answer.
For Eg.: (i) (A), (ii) (B), (iii) (C)
vi. Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

Q.1. (A) Write the correct alternative: [5]

i. Vestigial organ _______ present in human body is proof of evolution.
(A) Human hand (B) Appendix
(C) Ear muscles (D) Tail-bone
Note: * Above question has three possible answers, [Option (B), (C) and (D)].
Modified Question:
i. Vestigial organ _______ present in human body is proof of evolution.
(A) Human hand (B) Appendix
(C) Ear (D) Tail
ii. Type of sexual reproduction is _______.
(A) Fragmentation (B) Regeneration
(C) Gamete formation (D) Budding
Note: * Gamete formation is a process involved in sexual reproduction. It is not a type of sexual
Modified Question:
ii. _______ is not a type of asexual reproduction.
(A) Fragmentation (B) Regeneration
(C) Gamete formation (D) Budding
iii. The apex consumer is _______.
(A) Eagle (B) Frog
(C) Snake (D) Grasshopper
iv. The Hydroelectric capacity of Koyna dam is _______.
(A) 2400 MW (B) 1960 MW
(C) 1900 MW (D) 1961 MW
v. Animal with bilateral symmetry is _______.
(A) Star fish (B) Human
(C) Paramoecium (D) Amoeba
(B) Answer the following questions as per the given instructions: [5]
i. State whether the following statement is true or false:
To take selfie on road is the invitation for accident
ii. Write the correct co-relation:
Insulin : diabetes : : Interferon : __________
iii. To which class does bat belong?
iv. Match the correct pair:
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(1) Forest Conservation Act (a) 1986
(b) 1980
(c) 1970
v. Write the name of indicated part in diagram:
Human jaw

Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two): [4]

i. Sometimes higher plants and animals too perform anaerobic respiration.
ii. It is absolutely necessary to control the fission reaction in nuclear power plant.
iii. Flower is structural unit of sexual reproduction in plants.
(B) Answer the following questions (any three): [6]
i. Write a short note on Environmental Conservation.
ii. Distinguish between Chordates and Non-chordates.
iii. Write the correct answer in blank circles.

Uses of stem cells

iv. Write down any two objectives of disaster management.

v. What are the benefits of mixing ethanol with petrol and diesel?
Q.3. Answer the following questions (any five): [15]
i. Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
ii. Complete the following chart:
Sr. No. Proteins Name of the Organs
1. Melanin, Keratin _______________
2. _______________ Pancreas
3. Haemoglobin, antibodies _______________
iii. Write the factors affecting environment.
iv. Answer the following questions from figure:

Wall Power house

A Sluice gates

C Penstock Turbine

(a) With reference to point B, potential energy of how much water reservoir in the dam will be
converted into kinetic energy?
(b) What will be the effect on electricity generation, if the channel taking water to turbine starts at
point A?
(c) What will be the effect on electricity generation, if the channel taking water to turbine starts at
point C?
v. Cockroach, Frog, Sparrow, Star fish, from these animals which can regenerate its broken body part?
vi. Complete the diagram showing various processes in tissue culture.

and Rooting

vii. Which fuels are obtained from biomass?

viii. Complete the following passage by using appropriate words given in brackets:
(Delhi, 12, 2005, army, National Disaster, rescue work, State Reserve Police, 2015)
National Disaster Response Force has been established as per the Disaster Management Act,
__________ Divisions of this force are working in army. Overall, __________ divisions are
working in the country. Its headquarter is in __________ and it is in action all over the
country with the help of __________. In Maharashtra, __________ Response Force is in
action through State Reserve Police Force. Personnel of this force have substantial
contribution in __________ in disasters like cyclones, cliff-sliding, building collapse, etc.
Q.4. Answer any one of the following questions: [5]
i. Answer the following questions by observing the diagram of menstrual cycle:

Pituitary gland
Changes in the LH
ovary during Corpus
menstruation Fully grown luteum Corpus
follicle Ovulation

Progesterone and estrogen

Estrogen Beginning of new
Changes in the
uterus during

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 1718 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 1 2

(a) What is the period of menstruation?
(b) On which day does ovulation occur during menstrual cycle?
(c) In menstrual cycle which reproductive organs undergo changes?
(d) Which period is said to be period of regeneration of endometrium ?
(e) Which period is said to be period of secretions of glands in endometrium?
ii. Solve the following cross word:
5 6

1 A D D I C T I O N

(1) Continuous consumption of alcoholic and tobacco materials.

(2) This app may cause the cyber crimes.
(3) A remedy to resolve stress.
(4) Requirement for stress free life.
(5) Various factors affect _______ health.
(6) Art of preparing food items.
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. Figures to the right of questions indicate full marks.

1. (A) Solve the following questions (Any four): [4]

i. Find the median of:
66, 98, 54, 92, 87, 63, 72.
ii. Multiply and write the answer in the simplest form:
5 7 2 7
iii. If 3x + 5y = 9 and 5x + 3y = 7, then find the value of x + y.
iv. Write the ratio of second quantity to first quantity in the reduced form:
5 dozen pens, 120 pens.
v. Write the following polynomial in coefficient form:
2x3 + x2 – 3x + 4.
vi. For computation of income tax which is the assessment year of financial year 01–04–2016 to
(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]
i. Find the value of the polynomial 2x3 + 2x, when x = –1.
ii. If A = {11, 21, 31, 41}, B = {12, 22, 31, 32}, then find:
a. A  B
b. A  B
iii. Sangeeta’s monthly income is ` 25,000. She spent 90% of her income and donated 3% for
socially useful causes. How much money did she save?
2. (A) Choose the correct alternative: [4]
i. In the A.P. 2, –2, –6, –10, ...... common difference (d) is:
(A) –4 (B) 2 (C) –2 (D) 4
ii. For the quadratic equation x + 10x – 7 = 0, the values of a, b, c are:
(A) a = –1, b = 10, c = 7 (B) a = 1, b = –10, c = –7
(C) a = 1, b = 10, c = –7 (D) a = 1, b = 10, c = 7
iii. The tax levied by Central Government for trading within a state is:
iv. If a die is rolled, what is the probability that number appearing on upper face is less than 2?
1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) 1 (D)
3 2 6

(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]

i. First term and common difference of an A.P. are 12 and 4 respectively. If tn = 96, find n.
4 5
ii. If = 22, then find the value of m.
m 3
iii. Solve the following quadratic equation:
x2 + 8x + 15 = 0.
3. (A) Complete the following activites (Any two): [4]
i. Smita has invested ` 12,000 to purchase shares of FV rs 10 at a premium of ` 2. Find the
number of shares she purchased. Complete the given activity to get the answer.
Activity: FV = ` 10, Premium = ` 2

 MV = FV +  + 2 = 12

 Number of shares =

=  shares
ii. The following table shows the daily supply of electricity to different places in a town. To
show the information by a pie diagram, measures of central angles of sectors are to be
decided. Complete the following activity to find the measures:
Supply of electricity
Places Measure of central angle
(Thousand units)
Roads 4  360  48

Factories 12  360  144

Shops 6  360 

Houses 8  360 

Total 30
iii. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. Complete the following activity of writing the sample
space (S) and expected outocomes of the events:
a. Event A : to get at least one head.
b. Event B : to get no head.
Activity: If two coins are tossed simultaneously
 S={ , HT, TH, }
a. Event A : at least getting one head.
 A = {HH, , TH}.
b. Event B : to get no head.
B={ }.
(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]
i. Find the 19th term of the A.P. 7, 13, 19, 25, …… .
ii. Obtain a quadratic equation whose roots are –3 and –7.
iii. Two numbers differ by 3. The sum of the greater number and twice the smaller number
is 15. Find the smaller number.
4. Solve the following questions (Any three): [9]
i. Amit saves certain amount every month in a specific way. In the first month he saves ` 200,
in the second month ` 250, in the third month ` 300 and so on. How much will be his total
savings in 17 months?
ii. A two digit number is to be formed using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3. Repetition of the digits is
allowed. Find the probability that a number so formed is a prime number.
iii. Smt. Malhotra purchased solar panels for the taxable value of ` 85,000. She sold them for
` 90,000. The rate of GST is 5%. Find the ITC of Smt. Malhotra. What is the amount of GST
payable by her?
iv. Solve the following simultaneous equations graphically:
x + y = 0; 2x –y = 9.
5. Solve the following questions (Any one): [4]
i. The following frequency distribution table shows marks obtained by 180 students in
Mathematics examination:
Marks Number of Students
0 – 10 25
10 – 20 x
20 – 30 30
30 – 40 2x
40 – 50 65
Find the value of x.
Also draw a histogram representing the above information.
ii. Two taps together can fill a tank completely in 3 minutes. The smaller tap takes 3 minutes
more than the bigger tap to fill the tank. How much time does each tap take to fill the tank

6. Solve the following questions (Any one): [3]

i. The co-ordinates of the point of intersection of lines ax + by = 9 and bx + ay = 5 is (3, –1).
Find the values of a and b.
ii. The following frequency distribution table shows the distances travelled by some rickshaws
in a day. Observe the table and answer the following questions:
Class Frequency Cumulative
(Daily distance (Number of Frequency
travelled in km) rickshaws) less than type
60 – 64 59.5 – 64.5 10 10
65 – 69 64.5 – 69.5 34 10 + 34 = 44
70 – 74 69.5 – 74.5 58 44 + 58 = 102
75 – 79 74.5 – 79.5 82 102 + 82 = 184
80 – 84 79.5 – 84.5 10 184 + 10 = 194
85 – 89 84.5 – 89.5 6 194 + 6 = 200
a. Which is the modal class? Why?
b. Which is the median class and why?
c. Write the cumulative frequency (C.F.) of the class preceding the median class.
d. What is the class interval (h) to calculate median?
Maths Part - I
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. Figures to the right of questions indicate full marks.

1. (A) Solve the following questions (Any four): [4]

i. If | 7 |  | –4 | = a, then find the value of a.
ii. If x + y = 5 and x  y = 1, then find the value of x.
iii. Find the median of the scores 7, 10, 5, 8, 9.
iv. Write the degree of Polynomial 5x2 + 2x + 3x4 + 4.
v. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and B = {1, 3, 7}, then A  B = ?
vi. Find out the ratio of 1 mm to 1 cm.
(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]
i. Find the factors of the Polynomial 3x2  2x  1.
ii. ABCD is a parallelogram. The ratio of measures of  A and  B is 5 : 4. Find the measure
of  B.
iii. Alka spends 90% of the money that she gets every month and saves `120. How much money
does she get monthly?
2. (A) Choose the correct alternative: [4]
5 3
i. Find the value of
 7 4
(A) –1 (B) –41 (C) 41 (D) 1
ii. Out of the following equations which one is not a quadratic equation?
(A) x2 + 4x = 11 + x2 (B) x2 = 4x
(C) 5x = 90 (D) 2x  x2 = x2 + 5
iii. If n(A) = 2, p(A) = , then n(S) = ?
(A) 10 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 20
iv. For a given A.P., a = 3.5, d = 0, then tn = _______
(A) 0 (B) 3.5 (C) 103.5 (D) 104.5
(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]
i. Find the value of k, if x = 3 is a root of the equation kx2  10x + 3 = 0
ii. Market value of a share is ` 200. If the brokerage rate is 0.3%, then find the purchase value of
the share.
iii. The following table shows the number of students and the time they utilized daily for their
studies. Find the mean time, spent by students for their studies:
Time (hrs.) No. of Students
0–2 8
2–4 14
4–6 18
6–8 10
8 – 10 10
3. (A) Complete the following activities (Any two): [4]
i. There are 9 tickets in a box, each bearing one of the numbers from 1 to 9. One ticket is drawn
at random from the box.
Event A: Ticket shows an even number.
Complete the following activity from the given information:
S=  
n(S) =
A=  
n(A) =

ii. Complete the following activity to form a quadratic equation.

I am a quadratic equation

My standard form in

My roots are 3 and 4.

 Sum of my roots =

and product of my roots =

 My equation is

iii. Complete the following activity to find the number of natural numbers between 1 and 171,
which are divisible by 5:

From 1 to 171, natural numbers

divisible by 5 are

5, 10, 15, _______, 170

In this A.P.

a= ,d= , tn = 170

tn = a + (n  1)d

170 = 5 + (n  1) 

(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]
i. Solve the following simultaneous equations:
4x + 3y = 11; 3x + 4y = 10
ii. Find the 23rd term of the following A.P.:
9, 4, 1, 6, 11, …
iii. Find the mode from the following information:
L = 10, h = 2, f0 = 58, f1 = 70, f2 = 42.
4. Solve the following questions (Any three): [9]
i. Solve the following simultaneous equations graphically:
x + y = 2; x  y = 4.
ii. Sachin invested some amounts in National Saving Certificates in a specific way. In the first
year he invested ` 4,000 in the second year ` 6,000 in the third year ` 8,000 and so on for
12 years. Find the total amount he invested in 12 years.
iii. A readymade garment shopkeeper gives 5% discount on a dress of ` 2,000 and charges
5% GST on the remaining amount. What is the purchase price of the dress for the customer?
iv. A bag contains 3 red, 3 white, 3 green and 3 black balls. One ball is picked up from the bag at
random. What is the probability that the ball drawn is:
a. white
b. not white.
5. Solve the following questions (Any one): [4]
i. Out of 555 km, Vishal travelled certain distance by bus and remaining distance by car. Bus
travels with an average speed of 60 km/hr and the average speed of car is 75 km/hr. He takes
total 8 hours to complete the journey. Find the distance that Vishal travelled by bus.
ii. The time required for some students to complete a science experiment and the number of
students is shown in the following grouped frequency distribution table. Draw the frequency
polygon with the help of histogram using given information:

Time required
Number of
for experiment
20 – 22 6
22 – 24 14
24 – 26 20
26 – 28 16
28 – 30 12
30 – 32 10
6. Solve the following questions (Any one): [3]
i. Construct a word problem on quadratic equation, such that one of its answers is 20 (years,
rupees, centimetre etc.). Also solve it.
ii. A student made a cube shaped die from a card sheet. Instead of writing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6 on its faces, he wrote letters a, b, c, d, e, f; one on each face, randomly. If he rolls the die
twice, find the probability that he gets a vowel on the upper face both times.
Mathematics Part - I
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQ’s Q. No. 1(A) only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) of answers with subquestion number is to
be written as an answer.

Q.1. A. For every subquestion 4 alternative answers are given. Choose the correct answer and
write the alphabet of it: [4]
i. In the format of GSTIN there are _______ alpha-numerals.
(A) 15 (B) 10
(C) 16 (D) 9
ii. From the following equations, which one is the quadratic equation?
(A) – 3 = x2 (B) x(x + 5) = 4
(C) n – 1 = 2n (D) (x + 2) = x
iii. For simultaneous equations in variables x and y, if Dx = 49, Dy = – 63, D = 7, then what is the value of
(A) 7 (B) –7
1 1
(C) (D)
7 7
iv. If n(A) = 2, P(A) = , then n(S) = ?
2 5
(A) (B)
5 2
(C) 10 (D)

Q.1. B. Solve the following subquestions: [4]

i. Find second and third term of an A.P. whose first term is – 2 and common difference is – 2.
ii. ‘Pawan Medicals’ supplies medicines. On some medicines the rate of GST is 12%, then what is the
rate of CGST and SGST?
iii. Find the values of a and b from the quadratic equation 2x2 – 5x + 7 = 0.
iv. If 15x + 17y = 21 and 17x + 15y = 11, then find the value of x + y.
Q.2. A. Complete and write any two activities from the following: [4]
i. Complete the following table to draw the graph of 2x – 6y = 3:

x –5

y 0

(x, y)
ii. First term and common difference of an A.P. are 6 and 3 respectively. Find S27.
First term = a = 6, common difference = d = 3, S27 = ?
Sn = [ + (n – 1)d] – formula
S27 = [12 + (27 – 1) ]
= 
= 27  45
 S27 =

iii. A card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 playing cards. Find the probability of the
event, the card drawn is a red card.
Suppose ‘S’ is sample space.
 n(S) = 52
Event A: Card drawn is a red card.
 Total red cards = hearts + 13 diamonds

 n(A) =

 p(A) = – formula

 p(A) =

 p(A) =

Q.2. B. Solve any four subquestions from the following: [8]

i. Find the value of the determinant:
7 5
3 3
 
3 1
 2 2 

ii. Solve the quadratic equation by factorisation method:

x2  15x + 54 = 0

iii. Decide whether the following sequence is an A.P. if so, find the 20th term of the progression:
12, 5, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, …………....

iv. A two digit number is formed with digits 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 without repetition. What is the
probability that the number formed is an odd number?

v. If L = 10, f1 = 70, f 0 = 58, f 2 = 42, h = 2, then find the mode by using formula.
Q.3. A. Complete and write any one activity from the following: [3]
Age group Measure of central
No. of Persons
(in years) angle

20  25 80  360 

 360 
25  30 60 200

  63
30  35 35 200

 360 
35  40 25 200

Total 200

ii. Shri Shantilal has purchased 150 shares of FV ` 100, for MV of ` 120, Company has paid
dividend at 7%, then to find the rate of return on his investment, complete the following
Solution: FV = ` 100; Number of shares = 150
Market value = ` 120
1. Sum investment = MV  No. of Shares
= 

 Sum investment = ` 18,000

2. Dividend per share = FV  Rate of dividend

= 
 Total dividend received = 150  7

Dividend income
3. Rate of return =  100
Sum invested
=  100

Q.3. B. Attempt any two subquestions from the following: [6]

i. A balloon vendor has 2 red, 3 blue and 4 green balloons. He wants to choose one of them at
random to give it to Pranali. What is the probability of the event that Pranali gets:
1. a red balloon.
2. a blue balloon.
ii. The denominator of a fraction is 4 more than twice its numerator. Denominator becomes 12
times the numerator, if both the numerator and the denominator are reduced by 6, find the
iii. A milk centre sold milk to 50 customers. The table below gives the number of customers and
the milk they purchased. Find the mean of the milk sold by direct method:

Milk Sold (litre) No. of Customers

1–2 17
2–3 13
3–4 10
4–5 7
5–6 3

iv. In an A.P. sum of three consecutive terms is 27 and their products is 504. Find the terms.
(Assume that three consecutive terms in an A.P. are a – d, a, a + d.)

Q.4. Attempt any two subquestions from the following: [8]

i. Represent the following data by histogram:
Price of Sugar
Number of Weeks
(per kg in `)
18–20 4
20–22 8
22–24 22
24–26 12
26–28 6
28–30 8

ii. One person borrows ` 4,000 and agrees to repay with a total interest of ` 500 in 10
instalments. Each instalment being less than the preceding instalment by ` 10. What should
be the first and the last instalments?

iii. The sum of the areas of two squares is 400 sq.m. If the difference between their perimeters is
16 m, find the sides of two squares.

Q.5. Attempt any one subquestion from the following: [3]

i. Convert the following equations into simultaneous equations and solve:

x 1 1 1
 4,  
y x y xy

ii. A dealer sells a toy for ` 24 and gains as much percent as the cost price of the toy. Find the cost price
of the toy.
Maths - I
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQ’s (Q. No. 1(A)) only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with sub-question number is to be written as an

Q.1. (A) Four alternative answers are given for every sub-question. Choose the correct
alternative and write its alphabet with sub-question number: [4]
i. To draw graph of 4x + 5y = 19, what will be the value of y when x = 1:
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) –3
ii. What is the sum of the first 10 natural numbers?
(A) 55 (B) 20 (C) 65 (D) 11
iii. From the following equations, which one is the quadratic equation?
5 1
(A)  3  x2 (B) x(x + 5) = 2 (C) n – 1 = 2n (D) ( x  2)  x
x x2

iv. In the format of GSTIN there are _______ alpha-numerals.

(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 16 (D) 15
Q.1. (B) Solve the following subquestions: [4]
i. For simultaneous equations in variable x and y, if Dx = 25, Dy = 40, D = 5, then what is the
value of x?
ii. Find the first term and common difference for the following A.P:
127, 135, 143, 151, ………

iii. A die is rolled then write sample space ‘S’ and number of sample point n(S).

iv. If  fidi  108 and  fi  100, then find d = ?

Q.2. (A) Complete the following activities and rewrite it (any two): [4]
i. Activity:
3 2
=3  4
4 5
= –8
ii. One of the roots of quadratic equation 5m2 + 2m + k = 0 is  .
Complete the following activity to find the value of k.
 is a root of quadratic equation
5m2 + 2m + k = 0
Put m = in the equation
 7
 5     2  +k=0
 5
 14 
 +   + k = 0
 5
 k=

iii. Complete the activity to prepare a table showing the co-ordinates which are necessary to draw
a frequency polygon:
Class 18 – 19 19 – 20 20 – 21
Class Mark 18.5 19.5 21.5
Frequency 4 15 19
Co-ordinates of point (19.5, 13) (20.5, 15) (21.5, 19)

Q.2. (B) Solve the following sub-questions (any four): [8]

i. Sum of two numbers is 7 and their difference is 5. Find the numbers.
ii. Solve the quadratic equation by factorisation method:
x2 + x – 20 = 0
iii. Find the 19th term of the following A.P.:
7, 13, 19, 25, …….. .
iv. For the following experiments, write sample space ‘S’ and number of sample points n(S):
Two digit numbers are formed using digits 2, 3 and 5 without repeating a digit.
v. The following table shows causes of noise pollution. Find the measure of central angles for
each, to draw a pie diagram:
Construction Traffic Aircraft take offs Industry
10% 50% 15% 25%
Q.3. (A) Complete the following activity and rewrite it (any one): [3]
i. In an A.P. the first term is –5 and last term is 45. If sum of ‘n’ terms in the A.P. is 120, then
complete the activity to find n.
t1 = –5, tn = , Sn =
Sn = [t1 + ]
= [–5 + 45]
240 = n 
 n=

ii. A card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 playing cards.

Complete the activity to find the probability of the event that the card drawn is a red card.
‘S’ is the sample space.
n(S) = 52
Event A: Card drawn is a red card.
Total number of red cards = hearts + diamonds

 n(A) =
p(A) =

 p(A) =
 p(A) =

Q.3. (B) Solve the following subquestions (any two): [6]

i. Solve the following simultaneous equations graphically:
x + y = 5; x – y = 1.
ii. Solve quadratic equation using formula method:
5m2 + 13m + 8 = 0.
iii. A retailer sold 2 tins of lustre paint and taxable value of each tin is ` 2,800. If the rate of GST
is 28%, then find the amount of CGST and SGST charged in the tax invoice.
iv. Time allotted for the preparation of an examination by some students is shown in the table.
Draw a histogram to show this information:
Time (minutes) No. of Students
60-80 14
80-100 20
100-120 24
120-140 22
Q.4. Solve the following subquestions (any two): [8]
i. If one root of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is half of the other root, show that,
b2 = .
ii. Bhujangrao invested ` 2,50,590 in shares of F.V. ` 10 when M.V. is ` 250. Rate of brokerage
is 0.2% and GST is 18%, then find:
a. the number of shares purchased,
b. the amount of brokerage paid, and
c. GST paid for the trading.
iii. The following table shows frequency distribution of number of trees planted by students in
the school:
No. of Trees Planted No. of Students
0-10 30
10-20 70
20-30 100
30-40 70
40-50 40
Find the mode of trees planted.
Q.5. Solve the following subquestions (any one): [3]
i. Six faces of a die are as shown below:


If the die is rolled once, find the probability of event ‘M’ that ‘English vowel appears on
upper face’.
ii. Construct any one linear equation in two variables. Obtain another equation by interchanging
only coefficients of variables. Find the value of the variables.
Mathematics - I
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQ’s [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with subquestion number is to be written
as an answer.

Q.1. (A) Four alternative answers are given for every subquestion. Choose the correct alternative
and write its alphabet with subquestion number. [4]
i. Which one is the quadratic equation?
(A) – 3 = x2 (B) x(x + 5) = 2
(C) n  1 = 2n (D) (x + 2) = x

ii. First four terms of an A.P. are _______, whose first term is –2 and common difference is –2.
(A) –2, 0, 2, 4 (B) –2, 4, –8, 16
(C) –2, –4, –6, –8 (D) –2, –4, –8, –16

iii. For simultaneous equations in variables x and y, Dx = 49, Dy = –63, D = 7, then what is the
value of y?
(A) 9 (B) 7
(C) –7 (D) –9

iv. Which number cannot represent a probability?

(A) 1.5 (B)
(C) 15% (D) 0.7

(B) Solve the following subquestions: [4]

i. To draw a graph of 4x + 5y = 19, find y when x = 1.

ii. Determine whether 2 is a root of quadratic equation 2m2 – 5m = 0.

iii. Write second and third term of an A.P. whose first term is 6 and common difference is –3.

iv. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. Write the sample space ‘S’.

Q.2. (A) Complete the following activities and rewrite it (any two): [4]
i. Complete the activity to find the value of the determinant.
2 3 9
= 2 3  –9
2 3 3

= –18

ii. Complete the following activity to find the 19th term of an A.P., 7, 13, 19, 25, ………. :
Given A.P. : 7, 13, 19, 25, ………
Here first term a = 7; t19 = ?
tn = a + ( ) d ……. (formula)
 t19 = 7 + (19 – 1)
 t19 = 7 +
 t19 =

iii. If one die is rolled, then to find the probability of an event to get prime number on upper face,
complete the following activity.
One die is rolled.
‘S’ is sample space.
S={ }
 n(S) = 6
Event A: Prime number on the upper face.
A={ }
 n(A) = 3

 P(A) = …….. (formula)

 P(A) =

(B) Solve the following subquestions (any four): [8]

i. To solve the following simultaneous equations by Cramer’s rule, find the value of Dx and Dy.
3x + 5y = 26
x + 5y = 22
ii. A box contains 5 red, 8 blue and 3 green pens. Rutuja wants to pick a pen at random. What is
the probability that the pen is blue?
iii. Find the sum of first ‘n’ even natural numbers.
iv. Solve the following quadratic equations by factorisation method:
x2 + x – 20 = 0
v. Find the values of (x + y) and (x – y) of the following simultaneous equations:
49x – 57y = 172
57x – 49y = 252
Q.3. (A) Complete the following activity and rewrite it (any one): [3]
i. One of the roots of equation kx2 – 10x + 3 = 0 is 3. Complete the following activity to find the
value of k.
One of the roots of equation
kx2 – 10x + 3 = 0 is 3
Putting x = in the above equation
 k( )2 – 10  +3=0
 – 30 + 3 = 0
 9k =
 k=
ii. A card is drawn at random from a pack of well shuffled 52 playing cards. Complete the
following activity to find the probability that the card drawn is –
Event A: The card drawn is an ace.
Event B: The card drawn is a spade.
‘S’ is the sample space.
 n(S) = 52
Event A: The card drawn is an ace.
 n(A) =
 P(A) = ……..(formula)

 P(A) =

 P(A) =

Event B: The card drawn is a spade.

 n(B) =
n  B
P(B) =
n  S

 P(B) =

(B) Solve the following subquestions (any two): [6]

i. Solve the simultaneous equations by using graphical method:
x + 3y = 7
2x + y = –1
ii. There is an auditorium with 27 rows of seats. There are 20 seats in the first row, 22 seats in
the second row, 24 seats in the third row and so on. Find how many total seats are there in the
iii. Sum of the present ages of Manish and Savita is 31 years. Manish’s age 3 years ago was 4
times the age of Savita at that time. Find their present ages.
iv. Solve the following quadratic equation using formula:
x2 + 10x + 2 = 0
Q.4. Solve the following subquestions (any two): [8]
i. If 460 is divided by a natural number, then quotient is 2 more than nine times the divisor and
remainder is 5. Find the quotient and divisor.
ii. If the 9th term of an A.P. is zero, then prove that the 29th term is double the 19th term.
iii. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 24 cm. The length of its congruent sides is 13 cm less
than twice the length of its base. Find the lengths of all sides of the triangle.
Q.5. Solve the following subquestions (any one): [3]
i. A bag contains 8 red and some Blue balls. One ball is drawn at random from the bag. If ratio
of probability of getting red ball and blue ball is 2 : 5, then find the number of blue balls.
ii. Measures of angles of a triangle are in A.P. the measure of smallest angle is five times of
common difference. Find the measures of all angles of a triangle.
(Assume the measures of angles as a, a + d, a + 2d)
Mathematics Part - I
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of a calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, four alternatives (A), (B), (C), (D) of answers are given. Alternative of correct
answer is to be written in front of the subquestion number.

Q.1. (A) Choose the correct answer and write the alphabet of it in front of the subquestion
number: [4]
i. To draw the graph of 4x + 5y = 19, find y when x = 1:
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) –3
ii. Out of the following equations which one is not a quadratic equation?
(A) x2 + 4x = 11 + x2 (B) x2 = 4x
(C) 5x = 90 (D) 2x – x2 = x2 + 5
iii. For the given A.P. a = 3.5, d = 0, then tn = _______
(A) 0 (B) 3.5 (C) 103.5 (D) 104.5
iv. If n(A) = 2, P(A) = , then n(S) = ?
5 2 1
(A) 10 (B) (C) (D)
2 5 3

(B) Solve the following subquestions: [4]

i. Find the value of the following determinant:
4 3
2 7

ii. Find the common difference of the following A.P.:

2, 4, 6, 8, …
iii. On certain article if rate of CGST is 9%, then what is the rate of SGST?
iv. If one coin is tossed, write the sample space ‘S’.
Q.2. (A) Complete any two given activities and rewrite it: [4]
i. Complete the following activity; find the value of x:
5x + 3y = 9 …(I)
2x – 3y = 12 …(II)
Add equations (I) and (II)
5x + 3y = 9
+ 2x – 3y = 12

7x =


ii. Complete the following activity to determine the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation
x2 + 2x – 9 = 0:
Compare x2 + 2x – 9 = 0 with ax2 + bx + c = 0
a = 1, b = 2, c =
 b2 – 4ac = (2)2 – 4  
=4+ = 40
 b2 – 4ac > 0
 The roots of the equation are real and unequal.
iii. Complete the following table using given information:
Sr. No. FV Share is at MV
1. ₹ 100 Par
2. Premium ₹ 500 ₹ 575
3. ₹ 10 ₹5
4. ₹ 200 Discount ₹ 50

(B) Solve the following subquestions (any four): [8]

i. Solve the following simultaneous equations:
x + y = 4; 2x – y = 2
ii. Write the following equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0, then write the values of a, b, c:
2y = 10 – y2.
iii. Write an A.P. whose first term is a = 10 and common difference d = 5.
iv. Courier service agent charged total ₹ 590 to courier a parcel from Nashik to Nagpur.
In the tax invoice taxable value is ₹ 500 on which CGST is ₹ 45 and SGST is ₹ 45.
Find the rate of GST charged for this service.
v. Observe the following table and find Mean:
Assumed mean A = 300

Class mark di = xi  A Frequency Frequency  Deviation

xi di = xi  300 fi fi di
200 – 240 220 80 5 – 400
240 – 280 260 –40 10 – 400
280 – 320 300 A 0 15 0
320 – 360 340 40 12 480
360 – 400 380 80 8 640
Total fi = 50 fidi = 320
Q.3. (A) Complete any one activity and rewrite it: [3]
i. Form a ‘Road Safety Committee’ of two, from 2 boys (B1, B2) and 2 girls (G1, G2).
Complete the following activity to write the sample space:
a. Committee of 2 boys =  
b. Committee of 2 girls =  
c. 
Committee of one boy and one girl = B1G1 , B1G 2 , , 
d. 
 Sample space (S) =  B1B2  ,  B1G1  , , ,  B2 G 2  ,  G1G 2  
ii. Fill in the boxes with the help of given information:
Tax invoice of services provided (Sample)
Food Junction, Khed-Shivapur, Pune Invoice No. 58
Mob. No. 7588580000,
GSTIN : 27AAAAA5555B1ZA Invoice Date : 25 Feb., 2020
Food Rate Taxable
items (in `) amount
9963 Coffee 1 20 20.00 2.5 % ` 0.50 2.5 %
9963 1 10 10.00 ` 0.25 2.5 %
9963 2 60 2.5% 2.5% ` 3.00
Total 150.00 ` 3.75
Grand Total = ` 157.50
(B) Solve the following subquestions (any two): [6]
i. Solve the following simultaneous equations using Cramer’s rule:
4m + 6n = 54; 3m + 2n = 28
ii. Solve the following quadratic equation by formula method:
x2 + 10x + 2 = 0
iii. A two digit number if formed with digits 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 without repetition. What is the
probability of the following events?
Event A: The number formed is an odd number.
Event B: The number formed is a multiple of 5.
iv. The frequency distribution table shows the number of mango trees in a grove and their yield
of mangoes. Find the median of data:
No. of Mangoes No. of Trees
50  100 33
100  150 30
150  200 90
200  250 80
250  300 17
Q.4. Solve the following subquestions (any two): [8]
i. If the first term of an A.P. is p, second term is q and last term is r, then show that sum of all
terms is (q + r  2p) 
p  r .
2(q  p)
ii. Show the following data by a frequency polygon:
Electricity bill (₹) Families
200 – 400 240
400 – 600 300
600 – 800 450
800 – 1000 350
1000 – 1200 160
iii. The sum of the squares of five consecutive natural numbers is 1455. Find the numbers.
Q.5. Solve the following subquestions (any one): [3]
i. Draw the graph of the equation x + 2y = 4. Find the area of the triangle formed by the line
intersecting to X-axis and Y-axis.
ii. A survey was conducted for 180 people in a city. 70 ate Pizza, 60 ate burgers and 50 ate
chips. Draw a pie diagram for the given information.
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. Figures to the right of questions indicate full marks.
iv. Draw proper figures for answers wherever necessary.
v. The marks of construction should be clear and distinct. Do not erase them.
vi. While writing any proof, drawing relevant figure is necessary. Also the proof should be consistent with
the figure.

1. (A) Solve the following questions (Any four): [4]

i. If ABC  PQR and A = 60, then P = ?
ii. In right-angled ABC, if B = 90, AB = 6, BC = 8, then find AC.
iii. Write the length of largest chord of a circle with radius 3.2 cm.
iv. From the given number line, find d(A, B):

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
v. Find the value of sin 30 + cos 60.
vi. Find the area of a circle of radius 7 cm.
(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]
i. Draw seg AB of length 5.7 cm and bisect it.
ii. In right-angled triangle PQR, if P = 60, R = 30 and PR = 12, then find the values of PQ
and QR.
iii. In a right circular cone, if perpendicular height is 12 cm and radius is 5 cm, then find its slant
2. (A) Choose the correct alternative: [4]
i. ABC and DEF are equilateral triangles. If A(ABC) : A(DEF) = 1 : 2 and AB = 4, then
what is the length of DE?
(A) 2 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 4 2
ii. Out of the following which is a Pythagorean triplet?
(A) (5, 12, 14) (B) (3, 4, 2) (C) (8, 15, 17) (D) (5, 5, 2)

iii. ACB is inscribed in arc ACB of a circle with centre O. If ACB = 65, find m(arc ACB) :
(A) 130 (B) 295 (C) 230 (D) 65

iv. 1 + tan2  = ?
(A) sin2  (B) sec2  (C) cosec2  (D) cot2 

(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]

i. Construct tangent to a circle with centre A and radius 3.4 cm at any point P on it.
ii. Find slope of a line passing through the points A(3, 1) and B(5, 3).
iii. Find the surface area of a sphere of radius 3.5 cm.
3. (A) Complete the following activites (Any two): [4]
i. A


B  C
In ABC, ray BD bisects ABC.
If ADC, AEB and seg ED || side BC, then prove that: = .
In ABC, ray BD is bisector of ABC.
 = …(i)(By angle bisector theorem)
In ABC, seg DE || side BC
 = …(ii)
 = …[From (i) and (ii)]

ii. Q


Prove that, angles inscribed in the same arc are congruent.
Given: PQR and PSR are inscribed in the same arc.
Arc PXR is intercepted by the angles.
To prove: PQR  PSR
mPQR = m(arc PXR) …(i)
m = m(arc PXR) …(ii)
 m = mPSR …[From (i) and (ii)]
 PQR  PSR …(Angles equal in measure are congruent)
iii. How many solid cylinders of radius 6 cm and height 12 cm can be made by melting a solid
sphere of radius 18 cm?
Activity: Radius of the sphere, r = 18 cm
For cylinder, radius R = 6 cm, height H = 12 cm
Volume of the sphere
 Number of cylinders can be made =

4 3
= 3

 18  18  18
= 3

(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]
i. A 4
In right-angled ABC, BD  AC.
If AD = 4, DC = 9, then find BD.
ii. Verify whether the following points are collinear or not:
A (1, –3), B (2, –5), C (–4, 7).
iii. If sec θ = , then find the value of tan .
4. Solve the following questions (Any three): [9]
i. In PQR, seg PM is a median, PM = 9 and PQ2 + PR2 = 290. Find the length of QR.
70 Y


In the given figure, O is centre of circle. QPR = 70 and m(arc PYR) = 160, then find the
value of each of the following:
(a) m(arc QXR)
(b) QOR
(c) PQR
iii. Draw a circle with radius 4.2 cm. Construct tangents to the circle from a point at a distance of
7 cm from the centre.
iv. When an observer at a distance of 12 m from a tree looks at the top of the tree, the angle of
elevation is 60. What is the height of the tree? ( 3 = 1.73)

5. Solve the following questions (Any one): [4]

i. A


A circle with centre P is inscribed in the ABC. Side AB, side BC and side AC touch the
circle at points L, M and N respectively. Radius of the circle is r.
Prove that: A(ABC) = (AB + BC + AC)  r.
ii. A

In ABC, ACB = 90. seg CD  side AB and seg CE is angle bisector of ACB.
Prove that: = .
6. Solve the following questions (Any one): [3]
i. Show that the points (2, 0), (–2, 0) and (0, 2) are the vertices of a triangle. Also state with
reason the type of the triangle.

10.5 cm

21 cm
In the above figure, XLMT is a rectangle. LM = 21 cm, XL = 10.5 cm. Diameter of the
smaller semicircle is half the diameter of the larger semicircle. Find the area of non-shaded
Maths Part - II
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. Figures to the right of questions indicate full marks.
iv. Draw proper figures for answers wherever necessary.
v. The marks of construction should be clear and distinct. Do not erase them.
vi. While writing any proof, drawing relevant figure is necessary. Also the proof should be consistent with
the figure.

1. (A) Solve the following questions (Any four): [4]

i. Point M is the mid-point of segment AB. If AB = 8.6 cm, then find AM.

ii. Write the equations of x-axis and y-axis.

iii. n



In the above figure, line l || line m and line n is a transversal. Using the given information find
the value of x.
iv. If sin  = , then find the value of .
v. If the side of a cube is 5 cm, then find its volume.
vi. In  DEF, if  E = 90, then find the value of  D +  F.

(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]

i. Draw seg AB = 6.8 cm and draw perpendicular bisector of it.
ii. If  ABC ~  DEF, then write the corresponding congruent angles and also write the ratio of
corresponding sides.
iii. Perpendicular height of a cone is 12 cm and its slant height is 13 cm. Find the radius of the
base of cone.
2. (A) Choose the correct alternative: [4]
i. In right-angled triangle PQR, if hypotenuse PR = 12 and PQ = 6, then what is the measure of
(A) 30 (B) 60 (C) 90 (D) 45

ii. If  ABC ~  PQR and 4A ( ABC) = 25 A( PQR), then AB : PQ = ?

(A) 4 : 25 (B) 2 : 5 (C) 5 : 2 (D) 25 : 4
iii. If the points, A, B, C are non-collinear points, then how many circles can be drawn which
passes through points A, B and C ?
(A) two (B) three (C) one (D) infinite

iv. sin   cosec  = ?

(A) 2 (B) (C) 0 (D) 1

(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]

i. Construct a tangent to a circle with centre O and radius 3.5 cm at a point P on it.
ii. Find the slope of the line passing through the points A(4 , 7) and B (2, 3).
iii. If the length of an arc of sector of a circle is 20 cm and if radius is 7 cm, find the area of the
3. (A) Complete the following activities (Any two): [4]
i. l m




In the above figure, line AB || line CD || line EF , line l and line m are its transversals. If
AC = 6, CE = 9. BD = 8, then complete the following activity to find DF.
= (Property of three parallel lines and their transversal)

 =
9 DF
 DF =


14 cm

A circle is inscribed in square ABCD of side 14 cm. Complete the following activity to find
the area of shaded portion.
Area of square ABCD =
= 142
= 196 cm2
Area of circle = πr2
=  72
= cm2
Area of shaded portion = Area of square ABCD – Area of circle
= 196 –
= cm2

iii. In the following figure, O is the centre of the circle.  ABC is inscribed in arc ABC and
 ABC = 65. Complete the following activity to find the measure of  AOC.



 ABC = m (Inscribed angle theorem)
 2 = m(arc AXC)
m(arc AXC) =
 AOC = m(arc AXC) (Definition of measure of an arc)
 AOC =

(B) Solve the following questions (Any two): [4]

i. Find the side and perimeter of a square whose diagonal is 13 2 cm.
ii. Find the co-ordinates of the centroid of the  PQR, whose vertices are P(3, –5), Q(4, 3) and
R(11, –4)
iii. If cos  = , then find sin .
4. Solve the following questions (Any three): [9]
i. Verify that the points A(–2, 2), B(2, 2) and C(2, 7) are the vertices of right-angled triangle.

1  sin 
ii. Prove that: = sec  – tan 
1  sin 

iii. In  ABC, seg AP is a median. If BC = 18, AB2 + AC2 = 260, then find the length of AP.
iv.  ABC ~  LMN. In  ABC, AB = 5.5 cm, BC = 6 cm, CA = 4.5 cm. If MN = 4.8 cm, then
construct  ABC and  LMN.
5. Solve the following questions (Any one): [4]
x z
In the above figure, seg PA, seg QB and RC are perpendicular to seg AC. From the
1 1 1
information given in the figure, prove that:   .
x z y


In the above figure, the circles with P, Q and R intersect at points B, C, D and E as shown.
Lines CB and ED intersect in point M. Lines drawn from point M touch the circles at points
A and F. Prove that MA = MF.

6. Solve the following questions (Any one): [3]



In the above figure, seg AB is a diameter of a circle with centre P. C is any point on the circle.
seg CE  seg AB. Prove that CE is the geometric mean of AE and EB. Write the proof with
the help of following steps:
a. Draw ray CE. It intersects the circle at D.
b. Show that CE = ED.
c. Write the result using theorem of intersection of chords inside a circle.
d. Using CE = ED, complete the proof.

In the above figure, a sphere is placed in a cylinder. It touches the top, bottom and the curved
surface of the cylinder. If radius of the base of cylinder is ‘r’, write the answer of the
following questions.
a. What is the height of the cylinder in terms of ‘r’?
b. What is the ratio of the curved surface area of the cylinder and the surface area of the
c. What is the ratio of volumes of the cylinder and of the sphere?
Mathematics Part - II
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQ’s [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) in front of sub-question number is to be
written as an answer.
vi. Draw proper figures for answers wherever necessary.
vii. The marks of construction should be clear and distinct. Do not erase them.
viii. Diagram is essential for writing the proof of the theorem.

Q.1. A. Four alternative answers are given for every sub-question. Select the correct alternative
and write the alphabet of that answer: [4]
i. Out of the following which is the Pythagorean triplet?
(A) (1, 5, 10) (B) (3, 4, 5) (C) (2, 2, 2) (D) (5, 5, 2)
ii. Two circles of radii 5.5 cm and 3.3 cm respectively touch each other externally. What is the
distance between their centres?
(A) 4.4 cm (B) 2.2 cm (C) 8.8 cm (D) 8.9 cm
iii. Distance of point (–3, 4) from the origin is _______.
(A) 7 (B) 1 (C) –5 (D) 5
iv. Find the volume of a cube of side 3 cm:
(A) 27 cm3 (B) 9 cm3 (C) 81 cm3 (D) 3 cm3
B. Solve the following questions: [4]
i. The ratio of corresponding sides of similar triangles is 3 : 5, then find the ratio of their areas.
ii. Find the diagonal of a square whose side is 10 cm.
iii. ABCD is cyclic. If B = 110, then find measure of D.
iv. Find the slope of the line passing through the points A(2, 3) and B(4, 7).
Q.2. A. Complete and write the following activities (Any two): [4]
i. P


In the figure given above, ‘O’ is the centre of the circle, seg PS is a tangent segment and S is
the point of contact. Line PR is a secant.
If PQ = 3.6, QR = 6.4, find PS.
PS2 = PQ  ...(tangent secant segments theorem)

= PQ  (PQ  )
= 3.6  (3.6 + 6.4)
= 3.6 
= 36
 PS = …(by taking square roots)

ii. If sec  = , find the value of tan .
1 + tan2  = sec2 
 25 
 1 + tan2  =  
 7 
 tan2  = 
625  49


 tan  = …(by taking square roots)

iii. Y

In the figure given above, O is the centre of the circle. Using given information complete the
following table:
Type of arc Name of the arc Measure of the arc
Minor arc
Major arc

B. Solve the following sub-questions (Any four): [8]

i. P


In PQR, NM || RQ. If PM = 15, MQ = 10, NR = 8, then find PN.
ii. M

In MNP, MNP = 90, seg NQ  seg MP. If MQ = 9, QP = 4, then find NQ.


In the figure given above, M is the centre of the circle and seg KL is a tangent segment. L is a
point of contact. If MK = 12, KL = 6 3 , then find the radius of the circle.
iv. Find the co-ordinates of midpoint of the segment joining the points (22, 20) and (0, 16).
v. A person is standing at a distance of 80 metres from a Church and looking at its top. The
angle of elevation is of 45. Find the height of the Church.
Q.3. A. Complete and write the following activities (Any one): [3]
i. D

In the given figure, X is any point in the interior of the triangle. Point X is joined to the
vertices of triangle. seg PQ || seg DE, seg QR || seg EF. Complete the activity and prove that
seg PR || seg DF.
In XDE,
PQ || DE …(Given)
 = …(Basic proportionality theorem)…(i)
In XEF,
QR || EF …(Given)
 = …( )…(ii)

 = …[From (i) and (ii)]
 seg PR || seg DF …(By converse of basic proportionality theorem)
ii. If A(6, 1), B(8, 2), C(9, 4) and D(7, 3) are the vertices of ABCD, show that ABCD is a
y2  y1
Slope of line =
x2  x1
2 1
 Slope of line AB = = …(i)
 Slope of line BC = = …(ii)
3 4
 Slope of line CD = = …(iii)
3 1
 Slope of line DA = = …(iv)
 Slope of line AB = …[From (i) and (iii)]
 line AB || line CD
 Slope of line BC = …[From (ii) and (iv)]
 line BC || line DA
Both the pairs of opposite sides of the quadrilateral are parallel.
 ABCD is a parallelogram.
B. Solve the following sub-questions (Any two): [6]
i. If PQR, point S is the mid-point of side QR. If PQ = 11, PR = 17, PS = 13, find QR.
ii. Prove that, tangent segments drawn from an external point to the circle are congruent.
iii. Draw a circle with radius 4.1 cm. Construct tangents to the circle from a point at a distance
7.3 cm from the centre.
iv. A metal cuboid of measures 16 cm  11 cm  10 cm was melted to make coins. How many
coins were made, if the thickness and diameter of each coin was 2 mm and 2 cm respectively?
( = 3.14)
Q.4. Solve the following sub-questions (Any two): [8]
i. In ABC, PQ is a line segment intersecting AB at P and AC at Q such that seg PQ || seg BC.
If PQ divides ABC into two equal parts having equal areas, find .
ii. Draw a circle of radius 2.7 cm and draw a chord PQ of length 4.5 cm. Draw tangents at points
P and Q without using centre.
iii. A S D



In the figure given above ABCD is a square of side 50 m. Points P, Q, R, S are midpoints of
side AB, side BC, side CD, side AD respectively. Find area of shaded region.
Q.5. Solve the following sub-questions (Any one): [3]
i. Circles with centres A, B and C touch each other externally. If AB = 3 cm, BC = 3 cm,
CA = 4 cm, then find the radii of each circle.
ii. If sin  + sin2  = 1
show that: cos2  + cos4  = 1
Maths - II
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQ’s [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with sub-question number is to be written
as an answer.
vi. Draw proper figures for answers wherever necessary.
vii. The marks of construction should be clear. Do not erase them.
viii. Diagram is essential for writing the proof of the theorem.

Q.1. (A) For each of the following sub-question four alternative answers are given. Choose the
correct alternative and write its alphabet: [4]
1. ΔABC ~ ΔPQR and ∠A = 45°, ∠Q = 87°, then ∠C = _______.
(A) 45° (B) 87° (C) 48° (D) 90°
2. ∠PRQ is inscribed in the arc PRQ of a circle with centre ‘O’.
If ∠PRQ = 75°, then m(arc PRQ) = _______.
(A) 75° (B) 150° (C) 285° (D) 210°
3. A line makes an angle of 60° with the positive direction of X-axis, so the slope of a line is
1 3 1
(A) (B) (C) 3 (D)
2 2 3

4. Radius of a sector of a circle is 5 cm and length of arc is 10 cm, then the area of a sector is _______.
(A) 50 cm2 (B) 25 cm2 (C) 25 m2 (D) 10 cm2
(B) Solve the following sub-questions: [4]
1. A


In the above figure, seg AB ⊥ seg BC and seg DC ⊥ seg BC.
A( ABC)
If AB = 3 cm and CD = 4 cm, then find .
A( DCB)

2. In cyclic ☐ABCD, ∠B = 75°, then find ∠D.

3. Point A, B, C are collinear. If slope of line AB is  , then find the slope of line BC.
4. If 3 sin θ = 4 cos θ, then find the value of tan θ.
Q.2. (A) Complete the following activities and rewrite it (Any two): [4]
1. A


In ΔABC, seg DE || side BC. If AD = 6 cm, DB = 9 cm, EC = 7.5 cm, then complete the
following activity to find AE.
Activity: In ΔABC, seg DE || side BC ….. (given)
∴  .......
6 AE
∴ =
6  7.5
∴ AE =

∴ AE =

2. A

In the above figure, chord AB and chord CD intersect each other at point E. If AE = 15, EB = 6,
CE = 12, then complete the activity to find ED.
Chord AB and chord CD intersect each other at point E …… (given)
∴ CE × ED = AE × EB …..
∴ × ED = 15 × 6

∴ ED =
∴ ED =

3. If C(3, 5) and D(–2, –3), then complete the following activity to find the distance between
points C and D.
Let C(3, 5) ≡ (x1, y1), D(–2, –3) ≡ (x2, y2)

x 
  y2  y1  …. (formula)
CD = 2 

 2  
  3  5 
∴ CD =
∴ CD =  64

∴ CD =

B. Solve the following sub-questions (Any four): [8]

1. ΔABC ~ ΔPQR, A(ΔABC) = 81 cm2, A(ΔPQR) = 121 cm2.
If BC = 6.3 cm, then find QR.
2. In ΔPQR, ∠P = 60°, ∠Q = 90° and QR = 6 3 cm, then find the values of PR and PQ.
3. Find the slope of a line passing through the points A(2, 5) and B(4, –1).
4. Draw a circle with centre ‘O’ and radius 3.2 cm. Draw a tangent to the circle at any point P on
5. Find the surface area of a sphere of radius 7 cm.
Q.3. A. Complete the following activities and rewrite it (Any one): [3]
1. P


In ΔPQR, seg PS ⊥ side QR, then complete the activity to prove PQ2 + RS2 = PR2 + QS2.
In ΔPSQ, ∠PSQ = 90°
∴ PS2 + QS2 = PQ2 ……. (Pythagoras theorem)
∴ PS2 = PQ2 – ……… (I)
In ΔPSR, ∠PSR = 90°
∴ PS2 + = PR2 ……… (Pythagoras theorem)
∴ PS2 = PR2 – ……… (II)
∴ PQ2 – = – RS2 …….. from (I) and (II)
∴ PQ2 + = PR2 + QS2

2. Measure of arc of a circle is 36° and its length is 176 cm. Then complete the following
activity to find the radius of circle.
Here, measure of arc = θ = 36°
Length of arc = l = 176 cm

∴ Length of arc (l) = × ……. (formula)
36 22
∴ = ×2× ×r
360 7
1 44
∴ 176 = × ×r

176 
∴ r=
∴ r= × 70
Radius of circle (r) = cm
B. Solve the following sub-questions (Any two): [6]
1. Prove that, “The ratio of the intercepts made on a transversal by three parallel lines is equal to the
ratio of the corresponding intercepts made on any other transversal by the same parallel lines.”

2. Draw a circle with centre ‘O’ and radius 3.4 cm. Draw a chord MN of length 5.7 cm in it.
Construct tangents at points M and N to the circle.

3. Prove that:
= sec θ + tan θ.
sec   tan 

4. Radii of the top and base of frustum are 14 cm and 8 cm respectively. Its height is 8 cm. Find
its curved surface area.(π = 3.14)

Q.4. Solve the following sub-questions (Any two): [8]

1. A

In ΔABC, ∠BAC = 90°, seg AP ⊥ side BC, B-P-C. Point D is the mid-point of side BC, then
prove that 2AD2 = BD2 + CD2.
2. A


In the above figure, chord AB ≅ chord AD. Chord AC and chord BD intersect each other at
point E. Then prove that:
AB2 = AE × AC.
3. A straight road leads to the foot of the tower of height 48 m. From the top of the tower the
angles of depression of two cars standing on the road are 30° and 60° respectively. Find the
distance between the two cars.( 3 =1.73)
Q.5. Solve the following sub-questions (Any one): [3]
i. Let M be a point of contact of two internally touching circles. Let line AMB be their common
tangent. The chord CD of the bigger circle touches the smaller circle at point N. The chord
CM and chord DM of bigger circle intersect the smaller circle at point P and R respectively.
a. From the above information draw the suitable figure.
b. Draw seg NR and seg NM and write the two pairs of congruent angles in smaller circle
considering tangent and chord.
c. By using the property which is used in (b) write the two pairs of congruent angles in
the bigger circle.
ii. Draw a circle with centre ‘O’ and radius 3 cm. Draw a tangent segment PA having length
40 cm from an exterior point P.
Mathematics - II
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40
i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with sub-question number is to be written
as an answer.
vi. Draw proper figures for answers wherever necessary.
vii. The marks of construction should be clear. Do not erase them.
viii. Diagram is essential for writing the proof of the theorem.

Q.1. (A) For each of the following sub-questions four alternative answers are given. Choose the
correct alternative and write its alphabet: [4]
i. If ABC  DEF and A = 48, then D = _______.
(A) 48 (B) 83 (C) 49 (D) 132
ii. AP is a tangent at A drawn to the circle with center O from an external point P. OP = 12 cm
and OPA = 30, then the radius of a circle is _______.
(A) 12 cm (B) 6 3 cm (C) 6 cm (D) 12 3 cm
iii. Seg AB is parallel to X-axis and co-ordinates of the point A are (1, 3), then the co-ordinates
of the point B can be _______.
(A) (–3, 1) (B) (5, 1) (C) (3, 0) (D) (–5, 3)
iv. The value of 2tan 45 – 2sin 30 is_______.
1 3
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) (D)
2 4
(B) Solve the following sub-questions: [4]
i. In  ABC, ABC = 90, BAC = BCA = 45. A

If AC = 9 2 , then find the value of AB.

ii. Chord AB and chord CD of a circle with centre O are congruent. If m(arc AB) =120, then
find the m(arc CD).
iii. Find the Y-co-ordinate of the centroid of a triangle whose vertices are (4, –3), (7, 5) and
(–2, 1).
iv. If sin = cos, then what will be the measure of angle  ?
Q.2. (A) Complete the following activities and rewrite it (any two): D [4]
i. In the above figure, seg AC and seg BD intersect each
other in point P. If = , then complete the
following activity to prove ABP  CDP.
Activity: In APB and CDP P
= ....... C
 APB ≡ ....... vertically opposite angles B

 CDP....... test of similarity.

ii. In the above figure, ABCD is a rectangle. If D A
AB = 5, AC = 13, then complete the following
activity to find BC.
ABC is triangle.
 By Pythagoras theorem
AB2 + BC2 = AC2
 25 + BC2 =  BC2 = C B
 BC =
iii. Complete the following activity to prove: cot + tan = cosec  sec
L.H.S. = cot + tan
cosθ  sin 2 θ
=  =
sin θ cosθ sin θ  cosθ
1 1 1
= ........ = 
sin θ  cosθ sin θ cosθ
=  secθ
 L.H.S. = R.H.S.
(B) Solve the following sub-questions (any four): [8]
i. If ABC  PQR, AB : PQ = 4 : 5 and A(PQR) = 125 cm2, then find A(ABC).
ii. D
In the above figure, m(arc DXE) = 105, m(arc AYC) = 47, then find the measure of DBE.
iii. Draw a circle of radius 3.2 cm and centre ‘O’. Take any point P on it. Draw tangent to the
circle through point P using the centre of the circle.
iv. If sin = , then find the value of cos  using trigonometric identity.
v. In ABC, AB = 9 cm, BC = 40 cm, AC = 41 cm. State whether ABC is a right-angled
triangle or not? Write reason.
Q.3. (A) Complete the following activities and rewrite it (any one): [3]
i. S

In the above figure, chord PQ and chord RS intersect each other at point T. If STQ = 58 and
PSR = 24, then complete the following activity to verify: STQ = [m(arc PR) + m(arc SQ)]
In PTS,
SPQ = STQ –  Exterior angle theorem
 SPQ = 34

 m(arc QS) = 2  = 68 ........

Similarly m(arc PR) = 2PSR =
1 1 
 [m(arc QS) + m(arc PR)] =  = 58 ........ (I)
2 2
but STQ = 58 ........ (II) given
 [m(arc PR) + m(arc QS)] = .... ........ from (I) and (II)
ii. Complete the following activity to find the co-ordinates of point P which divides seg AB in
the ratio 3 : 1 where A(4, –3) and B(8, 5).
Activity: A P B
(4, –3) (x, y) (8, 5)
 By section formula,
mx2  nx1
x , y
3  8  1 4 3  5  1   3 
 x ,y
3 1 3 1
4 3
  
4 4
 x= y=
(B) Solve the following sub-questions (any two): A [6]
i. In ABC, seg XY || side AC. If 2AX = 3BX and XY = 9, X
then find the value of AC.

ii. Prove that, “Opposite angles of cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary”.
iii. ABC  PQR. In ABC, AB = 5.4 cm, BC = 4.2 cm, AC = 6.0 cm, AB : PQ = 3 : 2, then
construct ABC and PQR
tan A cot A
iv. Show that:  = sin A  cos A.
1  tan A  1  cot A 
2 2 2 2

Q.4. Solve the following sub-questions (any two): [8]

i. ABCD is a parallelogram. Point P is the midpoint of A D
side CD. Seg BP intersects diagonal AC at point X,
then prove that:
3AX = 2AC


In the above figure, seg AB and seg AD are tangent segments drawn to a circle with centre C
from exterior point A, then prove that: A = [m(arc BYD) – m(arc BXD)]
iii. Find the co-ordinates of centroid of a triangle if points D(–7, 6), E(8, 5) and F(2,–2) are the
mid-points of the sides of that triangle.
Q.5. Solve the following sub-questions (any one): [3]
i. If a and b are natural numbers and a > b. If (a2 + b2), (a2 – b2) and 2ab are the sides of the
triangle, then prove that the triangle is right angled.
Find out two Pythagorean triplets by taking suitable values of a and b.
ii. Construct two concentric circles with centre O with radii 3 cm and 5 cm. Construct tangent to
a smaller circle from any point A on the larger circle. Measure and write the length of tangent
segment. Calculate the length of tangent segment using Pythagoras theorem.
Mathematics Part - II
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40
i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Use of calculator is not allowed.
iii. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
iv. In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
v. For every MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with sub-question number is to be written
as an answer.
vi. Draw the proper figures for answers wherever necessary.
vii. The marks of construction should be clear and distinct. Do not erase them.
viii. Diagram is essential for writing the proof of the theorem.

Q.1. (A) Four alternative answers are given for every subquestion. Select the correct alternative
and write the alphabet of that answer: [4]
1. If a, b, c are sides of a triangle and a2 + b2 = c2, name the type of triangle:
(A) Obtuse angled triangle (B) Acute angled triangle
(C) Right angled triangle (D) Equilateral triangle
2. Chords AB and CD of a circle intersect inside the circle at point E. If AE = 4, EB = 10,
CE = 8, then find ED:
(A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) 9
3. Co-ordinates of origin are _______.
(A) (0, 0) (B) (0, 1) (C) (1, 0) (D) (1, 1)
4. If radius of the base of cone is 7 cm and height is 24 cm, then find its slant height:
(A) 23 cm (B) 26 cm (C) 31 cm (D) 25 cm
(B) Solve the following sub-questions: [4]
A  ABC  16
1. If ABC ~ PQR and = , then find AB : PQ.
A  PQR  25

2. In RST, S = 90, T = 30, RT = 12 cm, then find RS.

3. If radius of a circle is 5 cm, then find the length of longest chord of a circle.
4. Find the distance between the points O(0, 0) and P(3, 4).
Q.2. (A) Complete the following activities (any two): [4]
1. L



In the above figure, L = 35, find:

i. m(arc MN)
ii. m(arc MLN)
i. L = m(arc MN) …(By inscribed angle theorem)
 = m(arc MN)
 2  35 = m(arc MN)
 m(arc MN) =
ii. m(arc MLN) = – m(arc MN) …(Definition of measure of arc)
= 360 – 70
 m(arc MLN) =

2. Show that, cot + tan = cosec  sec

L.H.S = cot + tan
cosθ sin 
= 
sin θ cosθ

sin θ  cosθ
= ...
sin θ  cosθ
1 1
= 
sin θ
= cosec  sec
L.H.S = R.H.S
 cot + tan = cosec  sec
3. Find the surface area of a sphere of radius 7 cm.
Surface area of sphere = 4r2
22 2
=4 
=4 
= 7
 Surface area of sphere =

(B) Solve the following sub-questions(Any four): [8]

1. A B



In trapezium ABCD side AB || side PQ || side DC. AP = 15, PD = 12, QC = 14, find BQ.
2. Find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle whose length is 35 cm and breadth is 12 cm.


In the given figure points G, D, E, F are points of a circle with centre C, ECF = 70,
m(arc DGF) = 200.
i. m(arc DE) ii. m(arc DEF).
4. Show that points A(1, –1), B(0, 1), C(1, 3) are collinear.
5. A person is standing at a distance of 50 m from a temple looking at its top. The angle of
elevation is of 45. Find the height of the temple.
Q.3. (A) Complete the following activities (any one): [3]
1. P


o x
o x

In PQR, seg PM is a median. Angle bisectors of PMQ and PMR intersect side PQ and
side PR in points X and Y respectively. Prove that XY || QR.
Complete the proof by filling in the boxes.
In PMQ,
Ray MX is the bisector of PMQ
  ….(I) [Theorem of angle bisector]
Similarly, in PMR, Ray MY is bisector of PMR
  ….(II) [Theorem of angle bisector]
But  …(III) [As M is the midpoint of QR]
Hence MQ = MR
  …[From (I), (II) and (III)]
 XY || QR …[Converse of basic proportionality theorem]
2. Find the co-ordinates of point P where P is the midpoint of a line segment AB with A(–4, 2)
and B(6, 2).
A P(x, y) B
(–4, 2) (6, 2)
Suppose, (–4, 2) = (x1, y1) and (6, 2) = (x2, y2) and co-ordinates of P are (x, y)
 According to midpoint theorem,
x1  x2 6
x=   
2 2 2
y1  y2 2  4
y=   
2 2 2
 Co-ordinates of midpoint P are

(B) Solve the following sub-questions (any two): [6]

1. In ABC, seg AP is a median. If BC = 18, AB2 + AC2 = 260, find AP.
2. Prove that, “Angles inscribed in the same are congruent”.
3. Draw a circle of radius 3.3 cm. Draw a chord PQ of length 6.6 cm. Draw tangents to the circle
at points P and Q.
4. The radii of circular ends of a frustum are 14 cm and 6 cm respectively and its height is 6 cm.
Find its curved surface area. ( = 3.14)
Q.4. Solve the following sub-questions (any two): [8]
1. In ABC, seg DE || side BC. If 2A (ADE) = A ( DBCE), find AB : AD and show that
BC = 3 DE.
SH 3
2. SHR ~ SVU. In SHR, SH = 4.5 cm, HR = 5.2 cm, SR = 5.8 cm and  ,
SV 5
construct SVU.
3. An ice-cream pot has a right circular cylindrical shape. The radius of the base is 12 cm and
height is 7 cm. This pot is completely filled with ice-cream. The entire ice-cream is given to
the students in the form of right circular ice-cream cones, having diameter 4 cm and height is
3.5 cm. If each student is given one cone, how many students can be served?
Q.5. Solve the following sub-questions (any one): [3]

A P ● ●


A circle touches side BC at point P of the ABC, from out-side of the triangle.
Further extended lines AC and AB are tangents to the circle at N and M respectively.
Prove that: AM = (Perimeter of ABC)

2. Eliminate  if x = r cos  and y = r sin .

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