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Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Gardner's theory suggested that all people have different kinds of "intelligences."

Gardner proposed that there are eight intelligences, and has suggested the possible addition of
a ninth known as "existentialist intelligence."

He viewed that people possess a full range of abilities and talents as they may have different
kinds of intelligence, musical, interpersonal, special-visual, and linguistic intelligences.

For example, an individual might be strong in verbal, musical, and naturalistic intelligence.

Gardner’s theory has been criticized by both psychologists and educators.

- Gardner’s definition of intelligence is too broad.

- His eight different "intelligences" simply represent talents, personality traits, and abilities.

-It lacks the support of empirical research.

Despite this, Many teachers utilize multiple intelligences in their teaching philosophies and
work to integrate Gardner’s theory into the classroom.

1-Visual-Spatial Intelligence
People with visual-spatial intelligence:

● Read and write for enjoyment

● Are good at putting puzzles together
● Interpret pictures, graphs, and charts well
● Enjoy drawing, painting, and the visual arts
● Recognize patterns easily

Potential Career Choices

The good career choices for people who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence

● Architect
● Artist
● Engineer
Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence
People with linguistic-verbal intelligence:

● Remember written and spoken information

● Enjoy reading and writing
● Debate or give persuasive speeches
● Are able to explain things well
● Use humor when telling stories

Potential Career Choices

The good career choices for people who are strong in linguistic-verbal intelligence,

● Writer/journalist
● Lawyer
● Teacher

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
People with logical-mathematical intelligence:

● Have excellent problem-solving skills

● Enjoy thinking about abstract ideas
● Like conducting scientific experiments
● Can solve complex computations

Potential Career Choices

The good career choice for people who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence

● Scientist
● Mathematician
● Computer programmer
● Engineer
● Accountant

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
People with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence:

● Are skilled at dancing and sports

● Enjoy creating things with his or her hands
● Have excellent physical coordination
● Remember by doing, rather than hearing or seeing

Potential Career Choices

The good career choices for people who are strong in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

● Dancer
● Builder
● Sculptor
● Actor

Musical Intelligence
People with musical intelligence:

● Enjoy singing and playing musical instruments

● Recognize musical patterns and tones easily
● Remember songs and melodies
● Have a rich understanding of musical structure, rhythm, and notes

Potential Career Choices

The good career choices for people who are strong in musical intelligence, good career ch

● Musician
● Composer
● Singer
● Music teacher
● Conductor

Interpersonal Intelligence
People with interpersonal intelligence:

● Communicate well verbally

● Are skilled at nonverbal communication
● See situations from different perspectives
● Create positive relationships with others
● Resolve conflicts in group settings

Potential Career Choices

The good career choices for people who are strong in interpersonal intelligence, good career
choices for you are:

● Psychologist
● Philosopher
● Counselor
● Salesperson
● Politician

Intrapersonal Intelligence
People with intrapersonal intelligence:

● Analyze their strengths and weaknesses well

● Enjoy analyzing theories and ideas
● Have excellent self-awareness
● Understand the basis for his or her own motivations and feelings

Potential Career Choices

The good career choices for people who are strong in intrapersonal intelligence

● Philosopher
● Writer
● Theorist
● Scientist

Naturalistic Intelligence
People with naturalistic intelligence:

● Are interested in subjects such as botany, biology, and zoology

● Categorize and catalog information easily
● Enjoy camping, gardening, hiking, and exploring the outdoors
● Dislikes learning unfamiliar topics that have no connection to nature

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