Social Health - Complete Notes

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Chapter 9

- Parth Momaya
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word.

a. Laughter club is a remedy to drive away stress.

b. Alcohol consumption mainly affects nervous system.

c. The act IT - act 2000 is to curb the cyber crimes.

2. Answer the following.
a. Which factors affect the social health?
Following are the factors affecting social health:
i. Satisfying basic needs of a person. Food, Clothing, Shelter, Medicines
ii. Education
iii. Financial status
iv. Social and physical conditions of the surrounding
v. Social environment of the surrounding
vi. Education and job opportunities
vii. Social safety
viii. Social treatment
ix. Political conditions (views)
x. Residential area
xi. Water
xii. Toilets
xiii. Transport facilities
xiv. Gardens
xv. Playgrounds
b. Which changes occur in persons continuously using internet and
mobile phones?
i. Various physical problems like tiredness, headache, insomnia,
forgetfulness, tinnitus, joint pains and problems in vision may arise due to
radiations of cell phones.
ii. These radiations penetrate the bones of children more effectively than the
bones of adults.
iii. Person continuously using the computers and internet becomes solitary.
iv. Chronic effect of such tendency is that they are not ready to help others in
need and hence they also do not get help when in need.

c. Which problems do the common man faces due to incidences of

Following problems are faced by common man due to incidence of cyber
i. Consumers are deceived by showing superior items on websites but
actually selling items of either inferior quality or impaired ones.
ii. Bank transactions are done using PIN without the knowledge of consumers
causing financial loss.
iii. Confidential information about government institutes and companies is
obtained from the internet with the help of computer programs or other
ideas and misused. This is called as hacking of information.
iv. Crimes like opening a fake account on Facebook and displaying false
information and thereby teasing girls or exploiting them financially.
v. Piracy of written literature, software, photos, videos, music, etc.
vi. Electronic media is also misused by sending derogatory messages,
spreading vulgar pictures and inflammatory statements.
vii. Our personal information and phone numbers are spread through email,
Facebook and WhatsApp and reaches unwanted persons. This leads to
malpractices like incoming of unnecessary messages. Some of such
messages either impair or shut down mobiles and computers.

d. Explain the importance of good communication with others.

i. Communication is the foundation of all human relationships; it plays a vital
role in human life.
ii. Communication helps to spread knowledge and information among
iii. Communicating helps people to express their ideas and feelings and helps
us to understand emotions and thoughts of others.
iv. Importance of communication cannot be underestimated.
v. It also helps us to relieve stress.
vi. We should learn how to communicate effectively to make our lives better.
3. Solve the following cross-word
1. Continuous consumption of alcoholic and tobacco-materials.
2. This app may cause the cyber crimes.
3. A remedy to resolve stress.
4. Requirement for stress free life.
5. Various factors affect -- -- -- health.
6. Art of preparing food items.


4. Which are various ways to minimize stress?
Ways to Minimize Stress:
i. Joining a laughter club.
ii. Communication with friends, peers, cousins, teachers and parents, noting
down our feelings, expressing our feelings with near and dear ones help us
to relieve stress.
iii. Fostering hobbies like material collection, photography, reading, cooking,
sculpturing, drawing, rangoli, dancing, etc. helps to divert energy and mind
towards positive energy.
iv. Learning and listening to music, singing helps to change the mindset and
keep us happy.
v. Regular exercising, massaging, visiting the spa also helps to relieve the
vi. Deep breathing, Yog asanas, Yogic sleep, meditation, balanced and good
food also help to impart positivity and relieve stress.
vii. Time management, planning of our own duties and decision power are also
effective ways of stress management.
5. Give three examples of each.
a. Hobbies to reduce stress.
Photography, reading, cooking, drawing, dancing.
b. Diseases endangering the social health.
AIDS, T.B., leprosy and mental disorder.
c. Physical problems arising due to excessive use of mobile phones.
Tiredness, headache, insomnia, forgetfulness, tinnitus, joint pains and
problems in vision.
d. Activities under the jurisdiction of cybercrime laws.
Hacking of information, video piracy, sending derogatory messages, cyber
bullying, introducing computer viruses, sending vulgar pictures, exchange of
information and phone number, etc. are activities under the jurisdiction of
cybercrime laws.

6. What will you do? Why?

a. You are spending more time in internet/mobile games, phone, etc.
If I am spending more time on the internet, I would:
i. Set limits: I would set limits on my internet use, such as allocating a specific
amount of time for internet use each day or setting a timer to remind me to
take breaks.
ii. Prioritize other activities: I would prioritize other activities like exercise,
socializing, or hobbies, to balance out my time and avoid excessive internet
b. Child of your neighbour is addicted to tobacco chewing.
If the child of my neighbor is addicted to tobacco chewing, I would:
i. Talk to the parents: I would talk to the child's parents about the risks and
negative impacts of tobacco use, especially for children. I would offer
support and encourage them to help their child quit.
ii. Provide resources: I would provide the parents with resources, such as
counseling services or support groups, that can help their child overcome
their addiction.

c. Your sister has become incommunicative. She prefers to remain

If my sister has become incommunicative, I would:
i. Reach out: I would reach out to my sister and try to initiate
communication, showing that I care and am available to listen if she wants
to talk.
ii. Offer help: If my sister is going through a difficult time, I would offer any
help or resources that I can, such as counseling or other support services,
to help her through it.

d. You have to use free space around your home for good purpose.
i. I will plant trees, flowering plants and make a beautiful garden. I will also
arrange for space for outdoor games.
ii. I will see to it that it is not littered.
iii. It will be a place where I can invite my friends and play games.
e. Your friend has developed the hobby of snapping selfies.
i. Person indulging in selfie is not aware about the world around and the risks.
ii. I will advise my friend to stop this weird behaviour as practice of taking
selfies has led to many deaths.
iii. I will suggest him that the habit of taking selfies many times a day is
disturbing your personal, social and professional life.
iv. I will recommend him to develop some hobbies like reading books or
playing sports to help him get rid of this habit.

e. Your brother studying in XII has developed the stress.

If my brother studying in XII has developed stress, I would:
i. Talk to him: I would talk to my brother about his stress and encourage him
to express his feelings. I would provide support and offer guidance on ways
to manage stress, such as practicing mindfulness, physical exercise, or
seeking counseling.
ii. Encourage healthy habits: I would encourage my brother to adopt healthy
habits like getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and taking breaks
during studying to avoid burnout.
7. What type of changes occurs in a home having chronically ill old
person? How will you help to maintain good atmosphere?
i. The quality of life for both family members and chronically ill older
individuals can be significantly diminished due to physical, psychological,
and social problems.

ii. Family members often experience emotions such as worry, frustration, and

iii. The work lives of family members are affected.

iv. The family must cope with behavioral disturbances in the patient.

v. The family faces financial pressure due to medical expenses.

vi. Regularly meeting with social workers, rehabilitation therapists, and

physicians can assist family members in caring for the elderly individual.

vii. Providing care, engaging in conversations with the older person, and
offering counseling to family members can not only alleviate their suffering
but also contribute to maintaining a positive atmosphere at home.
1. Have you ever seen the persons inebriated with drugs or liquor
loitering on dirty places? Whether such a pitiful condition of most
intelligent human being is acceptable?
i. Observing a person walking in public place while under the influence of
drugs or alcohol is a distressing sight.
ii. Both drugs and alcohol have a profound impact on a person's nervous
system, primarily the brain, leading to a loss of control over their actions.
iii. This not only affects the individual themselves but also inflicts harm and
distress upon their family and others in their vicinity.
iv. Consequently, such a state in a human, who is considered the most
intelligent of all living beings, is certainly unacceptable.

2. You must have read the news about many deaths due to
poisonous liquor. Why does it happen?
i. Liquor is produced by fermentation of substances such as yeast.
ii. If this fermentation process is incomplete or not performed correctly,
poisonous liquor is produced.
iii. Consumption of even small quantity of such poisonous liquor may prove
3. Two caricatures presenting the situations of the year 1998 and 2017
about playing on playground are given below. Observe those
caricatures. Express your opinion about arising of such different

i. In 1998, mobile phones, computers, and internet services were not as

common as they are today. Consequently, children used to spend more
time playing outdoors.
ii. The first picture from 1998 depicts a mother trying to persuade her son to
study at home instead of playing outdoors.
iii. In contrast, the second picture from 2017 shows the increased influence of
mobile and computer games. As a result, children spend a significant
amount of time indoors, leading to reduced physical activity, which affects
their social, mental, and physical health.
iv. The excessive use of computers, the internet, and mobile devices in today's
generation not only impacts children's physical health but also fosters
selfishness among them.
v. In the second picture, the mother is encouraging her son to engage in
outdoor activities rather than staying at home and wasting time watching
television or being on the internet.
4. Do you recall the sudden closing of any cartoon serial of foreign
origin being telecast on television?
Yes, there was a time when the popular Japanese cartoon series "Shin
Chan" was abruptly banned from television due to its negative impact on
children. The show featured a mischievous child character who used adult
language, which raised concerns about its potential influence on the
upbringing of young kids.

5. Explain details on happenings about blue whale game.

i. Blue Whale was an online game of alarming proportions.
ii. It consisted of a series of online challenges that participants had to
progressively complete to advance.
iii. These challenges might have included tasks like carving a blue whale onto
their skin and jumping off buildings.
iv. There were at least three reported suicides in India involving young
individuals who either played the game or had searched for it online.

6. Observe the images Is it rational? Why?

i. In the first image, the boy is using cell phone while eating. It is wrong as it
can affect proper digestion of food. Since the boy is focused on mobile, he
will not be chewing the food well before swallowing. He might mistakenly
eat something which he should not consume.

ii. In the second image, there is a person taking selfie on road. It is wrong as
it can lead to accidents and the person, may lose his life. For the sake of
safety, selfies should not be taken on places like train/bus stop/ railway
track, on a roller coaster, with wild animals, busty streets and highways,
high cliffs and near water bodies.

7. Whether the incidence shown in the following picture is rational?

Express your opinion.

i. The incident illustrates a situation in which a woman is behaving

inappropriately towards an older individual who may be suffering from an
incurable or chronic disease.
ii. Mistreating or misbehaving with such a person only adds to their suffering.
iii. Therefore, it is not at all rational to behave in this manner; instead, we
should adopt an approach to assist and support such individuals.
iv. Taking care and engaging in conversations with the elderly person can
significantly alleviate their suffering.
8. Why is there increase in news of death by drowning in ocean,
falling in deep valleys or under trains during catching the cell phone
i. A person engrossed in taking a selfie is often unaware of the world around
them and the associated risks.
ii. Some individuals may go to great lengths to capture the perfect shot,
especially young people who are eager to impress others, often without
regard for potential dangers.
iii. As a result, there has been an increase in reports of fatalities related to
activities like drowning in the ocean, falling in deep valleys, or accidents
involving trains while attempting to take cellphone selfies.

9. There is increasing competition to upload the videos of road

accidents instead of helping the victims. What is the mentality of
such people?
i. Nowadays, there is a trend among friends to compete for the highest
number of views, likes, and comments, often leading them to post videos
of accidents.
ii. Many people are so immersed in their virtual lives that they are neglecting
their sense of humanity.
iii. Consequently, individuals are becoming increasingly attached to virtual
content, often showing little concern for what is happening in their
immediate surroundings.
10. Why are the video-clips of parents threatening or hitting the
children not studying as per their wish or domestic helpers beating
the children are very common on social media nowadays?
i. Videos of parents scolding or hitting children and domestic helpers
mistreating kids are common on social media because it's simple to share
content there.
ii. Some people share these videos without realizing the harm they can cause
or just for entertainment.
iii. These videos can easily spread on social media, drawing attention and

11. Why do you wait for periods of music, P.T., drawing in the
i. Learning music and drawing, listening to music, and singing keep us happy
and help reduce stress.
ii. Physical training improves discipline, interaction, and the tendency toward
unity, reducing loneliness.
iii. These periods help us take a break, alleviate stress and loneliness, and
keep us fit, so we eagerly await these periods.
Previous Year Questions
1. Playing games on mobile while eating is right or wrong. Justify.

Intext Question

What do you conclude from the following picture?

i. The picture shown is about no smoking and addiction control.

ii. Smoking causes a wide range of serious health problems, including
lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory diseases.
iii. Drug addiction can have serious negative impacts on individuals,
including physical and mental health problems, social isolation,
financial difficulties, and legal issues.

Observe the following picture and state what can be the outcome?

Intext Question
2. Write any four harmful effects of consumption of alcoholic drinks
on human body.
i. Efficiency of nervous system (especially brain) and liver as well as lifespan
of person decreases due to alcoholism.
ii. Brain development in adolescents is hindered due to alcoholism and
thereby ability of memorization and learning becomes slow.
iii. Addictive person cannot think rationally.
iv. Due to this, the person has to face the social, mental and familial illness
along with physical illness.

3. What will you do? Why? – Exercise Question 6

a. Child of your neighbour is addicted to tobacco chewing?
b. Your friend has developed the hobby of snapping selfies.
c. Your sister has become incommunicable. She prefers to remain
d. You have to use free space around your home for good
e. Your brother studying in XII has developed the stress.

4. Explain four ways to minimize stress. – Exercise Question 4

5. Write any six factors affecting the social health. – Exercise

Question 2 - a
6. Girls face stress due to gender inequality.
i. There are many bindings on girls and excessive freedom for boys in some
ii. Boys enjoy the concession from their domestic duties whereas girls have
compulsion for the same on the pretext that ‘should be used to it.
iii. There is discrimination between girls and boys or sister and brother in
same family on choice for fresh/left-over food, learning Medium.
iv. In society too, adolescent girls have to unnecessarily face the problems like
teasing and molestation.
v. Girls are facing the problem of stress due to such gender inequality.

7. What will you do?

a. Your younger brother is addicted to smoking.
i. I would have an open and honest conversation with my brother about
the risks and negative impacts of smoking.
ii. I would listen to his concerns and offer support and encouragement to
iii. I would help my brother seek professional help, such as counseling or
support groups, to overcome his addiction.

b. Your maid’s husband beats her after getting addicted with

i. The first priority would be to ensure my maid's safety.
ii. If she is in immediate danger, I would call the police or emergency
iii. I would offer my maid emotional support and help her access
resources like counseling services, legal aid, and domestic violence

c. Your younger brother is playing game on mobile phone while

i. I would talk to my brother about the importance of mindful eating and
the negative impact of distractions during mealtime.
ii. I would explain how eating while distracted can lead to overeating,
digestive issues, and a decreased enjoyment of food.
iii. I would encourage my brother to adopt healthy habits like taking a
break from his phone during meals, focusing on the food and enjoying
it, and engaging in conversation with others at the table.

8. Solve the following cross word: – Exercise Question 3

9. Complete the flow chart:

Education status Gardens

Playgrounds Water
10. Observe the following pictures and answer the following:

a. Whether the incidence shown in the following picture is rational?

Express your opinion. – Intext Question

b. Identify the picture. What is the punishment given to the person

shown in the picture?

Person committing the cyber crime has to face the punishment like
imprisonment for 3 years of fine up to 5 lakh.

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