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Sama Misr Schools

Academic Year 2021-2022

Social Studies Department

Grade: 10
Fill in the gaps using the words in the box below:

Invasion - Walls – Istanbul – Hagia Sophia – Constantinople

1) ----------------------- from different groups was one of the reasons that led to
the fall of the Byzantine Empire.

2) Turk Ottomans captured ---------------------- in 1453, and renamed it ------------.

3) Muslims converted ----------------------- to a mosque.

4) Justinian built ----------------------- to protect Constantinople for more than

1000 years.

Mention if (True) or (False): True False

1- Muslims began to take control of most of the Mediterranean

2- Justinian organized 3000 written laws.

3- Hagia Sophia is renowned for its dome.

4- Ottoman rulers changed Hagia Sophia to a museum.

5- Justinian was able to take back most of the lands lost to the

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