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Sama Misr Schools

Academic Year 2021-2022

Social Studies Department

Grade: 10
Fill in the gaps using the words in the box below:

Autocrat - Justinian – Theodora – Patriarch – Constantinople

1) ----------------------- is the capital of eastern Roman Empire.

2) ----------------------- rebuilt Constantinople and made reforms to the law.

3) ----------------------- is a sole ruler with absolute power.

4) ----------------------- was powerful and fearless co-ruler.

5) ----------------------- was the highest church in the Byzantine Empire.

Mention if (True) or (False): True False

1- Constantinople had a favorable location for farming.

2- The Byzantines preserved the learning and writing from Ancient

Greece and Rome.
3- Most of Byzantines architecture reflects styles of North Europe.

4- Most of the Byzantines learning were destroyed by the invasion of

5- The Byzantines wanted to establish themselves separate from

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