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Gravitational Waves from Magnetars

Chris Kouvaris1
Physics Division, National Technical University of Athens, 15780 Zografou Campus, Athens, Greece
We study the emission of gravitational waves produced by the magnetosphere of magnetars. We
argue that several features in the spectrum could facilitate the identification of that source. In
addition, in cases of extremely large magnetic fields we demonstrate that this emission can make
the braking index of such stars to be well over 3, which is the standard prediction of the magnetic
dipole radiation and aligned rotator mechanisms. A similar picture arises if one focuses on the
second braking index. Moreover the braking index depends on both the rotational frequency and
the strength of the magnetic field in striking difference from the other mechanisms. We also show
that gravitational waves can be produced by polar gap regions due to their rapid charge-discharge
process that takes place in timescales from nanosec to microsec. This can provide an alternative
arXiv:2406.03513v1 [astro-ph.HE] 5 Jun 2024

way to probe magnetars and test the polar gap model.

Since the first detection of gravitational waves (GW) a In this paper we verify that indeed GW produced by
few years ago [1], a lot of effort has been concentrated on the magnetosphere of NS with strong magnetic fields are
this front both theoretically and experimentally. With within reach in upcoming experiments. In addition we
the advent of Pulsar Timing Arrays and a series of new show that this is a source of continuous GW with a spec-
interferometers that have been proposed and expected to trum consisting of two frequencies, i.e., the frequency of
enter operation in the near or far future, there has been the NS rotation f0 and 2f0 with a very specific relative
a lot of interest for new astrophysical GW sources that amplitude between the two. Furthermore we focus on an-
can potentially reveal a lot of information regarding as- other aspect of this scenario. We study how the emission
trophysical and cosmological processes. One field that of such GW by the magnetosphere affects the first and
has been studied extensively for obvious reasons is the second braking index of the NS. We shall argue that in
production of GW by neutron stars (NS). Due to their case of magnetars with extremely high magnetic fields,
compactness, there is a lot of opportunity to emit GW the braking index can be substantially over 3 which is
under certain conditions. NS can get involved in bina- the number expected in standard scenarios where the NS
ries among themselves or with black holes. This is the deceleration takes place due to magnetic dipole radiation
strongest type of signal that can come from a NS and and/or via torques of escaping to infinity currents from
this has already been detected [2]. Other possible cases the poles of the NS. We find that unlike the usual mag-
of GW emission by NS is via several non-radial oscilla- netic dipole and aligned rotator models where the brak-
tions modes that can be excited in principle either by ing index is independent of both the rotation frequency
internal processes or by encounters with bypassing ob- and the magnetic field, in high magnetic field magnetars,
jects. A rotating NS is more oblate in the equator. This the braking index depends on both mentioned quanti-
by itself cannot produce any GW, since the latter requires ties. Similar conclusions can be drawn for the second
a time varying quadrupole (or higher) moment. There- braking index. We will show that small deviations from
fore in case for example a bypassing object disturbs the the standard values result from NS with fields of at least
rotation of the NS, a nonzero second derivative of the 1016 Gauss and significant deviations are expected for
quadrupole moment can be created, leading to emission fields of 1018 to 1020 Gauss. Although such extremely
of GW. For gravitational waves produced by pulsating high magnetic fields have not been observed in magne-
NS, see e.g. [3]. tars so far, this is not unexpected. Arguments based on
However, there is another subtle mechanism where GW the virial theorem suggest fields up to 1018 Gauss for NS
can be produced by NS involving neither some internal with nuclear cores [8], while for magnetars with a quark
process nor a bypassing object. As it is well known since core this value can rise to 1020 Gauss [9]. Hybrid stars
the 60’s, a rotating NS with a magnetic field cannot be with quark and nuclear matter and high magnetic fields
without the presence of a magnetosphere [4]. In case have been studied in [10]. The effects of extremely high
where the rotation and magnetic axes do not coincide, magnetic fields on the QCD equation of state (relevant
the co-rotating magnetosphere can create GW that in also for NS) has been recently readdressed [11, 12].
principle can be detected in future experiments. This Finally we study an interesting effect within the frame-
scenario has been already studied in [5] and [6] where work of the polar gap model. The vacuum region above
the GW produced by the magnetosphere were deduced. the polar cap discharges via sparks that create a cascade
The focus of these two papers was on the detectability of of positron-electron pairs that screen the electric field
these GW in upcoming interferometers. Continuous GW within a timescale that ranges from 10−9 to 10−5 sec.
produced in the context of glitches has been considered Within the volume of the polar gap, this quick discharge
in [7]. creates time varying fluctuations in the energy density

and quadrupole moment that produce GW with frequen- 10-23

cies in the MHz-GHz range. Given the fact that the
frequency range is much larger than that of the rotation, 10-24 1016 G, 10 msec
this effect albeit small in amplitude, could in principle
provide a tool to test the polar gap model. It is worth 1015 G, 1 msec
10-25 Advanced LIGO
mentioning that in this context, GW are emitted even if

the rotation and magnetic axes are antiparallel.
10-26 1015 G, 10 msec 1014 G, 1 msec


As already mentioned the production of GW due to 50 100 500 1000
the co-rotating motion of the magnetosphere in the case frequency [Hz]
where rotation and magnetic axes are not aligned has
been studied in [5] and [6]. Here we repeat the calculation FIG. 1: GW amplitude produced by the magnetosphere for
NS of various magnetic fields and rotation periods. We have
within the quadrupole approximation. This introduces a
chosen α = ψ = π/4. Each choice appears as a doublet in the
minor as it turns out error in the estimate of the GW frequency domain, one with frequency that of the NS rotation
compared e.g. to [6] where the calculation does not f0 and 2f0 . Note that for α = π/2 only the 2f0 component
implement this approximation. However the quadrupole survives. The signal is calibrated with sources at a distance
approximation allows us to provide results for any angle α of 1 kpc.
between the rotation and magnetic axes and not just only
for the case of α = π/2. In addition we do not implement
a slow rotation approximation ignoring higher powers of The contribution to the energy density from the electric
ωR (ω and R being the angular frequency and radius of and magnetic fields is ρ = (E 2 + B 2 )/(8π) where the
the NS) as in [6]. components of both fields can be read off by Eqs. (1)
We model the magnetic field of the star to be given by and (3). The quadrupole moment is
a typical magnetic dipole of the form Z
Qij = d3 xρ(x, t)(xi xj − δij r2 ). (4)
⃗ = 3r̂(r̂ · m)
⃗ −m

, (1) 3
Since the magnetosphere co-rotates with the star, the
where m ⃗ is the magnetic dipole with magnitude B0 R3 integration is limited within the light cylinder i.e., at
(B0 being the magnetic field at the surface of the distances up to ωr sin θ = 1. Given that the time de-
star). We assume that the magnetic axis subtends pendence of the quadrupole moment enters in the time
an angle α with the rotation axis and therefore m ⃗ = variation of the energy density, we can calculate both
B0 R3 (sin α cos ωt, sin α sin ωt, cos α). Upon the assump- the amplitude of the GW and the energy emitted in that
tion that the NS is to a good approximation a perfect form:
conductor, the presence of the magnetic dipole field in a
rotating NS induces an electric field of the form 2G
hTijT = Λij,kl Q̈kl (t − r), (5)
⃗ = −(⃗
E ⃗
ω × ⃗r) × B, (2)
where Λij,kl is the appropriate projection operator for
in order for the Lorentz force applied to every charged the transverse traceless gauge. Using Eqs. (1) and (3) we
particle to be zero in the co-rotating frame. We use c = 1. can calculate the energy density and subsequently the
As it was demonstrated in [4] in a rotating NS with a the second derivative of the quadrupole moments by use
magnetic field, the induced electric field causes particles of Eq. (4), getting
to detach from the star and fill up the surrounding space,
thus creating a magnetosphere. The individual compo- Q̈11 = −Q̈22 = AB02 R5 ω 2 cos 2ωt sin2 α,
nents of the electric field are Q̈12 = AB02 R5 ω 2 sin 2ωt sin2 α,
mω Q̈13 = CB02 R5 ω 2 sin 2α cos ωt, (6)
Er = − (sin α sin 2θ cos(ωt − ϕ) − 2 cos α sin2 θ),
2mω Q̈23 = CB02 R5 ω 2 sin 2α sin ωt,
Eθ = − 2 sin θ(sin α sin θ cos(ωt − ϕ) + cos α cos θ),
r Q̈33 = 0.
Eϕ = 0.
(3) The coefficients A and C are given by

2 3πωR 10ω 2 R2 Time-Domain F-Statistics). Continuous waves are con-

A=− − + ,
5 64 21 (7) strained more compared to bursts and inspirals since the
1 2ω 2 R2 observation time can be in principle as long as a year.
C=− + .
10 35 Similarly we used the analysis for continuous waves for
the Einstein Telescope data [15]. We converted the con-
Note that in the case where α ̸= π/2 (and α ̸= 0, π), there
straint on the ellipticity of NS to a constraint on the
are two frequencies emitted i.e., ω and 2ω, contrary to
continuous GW amplitude which consequently turns out
the case where α = π/2 where only the 2ω is emitted.
to be more accurate (due to the longer observation time)
This is quite important in recognising and identifying
from constraints on inspirals and bursts. For fixed pa-
such a signal. In the most probable scenario α ̸= π/2 and
rameters i.e. magnetic field B and frequency of the NS
therefore it is of crucial importance for interferometers to
rotation f0 , the results depicted in Fig. 1 come in pairs of
not only detect the two frequencies but also the relative
two monochromatic GW of frequencies f0 and 2f0 . One
strength between the two. To this end, upon assuming
can see from the figure that e.g. B = 1016 Gauss NS
that the detector lies in a direction forming an angle ψ
with periods of 10−3 sec can already be excluded within
with the rotational axis of the NS and having chosen
distances of kpc.
conveniently a corresponding ϕ = 0, we can estimate the
two modes of GW [13]
h+ = (Q̈11 − cos2 ψ Q̈22 − sin2 ψ Q̈33 + sin 2ψ Q̈23 ) =
G NS slow down effectively due to two main mechanisms
= B02 R5 ω 2 [A(1 + cos2 ψ) sin2 α cos 2ωt i.e., via magnetic dipole radiation and the Goldreich-
Julian mechanism of the aligned rotator [4]. In the first
+ C sin 2ψ sin 2α sin ωt],
case, the fact that the axis of the magnetic field does not
2G align with that of rotation, induces emission of electro-
h× = (cos ψ Q̈12 − sin ψ Q̈13 ) =
r magnetic waves via radiation of the precessing magnetic
2G 2 5 2 dipole. In the second case, currents of charged particles
= B R ω (A cos ψ sin2 α sin 2ωt − C sin ψ sin 2α cos ωt).
r 0 that are emitted from the caps of the NS in the presence
of the magnetic field induce a torque that opposes the
This signal makes a very concrete prediction. Apart from
motion of the NS, thus acting as an impeding force for
the characteristic signal of ω and 2ω frequencies, a system
the motion of the star. In general GW can be emitted
of interferometers could in principle determine the angle
when there is a time varying quadrupole moment. Al-
ψ. Consequently since A and C depend only on ω (which
though the rotation itself changes the shape of the NS
will be accurately determined) and R, the independent
making it oblate, unless there are bumps on the surface
detection of the two modes h+ and h× could also deter-
of the star, such shape does not create GW because the
mine both the angle α and R (which in any case does
quadrupole moment remains unchanged in time. How-
not vary a lot for a NS). In principle such a signal can
ever any misalignment between the principal axes of the
test our knowledge with respect to the NS magnetosphere
NS and the rotation axis creates GW. An assessment of
and give us information regarding also the magnetic field.
possible detection of continuous GW in this case for the
To get a sense of the strength of the GW, we can write
Einstein Telescope has been given in [15].
the overall factor in the previous equation in appropriate
However as it has been pointed out firstly in [5] and
[6] and we argued in the previous section, the misalign-
G 2 5 2 ment of the magnetic field with the rotation axis leads to
B R ω ≃
r 0 emission of GW that also contribute to the rotational de-
2  5 
celeration of the NS even in the absence of misalignment
−24 B0 R msec 2 kpc
3 × 10 , between principal and rotation axes.
1015 Gauss 12 km P r
(9) Formally the energy loss of rotational kinetic energy
where P is the period of the rotation measured in mil- due to emission of electromagnetic waves when both
liseconds and r the distance to the NS in kiloparsecs. mechanisms are present is [16]
The amplitude of GW produced by the magnetosphere dE
in the quadrupole approximation is depicted in Fig. 1 = −Lmag sin2 α − Lalign cos2 α, (10)
contrasted against the sensitivity of advanced LIGO and
the Einstein Telescope. Since the signal produced in our where the terms that appear in the right hand side cor-
studied context is not a burst but rather a continuous respond to the magnetic dipole and aligned rotator re-
wave, we use the advanced LIGO O2 constraints on con- spectively and they are given by
tinuous waves [14], where three different methods have B02 ω 4 R6 B0 ωωF R3 I
been implemented (i.e., FrequencyHough, SkyHough and Lmag = , Lalign = , (11)
4 2

5.0 3.0010

4.5 3.0008
Braking Index

Braking Index
-3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 -3.0 -2.8 -2.6 -2.4 -2.2 -2.0
Log P [sec] Log P [sec]

45 15.010


2nd Braking Index

2nd Braking Index

20 15.002

15 15.000
-3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 -3.0 -2.8 -2.6 -2.4 -2.2 -2.0
Log P [sec] Log P [sec]

FIG. 2: First (upper panels) and second (lower panels) braking indices for magnetars of different magnetic field as a function of
Log P (P being the period of the star in sec). Upper Left panel: From higher index value to lower, we have stars with B = 1020 ,
1019 and 1018.5 Gauss. Right panel: The same thing for B = 1017.5 , 1017 and 1016.5 Gauss. Lower panels: Same as the upper
panels for the second braking index. In all plots we use R = 20 km and α = π/2.

where ωF = ω −ωdeath , (ωdeath being the angular velocity the two electromagnetic contributions. Note that since
where the pulsar stops emitting). The current I has been in the limit ω >> ωdeath their contributions are equal,
estimated in the seminal paper of Goldreich and Julian [4] the α angle dependence drops out. The second term is
indicating the charge current emitted by the polar caps. the contribution coming from the emission of GW. The
It is given by rate of energy loss is related to the angular velocity de-
celeration via dE/dt = −Iω ω̇ where I is the moment of
B0 R 3 ω 2
IGJ = . (12) inertia of the rotating NS. The first and second braking
2 indices are defined respectively as
Combining the last three equations, taking into account
... 2
the energy loss due to GW emission and provided that ω̈ω ωω
n= , m= . (15)
we are interested in angular velocities ω >> ωdeath , the ω̇ 2 ω̇ 3
overall energy loss reads
Measuring the braking index for a NS is no easy task.
dE B 2 ω 4 R6 It requires the estimate (apart from angular frequency ω
=− 0 − GB04 ω 6 R10 fE (α, ωR), (13)
dt 4 itself) of the first and second derivative of ω. Therefore
where fE is an appropriate function of α and ωR. It can there is no surprise that the braking index has been de-
be estimated using the fact that the energy loss rate due termined only for a handful of NS (see e.g. [17, 18] and
to GW within the quadrupole approximation is given by references therein). These measured braking indices are
all below 3 and they have been determined with varying
dE G ... ... accuracy ranging from 0.001 to 0.1. The second braking
= − ⟨ Q ij Q ij ⟩, (14)
dt 5 index is even harder to measure [21]. It requires the es-
where the brackets denote average over a period. The timate of the third derivative of ω which is known only
first term in the right hand side of Eq. (13) is the sum of for the Crab pulsar [19] and PSR B1509-58 [20].

For any mechanism where ω̇ = −kω n with k indepen- tially distinguish this deceleration mechanism from the
dent of time, the braking index is n and the second brak- standard one that is independent of the magnetic field
ing index is m = n(2n − 1). By inspection of Eq. (13) since in our studied scenario both n and m depend on
both the aligned rotator model and the magnetic dipole the magnetic field nontrivially. As a final comment it is
model give n = 3 and m = 15. Note also that GW emis- worth looking at models of decaying magnetic field. In
sion provides first and second braking indices n = 5 and such a context the magnetic field can be correlated to the
m = 45 respectively. The co-existence of the electromag- rotational frequency. This could provide another way to
netic emission mechanisms with the GW emission one test this mechanism since it could make a concrete pre-
will make both n and m depart from their corresponding diction on both indices once the correlation between the
values of 3 and 15. This is depicted in Fig. (2) where both magnetic field and rotational frequency is established.
the first and second braking indices are plotted as a func-
tion of the rotational period. Pulsars with magnetic fields
as low as ∼ 1016 Gauss could cause deviations from n = 3 GRAVITATIONAL WAVES FROM THE POLAR
starting from 10−4 . Such accuracy can be anticipated for CAP
some pulsars in the future given the current one which
can be as low as 10−3 . However even larger magnetic Due to symmetry and reflected in Eq. (6), when the
fields of the order of 1018 Gauss can cause a significant magnetic field is parallel or antiparallel to the rotation
change in both n and m as it can be seen. As expected, axis, there is no emission of GW. However even in this
faster rotations cause in general larger deviations from case there is a potential source for GW production at
the standard n = 3 and m = 15 values. Note however least within models that exhibit polar gaps. The afore-
that this is not completely true when we look at potential mentioned picture of Goldreich and Julian portrayed ear-
pulsars with periods below 10 msec. As it can be seen lier where the rotation of the NS causes emission of par-
in the figure, both n and m in this mechanism are not ticles from the poles is not accurate due to the inability
decreasing functions of the period within the whole range of extraction of positive charges. As a result, polar gaps
of parameters. Both indices increase in the msec range as might form [22], which inside them there is no charge.
the period increases reaching a maximum and after that This lack of the appropriate Goldreich-Julian charge den-
indeed n and m become decreasing functions of the pe- sity allows the development and growth of electric fields
riod. This is in distinct contrast to what happens to the that are parallel to the magnetic dipole field. As time
braking index that is dominated by GW emission under goes on, the electric field and the gap increase. It had
the condition that the GW emission is due to misalign- been shown that the gap cannot increase indefinitely. In
ment between the principal axes and the rotation one, fact the maximum height that the gap can reach can-
which is expected to have braking indices monotonically not exceed the size of the polar region with a radius rp
decreasing with the period. This feature is attributed to which is basically the radius of a disk centered with the
the nontrivial way that powers of ωR enter the expres- magnetic and rotation axis where magnetic field lines de-
sion of the quadrupole moment. It reflects the nontrivial parting from inside the disk cross the light cylinder. As
way that the GW emission depends on the rotation and it was argued in [22], under reasonable conditions, curva-
magnetic field. Ordinarily, higher frequency means larger ture photons that are produced by particles accelerated
GW amplitude. However in this case, higher frequency within the gap can lead to a spark that discharges the
leads also to smaller light cylinder and thus smaller vol- gap, i.e., a cascade of positron-electron pair production.
ume that contributes to the GW emission. Note here The electric field accelerates positrons and electrons in
that for a large part of the studied parameter space, it opposite directions, thus discharging the gap. Ruderman
appears that the deviation from the standard value of m and Sutherland argue that the discharge process takes
is roughly an order of magnitude larger than that of n. place in timescales of microsec which is roughly the time
This is anticipated and certainly true when the devia- it takes for a relativistic particle to travel across the po-
tions are small. Another characteristic feature which is lar gap multiplied by a factor ∼ 40. Once discharged and
distinctly different from the typical GW emission due to filled with the appropriate Goldreich-Julian charge den-
the misalignment of an oblate principal axis with respect sity, the electric field drops to zero. The Goldreich-Julian
to the rotation axis or due to the existence of bumps in current IGJ quickly depletes once again the charge from
the surface of the star is the fact that in our studied sce- the polar gap and the electric field starts growing again.
nario, both indices depend strongly on the magnetic field This happens within a similar timescale since charges are
unlike the former cases. The magnetic field of NS is typ- flying off the region with the speed of light. This cycle
ically estimated by the deceleration rate of the rotation. of charging and discharging the polar cap region in short
However in principle, a different independent estimate timescales with rapid changes of extremely high electric
of the magnetic field could actually test our scenario. In fields can potentially induce GW as mentioned earlier
any case, even if the magnetic field cannot be determined even in the case where the star has the magnetic dipole
independently, knowledge of both n and m can poten- and rotation axis in an antiparallel fashion.

Estimating accurately the GW spectrum is compli-

cated. As the gap grows in height and strength of the
electric field, it gets the same time depleted by charge.
These charged particles are dispersed in the space of the ω
magnetosphere outside the polar gap. Therefore a pre-
cise determination of the GW signal would require two
ingredients: i) knowledge of how charged particles are
dispersed outside the polar gap as the latter is evacuated B E z
and ii) an accurate knowledge of the evolution of the elec-
tric field as a function of time and space. Here we make
an approximate analysis for the amplitude of the GW rp
produced based on a simplified toy model. Nevertheless,
a lot of insight can be gained from such an attempt. On
the one hand this studied effect produces GW even in
the case where there is no misalignment between rota- FIG. 3: The polar gap in the case of antiparallel magnetic
tion and magnetic axes. On the other hand, due to the field and rotational axis. The height of the gap grows linearly
fact that the timescale involved in this process is not the with time with the speed of light up to a maximum value h,
period of the NS but the timescale of discharge which is upon which a spark discharges the gap reducing its height and
considerably smaller, the GW frequency is of the order electric field linearly with time until it gets zero.
of at least 105 Hz. This is a signal at high frequencies,
away from the frequency band of several GW astrophys- Within our setup we can estimate the quadrupole mo-
ical sources. To this end and for the sake of simplicity, ment of the polar gap. For example
for the estimate of the quadrupole moment that will drive Z
the GW production we will consider only the variation of 1
M11 = E(z)2 x2 dxdydz, (17)
the electric field. The magnetic field is expected to stay 8π
constant and therefore does not source any GW in this
where the integration takes place withinR the cylinder of
scenario. Since we are interested in a ballpark estimate of
radius rp and height z. Here Mij = d3 xρ(x, t)xi xj is
the signal, we do not consider the complicated change of
the quadrupole moment without the second term inside
the density of the charged particles. This will hopefully
the integral of Eq. (4) that makes it traceless. Given the
introduce an error that can be of order one.
dependence on z of the electric field (see Eq. (16)), we
We adopt a simple model for the variation of the elec-
tric field similar to [23]. We assume that the electric
field evolves linearly with time and that the gap grows Emax rp4
also linearly in height with the speed of light up to a M11 = M22 ≃ f (t)
96h2 (18)
maximum height h. This is justified by the fact that 2
Emax rp2 R2
the Goldreich-Julian current evacuates charges practi- M33 ≃ f (t),
cally with the speed of light. This depletion of charge
is what creates the electric field component parallel to with
the z−axis. Within our approximation the electric field
T 3

− T2 ≤ t ≤ − T2 + h

is  t+ 2

f (t) = h3 − T2 + h ≤ t ≤ T2 − h . (19)
z−R  3
E(z) = Emax , (16)  T T T
h 2 −t 2 −h≤t≤ 2

where z denotes the coordinate along the rotation axis. Since the function f (t) is periodic, one can expand it in
Note that during the charging of the gap t = z − R − T /2 Fourier series of frequencies nf0 where f0 = 1/T . Af-
for −T /2 ≤ t ≤ −T /2 + h. T is the total period of ter that, the second time derivative can be taken in or-
the cycle charge-discharge that we will estimate later on. der to estimate the amplitude of the GW. However, it
Within our approximation after the electric field reaches is not expected that the process of charge/discharge is
its maximum, it will stay there up to time t = T /2 − h strictly periodic. This deviation from strict periodicity
where the spark ignites. After that moment the charge will smooth out the spectrum. In addition one could only
redistributes and reaches the Goldreich-Julian value that take the derived spectrum as a very rough estimate given
screens completely the electric field. Therefore after t = the crudeness and the uncertainty of the approximation
T /2−h and until T = T /2, we have t = T /2+R−z. Note we used to model the whole charge-discharge cycle. In all
also that z is measured from the center of mass which in the benchmark points we present (see Table I), we find
good approximation is taken to be the center of the star. that T >> h. Although the fundamental frequency will
Fig. (3) illustrates the geometry of the polar cap region. be f0 , by inspection of the function f (t), it is understood

that the rapid changes which will induce the largest con- B (Gauss) ρ6 f0 (MHz) f1 (GHz) h+
tribution to the GW production is rather f1 = 1/h which 1013 1 3.2 0.4 1.4 × 10−32
is much higher than f0 . In fact the Fourier analysis veri- 1014 0.01 0.9 6 1.02 × 10−31
fies exactly this: the signal appears at f0 but the ampli- 1015 1 11.1 2.2 2.7 × 10−29
tude peaks at f1 . Higher frequencies than f1 can also be 1016 1 23.6 4.8 1.2 × 10−27
unsuppressed. Due to the ambiguity regarding the pre- 1017 1 50 10 5.8 × 10−26
cise form of f (t) we will give an approximate estimate of
the produced amplitude of GW as follows. Taking twice TABLE I: Benchmark points for different magnetic fields and
the time derivative of Eq. (18) yields curvature parameter ρ6 . f0 is the fundamental frequency
given by the inverse timescale needed for the charge/discharge
Emax rp4 cycle T −1 and f1 is the frequency corresponding to the rapid
M̈11 = M̈22 ≃ g(t) timescale h−1 where the signal becomes maximum (see text).
16 h
h+ is the strength of the GW. For all cases the rotation period
E 2 rp2 R2 (20)
M̈33 ≃ max g(t) of the NS has been taken to be 10−3 sec and the distance to
4 h the source 1 kpc.
M̈12 = M̈13 = M̈23 = 0,

where in M̈33 we have omitted terms of the order of h/R charged positrons and electrons will create along their
and T /R. The function g(t) within our approximation is path inside the gap an average number of curvature pho-
given by tons
 t+ T 4 2h
 h
 2
− T2 ≤ t ≤ − T2 + h Nγ ≃ e γ. (24)
9 ρ
g(t) = 0 − T2 + h ≤ t ≤ T2 − h . (21)
 T2 −t T

T We can give now a rough estimate of the timescale needed
h 2 −h≤t≤ 2
to produce enough charge in the gap vacuum to dis-
By inspection of Eq. (20), for relatively
√ slow rotations charge it. Within the timescale of h which is the time
M̈33 >> M̈11 because R >> rp ≃ R ωR. To give an it takes for a particle to cross the gap, Nγ curvature
approximate estimate for the GW amplitude, we note photons are produced, which at time 2h each of them
that g(t) is of order one for time between −T /2 ≤ t ≤ has produced one electron-positron pair. The amount
−T /2 + h and T /2 − h ≤ t ≤ T /2. As we mentioned of required charge in order to discharge the gap is given
earlier the Fourier analysis gives a peak at f1 = h−1 and by the Goldreich-Julian density which over the poles is
a smaller amplitude at f0 = T −1 , consistent with our ρe = −⃗ ⃗
ω ·B/(2π). Therefore the amount of charge needed
argument here. is |Q| = ρe πrp2 h. Within this simple argument, the num-
In order to determine the ballpark frequencies f0 and ber of pairs grows as a geometrical series every 2h, leading
f1 of the produced GW we need an estimate of h and to T ∼ 2h ln[(2Nγ − 1)Q/(2Nγ e)]/ ln(2Nγ ). For exam-
T . In the standard picture of [22], a gap where the ple for a NS with B12 = P = ρ6 = 1, we get T ∼ 24h,
Goldreich-Julian charge density is absent develops, lead- while for B12 = ρ6 = 1 and P = 10−2 , we get T ∼ 38.
ing to the creation of a potential difference δV = ωBh2 . These results are comparable to the range given in [22].
A single particle accelerates within the gap producing a However we should stress that in order to discharge the
number of curvature photons which each of them in turn gap, two conditions have to be fulfilled: i) the mean free
creates a pair of positron-electron. The mean free path path for converting the curvature photons to electron-
for these curvature photons is exponentially sensitive to positron pairs has to be smaller than h and ii) Nγ must
the magnetic field and the size of the gap h. Due to that, be larger than 0.5 or more in order for the pair creation
once the mean free path becomes ∼ h it will lead to an to grow at each time h. h cannot become larger than rp
exponential production of pairs that will ignite the spark and therefore as a NS slows down and ω decreases, the
that will discharge the gap. This happens when [22] gap increases. When the gap becomes h ∼ rp , the pul-
sar ceases to emit because there can be no discharge and
2/7 −4/7
h ≃ 5 × 103 ρ6 P 3/7 B12 cm, (22) production of electron-positron pairs. We are interested
in NS with large magnetic fields. As the magnetic field
where ρ6 is the magnetic field curvature length measured
increases, Eq. (22) shows that h drops and subsequently
in units of 106 cm, B12 = B/(1012 Gauss) and P the
Nγ drops too (see Eq. (24)). Therefore at some magnetic
period of the NS rotation in sec. The charged particles
field, Nγ becomes smaller than 0.5 and there is no cas-
accelerate within the gap to energies
cade of electron-positron pairs created. In this case it is
Egap ≃ ωBh2 = 1.6 × 1012 B12
−1/7 4/7
P −1/7 ρ6 eV. (23) expected that h will increase as much needed, as long as
h ≤ rp , until Nγ becomes of order 1.
This energy leads to a relativistic factor γ = Egap /me The h+ and h× can be estimated by use of Eq. (8).
where me is the mass of the electron. Each of these Note that this equation holds also if we replace Qij with

Mij . Because M̈12 = M̈13 = 0, we have h× = 0. There- der sensible assumptions. We also found that this GW
fore a very characteristic feature of this emission mech- emission can affect the first and second braking index of
anism (for α = π) is the absence of h× modes. The h+ magnetars as long as the magnetic fields are strong. Fi-
mode is given by nally we studied the effect of the charging and discharg-
ing in the polar gap model. This process can lead to
h+ = (M̈11 − M̈33 ) sin2 ψ. (25) production of GW with frequencies in the MHz and GHz
r range which currently is not probed by any experiment,
As we mentioned M̈11 << M̈33 . Ignoring the factor although several future proposals and upcoming detec-
sin2 ψ and setting the distance to the source to 1kpc, tors are in play. The detection of such a signal will be
we can estimate the amplitude for different benchmark ale to test the polar gap models especially on magnetars.
points presented in Table I. f0 and f1 are the two frequen- Several directions can be taken in the future in order to
cies mentioned earlier. The amplitude for h+ that is pre- improve our estimates. One in principle should attempt
sented refers to f1 . Depending on the exact form of the to include in the changing quadrupole moment of the po-
functions f (t) or g(t), the amplitude at f0 will be some- lar gap, the incoming and outgoing plasma contribution
what suppressed compared to that at f1 that we quote which could change the amplitude of the GW signal by a
at the table. For all benchmark points we used a period factor of order one. This is not a priori an easy task since
for the magnetar of 10−3 sec. Although for the moment it would require probably some magnetohydrodynamics
there are no current experiments probing the MHz-GHz simulations of the plasma. Furthermore a more accurate
range of frequencies, several proposals for future experi- description of the charge-discharge process should be im-
ments exist, aiming exactly at detection of high frequency plemented. This has been studied to some extent in [25–
GW [24]. Table 1 of [24] gives a summary of all the high 27]. For example sophisticated simulations of the process
GW frequency proposals. Among the different proposals, where curvature photons decay to electron-positron pairs
detectors based on enhanced magnetic conversion could which in turn accelerate within the polar gap and emit
in principle operate at ∼ 10 GHz with a sensitivity for new curvature photons has been considered in [28]. An
the strain 10−30 to 10−26 . Similarly for superconducting implementation of a more accurate time evolution of the
rings, the projected sensitivity at 10 GHz is 10−31 . By electric field could significantly change the shape of the
inspection of Table I magnetic fields as low as 1014 Gauss power spectrum of the emitted GW but it will not prob-
are above the threshold in the GHz frequency range of ably change significantly the main frequency f1 and the
the aforementioned proposals. amplitude of the GW. Nevertheless it can be crucial in
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that is not α = π. If we call the coordinates we used in GW detectors.
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