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Original Concept: Brandon Brown Design and Editing: Thomas Cozzarin

Writer: Thomas Cozzarin Cover Illustrator: Thomas Cozzarin
Contributors: Tom Wilson, Ron Coleman Interior Illustrator: Jason Rainville

Definitive Magic Item Market 4

Setting Up Shop ................................................................ 4 Store Security ....................................................................5
Size and Tier ..................................................................................4 Magic Item Tables ...........................................................5
Inventory .........................................................................................4 Common Magic Items ..................................................................6
Barters & Bargains ....................................................... 5 Uncommon Magic Items .............................................................6
Buying ............................................................................................. 5 Rare Magic Items ..........................................................................8
Selling & Trading .......................................................................... 5 Very Rare Magic Items ................................................................ 9

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, the dragon ampersand, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms,
Ravenloft, Eberron, Ravnica, Spelljammer, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is
copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the
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Definitive Magic Item Market
Setting Up Shop Inventory
Definitive Magic Item Marketplace is a guide for creating and When stocking a shop the most important area to pay
running magic shops. From the smallest street vendor to the attention to is item rarity. Each tier of item rarity has a
largest gleaming emporium, these easy to use instructions different sized die associated with it. This inventory check
and fair pricing tables will make managing a magic item die is used along with the tier modifier to determine the
marketplace effortless. quantity of a particular item in stock at a shop.
You can make your shop as detailed as you would like. Your Because legendary items would not typically be sold for a
players might encounter a traveling merchant never to be price anyone could afford if a merchant ever got their hands
seen again or maybe they are introduced to a black market on one, they’re not listed.
dealer that can find whatever they like... for a price. Inventory Check
Item Rarity Inventory Check Die
Size and Tier Common 1d10
Begin by establishing the tier modifier of your shop. This Uncommon 1d8
modifier will be subtracted from the inventory check die Rare 1d6
made for each item the shop might keep in stock. Very Rare 1d4
A tier 1 shop would be located in an extraplanar metropolis
and is likely the home of a race of arcane artificers, while a To determine if a shop has the item that a character is
tier 9 shop is probably a lowly peddler who’s got their hands looking for, roll the inventory check die then subtract the
on a few glowing trinkets. A typical city is likely a tier 5 shop. tier modifier rolled from the settlement size table.
Settlement Size For example, if a character is in a tier 5 shop looking for a
Settlement Tier Modifier
cloak of elvenkind (uncommon) the inventory check will look
like this:
Metropolis 1d4 = 1,2,3,4
City 1d4 = 3,4,5,6
1d8-5 = quantity of item in stock
Town 1d4 = 4,5,6,7
Village 1d4 = 6,7,8,9

Roll with caution!

If your players are desperate for potions of healing,
The Dungeon Master’s Guide outlines different use your intuition and skip the die roll to let them
types of settlements on page 16, you may want to buy some. You may also want to keep potentially
take a look at that if you’re wondering about the game breaking items out of your game by doing
differences between villages, towns, and cities. the same thing.

Definitive Magic Item Marketplace

Image Credit: Jason Rainville
Barters & Bargains Store Security
Players love swindling shopkeepers, it can be fun, but also With all this great loot sitting in one place, you might see the
game breaking if it goes too far. Let your bards and rogues rogue’s mouth actually start to water. Any shopkeeper worth
play greedy by bargaining with merchants. their salt has scrolls or a wand of arcane lock to cast on
their doors each night. Many others employ the use of
Buying golems, gargoyles, animated armor or similar constructs to
Characters can make a persuasion check for discounts or protect their business day and night. In the case that a thief
free stuff with their purchase. However, don’t forget that the does manage to get away with some goods, the shopkeeper
merchant has a family to feed back at home! The persuasion can employ a diviner to discover the culprit’s location and
check DC determines how large a discount the shopkeeper send a well paid and equipped mercenary their way!
will offer. This check should always be made with
disadvantage unless the merchant has good reason to think Magic Item Tables
they're coming out on top with the deal. The remainder of this guide is the list of magic items and
Bargaining their prices in gold pieces. All of the prices are based on
Persuasion DC Price Adjustment (+/-) ranges from the Dungeon Master’s Guide. You'll see CoMC
DC15 10%
appear with a number beside it in several places. This stands
DC20 15%
for Cost of Mundane Counterpart.
DC25 20%
DC30 25%
DC35 30% A +1 weapon is 10 x CoMC, so multiply the
specific mundane weapon’s price by 10 to find
your price. For example, a longsword costs 15gp,
Selling & Trading therefore a longsword +1 will cost 150gp
Merchants have to make profit on the items they sell, so
naturally they have to buy or craft their wares at a much
lower cost (usually half the cost) than they’ll end up selling
for. Characters can make a persuasion check to try and
increase their selling price or trade value to a merchant.
Those persuasion checks can follow the same table as when
bargaining for a lower price to buy.

A DC35 persuasion check may seem pretty lofty,

but there are lucky halfling bards out there with the
skills to make it happen, sometimes even with

Image Credit: WotC

Definitive Magic Item Marketplace

Image Credit: Jason Rainville
Common Magic Items
Common (Stock = 1d10 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source Common (Stock = 1d10 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source
Armblade 1.5x CoMC Weapon ERLW Ruby of the War Mage 90 gp Wondrous Item XGE
Armor of Gleaming 1.5x CoMC Armor XGE Scribe's Pen 65 gp Wondrous Item ERLW
Band of Loyalty 50 gp Ring WGE Sekolahian Worshiping Statuette 50 gp Wondrous Item GoS
Bead of Nourishment (3) 12 gp Wondrous Item XGE Shield of Expression 50 gp Armor XGE
Bead of Refreshment (3) 12 gp Wondrous Item XGE Shiftweave 50-100 gp Wondrous Item ERLW
Boots of False Tracks 70 gp Wondrous Item XGE Smoldering Armor 1.5x CoMC Armor XGE
Bottle of Boundless Coffee 50 gp Wondrous Item SaCoC Spell Scroll (Cantrip) 50 gp Scroll DMG
Breathing Bubble 50 gp Wondrous Item EGW Spell Scroll (1st Level) 100 gp Scroll DMG
Candle of the Deep 50 gp Wondrous Item XGE Spellshard 90 gp Wondrous Item ERLW
Cast-Off Armor 1.5x CoMC Armor XGE Spellwrought Tattoo (Cantrip) 50 gp Tattoo TCE
Charlatan's Die 80 gp Wondrous Item XGE Spellwrought Tattoo (1st Level) 100 gp Tattoo TCE
Chest of Preserving 70 gp Wondrous Item WDMM Staff of Adornment 60 gp Weapon XGE
Cleansing Stone 50 gp Wondrous Item ERLW Staff of Birdcalls 60 gp Weapon XGE
Cloak of Billowing 50 gp Wondrous Item XGE Staff of Flowers 60 gp Weapon XGE
Cloak of Many Fashions 70 gp Wondrous Item XGE Talking Doll 100 gp Wondrous Item XGE
Clockwork Amulet 90 gp Wondrous Item XGE Tankard of Plenty 100 gp Wondrous Item XGE
Clothes of Mending 60 gp Wondrous Item XGE Tankard of Sobriety 100 gp Wondrous Item XGE
Coin of Delving 50 gp Wondrous Item EGW Thermal Cube 70 gp Wondrous Item IDRotF
Dark Shard Amulet 90 gp Wondrous Item XGE Unbreakable Arrow (20) 50 gp Weapon XGE
Dread Helm 60 gp Wondrous Item XGE Veteran's Cane 60 gp Wondrous Item XGE
Ear Horn of Hearing 60 gp Wondrous Item XGE Vox Seeker 100 gp Wondrous Item EGW
Earring of Message 100 gp Wondrous Item CotN Walloping Ammunition (20) 100x CoMC Weapon XGE
Enduring Spellbook 90 gp Wondrous Item XGE Wand of Conducting 50 gp Wand XGE
Ersatz Eye 90 gp Wondrous Item XGE Wand of Pyrotechnics 30 gp Wand XGE
Everbright Lantern 70 gp Wondrous Item ERLW Wand of Scowls 20 gp Wand XGE
Feather Token (Feather Fall) 90 gp Wondrous Item ERLW Wand of Smiles 20 gp Wand XGE
Glamerweave (Common) 70 gp Wondrous Item ERLW Wand Sheath 1.5x CoMC Wondrous Item ERLW
Hat of Vermin 80 gp Wondrous Item XGE
Hat of Wizardry 90 gp Wondrous Item XGE
Heward's Handy Spice Pouch 70 gp Wondrous Item XGE
Horn of Silent Alarm 70 gp Wondrous Item XGE Uncommon Magic Items
Illuminator's Tattoo 75 gp Tattoo TCE
Imbued Wood Focus 55 gp Spell Focus ERLW Uncommon (Stock = 1d8 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source
Instrument of Illusions 70 gp Instrument XGE Adamantine Armor 3x CoMC Armor DMG
Instrument of Scribing 80 gp Instrument XGE Alchemy Jug 450 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Keycharm 50 gp Wondrous Item ERLW All-Purpose Tool +1 400 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Lantern of Tracking 65 gp Wondrous Item IDRotF Ammunition +1 100x CoMC Weapon DMG
Lock of Trickery 80 gp Wondrous Item XGE Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location 250 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Masque Charm 100 gp Wondrous Item SaCoC Amulet of the Devout +1 350 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Masquerade Tattoo 60 gp Tattoo TCE Amulet of the Drunkard 270 GP Wondrous Item EGW
Medal of Muscle 90 gp Wondrous Item CotN Arcane Grimoire +1 350 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Medal of the Conch 90 gp Wondrous Item CotN Bag of Bounty 450 GP Wondrous Item WGE
Medal of the Horizonback 90 gp Wondrous Item CotN Bag of Holding 250 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Medal of the Maze 90 gp Wondrous Item CotN Bag of Tricks 350 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Medal of the Meat Pie 90 gp Wondrous Item CotN Balance of Harmony 180 GP Wondrous Item TftYP
Medal of the Wetlands 90 gp Wondrous Item CotN Balloon Pack 120 GP Wondrous Item PotA
Medal of Wit 90 gp Wondrous Item CotN Barrier Tattoo (Uncommon) 500 GP Tattoo TCE
Moodmark Paint 50 gp Wondrous Item GGR Blood of the Lycanthrope Antidote 250 GP Potion IMR
Moon-Touched Sword 1.5x CoMC Weapon XGE Bloodwell Vial +1 350 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Mystery Key 50 gp Wondrous Item XGE Boomerang +1 50 GP Weapon DMG
Orb of Direction 50 gp Wondrous Item XGE Boots of Elvenkind 250 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Orb of Gonging 60 gp Wondrous Item WDMM Boots of Striding and Springing 240 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Orb of Shielding 55 gp Spell Focus ERLW Boots of the Winterlands 200 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Orb of Time 50 gp Wondrous Item XGE Bottled Breath 150 GP Potion PotA
Perfume of Bewitching 90 gp Wondrous Item XGE Bracers of Archery 250 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Pipe of Remembrance 70 gp Wondrous Item GoS Brooch of Living Essence 250 GP Wondrous Item EGW
Pipe of Smoke Monsters 50 gp Wondrous Item XGE Brooch of Shielding 400 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Pole of Angling 50 gp Wondrous Item XGE Broom of Flying 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Pole of Collapsing 50 gp Wondrous Item XGE Cap of Water Breathing 200 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Pot of Awakening 70 gp Wondrous Item XGE Circlet of Blasting 450 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Potion of Climbing 90 gp Potion DMG Circlet of Human Perfection 300 GP Wondrous Item WDMM
Potion of Comprehension 90 gp Potion WDMM Cloak of Elvenkind 350 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Potion of Healing 50 gp Potion DMG Cloak of Protection 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Potion of Watchful Rest 90 gp Potion WDMM Cloak of the Manta Ray 320 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Pressure Capsule 90 gp Wondrous Item GoS Coiling Grasp Tattoo 400 GP Tattoo TCE
Prosthetic Limb 50 gp Wondrous Item TCE Cracked Driftglobe 100 GP Wondrous Item CM
Rope of Mending 50 gp Wondrous Item XGE Decanter of Endless Water 230 GP Wondrous Item DMG

Definitive Magic Item Marketplace

Uncommon Magic Items
Uncommon (Stock = 1d8 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source Uncommon (Stock = 1d8 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source
Deck of Illusions 150 GP Wondrous Item DMG Potion of Greater Healing 100 GP Potion DMG
Dragonhide Belt +1 350 GP Wondrous Item FTD Potion of Growth 180 GP Potion DMG
Driftglobe 220 GP Wondrous Item DMG Potion of Hill Giant Strength 260 GP Potion DMG
Dust of Corrosion 400 GP Wondrous Item WBtW Potion of Poison 200 GP Potion DMG
Dust of Deliciousness 120 GP Wondrous Item EGW Potion of Resistance 190 GP Potion DMG
Dust of Disappearance 350 GP Wondrous Item DMG Potion of Water Breathing 150 GP Potion DMG
Dust of Dryness 120 GP Wondrous Item DMG Propeller Helm 100 GP Wondrous Item WDMM
Dust of Sneezing and Choking 300 GP Wondrous Item DMG Psi Crystal 500 GP Wondrous Item IDRotF
Earworm 250 GP Wondrous Item ERLW Pyroconverger 400 GP Wondrous Item GGR
Eldritch Claw Tattoo 400 GP Tattoo TCE Quiver of Ehlonna 300 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Elemental Gem 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Rhythm-Maker’s Drum +1 350 GP Instrument TCE
Emerald Pen 200 GP Wondrous Item FTD Ring of Jumping 120 GP Ring DMG
Eversmoking Bottle 200 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ring of Mind Shielding 500 GP Ring DMG
Eyes of Charming 450 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ring of Obscuring 340 GP Ring EGW
Eyes of Minute Seeing 100 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ring of Swimming 180 GP Ring DMG
Eyes of the Eagle 100 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ring of Truth Telling 300 GP Ring WDH
Feywild Shard 180 GP Wondrous Item TCE Ring of Warmth 100 GP Ring DMG
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Silver Raven 270 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ring of Water Walking 200 GP Ring DMG
Finder's Goggles 300 GP Wondrous Item ERLW Robe of Serpents 180 GP Wondrous Item SKT
Gauntlets of Ogre Power 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Robe of Useful Items 250 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Gem of Brightness 400 GP Wondrous Item DMG Rod of Retribution 180 GP Rod EGW
Glamerweave (Uncommon) 300 GP Wondrous Item ERLW Rod of the Pact Keeper +1 250 GP Rod DMG
Gloves of Missile Snaring 450 GP Wondrous Item DMG Rope of Climbing 150 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing 300 GP Wondrous Item DMG Saddle of the Cavalier 200 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Gloves of Thievery 300 GP Wondrous Item DMG Seeker Dart 100x CoMC Weapon PotA
Goggles of Night 130 GP Wondrous Item DMG Sending Stone 100 GP Wondrous Item AI
Goggles of Object Reading 300 GP Wondrous Item EGW Sending Stones 150 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Guardian Emblem 350 GP Wondrous Item TCE Sentinel Shield 250 GP Armor DMG
Hat of Disguise 400 GP Wondrous Item DMG Serpent Scale Armor 500 gp Armor CM
Headband of Intellect 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Shatterspike 300 GP Weapon TftYP
Hellfire Weapon 10x CoMC Weapon BGDiA Shield +1 500 GP Armor DMG
Helm of Comprehending Languages 250 GP Wondrous Item DMG Skyblinder Staff 300 GP Staff GGR
Helm of Telepathy 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Slippers of Spider Climbing 300 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Helm of Underwater Action 450 GP Wondrous Item GoS Smokepowder (Keg) 100 GP Wondrous Item WDH
Hew 250 GP Weapon LMoP Soul Coin 500 GP Wondrous Item BGDiA
Immovable Rod 150 GP Wondrous Item DMG Spell Gem (Lapis lazuli) 240 GP Wondrous Item OotA
Infernal Puzzle Box 500 GP Wondrous Item BGDiA Spell Gem (Obsidian) 480 GP Wondrous Item OotA
Insignia of Claws 300 GP Wondrous Item HotDQ Spell Scroll (2nd Level) 150 GP Scroll DMG
Instrument of the Bards (uncommon) 250 GP Instrument DMG Spell Scroll (3rd Level) 300 GP Scroll DMG
Javelin of Lightning 350 GP Weapon DMG Spellwrought Tattoo (2nd Level) 150 GP Tattoo TCE
Keoghtom's Ointment 480 GP Wondrous Item DMG Spellwrought Tattoo (3rd Level) 300 GP Tattoo TCE
Lantern of Revealing 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Spies' Murmur 350 GP Wondrous Item GGR
Lightbringer 250 GP Weapon LMoP Staff of the Adder 250 GP Staff DMG
Living Gloves 450 GP Wondrous Item ERLW Staff of the Python 400 GP Staff DMG
Mariner's Armor 3x CoMC Armor DMG Stone of Good Luck 250 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Mask of the Beast 250 GP Wondrous Item ToA Storm Boomerang 100 GP Weapon PotA
Medallion of Thoughts 300 GP Wondrous Item DMG Sword of Vengeance 5x CoMC Weapon DMG
Mithral Armor 3x CoMC Armor DMG Thessaltoxin Antidote 250 GP Potion IMR
Mizzium Apparatus 500 GP Wondrous Item GGR Trident of Fish Command 150 GP Weapon DMG
Moon Sickle +1 350 GP Weapon TCE Wand of Entangle 420 GP Wand TftYP
Mummy Rot Antidote 250 GP Potion IMR Wand of Magic Detection 200 GP Wand DMG
Nature's Mantle 350 GP Wondrous Item TCE Wand of Magic Missiles 500 GP Wand DMG
Necklace of Adaptation 250 GP Wondrous Item DMG Wand of Secrets 400 GP Wand DMG
Night Caller 350 GP Wondrous Item TftYP Wand of the War Mage +1 250 GP Wand DMG
Oil of Slipperiness 100 GP Potion DMG Wand of Web 300 GP Wand DMG
Paper Bird 300 GP Wondrous Item WDH Weapon of Warning 10x CoMC Weapon DMG
Pearl of Power 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Weapon +1 10x CoMC Weapon DMG
Periapt of Health 180 GP Wondrous Item DMG Wheel of Wind and Water 230 GP Wondrous Item ERLW
Periapt of Wound Closure 450 GP Wondrous Item DMG Wildspace Orrery 100 GP Wondrous Item SAiS
Philter of Love 120 GP Potion DMG Wind Fan 150 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Pipes of Haunting 120 GP Instrument DMG Winged Boots 350 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Pipes of the Sewers 200 GP Instrument DMG Wingwear 120 GP Wondrous Item PotA
Piwafwi (Cloak of Elvenkind) 300 GP Wondrous Item DMG Winter's Dark Bite 600 GP Weapon HftT
Pixie Dust 120 GP Wondrous Item WBtW Yklwa +1 10x CoMC Weapon DMG
Potion of Advantage 100 GP Potion WBtW
Potion of Animal Friendship 100 GP Potion DMG
Potion of Fire Breath 120 GP Potion DMG

Definitive Magic Item Marketplace

Rare Magic Items
Rare (Stock = 1d6 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source Rare (Stock = 1d6 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source
Acheron Blade 90x CoMC Weapon EGW Far Realm Shard 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Alchemical Compendium 1,800 GP Spell Focus TCE Feather of Diatryma Summoning 950 GP Wondrous Item WDH
All-Purpose Tool +2 4,000 GP Wondrous Item TCE Figurine of Wondrous Power, Bronze Griffon 650 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Ammunition, +2 500x CoMC Weapon DMG Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ebony Fly 1,300 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Amulet of Health 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Figurine of Wondrous Power, Golden Lions 1,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Amulet of Protection from Turning 900 GP Wondrous Item TftYP Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ivory Goats) 1,600 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Amulet of the Devout +2 3,500 GP Wondrous Item TCE Figurine of Wondrous Power, Marble Elephant 850 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Arcane Grimoire +2 3,500 GP Wondrous Item TCE Figurine of Wondrous Power, Onyx Dog 1,300 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Armor of Resistance 30x CoMC Armor DMG Figurine of Wondrous Power, Serpentine Owl 1,400 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Armor of Vulnerability 20x CoMC Armor DMG Flame Tongue 80x CoMC Weapon DMG
Armor, +1 50x CoMC Armor DMG Flying Chariot 5,000 GP Wondrous Item MOoT
Arrow-Catching Shield 1,200 GP Armor DMG Folding Boat 5,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Astral Shard 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE Fulminating Treatise 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Astromancy Archive 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE Galder’s Bubble Pipe 1,350 GP Wondrous Item LLK
Atlas of Endless Horizons 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE Gambler’s Blade 100x CoMC Weapon LLK
Bag of Beans 850 GP Wondrous Item DMG Gauntlets of Flaming Fury 1,300 GP Wondrous Item BGDiA
Banner of the Krig Rune 1,350 GP Wondrous Item SKT Gavel of the Venn Rune 1,350 GP Wondrous Item SKT
Barrier Tattoo (Rare) 3,750 GP Tattoo TCE Gem of Seeing 1,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Battering Shield 1,700 GP Armor EGW Ghost Lantern 2,730 GP Wondrous Item ToA
Bead of Force 1,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Giant Slayer 65x CoMC Weapon DMG
Bell Branch 870 GP Wondrous Item TCE Glamoured Studded Leather 900 GP Armor DMG
Belt of Dwarvenkind 3,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Gulthias Staff 850 GP Staff CoS
Belt of Hill Giant Strength 2,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Heart Weaver’s Primer 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Berserker Axe 50x CoMC Weapon DMG Hell Hound Cloak 940 GP Wondrous Item TftYP
Bloodwell Vial +2 3,500 GP Wondrous Item TCE Helm of Teleportation 3,300 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Bonecounter 600 GP Weapon SDW Helm of the Gods 2,350 GP Wondrous Item MOoT
Boomerang, +2 500 GP Weapon DMG Heward's Handy Haversack 800 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Boots of Levitation 500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Hook of Fisher’s Delight 500 GP Wondrous Item IDRotF
Boots of Speed 950 GP Wondrous Item DMG Horn of Blasting 1,200 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals 750 GP Wondrous Item DMG Horn of the Endless Maze 2,750 GP Wondrous Item WDMM
Bracer of Flying Daggers 1,600 GP Wondrous Item WDH Horn of Valhalla (Brass) 2,750 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Bracers of Defense 5,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Horn of Valhalla (Silver) 1,450 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals 750 GP Wondrous Item DMG Horseshoes of Speed 600 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Bridle of Capturing 950 GP Wondrous Item IMR Instrument of the Bards (Rare) 1,800 GP Instrument DMG
Butcher's Bib 3,500 GP Wondrous Item EGW Ioun Stone of Awareness 950 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Cape of the Mountebank 1,900 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ioun Stone of Knowledge 2,350 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Cauldron of Plenty 880 GP Wondrous Item IDRotF Ioun Stone of Protection 5,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Censer of Controlling Air Elementals 750 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ioun Stone of Reserve 2,700 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Charm of Plant Command 700 GP Wondrous Item GoS Ioun Stone of Self-Preservation 2,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Chime of Opening 2,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ioun Stone of Supreme Intellect 3,250 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Chromatic Rose 500 GP Wondrous Item WBtW Ioun Stone of Sustenance 1,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Claw of the Wyrm Rune 1,350 GP Wondrous Item SKT Iron Bands of Bilarro 1,800 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Claws of the Umber Hulk 1,300 GP Wondrous Item PotA Knave’s Eye Patch 750 GP Wondrous Item WDH
Cloak of Displacement 5,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Leather Golem Armor 1,120 GP Armor LLK
Cloak of the Bat 1,350 GP Wondrous Item DMG Libram of Souls and Flesh 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Concertina 630 GP Instrument RMBRE Lyre of Building 1,260 GP Instrument TCE
Corpse Slayer 90x CoMC Weapon EGW Mace of Disruption 1,280 GP Weapon DMG
Crystal Blade 100x CoMC Weapon FTD Mace of Smiting 1,500 GP Weapon DMG
Cube of Force 3,800 GP Wondrous Item DMG Mace of Terror 650 GP Weapon DMG
Daern's Instant Fortress 4,850 GP Wondrous Item DMG Mantle of Spell Resistance 4,750 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Dagger of Blindsight 2,500 GP Weapon WDMM Mirror of the Past 800 GP Wondrous Item TftYP
Dagger of Venom 700 GP Weapon DMG Mithral Half Plate, +1 4,250 GP Armor AI
Devotee's Censer 1,550 GP Wondrous Item TCE Mizzium Armor 10x CoMC Armor GGR
Dimensional Shackles 750 GP Wondrous Item DMG Mizzium Mortar 4,000 GP Wondrous Item GGR
Docent 3,200 GP Wondrous Item ERLW Molten Bronze Skin 3x CoMC Armor MOoT
Dodecahedron of Doom 500 GP Wondrous Item WDMM Moon Sickle +2 3,500 GP Weapon TCE
Dragon Slayer 65x CoMC Weapon DMG Necklace of Fireballs 3,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Dragon Wing Bow 90x CoMC Weapon FTD Necklace of Prayer Beads 3,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Dragonguard 900 GP Armor LMoP Needle of Mending 830 GP Weapon EGW
Dragonhide Belt +2 3,500 GP Wondrous Item FTD Oil of Etherealness 750 GP Potion DMG
Dragontooth Dagger 500 GP Weapon RoT Opal of the Ild Rune 1,350 GP Wondrous Item SKT
Duplicitous Manuscript 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE Orb of the Stein Rune 1,350 GP Wondrous Item SKT
Eagle Whistle 1,400 GP Wondrous Item TftYP Outer Essence Shard 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Elemental Essence Shard 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE Pariah’s Shield 1,500 GP Armor GGR
Elixir of Health 600 GP Potion DMG Periapt of Proof against Poison 2,300 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Elven Chain 600 GP Armor DMG Piercer 670 GP Weapon AI
Failed Experiment Wand 2,500 GP Wand AI Piwafwi of Fire Resistance 700 GP Wondrous Item OotA

Definitive Magic Item Marketplace

Rare Magic Items
Rare (Stock = 1d6 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source Rare (Stock = 1d6 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source
Planecaller’s Codex 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE Two-Birds Sling 550 GP Weapon MOoT
Portable Hole 2,250 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ventilating Lungs 1,400 GP Wondrous Item ERLW
Potion of Aqueous Form 2,050 GP Potion MOoT Vicious Rapier, +1 100x CoMC Weapon AI
Potion of Clairvoyance 2,300 GP Potion DMG Vicious Weapon 90x CoMC Weapon DMG
Potion of Diminution 2,370 GP Potion DMG Wand of Binding 2,000 GP Wand DMG
Potion of Gaseous Form 3,050 GP Potion DMG Wand of Enemy Detection 1,600 GP Wand DMG
Potion of Giant Strength (Fire) 3,750 GP Potion DMG Wand of Fear 1,300 GP Wand DMG
Potion of Giant Strength (Frost) 1,250 GP Potion DMG Wand of Fireballs 4,500 GP Wand DMG
Potion of Giant Strength (Stone) 1,250 GP Potion DMG Wand of Lightning Bolts 4,300 GP Wand DMG
Potion of Heroism 1,830 GP Potion DMG Wand of Paralysis 4,400 GP Wand DMG
Potion of Invulnerability 4,840 GP Potion DMG Wand of the War Mage +2 2,500 GP Wand DMG
Potion of Maximum Power 500 GP Potion EGW Wand of Viscid Globs 1,400 GP Wand OOtA
Potion of Mind Control (Beast) 500 GP Potion TftYP Wand of Winter 2,250 GP Wand HotDQ
Potion of Mind Control (Humanoid) 750 GP Potion TftYP Wand of Wonder 1,000 GP Wand DMG
Potion of Mind Reading 3,380 GP Potion DMG Weapon of Certain Death 90x CoMC Weapon EGW
Potion of Superior Healing 500 GP Potion DMG Weapon, +2 100x CoMC Weapon DMG
Professor Orb 2,400 GP Wondrous Item WDMM Weird Tank 1,200 GP Wondrous Item PoA
Protective Verses 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE Wings of Flying 1,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Quaal's Feather Token 1,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Woodcutter's Axe 650 GP Weapon WBtW
Reveler’s Concertina 3,500 GP Instrument TCE Yklwa, +2 100x CoMC Weapon ToA
Rhythm-Maker’s Drum +2 3,500 GP Instrument TCE
Ring of Animal Influence 1,000 GP Ring DMG
Ring of Evasion 5,000 GP Ring DMG
Ring of Feather Falling 2,000 GP Ring DMG Very Rare Magic Items
Ring of Free Action 3,000 GP Ring DMG
Ring of Protection 5,000 GP Ring DMG Very Rare (Stock = 1d4 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source
Ring of Resistance 2,500 GP Ring DMG Abracadabrus 5,000 GP Wondrous Item IDRotF
Ring of Spell Storing 4,500 GP Ring DMG Absorbing Tattoo 6,000 GP Tattoo TCE
Ring of Temporal Salvation 950 GP Ring EGW All-Purpose Tool +3 40,000 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Ring of the Ram 1,000 GP Ring DMG Amethyst Lodestone 6,500 GP Wondrous Item FTD
Ring of X-ray Vision 3,500 GP Ring DMG Ammunition, +3 5,000x CoMC Weapon DMG
Robe of Eyes 4,300 GP Wondrous Item DMG Amulet of the Devout +3 35,000 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Robe of Summer 500 GP Wondrous Item TftYP Amulet of the Planes 27,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Rod of Rulership 4,500 GP Rod DMG Animated Shield 7,500 GP Armor DMG
Rod of the Pact Keeper +2 2,500 GP Rod DMG Arcane Cannon 25,000 GP Wondrous Item EGW
Rope of Entanglement 3,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Arcane Grimoire +3 35,000 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Scissors of Shadow Snipping 3,500 GP Wondrous Item WBtW Arcane Propulsion Arm 27,100 GP Wondrous Item ERLW
Scorpion Armor 4,500 GP Armor ToA Armor, +2 150x CoMC Armor DMG
Scroll of Protection 3,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Arrow of Slaying 7,500x CoMC Weapon DMG
Serpent’s Fang 600 GP Weapon CM Bag of Devouring 5,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Shadowfell Brand Tattoo 1,480 GP Tattoo TCE Barrier Tattoo (Very Rare) 15,000 GP Tattoo TCE
Shadowfell Shard 1,800 GP Wondrous Item TCE Belt of Fire Giant Strength 37,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Shield of Missile Attraction 1,000 GP Armor DMG Belt of Frost Giant Strength 12,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Shield, +2 5,000 GP Armor DMG Belt of Stone Giant Strength 12,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Siren Song Lyre 1,800 GP Instrument MOoT Blade of the Medusa 9,300 GP Weapon LLK
Spell Gem (Bloodstone) 2,400 GP Wondrous Item OotA Blast Scepter 5,000 GP Rod WDMM
Spell Gem (Quartz) 4,800 GP Wondrous Item OotA Bloodaxe 5,500 GP Weapon EGW
Spell Scroll (4th Level) 1,500 GP Scroll DMG Bloodwell Vial +3 35,000 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Spell Scroll (5th Level) 3,000 GP Scroll DMG Bobbing Lily Pad 7,500 GP Wondrous Item WBtW
Spellwrought Tattoo (4th Level) 1,500 GP Tattoo TCE Boomerang, +3 5,000 GP Weapon DMG
Spellwrought Tattoo (5th Level) 3,000 GP Tattoo TCE Bracelet of Rock Magic 13,800 GP Wondrous Item TftYP
Spider Staff 900 GP Staff LMoP Candle of Invocation 37,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Staff of Charming 4,800 GP Staff DMG Carpet of Flying 25x Carry Cap. Wondrous Item DMG
Staff of Defense 5,000 GP Staff LMoP Cauldron of Rebirth 14,500 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Staff of Healing 3,500 GP Staff DMG Chronolometer 6,500 GP Wondrous Item AI
Staff of Swarming Insects 3,300 GP Staff DMG Cloak of Arachnida 13,400 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Staff of the Ivory Claw 850 GP Staff EGW Conch of Teleportation 25,000 GP Wondrous Item SKT
Staff of the Woodlands 3,800 GP Staff DMG Crystal Ball 8,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Staff of Withering 2,800 GP Staff DMG Crystalline Chronicle 18,100 GP Wondrous Item TCE
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals 750 GP Wondrous Item DMG Dancing Sword 6,500 GP Weapon DMG
Stonespeaker Crystal 1,150 GP Wondrous Item OotA Demon Armor 7,500 GP Armor DMG
Sun Blade 2,250 GP Weapon DMG Dimensional Loop 6,500 GP Wondrous Item AI
Sunforger 3,000 GP Weapon GGR Dispelling Stone 5,000 GP Wondrous Item EGW
Sword of Life Stealing 65x CoMC Weapon DMG Dragon Scale Mail 6,500 GP Armor DMG
Sword of Wounding 200x CoMC Weapon DMG Dragonhide Belt +3 35,000 GP Wondrous Item FTD
Teleportation Tablet 3,000 GP Wondrous Item CotN Duskcrusher 16,600 GP Weapon EGW
Tentacle Rod 3,800 GP Rod DMG Dwarven Plate 10,000 GP Armor DMG

Definitive Magic Item Marketplace

Very Rare Magic Items
Very Rare (Stock = 1d4 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source Very Rare (Stock = 1d4 - Shop Tier) Price Type Source
Dwarven Thrower 30,000 GP Weapon DMG Ruidium Armor 500x CoMC Armor CotN
Dyrrn’s Tentacle Whip 5,000 GP Weapon ERLW Ruidium Shield 800x CoMC Armor CotN
Efreeti Bottle 25,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Ruidium Weapon 1,000x CoMC Weapon CotN
Eldritch Staff 7,250 GP Staff WBtW Sapphire Buckler 12,500 GP Armor FTD
Far Gear 6,500 GP Wondrous Item AI Scimitar of Speed 9,000 GP Weapon DMG
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Obsidian Steed 13,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Shard of the Ise Rune 13,500 GP Wondrous Item SKT
Fish Suit 5,000 GP Wondrous Item SAiS Shield of the Uven Rune 13,500 GP Armor WDMM
Frost Brand 350x CoMC Weapon DMG Shield, +3 25,000 GP Armor DMG
Ghost Step Tattoo 9,000 GP Tattoo TCE Sling Bullets of Althemone 5,000 GP Weapon MOoT
Helm of Brilliance 45,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Speaking Stone 8,500 GP Wondrous Item ERLW
Heward’s Hireling Armor 8,800 GP Armor LLK Spear of Backbiting 6,000 GP Weapon TftYP
Horn of Valhalla (Bronze) 12,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Spell Gem (Amber) 18,000 GP Wondrous Item OotA
Horseshoes of a Zephyr 9,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Spell Gem (Jade) 36,000 GP Wondrous Item OotA
Hunter's Coat 6,100 GP Armor EGW Spell Gem (Topaz) 50,000 GP Wondrous Item OotA
Illusionist's Bracers 27,000 GP Wondrous Item GGR Spell Scroll (6th) 12,500 GP Scroll DMG
Ingot of the Skold Rune 13,500 GP Wondrous Item SKT Spell Scroll (7th) 25,000 GP Scroll DMG
Instrument of the Bards (Very Rare) 9,500 GP Instrument DMG Spell Scroll (8th) 37,500 GP Scroll DMG
Ioun Stone of Absorption 22,100 GP Wondrous Item DMG Spellguard Shield 15,000 GP Armor DMG
Ioun Stone of Agility 7,700 GP Wondrous Item DMG Staff of Dunamancy 6,500 GP Staff EGW
Ioun Stone of Fortitude 7,700 GP Wondrous Item DMG Staff of Fate 5,000 GP Staff CM
Ioun Stone of Insight 7,700 GP Wondrous Item DMG Staff of Fire 35,000 GP Staff DMG
Ioun Stone of Intellect 7,700 GP Wondrous Item DMG Staff of Frost 35,000 GP Staff DMG
Ioun Stone of Leadership 7,700 GP Wondrous Item DMG Staff of Power 25,000 GP Staff DMG
Ioun Stone of Strength 7,700 GP Wondrous Item DMG Staff of Striking 9,000 GP Staff DMG
Ioun Stone of Vitality 7,700 GP Wondrous Item IMR Staff of Thunder and Lightning 35,000 GP Staff DMG
Javelin of Backbiting 6,000 GP Weapon TftYP Steel 7.000 GP Weapon WBtW
Kyrzin's Ooze 9,300 GP Wondrous Item ERLW Sword of Sharpness 1,300x CoMC Weapon DMG
Last Stand Armor 5,000 GP Armor EGW Sword of the Paruns 12,500 GP Weapon GGR
Lifewell Tattoo 12,000 GP Tattoo TCE Timepiece of Travel 6,500 GP Wondrous Item AI
Living Armor 5,400 GP Armor ERLW Tome of Clear Thought 50,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Manual of Bodily Health 50,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Tome of Leadership and Influence 50,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Manual of Gainful Exercise 50,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Tome of Understanding 50,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Manual of Golems 0.5x CoGC Wondrous Item DMG Voyager Staff 29,500 GP Staff GGR
Manual of Quickness of Action 50,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Wand of Polymorph 20,000 GP Wand DMG
Mirror of Life Trapping 46,000 GP Wondrous Item DMG Wand of the War Mage +3 10,000 GP Wand DMG
Moon Sickle +3 35,000 GP Weapon TCE Watchful Helm 24,800 GP Wondrous Item CM
Nine Lives Stealer 500x CoMC Weapon DMG Weapon, +3 500x CoMC Weapon DMG
Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 47,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG Wheel of Stars 6,500 GP Wondrous Item AI
Oathbow 7,200 GP Weapon DMG Yklwa, +3 500x CoMC Weapon TOA
Oil of Sharpness 5,000 GP Potion DMG
Orb of the Veil 50,000 GP Wondrous Item EGW
Ornithopter of Flying 5,000 GP Wondrous Item WBtW
Pennant of the Vind Rune 13,500 GP Wondrous Item SKT
Peregrine Mask 11,250 GP Wondrous Item GGR
Polymorph Blade 12,000 GP Weapon LLK
Potion of Flying 7,450 GP Potion DMG
Potion of Giant Strength (Cloud) 10,000 GP Potion DMG
Potion of Invisibility 5,000 GP Potion DMG
Potion of Longevity 11,100 GP Potion DMG
Potion of Mind Control (Monster) 9,375 GP Potion TftYP
Potion of Possibility 5,000 GP Potion EGW
Potion of Speed 6,200 GP Potion DMG
Potion of Supreme Healing 5,000 GP Potion DMG
Potion of Vitality 5,000 GP Potion DMG
Reincarnation Dust 7,500 GP Wondrous Item EGW
Rhythm-Maker’s Drum +3 35,000 GP Instrument TCE
Ring of Red Fury 14,000 GP Ring CotN
Ring of Regeneration 30,000 GP Ring DMG
Ring of Shooting Stars 10,000 GP Ring DMG
Ring of Telekinesis 12,000 GP Ring DMG
Robe of Scintillating Colors 37,500 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Robe of Stars 48,750 GP Wondrous Item DMG
Rod of Absorption 50,000 GP Rod DMG
Rod of Alertness 20,000 GP Rod DMG
Rod of Security 48,000 GP Rod DMG
Rod of the Pact Keeper +3 10,000 GP Rod DMG
Rotor of Return 6,500 GP Wondrous Item AI

Definitive Magic Item Marketplace


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