(Sasha Lord ACE Application 2020) Primary Event Solutions Application - Redacted

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Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2


Culture Recovery Fund: Grants second round

Thank you for your interest in the Culture Recovery Fund: Grants second

We expect most of the social distancing protocols currently in place to

start being removed in the period April to June 2021.

The aim of this Culture Recovery Fund: Grants second round is to support
organisations as they transition back to a viable and sustainable operating
model during April-June 2021.

This investment is intended to ensure that, by 30 June 2021, successful

applicants are operating fully on a viable and sustainable basis.

We will use the information you give us in this application to decide

whether we will offer you a grant.

The first few screens are autofilled with information you have already
provided in your applicant profile. If you need to make any amendments,
go back to the ‘Applicants’ section and edit your applicant profile.

Throughout Grantium, any questions marked with an asterisk (*) must be

answered otherwise you won’t be able to submit your form.

All our text boxes have a character limit. Please stick to this character limit
as any additional text won’t be saved.

Applications for this round of this programme must be submitted by 12pm

(midday) on Tuesday 26 January 2021.

Application submission Page 1 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Applicant details

Applicant name: Primary Event Solutions

Applicant number: Section 40.2

Applicant type: Organisation

What is your organisation’s legal name? Primary Event Solutions
What name is your bank account registered Section 40.2
Please give any other names your Primary Security
organisation uses:
Which option most closely describes your Commercial organisation
Which option most closely describes your Company limited by shares
organisation’s status?
Which category most closely describes your Professional organisation
Are you a registered charity? No
Are you based within England or the wider Yes
United Kingdom?

Application submission Page 2 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Address information

Address name or number:

Town / city:
Main contact number:
Email address:
(Organisation email address
if applicant is an organisation)
Website address: primaryeventsolutions.com
Fax number:

Application submission Page 3 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Your contact information

Contact type Main First name Last name Primary contact Email
contact number
Board member Yes
Section 40.2

Application submission Page 4 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Contact details

Contact type: Board member

Is this the main contact for the applicant? X
First name:
Middle name:
Last name:
Primary contact number:
Alternate contact number:
Mobile phone number:
Email address:
Fax number:
n 40.2

Application submission Page 5 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Basic Details

Tell us about your organisation and its work:

(Up to 1,000 characters including spaces, approximately 150 words)
Primary Events is the backbone of the national creative events sector. We
provide event coordinators, managers, production managers, assistants,
technicians, sound engineers, lighting engineers, AV, bar staff, security staff
merchandise, cleaners and more for a huge number of the most respected and
loved cultural events in the UK.

Our clients include major festivals (Lovebox, Reading, Isle of Wight, Latitude),
boutique festivals (Wilderness, Wireless), location-based events (Jodrell Bank),
city-wide events (Pride, Tramlines, Hull City of Culture) and year-round activity
(Manchester LGTBQ+ Village).

Are you a commercial or for profit Yes

Note: the answer will be pre-populated as Yes if your organisation is defined as Commercial on
your applicant profile.
Please note: the parent company of any commercial or for profit group
must submit the application.
Please include the names of the organisations within the whole group and specify who will
benefit from this funding
(Up to 1,500 characters including spaces, approximately 250 words)
We confirm that we have not received CRF and that this support is not on
behalf of a group or other companies. This funding is purely for transitioning
Primary Events to a position of financial viability and sustainability.

Section 43.2

Are you a heritage organisation applying for No

costs including a museum with either
Accredited or Working towards Accreditation

Application submission Page 6 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Tell us the total amount you are requesting £480,072

from us: (£):
Minimum: 25,000 Maximum: 3,000,000
Please note that if you are a commercial organisation or ‘for profit’ then the maximum you can
apply for is £1,000,000

Tell us if you’ve received funding from any No

previous rounds of Culture Recovery Fund:

Activity start date: 01/04/2021

Activity end date: 30/06/2021

What was your organisation’s turnover in the £1,607,715

your last full (pre-Covid) financial year? (£)

Please tell us about your reserves position, including restricted and

unrestricted reserves:
(Please enter '£0' if reserve type is not relevant)
Restricted funds £0
Endowment funds £0
Unrestricted funds
Unrestricted designated funds £0
Unrestricted general funds £0

Free reserves £86,121

Includes unrestricted, undesignated, not held in fixed assets or investments

Current reserves policy target £247,000

Please tell us about your current, previous and anticipated employment


Application submission Page 7 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

In a normal year of operating, how many full 74

time equivalents are employed by your
organisation in the UK?
At the time of the application, how many full 26
time equivalents are employed by your
organisation in the UK (including furloughed
On 1 July 2021, how many full time 74
equivalents do you expect will be employed
by your organisation in the UK?

Please tell us about your current, previous and anticipated levels of

contractual/freelance staff

In a normal year of operating, how many 187

contractual/freelance staff do you employ (on
At the time of the application, how many 0
contractual/freelance staff do you employ?
On 1 July 2021, how many 272
contractual/freelance staff do you expect to

Application submission Page 8 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Financial Viability and Sustainability

1. Tell us how you have managed the impact of Covid-19 so far, and why
you are unable to transition to viability and sustainability from 1 July 2021
without additional support:
(Up to 4,000 characters including spaces, approximately 700 words)

Application submission Page 9 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Financial viability:

Pre-pandemic, Primary Events was a thriving, profitable and expanding

2017/18 turnover was £1,258261 with a profit of £124,588
2018/19 turnover was £1,607,715 with a profit of £145,599
2019/20 turnover was £2,099,052 with a profit of £230,007 (to be certified)

Government support and other measures:

We have retained staff as long as possible but have been forced to take
measured steps to save the company.

Initially 40 staff were placed on the government furlough scheme, with the
remaining staff either leaving the company for other work or unfortunately,
having to be made redundant.

Changes in government contributions (Sept 2020), forced a restructure,

resulting in a further 15 redundancies.

Of the remaining 26 staff, all are furloughed with 12 on the government’s

flexible-furlough scheme. This is the most cost-effective model whilst still
allowing us to function and look to transition toward sustainability.

We secured a Bounce Back loan for £50,000.

We successfully deferred VAT (£85,000) to March and will be spreading

payments over 11 months.

We are shortlisted for a Manchester City Council Covid Recovery Grant for our
cultural significance (amount TBC).

We successfully negotiated with the landlord to defer an entire year’s rent

(£36k). This was a significant success in terms of maintaining solvency but will
be due as a cost in Q2.

Whilst restrictions are in place, we have diversified income with more corporate
clients, such as the Polish Embassy and have been working with Manchester
City Council Lightopia outdoor festival.

We put ourselves forward to lend our expertise, crew and security for NHS
Nightingale North and to help with the roll-out of the vaccine. Although this was
done for philanthropic purposes, it is pertinent to note that it will potentially draw
an income.
Directors have taken no dividends since Q1 2020.

Managing financial risk:

Our reserves position as of 1st April 2020 was £20,000. Its deployment to
March has been to maintain enough staff as to secure future work when
restrictions relax. However, the scale of the model is unsustainable and by April
this year, we will be in deficit.

Application submission Page 10 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

In addition to cost-saving measures, we have increased means to manage

financial risk. Online, bi-weekly management meetings began in April 2020 and
continuously monitor the situation.

We immediately acted to remove all non-essential spending, expenses and

travel. This was enacted in April 2020 and remains policy.
Operational plans have been amended to include Covid safety planning for all
remaining personnel.

Section 40.2
We confirm that we have not received CRF and that this support is not on
behalf of a group or other companies. This funding is purely for transitioning
Primary Events to a position of financial viability and sustainability.

2. Tell us how you will use this grant to support your cultural operation
between April - June 2021 in a way that represents value for money:
(Up to 4,000 characters including spaces, approximately 700 words)

Application submission Page 11 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Cultural activity:

We are currently partially operating, with two clients and a reduced workforce.

We will be working with some of the most significant events in the northern
cultural calendar:

Section 43.2
Bury Met: April-Dec 2020 we were commissioned to transform their studio into
an online platform and develop their programme to inc. jazz, LGBTQ+ events
and BAME artists. We put on 47 livestream shows, hosting 358 artists to
20million viewers and will continue to support in Q2.

Grand Central Exhibition Space: Consulting on a 12,000 capacity ‘Thank You’

party to all NHS workers, once restrictions are lifted.

Planning will be taking place for our work at Parklife and the major, autumn New
Order concert. We will be responsible for safety, operational planning, event
control, onsite management, security, technicians and liaison with GM Police &
Transport for GM. We will be providing essential security and management
personnel for Leeds, Reading, Latitude and Creamfields.

Consumer behaviour:

Although it would be reasonable to anticipate a widespread loss of confidence

in public gatherings, our evidence suggests a demonstrable desire for
audiences to once again engage with culture alongside other human beings:

The New Order (September) show has sold over £25,000 of tickets in one

Parklife Festival has sold 12,000 pre-sale tickets and reports a record number
of pre-registration, online sign-ups.

Latitude is reporting record ticket sales in comparison with the same time in
previous year. As are the other events we work on, such as Leeds, Reading,

All of these events are programmed for Q3 and Q4. It might be concluded that
the public believe that, especially with the much-publicised vaccine roll-out, that

Application submission Page 12 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

the situation will have improved by that time.

It is also worth noting these are all outdoor events. As indoor events remain
cancelled, we are relying on building confidence in the outdoor sector. We are
finding that providing advanced information is key to developing this audience

We deliver Covid-safety planning, produce relevant signage and ensure

vigilance from operations teams on sites. All staff have undertaken Covid safety
training with an external company, we have bought masks for all staff.

Means by which we are minimising the gap between income and expenditure
are covered in the previous section. We have been extremely dynamic in our
use of furlough, restructuring and minimising all non-essential expenditure.

One-off costs:

New Covid training for all new personnel, due to work in 2021.

Deferred rent, £36,000.

Onsite radios / equipment maintenance.

Servicing and repairing our onsite vehicle, (£550 per month). This is essential
for all of our festival activities.

New website design and software (£8,000).

25% of annual turnover would be £401,929

Our reserve target is £247,000.
To get there from the deficit 1st April would take £252.190
Our request to CRF is only £480,072
This will allow us to bridge this period, pay debts and invest in means to
generate income, in order to transition to a position of sustainability. We
therefore think this represents strong value for money.

3. Tell us how you will adapt your plans if restrictions do not ease during
the period as set out in the assumptions:
(Up to 2,000 characters including spaces, approximately 350 words)

Application submission Page 13 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Adapting plans and mitigating risk:

Until there is more stability in the sector, we will maintain a reduced-capacity

team. We do anticipate building staff up to pre-Covid levels by July in
preparation for Q3 / Q4 events. Key management will spend the project driving
new business in order to facilitate this transition.

Regular dialogue with local, regional and national partners in order to ramp up
activity as soon as is legal and sensible.

Many of our clients programme in Q3 and some have moved their events back
slightly to mitigate risk. 2020 was a devastating year for our business and it is
essential we obtain support to transition us through. If we secure CRF we can
demonstrate that we will be back to a sustainable position by 2022 which in turn
means essential festivals in the UK cultural calendar will continue e.g. Reading,
Leeds, Section 43.2 Caribbean Carnival, etc.

We are appointing a Covid officer to ensure all event planning adheres to

government guidance and, crucially, is adaptable to changing condition.

Additional security will be employed to personnel to manage new processes

e.g. distancing, on-site.

We have modelled flexible ticket-pricing, should events be reduced in capacity.

If restrictions are placed on large gatherings, we are modelling for smaller,

outdoor events and more streamed activity. We are in discussions with Boiler
Room for these digital events.

Management have agreed to go down to a 4 day week if required.

These scenarios are being monitored and managed by the regular meetings of
our Directors and SMT previously described. We also have an extensive pool of
expert freelancers from across the events, music and general culture industry to
draw upon as required.

4. Tell us how you plan to ensure your viability and sustainability for the
period 1 July 2021 - 31 March 2022:
(Up to 2,000 characters including spaces, approximately 350 words)

Application submission Page 14 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

All spend over £500 will need authorisation from SMT, anything over £5000 to
be signed off by Director.

All rotas will be signed off in weekly SMT review meetings to ensure event
staffing is kept cost-effective.

Full company financial review to take place on quarterly until March 2022.

Future income:

Contracts remain in place for activities cancelled in 2020, rescheduled for late
Q2 onwards e.g.


These contracts have a value of £1.1million. Our venues contracts should be

worth £700k. If we secure this support through the fallow period, we return to
underpinning a huge number of cultural events nationwide and return to certain

On the success of Section 43.2 we

realise that a future paywall to our streamed events is feasible (currently being


Risk: Significant rises in insurance / failure to pay out resulting in festivals

becoming unviable
Mitigation: We advised the DCMS to support a Covid indemnity insurance
policy. DCMS Chair Julian Knight MP has backed this and recommended to gov

Risk: Social distancing reducing viability of festivals

Mitigation: Continue socially distanced events already trialled and are currently
speaking to commercial partners.

Our request will transition us to reserves of £296,276.36 by July. This

investment is essential as it will take us from deficit to a position of being able to
generate income.

With support we will be back to profitability by March 2022, fully self-sufficient

and sustainable. Without support, we will be £274,000 in deficit by July. The
company will be financially unviable and we will be forced to cease trading. This
would place all national, cultural events referenced in the application also under
serious threat.

Application submission Page 15 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Cultural Significance

5. Tell us about your organisation’s work and how it is considered to be

culturally significant and/or how it contributes to providing cultural
opportunity in England
(Up to 2,000 characters including spaces, approximately 350 words)
National, or international reach, relevance & impact:

We produce, manage & staff significant cultural events across the UK & abroad.

This includes large-scale festivals across regions of the UK e.g. Parklife, Kendal
Calling, Jodrell Bank Live, Festival No. 6, Warehouse Project, Lovebox &
Wilderness; & internationally e.g. Lost & Found, Hideout & BPM.

We support the cultural infrastructure of Section 43.2 , Homobloc, the

LGBTQ+ Village, Section 43.2
Section 43.2

Section 43.2
Artist development:

We have a history of providing a platform for the strongest emerging talent

across genres & have supported hundreds of artists over the years. Examples
of those that have gone on to international success inc. Florence & the
Machine, Calvin Harris, Giggs & Stormzy.
We develop the next generation of producers, curators & events-organisers in
partnership w. Manchester Metropolitan University, Bolton University, Bury
College & Wigan Collage.

Onsite development for hundreds of sound engineers & technicians. We put

over 300 security personnel through the SIA program each year & support them
in getting work.

Significant opportunities for visual artists at our events, many of whom have
gone on to tour with major, international musicians e.g. Vik Kaushal & Sam

Programming opportunities for local & national promoters to host stages at our
festivals. Many of these have gone on to become significant names in the
industry e.g. Metropolis Music & NowWave.

Application submission Page 16 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

(Up to a further 2,000 characters if needed)

Cultural opportunities:

We work with Kyso Collective, providing performance opps and free tickets to
music and theatre events for CYP in socio-economically challenged
circumstances e.g. in Moss Side and Hulm. We also provide free tickets in
partnership with Skiddle, Ticketline and MIF. In 2019, we provided 250 free
tickets to a single show (Bugzy Malone).

Given the wide array of organisations, events & festivals we work with, our
audiences are incredibly diverse. Demographics will differ between LGBTQ+
club events & a LA CYP festival. Overall they consist of 60% Experience
seekers, 30% Kaleidoscope Creatives & 10% facebook families.

Employment & economic impact:

Across our events in the UK we estimate we bring approx £182.6million into the
national economy (based on data from MCC, other LAs and Live Nation).

We are responsible for recruiting and placing up to 6016 people annually across
multiple events inc.

32 Sound engineers
69 Electricians
37 Lighting technicians
290 Crew
1500 Bar staff
56 Stagehands
1500 Security
37 Management
29 Event control
800 Police
43 Dog handlers
31 Marketing
23 Videographers
420 Cleaners
210 Caterers
In 2019 we booked 628 hotel rooms

“PE is integral to the sustainability of my business, making up approx. 60% of

annual turnover and without them I would struggle to provide the staff with
enough work all year round” Alex Knight EN4 Crew

In Manchester alone, between WHP & Parklife we add £41,000,000 to the local
economy per year (data, GMCA).

Every year the Parklife Foundation raises between £100k-£120k for the local

Section 43.2
Application submission Page 17 12/05/2021
Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Opening up access

6. Please tell us how you will open up access by improving the diversity of
your audiences, visitors, participants, workforce and governance:
(Up to 2,000 characters including spaces, approximately 350 words)
Workforce and governance:

We work w. Pride on regular Diversity training. By April, all staff will be certified.
By Dec we will have a model of Good Practice to share with the entire sector.

By April we will have signed off our Equality Action Plan which will inc. an
assessment of partners and suppliers.

By June our Advisory Board will be developed to include increased 50% BAME,
LGBTQ+, Accessible and Female representation.


Our events encompass an enormously diverse range of audiences:

Older age groups (Hacienda/New Order/Leftfield); Under 25s

(Dave/Giggs/Skepta); Family-friendly (Lightopia).

We have a demonstrable policy of working with female-strong line-ups

e.g.Grace Jones, Cardi B & MIA. Across our events, audiences are 46%

Socio-economically challenged: We provide community groups (e.g. Kyso

Collective) with free tickets and access to international DJs for outreach

For those less physically able we provide accessible bars, audience platforms,
an accessible website, onsite information and specialised helpers. We have
been awarded with Access All Areas Silver Accreditation for work on Parklife.
We will be aiming for Gold by 2022. We offer free carer tickets for all our events.

During 2020 we streamed a BAME live stream event to support the Black Lives
Matter hosting over 100 BAME artists. In 2019 27% of all artists were BAME
and in 2021 we will aim to increase this by 10%. We will only work with clients
that allow us to meet these programming targets. We also commit to producing
at least 2 stand-alone BAME events.

We commit to 20% LGBTQ artists for our live events in 2021. We commit to
producing stand alone LGBTQ events in 2021 such as Homobloc and
Manchester Pride.

Application submission Page 18 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2


Please enter all your cash expenditure on this page.

The table at the top of the page is a snapshot of the information you are entering, and will
calculate your total expenditure for you as you work. This table is not editable.

The details about each item of expenditure that you add will be shown in the list at the bottom of
the page. You should make sure that you show how your figures have been calculated in the
'Description' field. For example, you should show the number of days and the daily rate for any
fees shown.

You should solely account for the costs you’re applying for Culture Recovery Fund Grants to
cover within this table

To add an expenditure line

To add each expenditure line, click the 'Add new item' icon on the left of the screen. To add
more than one line of expenditure, use the 'Save and Add another' button.

Spending (expenditure) summary

Expenditure heading % Project value Amount (£)
Staffing Costs Section 40.2
Overheads 3.03% £14,560
Operational costs 13.82% £66,350
Consultancy fees Section 40.2
Covid-19 compliant equipment purchase 1.57% £7,550
Covid-19 compliant capital costs 0.00% £0
Covid-19 debt 7.50% £36,000
Maintenance costs 1.35% £6,467
Programme delivery 2.81% £13,500
Reserves 52.53% £252,190
Freelance contract costs Section 40.2

Access costs 0.00% £0

Other 0.00% £0
Expenditure total (cash) 100.00% £480,072

Total income (for information): £480,072

Expenditure Description Amount
Staffing Costs Event staff referenced in narrative. Broken down to Section 40.2

Onsite proj...

Freelance contract costs Three months of external bar staff / security teams Section 40.2

that do not go ...

Overheads Rent for Q2 £9,000

Application submission Page 19 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Covid-19 debt Rent deferral as detailed in narrative £36,000

Overheads Rates £1,210
Overheads Heat/Light/Water £2,250
Operational costs Insurance (£15,000 event insurance + £750 onsite £15,750
vehicle insurance)
Overheads Telephone & internet for Q2 £1,350
Operational costs Cleaning costs £1,500
Operational costs Print/Post/Stationery standard quarterly costs £4,500
Programme delivery Marketing for Q3 / Q4 activity, predominantly £13,500
Freelance contract costs Crowd Management and First Aid training for Section 40.2

Management (£5,000) + ...

Consultancy fees Legal consultation Section 40.2

Consultancy fees Audit & Accountancy Section 40.2

Overheads Bank charges £750

Operational costs Website redesign, software purchase, editing of £10,500
digital archive for...
Covid-19 compliant equipment purchase Onsite protective equipment (masks, sanitiser, etc) £7,550
Reserves Cost of taking deficit (£-5,189.79) to target £252,190
Maintenance costs Site vehicle maintenance and renewals for 2021 £1,650
Operational costs Travel costs as work is around the country (£350 a £1,050
Operational costs SIA Training / License - 8 new staff per month £9,600
Operational costs New uniforms (Covid-compliant) for all onsite / £16,150
event staff
Operational costs Staff refreshments water / packed lunches £1,000
Operational costs Legally required body cams purchase for festival £1,800
Operational costs Safety subsidiaries and welfare £1,500
Operational costs Hotels / Accommodation £3,000
Maintenance costs Cost to repair and maintain all onsite radios £4,817

Application submission Page 20 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Staffing Costs

Description: Event staff referenced in narrative. Broken down
to Onsite project management,

security related (inc. police rates and sniffer,

dogs), bar staff,
40.2 Technical Production
Section 40.2

and crew, cleaners includes Section 40.2 NI and


pension contribution
Amount (£): Section 40.2

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Freelance contract costs

Description: Three months of external bar staff / security
teams that do not go through our payroll as well
as fundraising and grant management freelancer
Amount (£): Section 40.2

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Overheads

Description: Rent for Q2
Amount (£): £9,000

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Covid-19 debt

Description: Rent deferral as detailed in narrative
Amount (£): £36,000

Application submission Page 21 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Overheads

Description: Rates
Amount (£): £1,210

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Overheads

Description: Heat/Light/Water
Amount (£): £2,250

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: Insurance (£15,000 event insurance + £750
onsite vehicle insurance)
Amount (£): £15,750

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Overheads

Description: Telephone & internet for Q2
Amount (£): £1,350

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Application submission Page 22 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Description: Cleaning costs

Amount (£): £1,500

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: Print/Post/Stationery standard quarterly costs
Amount (£): £4,500

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Programme delivery

Description: Marketing for Q3 / Q4 activity, predominantly
Amount (£): £13,500

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Freelance contract costs

Description: Crowd Management and First Aid training for
Management ( Section 40.2 ) + Covid safety training
( Section 40.2 ) + ACS / SIA Accreditation ( )
Section 40.2

Amount (£): Section 40.2

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Consultancy fees

Description: Legal consultation
Amount (£): Section 40.2

Application submission Page 23 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Consultancy fees

Description: Audit & Accountancy
Amount (£): Section 40.2

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Overheads

Description: Bank charges
Amount (£): £750

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: Website redesign, software purchase, editing of
digital archive for anniversary material
Amount (£): £10,500

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Covid-19 compliant equipment purchase

Description: Onsite protective equipment (masks, sanitiser,
Amount (£): £7,550

Expenditure details

Application submission Page 24 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Expenditure heading: Reserves

Description: Cost of taking deficit (£-5,189.79) to target
Amount (£): £252,190

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Maintenance costs

Description: Site vehicle maintenance and renewals for 2021
Amount (£): £1,650

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: Travel costs as work is around the country (£350
a month)
Amount (£): £1,050

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: SIA Training / License - 8 new staff per month
Amount (£): £9,600

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: New uniforms (Covid-compliant) for all onsite /
event staff

Application submission Page 25 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Amount (£): £16,150

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: Staff refreshments water / packed lunches
Amount (£): £1,000

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: Legally required body cams purchase for festival
Amount (£): £1,800

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: Safety subsidiaries and welfare
Amount (£): £1,500

Expenditure details

Expenditure heading: Operational costs

Description: Hotels / Accommodation
Amount (£): £3,000

Expenditure details

Application submission Page 26 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Expenditure heading: Maintenance costs

Description: Cost to repair and maintain all onsite radios
Amount (£): £4,817

Application submission Page 27 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan

* Delivery Timeline

Please use the table to list the main stages and tasks of the delivery from the start date onwards,
and to show who will lead on each part of the delivery.

Enter at least one stage, and add each delivery stage in order.

To create the table, click the 'Add new item' icon on the left of the screen to add a delivery stage.
To add more than one stage, use the 'Save and Add another' button.

The table at the bottom of the page will populate with the information you enter.
Start date End date Activity or task details Task lead
05/04/2021 05/04/2021 Finance meeting Finance Manager
05/04/2021 05/04/2021 Management meeting SMT, Director,
Finance Manager
01/04/2021 23/04/2021 Board diversification with new appointments Director
05/04/2021 12/04/2021 Senior Manager
13/04/2021 13/04/2021 Section 43.2 Senior Manager
13/04/2021 13/04/2021 Factory planning meeting Senior Manager
13/04/2021 13/04/2021 Parklife planning meeting Senior Manager
05/04/2021 15/06/2021 Production of new web design/ socials campaigns / New printed Senior Manager
08/06/2021 08/06/2021 Updated H&S & Covid Training Session with any staff currently on the Senior Manager
books, new safety videos
19/04/2021 19/04/2021 SIA Training course Senior Manager
26/04/2021 26/04/2021 Board meeting Director
12/04/2021 30/04/2021 Recruitment drive Senior Manager
26/04/2021 26/04/2021 Meeting with Bury Met to round up on previous activity and plan next Senior Manager
27/04/2021 27/04/2021 Section 43.2 Director
28/04/2021 28/04/2021 Creamfields planning meeting Senior Manager
03/05/2021 03/05/2021 Finance meeting Finance Manager
03/05/2021 03/05/2021 Management meeting SMT, Director,
Finance Manager
03/05/2021 07/05/2021 All staff through Equality & Diversity training Senior Manager
17/05/2021 17/05/2021 Board meeting Director
07/05/2021 21/05/2021 Homobloc planning Senior Manager
07/05/2021 21/05/2021 Section 43.2 Senior Manager

Application submission Page 28 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

07/05/2021 21/05/2021 Parklife planning Senior Manager

20/05/2021 20/05/2021 Reading & Leeds Management meeting Senior Manager
24/05/2021 24/05/2021 Inventory and Clean all equipment and items in storage Senior Manager
24/05/2021 28/05/2021 Maintain vehicles Senior Manager
26/05/2021 26/05/2021 Buy body temp scanners and PPE Senior Manager
07/06/2021 07/06/2021 Finance meeting Finance Manager
07/06/2021 07/06/2021 Management meeting SMT, Director,
Finance Manager
07/06/2021 07/06/2021 Additional Board meeting Director
08/06/2021 08/06/2021 Updated H&S & Covid Training Session with new starters Senior Manager
07/06/2021 11/06/2021 New staff through Equality & Diversity training Senior Manager
07/06/2021 11/06/2021 Send out Equality & Diversity assessment to all partners Senior Manager
07/06/2021 11/06/2021 Carry out Diversity in the workplace to make sure we are meeting Senior Manager
07/06/2021 11/06/2021 Renew First Aid Training Senior Manager
21/06/2021 21/06/2021 Board meeting Director
14/06/2021 18/06/2021 Review of events planned and BAME, female & LGBT Artist targets Director
28/06/2021 28/06/2021 Crowd Dynamic course Senior Manager
30/06/2021 30/06/2021 Kyso community day Director
05/04/2021 25/06/2021 NB Planning dates / meetings for remaining events TBC but will occur Senior Manager
one day per month

Application submission Page 29 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 05/04/2021

End date: 05/04/2021
Activity or task details: Finance meeting
Task lead: Finance Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 05/04/2021

End date: 05/04/2021
Activity or task details: Management meeting
Task lead: SMT, Director, Finance Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 01/04/2021

End date: 23/04/2021
Activity or task details: Board diversification with new appointments
Task lead: Director

Delivery plan details

Start date: 05/04/2021

End date: 12/04/2021
Activity or task details: Contact all clients to confirm dates and contacts
for '21
Task lead: Senior Manager

Application submission Page 30 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 13/04/2021

End date: 13/04/2021
Activity or task details:
Section 43.2
Task lead:

Delivery plan details

Start date: 13/04/2021

End date: 13/04/2021
Activity or task details: Section 43.2
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 13/04/2021

End date: 13/04/2021
Activity or task details: Parklife planning meeting
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 05/04/2021

End date: 15/06/2021
Activity or task details: Production of new web design/ socials
campaigns / New printed material
Task lead: Senior Manager

Application submission Page 31 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 08/06/2021

End date: 08/06/2021
Activity or task details: Updated H&S & Covid Training Session with any
staff currently on the books, new safety videos
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 19/04/2021

End date: 19/04/2021
Activity or task details: SIA Training course
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 26/04/2021

End date: 26/04/2021
Activity or task details: Board meeting
Task lead: Director

Delivery plan details

Start date: 12/04/2021

End date: 30/04/2021
Activity or task details: Recruitment drive
Task lead: Senior Manager

Application submission Page 32 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 26/04/2021

End date: 26/04/2021
Activity or task details: Meeting with Bury Met to round up on previous
activity and plan next events
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 27/04/2021

End date: 27/04/2021
Activity or task details: Section 43.2

Task lead: Director

Delivery plan details

Start date: 28/04/2021

End date: 28/04/2021
Activity or task details: Creamfields planning meeting
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 03/05/2021

End date: 03/05/2021
Activity or task details: Finance meeting
Task lead: Finance Manager

Application submission Page 33 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 03/05/2021

End date: 03/05/2021
Activity or task details: Management meeting
Task lead: SMT, Director, Finance Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 03/05/2021

End date: 07/05/2021
Activity or task details: All staff through Equality & Diversity training
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 17/05/2021

End date: 17/05/2021
Activity or task details: Board meeting
Task lead: Director

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/05/2021

End date: 21/05/2021
Activity or task details: Homobloc planning
Task lead: Senior Manager

Application submission Page 34 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/05/2021

End date: 21/05/2021
Activity or task details: Section 43.2

Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/05/2021

End date: 21/05/2021
Activity or task details: Parklife planning
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 20/05/2021

End date: 20/05/2021
Activity or task details: Reading & Leeds Management meeting
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 24/05/2021

End date: 24/05/2021
Activity or task details: Inventory and Clean all equipment and items in
Task lead: Senior Manager

Application submission Page 35 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 24/05/2021

End date: 28/05/2021
Activity or task details: Maintain vehicles
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 26/05/2021

End date: 26/05/2021
Activity or task details: Buy body temp scanners and PPE
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/06/2021

End date: 07/06/2021
Activity or task details: Finance meeting
Task lead: Finance Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/06/2021

End date: 07/06/2021
Activity or task details: Management meeting
Task lead: SMT, Director, Finance Manager

Application submission Page 36 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/06/2021

End date: 07/06/2021
Activity or task details: Additional Board meeting
Task lead: Director

Delivery plan details

Start date: 08/06/2021

End date: 08/06/2021
Activity or task details: Updated H&S & Covid Training Session with new
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/06/2021

End date: 11/06/2021
Activity or task details: New staff through Equality & Diversity training
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/06/2021

End date: 11/06/2021
Activity or task details: Send out Equality & Diversity assessment to all
Task lead: Senior Manager

Application submission Page 37 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/06/2021

End date: 11/06/2021
Activity or task details: Carry out Diversity in the workplace to make sure
we are meeting targets
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 07/06/2021

End date: 11/06/2021
Activity or task details: Renew First Aid Training
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 21/06/2021

End date: 21/06/2021
Activity or task details: Board meeting
Task lead: Director

Delivery plan details

Start date: 14/06/2021

End date: 18/06/2021
Activity or task details: Review of events planned and BAME, female &
LGBT Artist targets
Task lead: Director

Application submission Page 38 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Delivery plan details

Start date: 28/06/2021

End date: 28/06/2021
Activity or task details: Crowd Dynamic course
Task lead: Senior Manager

Delivery plan details

Start date: 30/06/2021

End date: 30/06/2021
Activity or task details: Kyso community day
Task lead: Director

Delivery plan details

Start date: 05/04/2021

End date: 25/06/2021
Activity or task details: NB Planning dates / meetings for remaining
events TBC but will occur one day per month
Task lead: Senior Manager

Application submission Page 39 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Area of benefit

Using the tool below, please enter the location(s) where your activity is happening. To add a
location, click the 'Add new item' icon on the left of the screen. To add more than one location,
use the 'Save and Add another' button.
Name of the venue Country Local authority
Parklife United Kingdom Bury
Warehouse Project United Kingdom Manchester
Bury Met United Kingdom Bury
Creamfields United Kingdom Halton

Section 43.2
Reading Festival United Kingdom Reading
Leeds Festival United Kingdom Leeds
Isle of Wight Festival United Kingdom Isle of Wight
Transmit United Kingdom Glasgow City
Manchester LGBTQ Village United Kingdom Manchester
Latitude Festival United Kingdom East Suffolk
Tramlines (multi venue festival) United Kingdom Sheffield
Wireless Festival (Finsbury Park) United Kingdom Islington

Application submission Page 40 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Parklife

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location: M25 2SD
No UK postcode available:
Local authority (UK locations only): Bury
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Warehouse Project

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location: M1 2PY
No UK postcode available:
Local authority (UK locations only): Manchester
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Bury Met

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location: BL9 0BW
No UK postcode available:
Local authority (UK locations only): Bury
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Application submission Page 41 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Creamfields

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location: WA4 4AG
No UK postcode available:
Local authority (UK locations only): Halton
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location:
No UK postcode available:
Section 43.2
Local authority (UK locations only):
Have you received any advice from this local

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location:
No UK postcode available: n 43.2
Local authority (UK locations only):
Have you received any advice from this local

Venue details

Application submission Page 42 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Reading Festival

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location: RG1 8EQ
No UK postcode available:
Local authority (UK locations only): Reading
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Leeds Festival

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location: LS23 6ND
No UK postcode available:
Local authority (UK locations only): Leeds
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Isle of Wight Festival

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location: PO30 2EL
No UK postcode available:
Local authority (UK locations only): Isle of Wight
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Transmit

Arts Centre):

Application submission Page 43 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Enter postcode for any UK location: G1 5DB

No UK postcode available:
Local authority (UK locations only): Glasgow City
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Manchester LGBTQ Village

Arts Centre):
No UK postcode available: X
Local authority (UK locations only): Manchester
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Latitude Festival

Arts Centre):
Enter postcode for any UK location: NR34 8AQ
No UK postcode available:
Local authority (UK locations only): East Suffolk
Have you received any advice from this local No

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Tramlines (multi venue festival)
Arts Centre):
No UK postcode available: X
Local authority (UK locations only): Sheffield
Have you received any advice from this local No

Application submission Page 44 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Venue details

Name of the venue or place (e.g. Oneplace Wireless Festival (Finsbury Park)
Arts Centre):
No UK postcode available: X
Local authority (UK locations only): Islington
Have you received any advice from this local No

Application submission Page 45 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2


All applicants must provide the following documents

- A completed cashflow template for the period 1 January 2021 – 1 April 2022
- A completed detailed budget template for the period 1 January 2021 – 1 April 2022
- A balance sheet as at 31 December 2020, showing actual levels of restricted and unrestricted
- A balance sheet projection for 31 March 2021, showing projected levels of restricted and
unrestricted reserves
- Last financial year’s full financial statements (preferably 2019/20 where possible), prepared to
the relevant legal standard for an organisation of your size and status

You can use the link below to upload your documents.

Your documents can be up to 10MB and we accept PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint
and JPEG files.
Document Type Required? Document description Date attached
Cashflow template Yes Cashflow in manda... 25/01/2021
Detailed budget template Yes Budget in mandato... 25/01/2021
Balance Sheet (31/12/2020) Yes Balance sheet as ... 25/01/2021
Balance Sheet Projection Yes Balance sheet pro... 25/01/2021
Last year's full financial Yes Last full year's ... 25/01/2021

Application submission Page 46 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Attachment Details

Document description: Cashflow in mandatory template format

Attachment Details

Document description: Budget in mandatory template format

Attachment Details

Document description: Balance sheet as at 31 December 2020

Attachment Details

Document description: Balance sheet projection

Attachment Details

Document description: Last full year's financial statement

Application submission Page 47 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2


Data Protection and Freedom of Information

We are committed to being as open as possible. This includes being clear about how we assess
and make decisions on applications to this programme and how we will use your application
form and other documents you give us. We are happy to provide you with copies of the
information we hold about you, including our assessment of your application.

We handle any personal data we receive in accordance with the United Kingdom General Data
Protection Regulation, the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and other applicable laws that regulate
the use and privacy of personal data (Data Protection Law). For more information about the
personal data that we collect, what we use it for, and your data protection rights, please refer to
our Privacy Notice.

As a public organisation we also have to follow the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
You must read the Freedom of Information (FOI) guidance on our website
(https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/freedom-information#section-6) before you sign your application.

By signing this application form, you acknowledge the following:

1. That we will use this application form and the information you give to us, including any
personal data as referred to in our Privacy Notice, for the following purposes:
a) To decide whether to give you a grant.
b) To provide copies to other individuals or organisations who are helping us assess and
monitor grants, including local authorities, other lottery distributors and organisations that award
grants. After we reach a decision, we may also tell them the outcome of your application and, if
appropriate, why we did not offer you a grant.
c) To hold in our database and use for statistical purposes.
d) If we offer you a grant, as a public funder we are obliged to share information relating to the
activity we have funded, including the amount of the grant and the activity it was for, with the
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and any partner organisations who
have funded the activity with us. DCMS may publish that information.
e) If we offer you a grant, you will support our work to campaign for arts and culture, contributing
(when asked) to important publicity activities during the period we provide funding for. You will
also give us, when asked, case studies, images and audio-visual materials that we can use to
celebrate artistic and cultural excellence.
f) As an organisation that gives out public funds, we may carry out checks on the personal and
financial information you provide us. If you provide false, fraudulent or inaccurate information in
your application or at any point in the lifetime of any funding agreement we enter into with you,
we may share the information about you with other National Lottery distribution bodies and
relevant external bodies to prevent fraud and money laundering. If we identify or suspect
fraudulent activity we will report this to the police and take appropriate action.
g) If we offer you a grant or other benefit, you will have satisfied yourself, whether by reference
to independent legal advice or otherwise, as to compliance with relevant State aid rules,
including any new UK subsidy control regime.

I confirm that, as far as I know, the X

information in this application is true and

Application submission Page 48 12/05/2021

Applicant: Primary Event Solutions Section 40.2

Project: Primary Events Culture Recovery Fund Section 40.2

Name: Section 40.2

2. Tick this box to confirm that your X

organisation is not in Administration, going
through an insolvency process or has been

3. Tick this box to confirm that you are not X

already in receipt of funding for the activity
that you have applied for or any part of it from
any other source.

4. You have read and understood our Freedom of Information (FOI) guidance
(https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/freedom-information#section-6) and acknowledge that if
information about this application is requested under the FOI Act, we will process that request in
line with our obligations under the FOI Act.

5. Tick this box to confirm you meet our bank X

account requirements as set out in our Bank
Details guidance.

6. Tick the relevant box if any person involved

in the project or writing the application:

7. I am happy to be contacted by Arts Council X

England, or by a third-party organisation on
behalf of Arts Council England, for feedback
to help evaluate the programme.

Application submission Page 49 12/05/2021

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