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Platform description

Brief description

Project scope:

Functional requirements:

Users of system:

 Should be able to Display the projects page and do search depending on category.
 Should be able to display the project profile page.
 Should be able to share project page in social media.

 Should be able to sign up.
 Should be able to login.
 Should be able to create project.
 Should be able to display his projects details.
 Should be able to donate to a project, using PayPal or other payment ways.
 Should be able to logout.
 Should be able to do all functions of guest.
 Should be able to change password.

 Display projects details and statistics.
 Approve | Reject new projects.
 Login.
 Logout.
 Should be able to change password.

Non-functional requirements (constraints and conditions):

 Website should be quick responding (should have more than 40% speed on google
speedup test:
 Security constraints: integrity, availability, confidentiality.
 Develop website using OOP MVC methodology(Model, View, Controller)
 Use of php codeigniter framework (will help us in speedup and secure the website, and
implement it in MVC concept).
 User-friendly screens and easy to use scenario (use bootstrap css library).
 Mobile responsive screens(for that we should use bootstrap library)
Usecase diagram

Usecase description

Use Case Name: Login

Scenario: User enters his username and password then system checks it and login the user.
Brief Description: This use case enables user of the system to enter the system
Actors: User
Preconditions: User of the system is not logged in
Postconditions: User of the system is logged in
Actor System
2.validates entered username and password, if data
Flow of Activities (Optional): 1.user enters his username and is correct then system create new session for user
password and clicks “login”
and log him in.
Exception Conditions:
2.invalid username or password: system displays error message.

Use Case Name: Signup

Scenario: User enters his registration info, and then system adds him to database.
Brief Description: This use case enables user of the system to register the system
Actors: User
Preconditions: User of the system is not signed up(still a guest)
Postconditions: Guest is registered as a user.
Actor System
1. User enters his registration info
Flow of Activities (Optional): 2.validates entered data, if data is correct then
(fullname, birthdate, address, profile
image, mobile number, username and system create new user for user..
password then clicks on “register”
Exception Conditions:
2.invalid entered data: system displays error message.

Use Case Name: Signup

Scenario: User enters his registration info, and then system adds him to database.
Brief Description: This use case enables user of the system to register the system
Actors: User
Preconditions: User of the system is not signed up(still a guest)
Postconditions: Guest is registered as a user.
Actor System
1. User enters his registration info
Flow of Activities (Optional): 2.validates entered data, if data is correct then
(fullname, birthdate, address, profile
image, mobile number, username and system create new user for user..
password then clicks on “register”
Exception Conditions:
2.invalid entered data: system displays error message.
Screen shots (system prototype)

Analysis Phase:
Entity Relationship Diagram:

Domain model diagram

Design Phase:
Database Diagram:

Design Class diagram

Design Sequence diagrams

System will be Implemented using the following technologies:
 php codeigniter framework(back end development).
 Html & css (front end development).
 Bootstrap library (front end development).

Whitebox and blackbox

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