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Program Your Destiny eBook

Destiny University
Michael Herlache, MBA
Welcome to the Program Your Destiny course. In this course, we
will be learning the technology of personal transformation,
neuroassociative conditioning (NAC) as pioneered by Tony
Robbins. NAC is used to deprogram negative neuroassociations
that are causing approach avoidance and instead reprogram
yourself with positive neuroassociations that lead to being
approach automatic. In doing so, you change your destiny,
moving towards unlocking the hypersocial self within, the true
self free from fear and operating from a place of personal power
and love.
Table of Contents:
Lesson 1: What is Neuroassociative Conditioning?
Lesson 2: How Does Neuroassociative Conditioning Connect to
Your Destiny?
Lesson 3: Deprogramming Negative Neuroassociations
Lesson 4: Programming Positive Neuroassociations
Lesson 5: Taking Action to Realize Your Destiny: Your Hypersocial
Self & Self-Actualization
Lesson 1: What is Neuroassociative

Understanding Neuroassociative Conditioning (NAC)

● Pain and Pleasure Govern Behavior

○ Human actions are driven by the perceptions of pain and
○ To control our destiny, we must manage what we link to pain
and pleasure.
○ Understanding these links allows us to influence our
motivations and behaviors.
● Linking Pain and Pleasure
○ When we associate pain (fear, discomfort) with a behavior, we
avoid it.
○ Conversely, associating pleasure (reward, satisfaction) with a
behavior encourages us to pursue it.
○ These associations can be conscious or unconscious but
significantly impact our actions.
● Deprogramming Negative Associations
○ Negative associations with positive behaviors create
approach-avoidance conflict.
○ By deprogramming these negative links, we eliminate the fear
or discomfort attached to beneficial actions.
○ This shift transforms avoidance into approach, making positive
behaviors more automatic.

The Science of Positive Change

● What is NAC?
○ NAC, pioneered by Tony Robbins, focuses on reprogramming
our neuroassociations.
○ It involves conditioning our minds to associate positive
feelings with beneficial behaviors.
○ NAC is a strategic approach to changing our automatic
● Building a Positive Psychology
○ NAC helps develop a robust, positive psychological framework.
○ This framework enhances personal power and the ability to
take constructive action.
○ A positive mindset leads to consistent positive behaviors,
aligning actions with desired outcomes.
● Taking Charge of Actions
○ By controlling neuroassociations, we influence our behavior
○ This control helps us consistently take actions that align with
our goals.
○ Empowered by NAC, we can steer our lives toward our desired

Architecting a Positive Destiny

● Habits and Destiny
○ Our destiny is shaped by the actions we habitually take.
○ Positive habits, reinforced by positive neuroassociations, lead
to a positive destiny.
○ Consistent, constructive actions build a pathway to our ideal
● Neuroassociative Work
○ Effective NAC involves programming ourselves to naturally
take positive actions.
○ It also includes eliminating approach-avoidance conflicts that
hinder progress.
○ By reprogramming our responses, we ensure that our actions
support our goals.
● Realizing Ideal Destiny
○ Proper NAC programming aligns our actions with our
○ This alignment ensures that we are consistently working
towards our ideal outcomes.
○ By automating positive behaviors, we create a self-sustaining
cycle of success.
Lesson 2: How Does Neuroassociative
Conditioning Connect to Your

Neuroassociative Conditioning and Destiny

● Neuroassociations and Consistent Actions

○ Our actions are guided by neuroassociations, which link
behaviors to feelings of pain or pleasure.
○ Positive neuroassociations encourage us to pursue certain
behaviors automatically.
○ Negative neuroassociations cause us to avoid specific actions,
often unconsciously.
● Programming Your Neuroassociations
○ To control our destiny, we need to consciously program what
we link to pain and pleasure.
○ By associating positive behaviors with pleasure, we can
encourage proactive, beneficial actions.
○ Deprogramming negative associations helps remove obstacles
and fears that hinder progress.
● Conscious Decision Making
○ Take deliberate action to become the programmer of your own
○ Shape your path based on your personal aspirations, not
societal expectations or past influences.
○ Overcome past negative associations to eliminate fears and
embrace new opportunities.

Becoming the Programmer of Your Destiny

● Stephen Covey’s Insights

○ Covey emphasizes the importance of recognizing your role as
the programmer of your destiny.
○ Step 1: Acknowledge your power to program your own life.
○ Step 2: Actively write your program by establishing positive
● Writing the Program
○ Develop positive associations for behaviors that align with
your goals and desired outcomes.
○ Identify and remove negative associations that cause avoidance
of beneficial actions.
○ This intentional programming turns desired behaviors into
automatic actions, reinforcing positive change.
● Choice and Control
○ Neuroassociations are choices we consciously or
unconsciously make.
○ By taking control, we can intentionally design our destiny.
○ Your past experiences do not define your future; your
proactive choices do.
Designing Your Destiny

● Creating Your Own Destiny

○ There is no predetermined destiny; your purpose is what you
create it to be.
○ Define your purpose based on personal desires and
aspirations, not external influences.
○ Example: Embrace a persona that embodies your true nature
and goals (e.g., Hercustotle).
● Driving Your Destiny with Neuroassociations
○ Neuroassociations influence behavior and, ultimately, destiny.
○ Link ultimate pleasure to desired actions and outcomes to
drive consistent, positive behaviors.
○ Deprogram negative associations to remove barriers and fears
that hinder your progress.
● Meaning and Framing
○ Positive framing and meaning enhance neuroassociations.
○ Reframe negative experiences to create positive associations
and encourage proactive behavior.
○ This approach leads to consistent, beneficial actions that align
with your goals.

Practical Application of NAC

● Action and Outcome Linkage

○ Associate pleasure with actions and outcomes you want to
○ This drives consistent, automatic positive behaviors that
support your goals.
○ Example: Link the pleasure of learning and growth to desired
● State and Neuroassociations
○ A person’s state is an accumulation of their positive
○ Cultivate a state of continuous learning and improvement to
reinforce positive behavior.
○ Positive states drive proactive actions and consistent results
over time.
● Analyzing and Redirecting
○ Assess where your current neuroassociations are leading you
in life.
○ Redirect negative associations to foster a positive,
growth-oriented mindset.
○ Focus intensively on desired outcomes to drive specific results
and achieve your goals.

Habits and Destiny

● Habits and Neuroassociations

○ Approach-avoidance behaviors are dictated by
neuroassociations and become habits over time.
○ These habits, formed at the task level, determine long-term
○ Consistent positive actions, driven by positive
neuroassociations, shape your future.
● James Allen’s Insights
○ Allen: “They themselves are makers of themselves.”
○ The neuroassociations you choose to deprogram or program
shape your destiny.
○ Exercise your creative power to program positive associations
and eliminate negative ones.
● Personal Power and Destiny
○ Tony Robbins emphasizes that personal power involves
reprogramming pain and pleasure links.
○ Understanding these forces helps design a life of increasing
pleasure and fulfillment.
○ Consistent positive actions, driven by positive
neuroassociations, shape your desired destiny.

Becoming the Leader of Your Own Life

● Linking Pleasure to Positive Behaviors

○ Connect pleasurable sensations to new, positive behaviors you
want to adopt.
○ Examples: Social interactions, learning, fitness, financial
success, and personal growth.
○ Create a persona that embodies these positive attributes (e.g.,
● Leadership and Programming
○ Take charge of your life by becoming the programmer of your
own destiny.
○ Use neuroassociations to guide yourself towards your desired
outcomes and goals.
○ Link pain and pleasure strategically to drive consistent,
positive behavior.
● Summary
○ Neuroassociative Conditioning allows you to program your
○ By managing pain and pleasure links, you control your actions
and outcomes.
○ Embrace your role as the architect of your future, designing a
life of purpose and fulfillment through proactive choices.
Lesson 3: Deprogramming Negative

Understanding Negative Neuroassociations

● Linking Pain to Behaviors

○ Negative neuroassociations occur when we link pain, such as
fear or discomfort, to certain behaviors or events.
○ This pain becomes a barrier, preventing us from engaging in
actions that might be beneficial or necessary.
○ Identifying these pain-linked behaviors is the crucial first step
towards change, as it allows us to understand what is holding
us back.
● Impact of Negative Neuroassociations
○ Negative neuroassociations lead to procrastination and
avoidance of actions that could lead to positive outcomes.
○ These associations can become deeply ingrained, making it
difficult to break the cycle of avoidance.
○ Deprogramming these negative associations is essential to
foster proactive and beneficial behaviors.
● Reframing for Positive Change
○ Reframing involves changing the way we perceive a behavior
or event, shifting from a perspective of pain to one of pleasure
or opportunity.
○ This mental shift helps in deprogramming negative
associations and forming new, positive ones.
○ By viewing the behavior as a source of potential pleasure, we
become more inclined to engage in it.

The Role of Fear in Neuroassociations

● Fear as a Negative Neuroassociation

○ Fear is a common and powerful negative neuroassociation that
can severely limit our actions.
○ It creates a strong aversion to certain behaviors, even if those
behaviors are beneficial.
○ Addressing and overcoming fear is key to deprogramming
negative neuroassociations.
● Phobias and Severe Associations
○ Phobias represent extreme cases of negative
neuroassociations, where the fear response is overwhelming.
○ These can often be deprogrammed through techniques such as
gradual exposure and cognitive reframing.
○ Understanding the origin of these fears helps in effectively
deprogramming them.
● Linking Pain to Positive Behaviors
○ Sometimes, we mistakenly link pain to behaviors that are
actually positive and beneficial.
○ Deprogramming involves identifying these incorrect
associations and replacing them with positive ones.
○ This shift encourages us to adopt and maintain healthy,
productive behaviors.

The Role of Therapists and Tony Robbins

● Therapists and Deprogramming

○ Therapists can guide individuals in deprogramming negative
neuroassociations by providing strategies and support.
○ They help form positive associations to beneficial actions,
fostering a more proactive approach.
○ Therapy often focuses on changing the meaning attached to
past experiences and behaviors.
● Tony Robbins’ Approach
○ Tony Robbins uses neuroassociative conditioning to help
individuals deprogram negative associations and build positive
○ His methods aim to shift the individual's perception of pain
and pleasure associated with various behaviors.
○ This change in perception leads to a more positive and
action-oriented mindset.
● Positive Neuroassociations and Action
○ Building positive neuroassociations makes taking proactive
actions feel natural and automatic.
○ This approach reduces avoidance behaviors and enhances the
likelihood of positive outcomes.
○ Consistently taking positive actions, driven by positive
neuroassociations, shapes a desirable destiny.
Post-Traumatic Growth and Resourceful

● Post-Traumatic Growth
○ Post-traumatic growth involves transforming the meaning of
traumatic events to foster personal growth.
○ This process turns challenges into opportunities for
development and resilience.
○ By reframing trauma positively, individuals can deprogram
negative associations and grow stronger.
● Framing and Meaning
○ Framing is the process of shaping how we perceive and
interpret events and behaviors.
○ Positive framing helps in creating positive neuroassociations,
making beneficial behaviors more appealing.
○ This technique is essential for deprogramming negative
associations and promoting positive change.
● Developing Resourceful Meanings
○ Assigning positive meanings to challenging experiences
encourages growth and resilience.
○ This reframing helps individuals see difficulties as
opportunities to improve and achieve more.
○ Developing resourceful meanings leads to long-term positive
neuroassociations and behaviors.
Major Areas of Life

● Health, Fitness, and Eating

○ Negative associations with healthy habits can prevent us from
maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
○ Deprogramming these associations and building positive ones
can lead to consistent health behaviors.
○ This shift promotes better physical health and overall
● Love and Relationships
○ Negative associations within relationships can hinder intimacy
and connection.
○ Deprogramming these associations and fostering positive ones
enhances relationship quality.
○ Focusing on positive interactions and growth leads to deeper
and more fulfilling relationships.
● Wealth and Career
○ Negative associations related to career and wealth-building
can limit professional growth.
○ Changing these associations to see career success as
pleasurable and fulfilling encourages proactive behavior.
○ This mindset shift drives career advancement and financial
stability, leading to long-term success.

Social Life and Positive Psychology

● Initiating Socially
○ Fear of social interactions can create negative associations,
making it difficult to engage with others.
○ Deprogramming these fears and building positive associations
encourages proactive socializing.
○ This change enhances social life and fosters stronger
● Positive Psychology
○ Embracing positive psychology involves developing positive
associations with self-improvement and growth activities.
○ Engaging in activities that promote personal development
leads to increased happiness and fulfillment.
○ Consistent positive actions, driven by positive associations,
create a fulfilling and balanced life.
● Automatic Approach to Majors in Life
○ Aim for automatic positive actions in major areas of life by
deprogramming negatives and reinforcing positives.
○ Consistent positive actions in health, relationships, career, and
social life lead to desired outcomes.
○ This approach ensures steady progress and long-term success.

Inventory and Reprogramming

● Inventory of Behaviors
○ List the positive behaviors you want to adopt and their current
○ Determine if these associations cause approach avoidance or
automatic approach.
○ This inventory helps identify areas needing deprogramming
and reprogramming.
● Identifying Limiting Neuroassociations
○ Recognize neuroassociations that limit your potential in
personal finance, relationships, fitness, career, and education.
○ Focus on deprogramming negative associations that hinder
○ This process unlocks potential and facilitates growth in key life
● Reprogramming for Success
○ Replace negative associations with positive ones to foster
proactive behavior.
○ Associate ultimate pleasure with positive actions and outcomes
to encourage consistent engagement.
○ This reprogramming process drives success and helps achieve
desired life goals.

Relationships and Work

● Relationships and Love

○ Negative associations within relationships can cause conflicts
and reduce intimacy.
○ Deprogramming these associations fosters mutual growth,
deeper connections, and joy.
○ Creating a dynamic and evolving relationship enhances
intimacy, sexuality, humor, and connection.
● Career and Wealth
○ Negative views of work and career-building can limit
professional success.
○ Reprogramming these views to see career advancement as
pleasurable and fulfilling drives proactive behavior.
○ This mindset shift leads to career growth, financial stability,
and overall success.
● Corporate World
○ Negative associations with the corporate environment can
hinder career progress.
○ Viewing corporate success as a pathway to enterprise and
wealth encourages proactive engagement.
○ Embracing corporate opportunities fosters personal growth
and long-term success.
Lesson 4: Programming Positive

Introduction to Positive Neuroassociations

● Becoming Approach Automatic

○ To be approach automatic to certain behaviors, link
pleasurable sensations to these new positive behaviors.
○ Consistently condition these positive associations until they
become natural responses.
○ Change the meaning of new behaviors by framing them as
pathways to ultimate pleasure.
● Reframing for Pleasure
○ Reframe behaviors to view them as sources of ultimate
○ Positive framing enhances the desirability and approachability
of beneficial actions.
○ This shift in perception encourages continuous engagement in
positive behaviors.
● Consistency in Conditioning
○ Regularly reinforcing positive neuroassociations ensures they
become ingrained.
○ This process requires ongoing effort and commitment.
○ Consistent conditioning leads to long-term behavioral

Reprogramming Yourself

● Installing Positive Neuroassociations

○ Actively install new neuroassociations linked to pleasure for
desired behaviors.
○ Deprogram negative neuroassociations linked to pain, such as
○ This dual approach transforms avoidance into proactive
● Continuous Self-Improvement
○ Engage in neuroassociative conditioning continuously, like
Michael did with his self-improvement initiative starting in
○ Regular practice reinforces positive associations and
diminishes negative ones.
○ Long-term commitment to self-improvement yields
significant results.
● Hypersocial Personality
○ Build positive neuroassociations to become hypersocial,
operating from a place of power and love without fear.
○ Deprogram negative associations that cause approach
avoidance in social settings.
○ Embrace your hypersocial self as an integral part of your
personality and destiny.

Becoming Your Hypersocial Self

● Congruence with Hypersocial Self

○ Achieve congruence with your hypersocial identity through
neuroassociative conditioning.
○ Embrace your true self, free from fear and full of confidence.
○ For example, identify with a powerful persona like Hercustotle
to embody your best self.
● Changing Meanings (Framing)
○ Alter neuroassociations by changing the meaning of behaviors.
○ Link pleasure to positive behaviors and detach pleasure from
negative behaviors.
○ This reframing encourages consistent engagement in
beneficial actions.
● Steps to Conscious Change
○ Gain leverage to change limiting associations by understanding
the benefits and consequences.
○ Interrupt existing negative patterns through techniques like
mindfulness or physical activities.
○ Form new neuroassociations by linking massive pleasure to
positive behaviors.
Steps to Conscious Change

● Leverage and Motivation

○ Create strong reasons to change limiting neuroassociations.
○ Understand the benefits and consequences to motivate change.
○ Use these insights to drive transformation.
● Pattern Interruption
○ Disrupt negative behavioral patterns to create space for new
○ Use techniques like mindfulness, visualization, or physical
activities to break old patterns.
○ This interruption is crucial for establishing new, positive
● Forming New Neuroassociations
○ Link massive pleasure and positive emotions to desired
○ Visualize the benefits and feelings associated with these
○ Reinforce these associations regularly to solidify them.

Achieving the Peak of Life

● Best Positive Neuroassociations

○ Develop the most empowering positive neuroassociations to
reach your full potential.
○ Eliminate negative neuroassociations that hinder your
○ This balance propels you to the peak of life and personal
● Incantations and Beliefs
○ Use incantations to instill new positive neuroassociations and
○ Speak with emotion and passion to reinforce these beliefs.
○ Consistent practice of incantations strengthens positive
● Ultimate Pleasure of Independence
○ Embrace independence as the ultimate source of pleasure.
○ Associate positive emotions and fulfillment with being
○ This mindset fosters personal growth and resilience.

Changing Your Neurophysiological State

● Linking Neuroassociations to State

○ Changing neuroassociations directly impacts your
neurophysiological state.
○ Positive associations lead to resourceful and empowered
○ Negative associations create limiting and fearful states.
● Emotional Conditioning
○ Condition your emotions to align with positive
○ Use techniques like visualization, affirmations, and positive
○ Regular emotional conditioning reinforces new, empowering
● Achieving Desired Destiny
○ By changing your neuroassociations, you change your destiny.
○ Positive neuroassociations drive proactive, beneficial actions.
○ This proactive behavior shapes a fulfilling and successful life.

Practical Applications in Life Areas

● Health and Fitness

○ Link pleasure to healthy habits like exercise and nutritious
○ Reframe these behaviors as enjoyable and rewarding.
○ Consistently practice and reinforce these associations.
● Career and Wealth
○ Associate career-building activities with positive outcomes and
○ View professional growth and financial success as fulfilling.
○ Reinforce these associations to drive career and financial
● Social and Personal Development
○ Build positive neuroassociations with social interactions and
personal development.
○ Reframe these activities as enjoyable and enriching.
○ Consistently engage in social and self-improvement activities
to strengthen these associations.

Summary and Next Steps

● Summary
○ Positive neuroassociations drive proactive, beneficial
○ Consistent conditioning and reframing are key to lasting
○ Embrace your hypersocial self and achieve congruence with
your true identity.
● Next Steps
○ Identify areas needing positive neuroassociations and begin
○ Practice incantations and emotional conditioning regularly.
○ Commit to continuous self-improvement and neuroassociative
● Achieving Your Destiny
○ Take control of your neuroassociations to shape your destiny.
○ Focus on building positive, empowering associations.
○ Achieve a fulfilling and successful life by consistently engaging
in beneficial behaviors.
Lesson 5: Taking Action to Realize
Your Destiny: Your Hypersocial Self &

Introduction to Your Hypersocial Self &


● Destiny Analysis
○ Evaluate the impact of your current neuroassociations on your
life's trajectory.
○ Reflect on whether you're embodying your authentic self (like
Hercustotle) or settling for less.
○ Strive for a destiny where you operate from personal power
and love, devoid of fear.
● Integration of Dreams
○ Transform your aspirations into daily realities by aligning your
actions with your dreams.
○ Embrace your fearless hypersocial self as the guiding force
toward your desired destiny.
○ Aim to live a life where positive neuroassociations effortlessly
steer your behavior.
● Self-Actualization
○ Attain self-actualization by fully embracing your hypersocial
○ Cultivate a mindset characterized by passion, happiness, and
○ Your journey should lead you towards living your dream to the
fullest extent.

Awakening Your Hypersocial Self

● Unleashing Your Potential

○ Tap into your latent potential by awakening your hypersocial
○ Develop positive neuroassociations to maximize your social
○ Condition yourself to operate intelligently and confidently in
social settings.
● Engineering Empowering Neuroassociations
○ Actively program neuroassociations that drive you towards
○ Design empowering associations that support your goals and
○ Utilize your personal blueprint, such as Hercustotle, to
navigate towards ultimate fulfillment.
● Continuous Progress
○ Sustain momentum in your journey towards self-actualization.
○ Continuously refine and reinforce positive neuroassociations
through consistent effort.
○ Strive for steady progress towards manifesting your ideal life.

Visualization and Incantations

● Harnessing the Power of Visualization

○ Envision your future as Hercustotle, living out your dream life.
○ Immerse yourself in the experience of waking up each day
with purpose and passion.
○ Utilize visualization as a tool to align your actions with your
envisioned destiny.
● Passionate Incantations
○ Embed empowering beliefs through passionate incantations.
○ Repeat affirmations that reinforce positive neuroassociations
and beliefs.
○ Infuse your words with certainty and passion to manifest your
desired reality.
● Celebrating Magical Moments
○ Acknowledge and celebrate moments of alignment and
positivity in your life.
○ Recognize when you're fully aligned with your hypersocial self
and living your dream.
○ Embrace and enjoy the journey towards self-actualization.
Practical Applications and Resources

● Learning and Growth

○ Invest in continuous learning and personal growth to enhance
your personal power.
○ Engage in self-improvement activities and skill development to
expand your potential.
○ Utilize resources such as books, courses, and mentors to
support your journey.
● Purpose and Pathway
○ Define your purpose and map out a clear pathway towards its
○ Set SMART goals and establish actionable steps to guide your
○ Align your efforts with your personal blueprint for ultimate
pleasure and fulfillment.
● Designing Your Best Life
○ Create a life that reflects your deepest desires and aspirations.
○ Cultivate enthusiasm and passion for living each day to its
fullest potential.
○ Use your hypersocial self as a catalyst for transforming your
life into a work of art.

Blueprint to Ultimate Pleasure

● Living Your Dream
○ Wake up each morning with excitement and anticipation for
the day ahead.
○ Surround yourself with positive influences and experiences
that align with your blueprint.
○ Strive to live a life that embodies your blueprint for ultimate
● Personal Growth and Fulfillment
○ Pursue personal growth and self-actualization with
unwavering commitment.
○ Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and
○ Experience the joy of becoming the best version of yourself.
● Changing Neuroassociations
○ Shift your neuroassociations to align with your desired destiny
and ultimate pleasure.
○ Replace negative associations with positive ones to drive
proactive and fulfilling actions.
○ Create meaning and framing that lead to increased pleasure
and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

Relationship and Friendship Dynamics

● Relationship Analysis
○ Reflect on past relationships and friendships to assess their
alignment with your blueprint.
○ Acknowledge the positive neuroassociations gained from these
○ Seek relationships and friendships that resonate with your
blueprint for ultimate pleasure.
● Taking Action in Relationships
○ Actively pursue relationships and friendships that align with
your blueprint and values.
○ Build a supportive network of like-minded individuals who
uplift and inspire you.
○ Take proactive steps to replicate positive neuroassociations in
all areas of your life.

Designing Your Destiny

● Blueprint for Success

○ Design your destiny in accordance with your desires and
○ Cultivate a life filled with passion, purpose, and fulfillment.
○ Use neuroassociative conditioning to shape your reality and
manifest your dream life.
● Achieving Total Satisfaction
○ Strive for total satisfaction in every facet of your existence.
○ Pursue success in career, relationships, health, and personal
○ Embrace your hypersocial self as the key to unlocking ultimate
pleasure and fulfillment.

● Embracing Your Destiny

○ Embrace your hypersocial self and take action to realize your
dream life.
○ Utilize neuroassociative conditioning to align your actions with
your desired destiny.
○ Commit to ongoing progress and refinement as you strive to
become the best version of yourself.
● Continued Progress
○ Maintain momentum on your journey towards
self-actualization and ultimate pleasure.
○ Celebrate your achievements and learn from your experiences.
○ Keep refining your neuroassociations and blueprint for a life of
joy, passion, and fulfillment.

Neuroassociative Analysis:

Do a neuroassociative analysis meaning evaluate the set of links to pain and pleasure that are driving the
current set of behaviors and thus outcomes? Where is the person approach avoidant (linked pain ie fear)
and where are they approach automatic (linked pleasure)?

What links to pain (ie fear) and pleasure have you made that are giving you your current outcomes?

Where there is approach avoidance there is an underlying neuroassociative link to pain (ie fear).

Where there is approach automatic, there is an underlying neuroassociative link to pleasure.

Our brain automatically takes us towards pleasure and away from pain.

Identify links to pain (ie fear) to be deprogrammed.

Identify missing links to pleasure to be programmed.

Neuroassociative Analysis:

In the majors; building optionality and nurturing existing assets as the ultimate pleasure to become
approach automatic for building optionality in each of the majors as well as nurturing the existing assets
in each of the majors.


Neuroassociations (psychology)

Career & commercial skills



Personal finances

Household and personal care

Education & learning

Social life

In which of the majors is the individual automatic approach towards optionality building as well as
nurturing the existing asset. In which of the majors is the individual approach avoidant towards building
optionality and towards nurturing the existing asset?

When we identify automatic approach we can build upon it to strengthen it even further and where we
identify approach avoidance, we can deprogram negative neuroassociations (ie pain/fear) and
reprogram positive neuroassociations to pleasure.

We can then rely on our brain to help us automatically take action towards pleasure.

Michaels hypersocial self (Hercustotle) took automatic approach to building optionality as well as
nurturing existing assets and was a picture of perfect neuroassociative and neurophysiological health,
even on adderall. He was the peak in terms of neuroassociations and neurophysiological state.

Neurophysiological state transformation: Changing your neuroassociative links to pain and pleasure to
yield euphoria, joy, and happiness permanently.

Programmer vs. Programee:

Becoming concious of what we have linked pain and pleasure to and whether that link was conciously
formed by you as the programmer or if it was from you being a programee from society or your parents.

Design a psychology software that would aid in neuroassociative analysis, conditioning and personal

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