World of Darkness

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Decide on a concept and three Aspirations for your character.


These words describe key aspects of her personality. Similarly, you don’t want to pick a
Virtue or Vice that is covered by an Attribute or Skill.

A character’s Virtue is her higher calling, the personality trait that represents who she is
when she is being her best.

Vice is a character’s short-term comfort. It is the easy way out, the personality trait she takes
comfort in to avoid confronting her actual feelings or problems.

Choose a Virtue and a Vice for your character.

Prioritize categories. You have 5/4/3 dots to assign to the Attributes within each category

Intelligence: Intelligence is your character’s book smarts and ability to process data. It
represents memory, general knowledge, and ability to solve complex and difficult problems.
Attribute Tasks: Memorizing (Intelligence + Composure, instant action

Wits: Wits represents quick thinking and improvisation. A character with a high Wits
responds quickly to new information and situations. It also represents perception and the
ability to notice details and subtle tells.
Attribute Tasks: Perception (Wits + Composure, reflexive action), Catching a dropped
object (Wits + Dexterity, instant action)

Resolve: Resolve represents your character’s patience, concentration, and determination. A

high Resolve allows a character to focus despite distractions or discouragement.
Attribute Tasks: Meditation (Resolve + Composure, extended action), Staying Awake
(Resolve + Stamina, instant action)

Strength: Strength is a character’s muscular power and ability to use the force of her body.
It is used for a large number of physical tasks, and is important for most applications of
Attribute Tasks: Holding up a heavy object (Strength + Stamina, extended action)

Dexterity:Dexterity represents hand-eye coordination, agility, and physical speed. A

character with a high Dexterity has fast reactions, a good sense of balance, and accurate
control of physical force.
Attribute Task: Maintain balance (Dexterity + Composure, reflexive action)

Stamina:Stamina is your character’s general fitness and health. It is used for sustained
effort, as well as determining how much physical punishment your body can take.
Attribute Tasks: Resisting Interrogation (Stamina + Resolve, reflexive action)


Presence:Presence is a character’s raw charisma, assertiveness, and ability to command.

Characters with a high Presence dominate a room and are adept at changing people’s
thoughts and moods.
Attribute Tasks: Air of authority (Presence + Intelligence, instant action

Manipulation:Manipulation represents your character’s ability to choose his words, mask his
intentions, and convince others to go along with his ideas.
Attribute Tasks: Poker Face (Manipulation + Composure, reflexive action)

Composture:Composure is a character’s ability to keep control of her emotions and resist

others’ manipulations. It also represents poise, dignity, and the ability to keep a level head
when under fire (metaphorically or literally).
Attribute Tasks: Perception (Wits + Composure, reflexive action)

Prioritize categories. Distribute 11/7/4 dots among the Skills in the appropriate category.
Untrained Skills: However, there is a penalty due to the character’s complete unfamiliarity
with the Skill. For Physical and Social Skills, this penalty is -1. For Mental Skills, this penalty
is -3.

Mental Skills:
Represent knowledge, book learning, and understanding of facts or procedure.

++Academics: Represents general higher education and knowledge of arts and humanities.
Sample actions:
Recall historical facts (Intelligence + Academics)
Research (Resolve + Academics)
Translation (Intelligence + Academics)
Sample Specialties: English Literature, History, Law, Linguistics, Research
Sample contacts: Rare Book Dealer, Law Professor, Head Librarian

++Computer:Almost everyone in the modern day can turn on a computer, use the internet,
and perform basic searches. This Skill represents a character’s ability beyond that level.
Sample actions:
Hack into a computer system (Intelligence + Computer)
Internet and database searches (Wits + Computer)
Programming (Intelligence + Computer)
Sample Specialties: Data Retrieval, Digital Security, Hacking, Programming, User Interface
Design Sample contacts: AI Researcher, Hardcore Computer Gamer, White Hat Hacker
++Craft: The Crafts Skill represents a character’s knowledge of repairing, designing, and
creating things.
Sample actions:
Look for flaws (Wits + Crafts),
Design object (Intelligence + Crafts),
Repair item (Dexterity + Crafts)
Sample Specialties: Automotive, Carpentry, Jury Rigging, Sculpting, Welding
Sample contacts: Automotive Engineer, “Makerspace”

++Investigación:Investigation is a character’s ability to find and put together clues and

solve mysteries and puzzles.
Sample actions:
Examine a crime scene (Wits + Investigation),
Identify a pattern (Wits + Investigation),
Solve a riddle (Intelligence + Investigation)
Sample Specialties: Crime Scenes, Cryptography, Dreams, Forensic Accounting, Riddles
Sample contacts: Conspiracy Buff, Medical Examiner, Private Investigator

++Medicine:Medicine is a character’s knowledge of the human body and the medical

techniques used to keep it healthy
Sample actions: Diagnosis (Wits + Medicine), Perform surgery (Dexterity + Medicine), Treat
disease (Intelligence + Medicine)
Sample Specialties: Cardiology, First Aid, Pathology, Pharmacology, Surgery
Sample contacts: Bio-Tech Company Researcher, Chronic Patient, EMT

++Occult: The Occult Skill is a character’s knowledge of myth, folktales, and urban legends
about the strange things that exist in the dark corners of the world.
Sample actions: Debunk a fake (Intelligence + Occult), Identify a sliver of truth (Wits +
Occult), Relate similar myths (Intelligence + Occult)
Sample Specialties: Eastern European Folktales, Ghosts, Mothman Sightings, Psychic
Phenomena, Urban Legends
Sample contacts: Anthropology Professor, Neo-Pagan Author, Weird Hermit Down the

++Politics:Politics represents a character’s knowledge of political bodies, figures, and

Sample actions: Identify authority (Wits + Politics), Navigate bureaucracy (Resolve +
Politics), Mudslinging (Manipulation + Politics)
Sample Specialties: Bureaucracy, Local Politics, National Politics, Scandals, Specific
Political Party
Sample contacts: Personal Assistant to the Governor, Political Blogger, Union Leader

++Science:Science is a character’s understanding of the natural and physical sciences. It

includes subjects like biology, physics, chemistry, geology, and meteorology. Science is
useful for understanding how the world works.
Sample actions: Assess variables (Intelligence + Science), Perform experiment (Wits +
Science), Recall formula (Intelligence + Science)
Sample Specialties: Biology, Chemistry, Genetics, Optics, Particle Physics
Sample contacts: Experimental Physicist, Geology Professor, Mad Inventor

Physical skills

++Athletics: Athletics broadly covers a number of different areas of physical ability.

Sample actions: Acrobatics (Dexterity + Athletics), Climbing (Strength + Athletics), Running
(Stamina + Athletics)
Sample Specialties: Acrobatics, Basketball, Marathon Running, Rock Climbing, Throwing
Sample contacts: Parkour Enthusiast, Physical Therapist, Running Club Buddy

++Brawl: The Brawl Skill is the fine art of hurting another person with no weapons other
than the character’s own body.
Sample actions: Breaking boards (Strength + Brawl), Intimidating display (Presence +
Brawl), Identifying a fighting style (Intelligence + Brawl)
Sample Specialties: Blocking, Boxing, Grappling, Muay Thai, Throws
Sample contacts: Club Bouncer, Self-defense Teacher, Sparring Partner

++Drive:Drive is a broad Skill used for the operation of any motorized vehicle.
Sample actions: Pursuit (Dexterity + Drive), Stunt-Flying (Dexterity + Drive), Tailing (Wits +
Sample Specialties: Evasion, Motorcycles, Piloting, Racing, Stunts
Sample contacts: Bush Pilot, Mechanic, Street Racer

++Firearms: Firearms represents a character’s familiarity and comfort with guns.

Sample actions: Identifying a gun (Intelligence + Firearms), Pick a good firing position (Wits
+ Firearms), Trick shooting (Dexterity + Firearms)
Sample Specialties: Fast-Draw, Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, Sniping
Sample contacts: Gun store owner, Local law enforcement, Sharpshooter

++Larceny: Larceny covers the generally-illegal skills of breaking and entering, lock picking,
pickpocketing, safecracking, and similar activities
Sample actions: Casing a building (Wits + Larceny), Lock picking (Dexterity + Larceny),
Sleight of hand (Dexterity + Larceny)
Sample Specialties: Alarm Systems, Breaking and Entering, Lock Picking, Safecracking,
Sleight of Hand
Sample contacts: Shady Pawn Shop Owner, Parole Officer, Three-Card Monte Dealer.

++Stealth: Stealth is a character’s ability to stay hidden, unseen, and unheard

Sample actions: Losing a tail (Wits + Stealth), Shadowing (Wits + Stealth), Sneaking
(Dexterity + Stealth)
Sample Specialties: Crowds, Hiding, Moving Quietly, Shadowing, Stakeouts
Sample contacts: Bow Hunter, Burglar, Lookout from a Former Job

++Survival: Survival represents a character’s experience and ability to “live off the land.”
Sample actions: Foraging (Wits + Survival), Hunting (Wits + Survival), Sleeping in the open
(Stamina + Survival)
Sample Specialties: Foraging, Hunting, Navigation, Shelter, Weather
Sample contacts: Homeless Person, Offthe-grid Survivalist, Scout Master
++Weaponry: Weaponry is the ability to fight with hand-to-hand weapons.
Sample actions: Identify fighting style (Intelligence + Weaponry), Impressive display
(Dexterity + Weaponry), Size up opponent (Wits + Weaponry)
Sample Specialties: Clubs, Duels, Improvised Weapons, Knives, Swords
Sample contacts: Fencing Instructor, Gang Member, Western Martial Arts Enthusiast

Social skills

++Animal Ken: Animal Ken represents a character’s understanding of animal behavior.

Sample actions: Animal training (Composure + Animal Ken), Cowing an animal (Presence
+ Animal Ken), Soothing an animal (Presence + Animal Ken)
Sample Specialties: Dogs, Exotic Pets, Horses, Training, Wild Animals
Sample contacts: Crazy Cat Lady, Rodeo Horse Trainer, Zoo Veterinarian

++Empathy: Empathy is a character’s ability to read and understand others’ feelings and
Sample actions: Determine intentions (Wits + Empathy), Sense Deception (Wits +
Empathy), Soothe nerves (Manipulation + Empathy)
Sample Specialties: Buried Feelings, Calming, Emotions, Lies, Motives
Sample contacts: Shoulder to Cry On, Police Profiler, Psych Student

++Expression: Expression is the character’s ability to communicate his thoughts and

Sample actions: Composing a poem (Wits + Expression), Dance performance (Dexterity +
Expression), Reciting a prepared speech (Presence + Expression)
Sample Specialties: Dance, Journalism, Music Composition, Painting, Speeches
Sample contacts: Investigative Journalist, Political Speech Writer, Reclusive Poet

++Intimidation: Intimidation is the art of using fear to convince others to do what you want.
Sample actions: Show of force (Strength + Intimidation), Stare down (Presence +
Intimidation), Subtle threat (Manipulation + Intimidation)
Sample Specialties: Direct Threats, Interrogation, Murderous Stare, Torture, Veiled Threats
Sample contacts: Barroom Tough Guy, High-powered Executive, Police Interrogator

++Persuasion: Persuasion is about using influence, charm, and careful arguments to

change minds and influence behavior.
Sample actions: Fast talk (Manipulation + Persuasion), Impassioned plea (Presence +
Persuasion), Seduction (Manipulation + Persuasion)
Sample Specialties: Fast Talking, Inspiring, Sales Pitches, Seduction, Sermons
Sample contacts: Car Salesman, Speech Coach, Trial Lawyer

++Socialize: The Socialize Skill is the art of small talk, polite gestures, and fitting in. It
represents your ability to interact with people in a variety of social settings, from dive bars to
state dinners.
Sample actions: Carouse (Manipulation + Socialize), Fit in (Wits + Socialize), Get attention
(Presence + Socialize)
Sample Specializations: Bar hopping, College parties, Formal events, Political fundraisers,
Private clubs
Sample contacts: Diplomat, Drinking Buddy, Society Matron

++Streetwise: A character with the Streetwise Skill understands how life on the streets
works, and is adept at surviving and thriving by its rules.
Sample actions: Find a shortcut (Wits + Streetwise), Get the word on the street
(Manipulation + Streetwise), Work the black market (Manipulation + Streetwise)
Sample Specialties: Black market, Gangs, Navigation, Rumors, Undercover work
Sample contacts: Bartender in a Rough Part of Town, Drug Dealer, Undercover Cop

++Subterfuge: Subterfuge is the fine art of deception. With Subterfuge, a character can lie
convincingly, recognize when she is being lied to, or convey hidden meaning in what she
Sample actions: Conceal emotions (Composure + Subterfuge), Disguise (Wits +
Subterfuge), Lying (Manipulation + Subterfuge)
Sample Specialties: Detecting lies, Hidden meanings, Hiding emotions, Long cons,
Sample contacts: Con Artist, Crooked Politician, Outof-work Actor


Choose three Skill Specialties.

Skills are very broad abilities, representing whole fields of knowledge or training. A Skill
Specialty is a more focused application of a Skill, representing a specific subcategory of the
Skill that the character is particularly talented or trained in. Skill Specialties allow you to
personalize your character more. Two characters with very similar Skills can feel very
different in play, if they have different Specialties.

If your character has an applicable Specialty when you are rolling a Skill, you gain a +1
modifier, allowing you to roll an additional die

Select seven dots of Merits:
Merits represent a character’s unique abilities and assets. They can cover anything from her
wealth to her uncanny ability to knock out her opponents.


Willpower is equal to Resolve + Composure.

Integrity is 7.
Size is 5.
Health is Size + Stamina.
Speed equals Strength + Dexterity + 5.
Initiative Modifier is Dexterity + Composure.
Defense is the lower of Wits or Dexterity, plus Athletics.

Chronicles of Darkness characters start with three Aspirations. Aspirations are goals that
your character wishes to accomplish. They’re also statements about the sort of stories you
want to tell about your character

Long term aspiration

Medium term aspiration
Short term aspiration

It is also okay to select Aspirations that your character doesn’t want, but that you want to see
happen to the character. For example, your character almost certainly doesn’t want to be
kidnapped by the man with the gray face that used to be her father, but that might be a story
that you are interested in seeing. You can choose Aspirations that represent you trying and
failing to do something. You can have an Aspiration like “Fail to find proof of the existence of
ghosts,” or “Fail to reconcile with Jane,” if you think that it will make a more interesting story.
Even though the character has failed at what she wants, you as the player still get the
reward for completing that Aspiration.

Breaking points

During character creation, it might be advisable for the Storyteller to come up with several
hypothetical situations, so that the player can determine if, in her judgment, those situations
would be breaking points

Roll a die
Roll Results:
Success: Your character’s action goes off as planned. Achieved by having at least one
success (a die showing 8, 9, or 10; or a chance die showing 10).
Failure: Your character’s action fails. This doesn’t mean “nothing happens,” just that she
doesn’t get what she wants and complications are headed her way. Occurs when you roll no
Exceptional Success: Your character’s action succeeds beyond her expectations.
Achieved by rolling five or more successes(Every die that comes up as a 10 is a success.).
Your character gains a beneficial Condition. (See “Conditions,” p. 75.) Usually, the Inspired
Condition is the most appropriate. You can give this Condition to another character when it’s
appropriate to the story.
Dramatic Failure: If your pool drops below one die, you instead roll a single chance
die.Your character fails badly, and things are about to get a whole lot worse. Suffered when
you roll a 1 on a chance die. Alternately, once per scene, you can take a Beat in exchange
for turning a normal failure into a dramatic failure.

Circumstance and Equipment Sometimes,

fortune favors your character. Other times, she gives it a helping hand by packing the right
tools for the job. The Storyteller should weigh how the circumstances affect a character’s
chance of success. A slight advantage — picking an old and damaged lock — might be
worth a bonus die, while a stressful situation — trying to pick a lock while people are
shooting at you — might subtract three dice from your pool. Most of the time, the modifier
from circumstances will be between +3 and –3

Muddling Through
If your character has no dots in an applicable Skill, the Storyteller may allow you to roll your
Attribute as a dice pool. Your character’s dice pool suffers a penalty for being untrained: if
the roll would involve a Mental Skill, you take a three-die penalty, while a Physical or Social
Skill applies a one-die penalty


The majority of actions in the game are instant actions. They represent acts that only take a
couple of seconds. In combat, an instant action takes up your turn.

A reflexive action is the sort of thing you don’t even need to think about doing. Most rolls to
resist supernatural powers are reflexive. You can take a reflexive action at any time, and
it doesn’t take your turn in combat.

When two people fight over a specific goal, they engage in a contested action. You roll
your dice pool and the Storyteller (or other player) rolls the dice pool for the other party.
Whoever rolls the most successes is the victor.

Extended action

An extended action is an attempt to complete a complex task. You roll your dice pool
multiple times. Each roll takes a certain amount of time, and represents a step in the
process. . You determine your dice pool for the action as normal — Attribute + Skill +
Make a note of your Attribute + Skill + Specialty (if any); that’s the maximum number of
times you can roll before the action fails.

When you take an extended action, the Storyteller determines how many successes you
require. Most actions require between five and twenty successes

Five reflects a reasonable action that competent characters can achieve with the right tools
and knowledge.
Ten represents a difficult action that’s still realistic for a professional in a field.
Twenty represents a very difficult action that even a particularly skilled character will have
trouble pulling off.

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: In addition to the effects of a failure, the first roll on a further attempt
suffers a 2-die penalty.
Failure: You face a setback. The Storyteller will offer you a choice: take a Condition of her
choice or abandon the action. You can offer a different Condition if you think it makes sense.
If you refuse or cannot agree on a Condition, you lose all accumulated successes (see
“Conditions,” p. 75).
Success: Add the successes scored on the roll to your running total. Work with the
Storyteller to determine what steps your character has taken towards his goal.
Exceptional Success: Choose one of: Reduce the number of successes required by your
character’s Skill dots, reduce the time on each following roll by a quarter, or apply the
exceptional success result of the action when you complete your goal


Sometimes, an action is resisted. You roll your Attribute + Skill, but apply a modifier of one of
your opponent’s resistance Attributes. Resistance applies in situations where the number of
successes on the roll is an important factor. If what matters is just whether the roll succeeds
or not, use a contested action.

Turn — The smallest increment of time, a turn lasts for about three seconds. A character
can perform a single instant action in a turn. Turns normally only matter in combat or other
dramatic and stressful situations
Scene — Much like a scene in a play, a scene in a roleplaying game is the time spent
dealing with a single, specific event. The Storyteller frames the scene, describing what’s
going on, and it’s up to the players to resolve the event or conflict. A scene might be played
out in turns, progress in real time, or skip forward, depending on dramatic necessity.
Chapter — A chapter is the collection of scenes that happen during one game session.
From the moment you sit down and start playing to the point where you pack up your dice,
you’re playing out a chapter of your story.
Story — A story tells an entire tale, following the dramatic arc of a related series of events. It
might be comprised of several chapters or be completed in just one. It has an introduction,
rising tension, a number of twists, and a climax that brings things to a conclusion.
• Chronicle — The big picture; a chronicle is the collection of interlinked stories that involve
your characters. They might be linked by a common theme or overarching plotline, or they
may only share characters and locations. As your story progresses, the players and
Storyteller work together to create an ongoing chronicle.

A character’s Willpower represents her determination and her ability to go above and beyond
what should be possible to achieve her goals. Spending a point of Willpower adds a
three-die bonus to most dice pools, or +2 to a Resistance trait. You can only spend one
point of Willpower per action. A character regains one point of spent Willpower for each full
night’s sleep she g

Human characters encountering the supernatural suffer great strains to their composure, as
well as to their very psyches. The measure of a person’s self-image, her psyche, and her
soul’s health is called Integrity.

When a character experiences a breaking point, the player or Storyteller rolls Resolve +
Composure with a modifier based on the character’s Integrity rating:
Integrity Modifier

8-10 +2

6-7 +1

5-4 0

3-2 -1

1-2 -2

The Storyteller can also impose modifiers based on how heinous the breaking point is,
relative to the character’s experience. The chart below gives some suggestions, but again,
the Storyteller and the player are encouraged to develop the character’s moral framework
and life experience to the point that modifiers can be customized. Modifiers are cumulative,
but the total modifier from circumstances should not exceed +/– five dice.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character’s worldview has been damaged, perhaps beyond repair.
The character suffers from traumatic stress. Lose a dot of Integrity and choose from the
following Conditions (or create a new one with Storyteller approval): Broken, Fugue, or
Madness. Also, take a Beat.
Failure: The character’s worldview has been shaken and he probably questions his sense of
self, his ability to relate to people, his own moral worth, or his sanity. Lose a dot of Integrity
and choose one of the following Conditions (or create a new one with Storyteller
approval): Guilty, Shaken, or Spooked.
Success: The character has come through the breaking point intact. He might feel guilty or
upset about what happened, but he can cope. Choose one of the following Conditions (or
create a new one with Storyteller approval): Guilty, Shaken, or Spooked.
Exceptional Success: The character somehow manages to not only survive the breaking
point but to also find meaning in it, to reaffirm his own self-worth, or to pass through fire and
be tempered by it. The character takes a Beat and regains a point of Willpower.


A character can improve her chances of resisting a breaking point by meditating. Meditation
is an extended action with a pool of Composure + Wits, target successes of 4, and an
interval of 30 minutes. After successfully meditating, the character gets a +1 bonus to her
next breaking point roll. Once this bonus is used or the character sleeps, it disappears, and
must be regained by meditating again.

Soothing music or relaxation tapes can provide a +1 to +2 equipment bonus. A dedicated

meditation room, perhaps in the character’s Safe Place, provides +3. Loud noises, an
uncomfortable environment, or lack of sleep inflict a -1 penalty each. Lack of food inflicts a -1
to -3 penalty.

A player earns Beats for his character in many ways (listed below). When your character has
gained five Beats, they convert to one Experience, which can be used to develop your
character’s abilities.

Experience Costs
Spend the following amounts of Experiences to improve your character.
Attribute: 4 Experiences per dot
Merit: 1 Experience per dot Skill
Specialty: 1 Experience
Skill: 2 Experiences per dot
Integrity: 2 Experiences per dot

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