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Training Course on Biogas Technology


APEC Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group

May 2013
APEC Project:ATC 04 12A
Training Course on Biogas Technology

Produced by
Associate Professor
Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture
P. R. China

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretarial
35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119616
Tel: (65)68919600
Fax: (65) 68919690

© 2013 APEC Secretariat


1. Basic data ............................................................................................. .............................. 3
1.1 Relevance ......................................................................................................... ............ 3
1.2 Objectives ....................................................................................... .............................. 4
1.3 Activity Locations ................................................................................... ...................... 5
1.4 Project Plan of Implementations ................................................................................. 5
1.5 Agenda of Key Dates Activities............................................................................. ........ 7
1.6 Participant Economies .................................................................. ............................. 9
1.7 Expert Details ................................................................................................... 13
1.8 Summery of Management Arrangements ................................................................. 14
1.8.1 Project Overseer and Assistants: ........................................................................ 14
1.8.2 Gender: .................................................................................. ............................. 14
1.8.3 Cost Efficiency: .................................................................................................... 15
1.8.4 Risk Management .................................................................. ............................. 15
2. Key outputs ...................................................................................................................... 17
3 Summary Report ................................................................ ......18
3.1 Steps taken to meet objectives .......................................................................................18
3.2 Achievements............................................................................... ............................................19

4. Overall Impact and Lessons Learned ............................................................................... 20

4.1 Beneficiaries ................................................................................... .......................... 20
4.2 Disseminations ......................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Lessons Learned .......................................................................... ............................. 20
5. Conclusions and Future Work .......................................................................................... 22
5.1 Conclusions ...................................................................................... ........................ 22
5.2 Future Work ............................................................................................................. 22

1. Basic data

1.1 Relevance

The world economy has been developing in a sustainable, renewable and recyclable
direction. Renewable energy is the development tendency in all APEC economies.
How to find the alternative energy has been of great significance to handle the
problems and keep on with sustainable agricultural development. Biogas technology
stands out, which is an important green energy effective in waste treatment for
mitigation of GHG emission which relates directly to climate change. Secondly, the
application of digestate, the product after biogas digestion will help to establish
green farming substituting chemical fertilizer. Besides, the problem of hygiene and
health that bothers the population in rural area needs to be controlled by developing
biogas technology which could interdict the transmission of parasitic ova and
pathogen bacteria by anaerobic fermentation. In addition, the adoption of the
technology in rural area might replace the consumption of conventional fuels such as
fire wood and coal in farmer households as a way to protect forestry.

At the first APEC Ministerial Meeting on Food Security in Niigata in 2010, the
Ministers acknowledged in the Niigata Declaration on APEC Food Security that global
food security is “at a crossroads” as the population continues to grow, and
agricultural production continues to be constrained due to several factors including
the adverse effects of climate change. The Declaration further points out that
agriculture depends heavily on natural resources such as land and water, and
generates both positive and negative environmental externalities in terms of land,
soil, water, landscape and biodiversity.

Under this background, the training course is initiated to provide a platform for
sharing information and technological expertise on the issues related to application
of biogas technology among APEC economies and for the whole APEC region. The
application of biogas technology will be highlighted in the training.

The features of biogas technology benefit not only the poor in developing APEC
economies but also the rich in developed APEC economies. In this regard, it is urgent
to develop and utilize biomass by means of multi-lateral technical training on biogas

1.2 Objectives

 Discuss the economic and social benefit of biogas technology for the energy
recovery waste treatment as a solution to climate change and food security
to publicise the significance, applicability and adaptability of biogas
technology in APEC economies.

 Identify the needs and areas of collaborative research and development on

biogas technology in the APEC region to make aware of the applicability and
adaptability of the technology.

 Come up with recommendations on effective governance frameworks for

wider dissemination and adoption of adaptation strategies with mitigation
potential at the national and local levels in APEC economies by introducing
the existing logistic forces and regulations that systemize the development
of biogas technology in China and other technical-advanced countries so as
to lead a clear way to the APEC economies to make planning for the
technical development.

 Enhance cooperation and communication of biogas technical development

and build interest in technical exchange and transfer among APEC
economies by establishing database and knowledge bank that is to be
managed by the project organizer and shared by all APEC economies in
regards to demand and supply of certain technologies and equipments as
well as outstanding experts in this field who could provide technical

1.3 Activity location

Chengdu, P.R.China

1.4 Project plan and actual implementation

Role of Project
Actual Beneficiaries and
Schedule Activities and outputs
implementation APEC Member

August October 2012 to Participants enrollment Participating

2012 to November 2012 economies to
 Delivery of enrolment
September provide timely
2012 confirmation of
 Selecting candidates their participation
 Distribution of invitation to
expected participants

September November 2012 Curriculum establishment  Participating

2012 economies to
 Survey to participating
complete the survey
economies on the training
on training demand.
demand in the regards of
participants’ education
background and working
 Member Economies
experience, local conditions to give suggestions
such as climate, geographical on topics and
conditions, livestock and teaching
poultry raising style, energy methodologies.
demand and utilization of
 Discussion among teaching
faculty of the training about
key points and difficult points
that should be presented by
proper teaching methods

September November 2012 Preparation for venue, Participating

2012 accommodation, economies to
transportation arrangements confirm logistical
& other logistical support needs and other

Role of Project
Actual Beneficiaries and
Schedule Activities and outputs
implementation APEC Member
October November 2012 Training course organization  Participating
2012 to December economies to
2012 provide necessary
support to the
 Member Economies
to monitor the
quality of the

1.5 Agenda of Activities
Institution of
Date Day Time Activity Presenter Venue
8:30-9: Orientation/
10 Opening
Research Center
for New Material
Lecture 1: Biogas Prof. Dr. Deng of Rural Energy
development in Yu (Deputy Development, Chengdu
Nov. :30
Mon. China Director) Chinese Academy
of Agricultural
Lecture 2: Design Prof. SHI
14:30-1 and Construction Guozhong
BIOMA Chengdu
7:30 of domestic (Deputy
digester Director)
Visit 1: Hongqi Huayang
company of fiber Prefecture
Nov. plastic digester , Chengdu
27 Visit 2: Ancient Huanglon
Huanglongxi gxi Village,
Village Chengdu
Prof. Dr.
Lecture 3: Large
8:30-11 and medium size
Liangwei (Environmental Chengdu
:30 biogas plant in
(Chief engineering)
Nov. China
Wed. Engineer)
Lecture 4:
14:30-1 Operation and Prof. MEI Zili BIOMA (Biogas
7:30 management of (Director) Engineering)
large biogas plant
Research Center
for New Material
Lecture 5:
of Rural Energy
8:30-11 Bioenergy Dr. Tang
Development, Chengdu
:30 Evaluation and Xiaoyu
Chinese Academy
the Practice
Nov. of Agricultural
29 Sciences
Experiment: Sichuan Biogas
Separation and Engineering
14:30-1 Dr. Ma BIOMA
cultivation of Research Center
7:30 Shichun lab
anaerobic (Expression of
microoragism functional genes

Institution of
Date Day Time Activity Presenter Venue
in Thermophilic
sequencing and
On-site study 1:
Biogas plant for Associate Sichuan Biogas Qionglai
power generation Prof. Lei Engineering City,
Nov. on Jinli swine Yunhui Research Center Sichuan
30 farm
On-site study 2: Associate Sichuan Biogas Xinjin
Straw-fed biogas Prof. Han Engineering County,
plant Zhiyong Research Center Chengdu
Lecture 6:
GIZ China Task
Advanced Prof. Dr.
8:30-11 Manager for the
technology for Bernhard Chengdu
:30 disposal Industr
biogas energy Raninger
Dec. production
1 Lecture 7:
Technical and
14:30-1 Prof. Dr. Rolf Zhejiang
Economical Chengdu
7:30 KLOSS University,
Optimization of
Biogas Plants
Visit 3:
8:30-15 Dujiangya
Dec. :00 n City
Sun. Irrigation System
Closing Chengdu

1.6 Participant economies
No. Economy Name Gender Institution, Position and Contact
1. China Wei Xiuli Female Chongqing Academy of Agricultural
Assistant Research Fellow,
2. China Zhao Lijie Female Yunnan Niuneng Environmental
Protection Engineering Co. Ltd.
Deputy Chief of Design Division,
3. Chile Max Cooper Male Agriculture trade, studies and
Larrain politics office. ODEPA, Ministry of
4. Chile Macario Male Institute of Agriculture
Achondo Development, INDAP, Ministry of
Larraín Agriculture
5. Indonesia Yuniawan Male National Animal Health Training
Center Cinagara
6. Indonesia Muryanto Male Central Java Assessment Institute
for Agricultural Technology
7. Philippines Alan Anida Male Soil Research Division Bureau of
Soils and Water Management
8. Philippines Reymer Male Research Division Bureau of Animal
Martinez Industry
9. Malaysia Mohd Male Ministry of Energy, Green
Hafdzuan Technology and Water
Adzmi Assistant Secretary,
10. Thailand Phisit Male Chiang Mai University
Seesuriyachan Engineer,
11. Thailand Kris Male Chiang Mai University
Likit-anurak Engineer,
12. Viet Nam Tran Male Department of Crop Production
QuangChieu MARD
13. Viet Nam Bui Hai Nguyen Male Department of Livestock Production

Opening Ceremony

Presentation given by Dr. Raninger

Field trip to rural households

Visit to manufacturer of reinforced fiber plastic digester

Experiment in laboratory

1.7 Expert details

No. Economy Name Gender Institution, Position and Contact

1. Germany Bernhard Male Prof.Dr. Phil
Raninger Project Director
GIZ China Task Manager for the
disposal Industry
T: +86 (0) 10 65087080 Ext. 200
F: +86 (0) 10 65087689
M China: +86 138 1151 4020
2. Germany Rolf Kloss Male Prof.Dr.Ing.
Zhejiang University
Institute of Biomechatronic
Director of the CBEB Sino-German
Centre of Bio-Energy and Biomass
+86-13067731456 (Mobile)
3. China Prof.Dr. Deng Male Deputy Director General
Yu Research Center for New Material of
Rural Energy Development,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Research field: anaerobic
microorganisms, efficient
biotransformation technology
4. China Dr. Tang Xiaoyu Female Assistant professor
Research Center for New Material of
Rural Energy Development,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Research field: Biomass conversion,
Ethanol fermentation, Membrane
separation and membrane process
5. China Ma Shichun Female Assistant professor
Sichuan Biogas Engineering Research
Research field: Expression of
functional genes in Thermophilic
anaerobe; genome evolution;
high-throughput genome sequencing
and analysis; microbial genetics;
cellulolytic bacteria
Chengdu, China
6. China Lei Yunhui Male Associate Professor
Sichuan Biogas Engineering Research
Research field: wastewater

treatment, straw biogas fermentation
7. China Dr. Han Male Assistant professor
Zhiyong Sichuan Biogas Engineering Research
Research field: Municipal Solid Waste
Treatment and Disposal, Waste
Chengdu, China

1.8 Summery of management arrangements

1.8.1 Project overseer and assistants

 Project overseer
Mr. FANG Xiang, MS. of agricultural sciences, Deputy Director General of Biogas
Institute of Ministry of Agriculture, experienced in international program

 Project overseer is assisted by Mr. Ren Xiaobin

Mr. Ren Xiaobin, Director of Training and Information Research Center, Biogas
Institute of Ministry of Agriculture, having rich experience in managing training

 Project overseer is assisted by Ms. Zhao Yuexin

Ms. Zhao Yuexin, Professor, Deputy Director of Training and Information Research
Center, Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture, experienced in biogas research and
development, as well as international project management.

 Project overseer is assisted by Ms. Long Yan

Ms. Long Yan, Associate Professor, program official of Training and Information
Research Center, Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture, experienced in managing
training programs and international projects.

1.8.2 Gender

The project overseer will take care to implement the project in a manner sensitive to
gender considerations, and to ensure that it benefits equally men and women.
During the planning stages, the overseer will actively seek to achieve gender balance
in the selection of workshop speakers. During the nomination phase, APEC

member economies will be encouraged to nominate qualified women participants,
where appropriate. Care will be taken to ensure that the workshop and all related
administrative arrangements are executed in a gender-neutral manner, and in
particular in a manner that does not disadvantage women. And the assessment
questionnaire will include gender criteria. Women are encouraged to participate in
the preparation and implementation of the project.

This project will be conducive to improve capacity of all APEC economies on in

related field so as to ensure food security for all the APEC economies. The
participation of women and the spread of outcomes make female researchers,
administrators and farmers broaden their eyes, encourage their interests in the
related issues, and improve their expertise. With the enhancement of the capacity,
the women who are involved in this sector will directly benefit from this project. The
competitiveness of these women in APEC member economies will thus be enhanced.

What’s more important, the project aims at the solution to energy shortage and
waste treatment. By disseminating biogas technology, the relevant problems may be
solved in the APEC economies in that the women could be liberated from heavy work
of firewood cutting and collection from forest instead of using the green biogas as
domestic fuel. The treatment to the agricultural and animal waste may also be
efficient in improving the farmers’ living environment, thus women may benefit from
a better sanitation conditions.

1.8.3 Cost efficiency:

To ensure the cost efficiency, the training will last just for 14 days with a tight agenda.
The existing relevant projects outcomes, research findings and published documents
will be fully utilised to avoid the cost of duplicating work. Consultations will also help
maximize the value derived from project funding. Moreover, the APEC rules and
procedures will be followed strictly, and most direct and economical travel should be
ensured to minimize the travel costs. Besides, qualified experts, presentations and
discussions as well as the project report should also be ensured.

1.8.4 Risk management

 Duplication
- The proposed project is not duplicated with all of the APEC projects and activities.
Possible risk management strategies: close consultation and cooperation with
relevant economies.
 Economies may not respond to the invitation on time.
- Communications may be carried out among economies to popularize the project

 The invitation may not be distributed to the right participants.
- Economies may be informed of the criteria of recommending participants.
 The curriculum may not be practical and suitable to participating economies or
participants’ demand.
- Surveys will be distributed and collected to adjust to participants’ demand.
Economies’ conditions for disseminating biogas technicality will be the basis to
determine curriculum content.
Lack of interest in the seminar-workshop. Lower expected number of participants.
 The logistical arrangements may not satisfy every participant.
- Full communication with participants will be made before logistics arranged.
 The training may encounter unexpected loopholes and accidents.
- Rules will be established as manuals for participants and organizing committee to
- An emergency management team will be established to tackle accidents.
 Project report may not conclude every aspect of the project.
- Conclusion may be made on the base of daily record and participants’ feedback.
 Internet database may not work efficiently.
- Information of technical progress, demand and supply may be updated on internet

2. Key outputs

The project is a response to the capacity-building needs of APEC developing

economies in the area of biogas technology, a potential developing tendency to cope
with the environmental pollution and energy shortage which directly impact secure
food production, a key priority for APEC.

The objective of this project was to initiate and sustain information exchange among
resource speakers and participating APEC economies. It identified adaptation
strategies in energy recovery from agricultural waste treatment.

A major project activity was training activities made up of lectures, on-site practice
and study tours for discussion and elicitation about how to apply the advanced
technologies for effective governance strategies towards the widespread adoption in
APEC economies. Policy makers and implementers, academics and practitioners from
APEC economies have been invited to participate in the event.

The key output of the project is a procedding of the shared presentations on

different topics of biogas technology, and after this main part of the project was
completed, the original project was extended to build on the trace survey of
knowledge transfer effectiveness among participants. The outcome of the extension
is a website developed as a platform for information sharing.

An website was established to share presentations as follows:
username APEC, password APEC

3. Summary Report

3.1 Steps taken to meet objectives

To finish the task successfully, we did following work:

Phase 1 (October to November 2013):

(a) Develop concept paper and inquiry notes for the project, including pertinent
project background, purpose, risks and outputs;
(b) Curriculum establishment based on the analysis on objectives, market orientation
and status of the technical development;
(c) Draft training methodology, including lectures, on-site practice and study tours
for knowledge transfer;
(d) Identify trainers, technical resource personals and logistic personnel for the
training plan and sessions; potential participants, speakers and program were
tentatively sketched;
(e) Discuss methodology with project overseer;
(f) Develop project timeline to assure timely outcomes;

Phase 2 November 2012 to February 2013)

(a) Administer survey;
-Training questionnaire on demand and assessment.
-Training organization. A wide range of knowledge was covered by lectures,
discussions, hands-on experiments and study tours.
-Knowledge transfer. A readily available information and easier transaction between
economies were developed. Further communication among APEC economies were
achieved by the web page established at PO’s website to initiate regular discussions
of regional issues.
(b) Organize results and analyze findings;
(c) Review preliminary report with project overseer, prepare report and submit to
project overseer;
(d) Edit and submit Completion Report to project overseer by Feb, 2013

3.2 Conclusions

The economic and social benefit of biogas technology were discussed for the energy
recovery from waste treatment as a solution to climate change and food security to
publicise the significance, applicability and adaptability of biogas technology in APEC

The needs and areas of collaborative research and development on biogas

technology in the APEC region were identified to make aware of the applicability and
adaptability of the technology.

Effective governance frameworks were recommended for wider dissemination and

adoption of adaptation strategies with mitigation potential at the national and local
levels in APEC economies by introducing the existing logistic forces and regulations
that systemize the development of biogas technology in China and other
technical-advanced countries so as to lead a clear way to the APEC economies to
make planning for the technical development.

Cooperation and communication were enhanced for biogas technical development

and interest in technical exchange and transfer among APEC economies was built by
establishing database and knowledge bank at the project organizer’s website
sharable by all APEC economies in regards to demand and supply of certain
technologies and equipments as well as outstanding experts in this field who could
provide technical consultancy.

4. Overall impact and lessons learned

4.1 Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries of the project include government agencies, private sector particularly

those from the energy development enterprises and livestock and poultry farm
practitioners who have the intention for energy recovery from waste treatment.
Government agencies of APEC member economies will be gaining the most from this
training being the competent implementing bodies in the aspects of technical
boosting, policy making and standardization establishment for healthy development
of the technology.

4.2 Dissemination

The training and its publications will feature project report and other documents
that will be produced from the activity will include economy presentation from the
delegates summarizing their farm practices, handouts and reference materials from
the speakers, experiences and vital information that may contribute to the
improvement of the project output. Confidentiality of the documents will depend
upon the discretion of participants or speakers base on the sensitivity of the issues
included within.

About 30 hard copies will be prepared and 30 CDs will be provided, the copyrights of
work belong to APEC. The report will comply with the APEC publications guidelines.
Publication plan includes (1) Draft report will be given to all participants of the
project; (2) Revised draft (upon compliance to the APEC publication guidelines,
consultants and speakers inputs; (3) Download to APEC website; (5) Distribution of
project outputs to APEC economies and with APEC Agricultural Technical Working
Group members.

Project overseer will see to the quality of the project outputs, such as subjecting this
to professional editing, before publication and distribution. The outputs should be
reported to ATCWG and accessed through the APIP.

4.3 Lessons learned

The late issue of passports of some participants. As a measure of backup, letters

stating the invitation to the participants were emailed to the corresponding
embassies for the request of urgent treatment of visa. Anyhow, all participants

managed to arrive on time according to the updated schedule and gave no impact on
the event.

The second unexpected matter was that one of the participants nominated cancelled
his attendance and caused a last-minute nomination. In this case, information of
more nominees might be stored for the sake of absence in the participation.

Generally, understanding of the APEC project guidebook and communication with

the project secretary were very helpful and should be done earlier to avoid
unnecessary mistakes.

5. Conclusions and future work

5.1 Conclusions

The project falls under Rank 2 of the APEC 2012 funding criteria as it directly
supports the Leaders' Growth Strategy by advancing the implementation of the
Niigata APEC Action Plan on Food Security. It addresses the capacity-building needs
of APEC developing economies in the area of biogas technology, a potential
developing tendency to cope with the environmental pollution and energy shortage
which directly impact secure food production, a key priority for APEC.

This project intended to initiate and sustain information exchange among resource
speakers and participating APEC economies. It identified adaptation strategies in
energy recovery from agricultural waste treatment. Participants discussed and
elicited recommendations on effective governance strategies towards the
widespread adoption in APEC economies. Policy makers and implementers,
academics and practitioners from APEC economies have been invited to participate
in the training course.

By means of lectures, on-site practice and study tours, the training was held from Oct.
16 to 22, 2012 (7 days) in Chengdu, China. The number of participants is 13 from 7
economies. With joint effort from project organizer, speakers, APEC secretary and
participants, the project was completed with every success.

5.2 Future work

Based on the achievements of this project, more activities will be continued in the
promotion of biogas technology within APEC framework with following creative:

1. To connect biogas industry in APEC economies for the knowledge sharing and
market information.
2. To bridge the developed economies with the developing economies to
shorten the gap in the development of technical know-how.
3. To hold Exhibitions of industries products and improve the cooperation via
free and open trade and investment.
4. To establish biogas promotion centres with the support from governments in
APEC economies, providing technical assistance based on the local conditions
and demand.


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