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Subject: Biology Class: SSS 2

1.Which of the following is NOT a goal of conservation? (a) Protect biodiversity (b) Restore
degraded ecosystems (c) Increase human population growth (d) Sustainably manage natural
2. What is the term for the loss of conservation due to human activities? (a) Habitat
degradation (b) Extinction (c) Deforestation (d) Pollution
3. Which of the following is a major threat to coral reefs? (a) Overfishing (b) Climate change
(c) Pollution (d) All of the above
4. What is the purpose of a protected area? (a) To allow for the extraction of natural resources
(b) To provide a safe haven for wildlife (c) To promote tourism (d) To facilitate agricultural
5. Which of the following is a renewable resource? (a) Fossil fuels (b) Minerals (c) Soil (d)
6.Which of the following is NOT the way the government can preserve our natural resources?
(a) enacting laws and policies (b) sensitization of citizens on the importance of conservation
(c) establishment of agency for proper monitoring of our resources (d) buying and selling
7. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of conservation? (a) Improved air and water
quality (b) Increased food security (c) Reduced risk of natural disasters (d) Increased
8. What is the role of conservation biologists? (a) To study the causes and consequences of
biodiversity loss (b) To develop strategies for protecting and restoring ecosystems (c) To
educate the public about conservation issues (d) All of the above
9. Which of the following is an example of a sustainable practice? (a) Using renewable
energy sources (b) Planting native trees (c) Reducing water consumption (d) All of the above
10. What is the ultimate goal of conservation? (a) To preserve all species and ecosystems
indefinitely (b) To ensure the sustainable use of natural resources (c) To restore degraded
ecosystems and prevent further biodiversity loss (d) To eliminate human impact on the
11. Which of the following is not a method to control and prevent pests (a) Biological control
(b) Dilution control (c) Chemical control (d) Physical control
13. Which of the following is a challenge to conservation efforts? (a) Climate change (b)
Habitat loss (c) Invasive species (d) All of the above
14. Which of the problem is associated with conservation practices? (a) they provide essential
benefits to human well-being, such as clean air and water (b) they can be directly affected by
humans activities (c) they are not affected by human activities (d) they are only found in
pristine ecosystems
15. Which of the following is a conservation success story? (a) The recovery of the bald eagle
population in the United States (b) The establishment of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
(c) The reduction of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest (d) All of the above
16. Which of the following is a personal action that can contribute to conservation? (a)
Reducing energy consumption (b) Recycling and composting (c) Afforestation and Crop (d)
All of the above
17. What is the importance of conservation education? (a) It can raise awareness about
conservation issues and inspire people to take action (b) It is not necessary because people
are already aware of the importance of conservation (c) It is only effective for children (d) It
is only important for people who work in conservation.
18. Which of the following is NOT a type of pest? (a) insect (b) man (c) nematodes (d) Weed.
19. What is the term for pests that carry diseases or cause damage to plants and animals? (a)
Beneficial organisms (b) Pests (c) Predators (d) Parasites
20. Which of the following is an example of a non-insect pest? (a) Tick (b) Grasshopper (c)
Rodent (d) Bird
21. What is the purpose of cultural pest control methods (a) To remove pests by hand-
picking (b) To use farm practices to prevent pests (c) To introduce natural enemies of pests
(d) To use chemicals to eliminate pests
22. Which of the following is NOT a classification of insect pests? (a) piercing and sucking
(b) quailing insect (c) bitting and chewing insects (d) boring insect
23. Which of the following is the best definition of a pest? (a) An organism that benefits other
organisms (b) An organism that causes damage to other organisms (c) An organism that is
found in large numbers (d) An organism that is not native to an area
24. Which of these statements is true about the effects or economic importance of Insects
Pests in crop production?
I. Farmers income become buoyant
II. They propagate vector diseases
III. Crops are destroyed
IV. Total death of crop plants
(a) I, II and III (b) I, III and IV (c) II, III and IV (d) I and IV
25. Which of the following is not an example of chemicals used to control pest? (a) avicides
(b) rodenticides (c) insectomanicide (d) nematicides.
(25 marks).

Answer all the questions under this section…
1a. Explain the following terms
I. Conservation
II. Endangered species
1b. Explain briefly the following
I. Renewable resources II. Non Renewable resources
1c. Give at least three (3) examples of each
2a. State five (5) needs or reason for conservation
2b. List five (5) problems and difficulties associated with conservation.
3a. Use this table to discuss two pest of crops under the following….
Pest of Crops Crop Attacked Effect or economic Control



3B. List six pest of crops.

4A. I. Define Pest

II. Briefly discuss the Classification of Pest
4B. State 4 effects or economic importance of insects pest in crop production.

(35 marks)

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