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1. Living thing need……….

2. What would happen if we didn’t haeve water and food?

3. Living thing need food for?
4. Grup of living thing Group of living thing

5. Different between living thing and non living thing

Living thing Non living thing

6. venus flytrap plant moves by ?

7. Buttercups move to………

8. Can living thing move by themselves?

9. Plant reproduce by?
10. The example of living thing can grow….
a. A grasshopper nymph
b. A tadpole
c. A ypung plant
11. If you hear the loud noise, you will respond by……
12. A fish respond to danger by………..
13. The millipede respond to danger by………..

14. Mimosa plant sense and respond to touch by….

15. The plants sense and respond to light by…….

16. can fungi make their own food?

17. Can fungi move by themselves?

20. What are the size and shape of bacteria?
21. Can bacteria move from place to place?
22. Can bacteria make their own food?

24. Gills fish are used for?
25. Fish body covered with?
26. xample of insect

29. Insect”s body covered / protected by?
30. Insect heve a pair of antenna to……..

33. How many leg does insect have?
34. The body of insect divided into three part ; 1)…………………………….2)
35. Insect respond the surrounding by using their……………………
36. Bird reproduce by?
37. Birds body covered by……………………..
38. The function of bird feathers are…….1)…………………………………………..2)
39. How many leg that bird have?
40. The animal reproduce by laying their egg
41. What animal reproduce by giving a
42. Mamals body covered by…………………………..or………………………………….
43. Adult female of mamals produce milk to……..
44. What is this :


49. Example of fish animal

a. Clown fish

b. Salmon
c. Shark
50. Example of insect animal
51. Example of mammals

52. Your sense pf sight can tell us about

53. Sense of hearing?..............noise and………………….noise
54. Your sense of touch can tell us about
55. Our sense of smell can tell us about…………………………….and ……………………….
56. Sense of taste

57. The type of food can give us energy…………

58. The type of food can give us energy and help us grow…..

59. THESE type of food have a lot of fats. They give us a lot of energy and keep us warm
60. Type of food keep us from falling sick

61. we need a balanced diet to keep …………..and……………

62. if we don’t brush our teeth it will form………….
63. Plaque can cause………….
64. to keep our body healthy, we have to do ……………………like riding bicycle and swimming

65. eating too little or too much of certain food can cause…….
a. health problem
b. money problem
c. love problem

66. eating too much sugary, fatty or salty food can cause……….
a. eye disease
b. heart disease
c. ear disease

67. To keep healthy, we can do all of these below……..except………..

a. too much eat fatty food
b. getting enough sleep
c. having a balanced diet
d. Having regular exercise

68. Getting enough sleep allows us to…………….

69. Exercise keeps the body fit and mind…………….


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