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Entrevistador: Buenos días, soy el Gerente de Recursos Humanos

Solicitante A: Buenos días

Solicitante B: Hola buenos días

Entrevistador: como se sienten chicos empecemos la entrevista están listos

Solicitante A: Si estoy listo

Solicitante B: si me encuentro listo

Entrevistador: Cuáles son sus nombres

Solicitante A: Farid

Solicitante B: Ricardo

Entrevistador: Tienen ustedes la disponibilidad de trabajar los fines de semana.

Solicitante A: Si por supuesto que tengo la disponibilidad para ese horario

Solicitante B: No puedo por temas de estudio

Entrevistador: Díganme cual es el cargo al que están postulando y que experiencia tienen en el

Solicitante A: Bueno yo quiero postular al departamento de Contabilidad

Solicitante B: Yo al puesto de Administrativo

Entrevistador: Cuantos años de experiencia tienen en el área.

Solicitante A: 3 años de experiencia en el área de contabilidad

Solicitante B: Yo no tengo ninguna experiencia, pero si tengo todas las ganas de aprender

Entrevistador: ¿Considera usted que este apto para este puesto de trabajo?

Solicitante A: Si, porque tengo un buen desenvolvimiento en el área

Solicitante B: Si, soy una persona capaz que me gusta alcanzar mis metas

Entrevistador: Fue un gusto conocerlos, por favor me dejan sus CV durante la semana se les
estarán llamando.

Solicitante A: Igualmente mucho gusto

Solicitante B: Hasta luego estaré atento a su llamada.

Interviewer: Good morning, I am the Human Resources Manager.

Applicant A: Good morning

Applicant B: Hello good morning

Interviewer: How are you guys feeling? Let's start the interview, are you ready?

Applicant A: Yes, I am ready.

Applicant B: Yes, I am ready.

Interviewer: What are your names?

Applicant A: Farid

Applicant B: Ricardo

Interviewer: Are you available to work on weekends?

Applicant A: Yes, of course I am available for those hours.

Applicant B: I can't because of my studies.

Interviewer: Tell me what position you are applying for and what experience you have in the

Applicant A: Well, I want to apply for the accounting department.

Applicant B: I am applying for the administrative position.

Interviewer: How many years of experience do you have in the area.

Applicant A: 3 years of experience in the accounting area.

Applicant B: I don't have any experience, but I am eager to learn.

Interviewer: Do you think you are suitable for this job?

Applicant A: Yes, because I have a good performance in the area.

Applicant B: Yes, I am a capable person who likes to achieve my goals.

Interviewer: It was a pleasure to meet you, please leave me your CVs during the week and we
will be calling you.

Applicant A: Nice to meet you too.

Applicant B: See you later, I look forward to hearing from you.

Interviewer: Good morning, I am da hiumen Risorces Meneger.

Applicant A: Good morning

Applicant B: Hello good morning

Interviewer: Hauw are you gays filing? Let's start da interviuw, are you redy?

Applicant A: Yes, I am ready.

Applicant B: Yes, I am ready.

Interviewer: What are your names?

Applicant A: Farid

Applicant B: Ricardo

Interviewer: Are you aveilabol to work on wikends?

Applicant A: Yes, of course I am available for those hours.

Applicant B: I can't because of my studies.

Interviewer: Tell me what poshishen you are applaing for and what expiriens you have in da

Applicant A: Well, I want to apply for the accounting department.

Applicant B: I am applying for the administrative position.

Interviewer: Hauw meny years of expiriens do you have in da erea.

Applicant A: 3 years of experience in the accounting area.

Applicant B: I don't have any experience, but I am eager to learn.

Interviewer: Do you think you are suidabol for des job?

Applicant A: Yes, because I have a good performance in the area.

Applicant B: Yes, I am a capable person who likes to achieve my goals.

Interviewer: It was a plescher to mit you, plis lip me your CIVI doreng da wiik and wi well be
coling you.

Applicant A: Nice to meet you too.

Applicant B: See you later, I look forward to hearing from you.

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