Tarea Borrador

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Trabajar y estudias es lo más difícil de hacer, ya que los cursos universitarios requieren tiempo

y paciencia, además de que te obliga a tener una buena organización en tus horarios.

Cuando estudias y trabajas las ventajas por ejemplo son, aprendes a ser más ordenado, te
vuelves más responsable y utilizas las habilidades adquiridas para tener un mejor desempeño
en tu trabajo, por otro lado, las desventajas podrían ser, tener mucha presión laboral y
educativa pueden llegar hacer muy agotadores provocando mucho estrés.

En conclusión, podríamos lograr esto con mucho orden y perseverancia.

Working and studying is the most difficult thing to do, since university courses require time
and patience, besides it forces you to have a good organization in your schedule.

When you study and work at the same time the advantages for example are, you learn to be
more orderly, you become more responsible and you use the acquired skills to have a better
performance in your work, but its disadvantages could be, having a lot of work and educational
pressure can become very exhausting causing a lot of stress.

In conclusion, we could achieve this with a lot of order and perseverance.

Working and studying is the most difficult thing to do, since university courses require time
and patience, besides it forces you to have a good organization in your schedule.

When you study and work the advantages for example are, you learn to be more orderly, you
become more responsible and you use the acquired skills to have a better performance in your
work, on the other hand, the disadvantages could be, having a lot of work and educational
pressure can become very exhausting causing a lot of stress.

In conclusion, we could achieve this with a lot of order and perseverance.

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