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Eukaryotic cell : modern cell like , animal or mammalian cells , it does have all

the basic properties of a cell .

Prokaryotic cell : ancient cell , having no nucleus , like, bacterial cell .

Difference of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cell

Eukaryotic Prokaryotic
• Has nucleus no nucleus
• Has linear DNA , protected in a nuclear has circular DNA , lies
envelop or membrane naked in the cytoplasm
• Has membrane bound organelles no membrane bound org
• Has many organelles no organelle
• Has slightly larger ribosome 80 s slightly smaller ribosome
. 70s

Bacteria :

• single cell organism

• smaller than animal cell
• varies in shape : spherical , rods , spiral , comma
• has cell wall , made of protein and sugar – peptidoglycan
• some have capsule (slimy layer) outside cell wall .
• has no nucleus , DNA lies naked , loose coil ,
• has circular DNA called plasmid
• some have flagella for movement .
• some are called decomposers , that live on dead organic
matter , helps in recycling nutrients
• some helpful bacteria inside the human body called
• some are called pathogen which produces disease .

Cell wall and capsule provide protection to the bacteria , if they survive in the
environment , they become more capable of causing diseases .
Plasmid in the bacteria has a very important use in genetic engineering. A
bacteria with a different gene inserted in the plasmid to produce a certain
product , is called transgenic bacteria .

Virus :
• Acellular , not called cell, as it has no cell membrane
• Parasite , cannot live or reproduce outside the host cell
• much smaller than bacteria (50 times )
• has either DNA or RNA
• genetic material , DNA or RNA covered by a protein coat .
• may have an envelope , but stolen from the host cell.
• Non living , doesn’t respire , reproduce , excrete , move or
grow or not respond to external stimulus .
Difference : virus and bacteria

Bacteria Virus

• Single cell no cell

• Living non-living in open environment
• Has cell wall , cell membrane has a protein coat (capsid )
• Bigger smaller
• Has ribosome , DNA & RNA only has DNA or RNA
• Can be treated with antibiotic Can treated with antiviral drug
Virus can cause diseases like , common cold or influenza , AIDS , chicken pox ,
hepatitis .

Fungus :
Unicellular (single cell ) : yeast
Multicellular : mould , mushroom
• Single cell
• Has cell wall made of chitin
• Increase number by asexual
reproduction or budding
• Respire anaerobically
The properties of anerobic respiration is used in bakery industry to produce
breads and wine making.

C6H12O6----------YEAST------------------- Alcohol + CO2

The carbon di oxide makes the bread swell up and alcohol evaporates when the
bread is baked .

Moulds : multicellular , hyphae form branching called mycelium , spread through

spores and from each spore one mould is formed .
Some bacteria and fungi live on dead organism , and take nutrition from there
,they are called saprophytic . They digest the organic matter by secreting
enzymes on them , break them down and digest . Hence it’s called extracellular

digestion .

• Single cell organism
• They fall in any group e.g. plant, animal or fungi
• Like plants some algae has chloroplast and can
photosynthesize .
• Some are like animal cell called amoeba .
• Some act as an agent of disease e.g. plasmodium
They cause disease like dysentery (amoeba ) , malaria (plasmodium)

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