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Name: NUR HAJNA ERMINA BINTI HAMDAN Matric No: 161318 Group No:


You must answer this question.

In Malaysia, nine in 10 students work while studying, most commonly because they
need additional money, according to HSBC survey.
The survey also reveals that while the additional money may be used for fees or cost
of living, they are also splashing out on clothes and make-up and entertainment.

Write your answer in about 150-200 words.

How would you spend your money while studying? Explain your answer.

You must answer this question.

Articles wanted!

The most useful thing I have ever learned.

What is the most useful thing you have ever learned?

Who did you learn it from?
Why is it useful?

We will publish the best articles on our website.

Write your article answering these questions in 150-200 words.

Task 1

As a student, studies do need a lot of moneys which student need to have a good financial
support. Which means, working while studying is a good things as it helps the students to support
their financial studies. There’s some important things that needed to spend while studying.

While studying, student need to spend their money on essential and productive areas to ensure a
balanced and fruitful academic experience. This is because, it is a significant portion that would be
allocated to covering educational expenses such as tuition fees, textbooks, and other learning
materials. Thus, this investment directly impacts students academic success and future career

Furthermore, working while studying will help to support my budget for living expenses,
including rent, utilities, and groceries, to maintain a stable and comfortable living environment. This
proper nutrition and a safe home are crucial for physical and mental well-being. Thus, it’s enabling
me to focus better on my studies.

Apart from that, students also need to save some money for personal development activities.
This could include online courses, workshops, and seminars that complement my formal education.
This is because, thus activities will enhance my skills and knowledge in various areas. Thus, its help
me on my studying for a better results.

Besides that, while essentials take the priority, student should also recognize the importance of
relaxation and socialization. This is because, it will allocating a modest amount for leisure activities
like dining out, movies, or occasional shopping. This is because, it will help students to relieve their
stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

In conclusion, a managing finances can ensure that my spending supports both my immediate
needs and long-term goals, fostering a productive and enjoyable student life. Thus, working while
studying actually can help with the financial problem.
Task 2

The Most Useful Drawing Skill I've Ever Learned

One of the most transformative skills I've acquired in drawing is the ability to see and depict
proportions accurately. This skill, fundamental to creating realistic and balanced artwork, it was
taught to me by my high school art teacher, Mrs. Suga. Her methodical approach to understanding
proportions has had a lasting impact on my artistic development.

Besides, she also emphasized the importance of observing the world meticulously. She introduced
me to techniques such as measuring with a pencil and using grids to break down complex images
into manageable parts. By learning to gauge the relative sizes and placements of objects within a
composition, I gained the ability to render more lifelike and harmonious drawings.

This skill is incredibly useful for several reasons. Firstly, accurate proportions are the cornerstone of
realistic art. Whether drawing human figures, animals, or inanimate objects, maintaining correct
proportions ensures that the artwork is believable and visually appealing. It also helps in avoiding
common pitfalls, such as drawing figures with awkwardly sized limbs or faces with mismatched

Moreover, by understanding proportions will enhances one's ability to capture perspectives and
spatial relationships, which are crucial for creating depth and dimension in art. This is particularly
beneficial when working on complex compositions or dynamic scenes, where multiple elements is
interact in a three-dimensional space. Which it helps me on sketching buildings, cities and others
more. This is because, drawing skills is important through my studies in universities.

Besides that, mastering proportions builds a solid foundation for more advanced techniques, such as
foreshortening and anatomical studies. This is because, it will enables artists to experiment
confidently with various styles and subjects, knowing that they can maintain coherence and balance
in their work.

In conclusion, the ability to accurately see and depict proportions, taught to me by Mrs. Suga, stands
out as the most useful drawing skill I have ever learned. It has not only improved the realism and
aesthetic quality of my artwork but has also provided a crucial foundation for exploring and
mastering more complex artistic techniques.

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