Crash Course Euro 36

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Name:__________________________________ Per #:_____________________________

Crash Course European History: Viewing Guide

Episode 36: Post WWI Recovery

Terms to know from this episode:

● Roaring Twenties
● “Shell shock”
● Hyperinflation
● Mohandas Gandhi
● Mussolini
● March on Rome
● Fascism
● Beer Hall Putsch
● Stormtroopers/ SA / Brown shirts

1. For context, list some specifics about what was in upheaval after WWI:

2. Name a couple of examples of the new technology and developments that helped shape the
“Roaring Twenties.”

3. Many scholars see these new multinational corporations as a different, but also abusive, form
of __________________________________.

4. Name 1 new form of leisure that became popular during the “Roaring Twenties”

5. Name one thing that changed for men and one thing that changed for Men during the 1920s.
○ Women:
○ Men:

6. Runaway ________________________________ began in 1921, so that by 1923 a single

turnip or potato could cost trillions of German marks.

7. Outside of Europe, _______________________________________________ encouraged

Indians to practice civil disobedience and turn to the Vedas for wisdom. Despite this, India didn’t
gain its independence until 1947.

8. “In 1922, ________________________ black-shirted troops marched on

____________________ … The troops demanded that the king appoint [him] to head the
government, which the King did.

9. The ___________________________ party platform consisted of the idea that the state was
supreme and that a citizen’s duty was to submit to the will of the state
10. “Assigning ___________________________ a servile role in society was supposed to allow
to feel like ______________ again with their superior wages. And also to create a dependence
men and their wages.”

11. One diplomat called the brutal forced expulsion of ethnic minorities from areas in central and
eastern Europe the:

12. In November 1923, __________________________________ and German WWI hero

General Erich Ludendorff tried to overthrow the government in a beer hall in Munich.

13. Though originally the National Socialist Workers Party or ________________________

hated the rich for their wealth, Hitler eventually shifted the Nazis away from socialist ideas and
focused on hatred of the Treaty of ____________________________________ and particularly
for the ___________________ people.

14. The _______________________________________________ caused chaos in the streets

andengaged in confrontations with Communists.

15. Alfred Hugenberg, owner of a major ____________________________________________

told his Readers (falsely) that _____________________________________________ were
responsible for every assassination of a political figure, every street fight and civil disturbance.
In contrast, Hugenberg’s paper credited the _____________________________ with restoring
peace to the streets.

16. Evaluate the point of view of Hugenberg by completing this sentence: “It makes sense
Hugenberg would vilify communist because…

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