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Do you want to travel alone

or with someone else?

Explain your choice.
(The first essay-the best (learn by heart))
Everyone likes to travel in different
ways, and for different reasons. Some
people prefer to travel with a
companion. However, other people like
to travel alone. Personally, I think
travelling alone has more advantages
than travelling with a companion. I am
going to state my opinion on the
following points
Firstly, you can plan your schedule for the
Schedule the things and the activities
that you want to do with no pressure
about the other people’s opinion and
times of the consideration that you
have to have when you are travelling
with a companion, will not be
comfortable if someone is limiting
you in time.
For example, it will be very frustrating if
you and your companion have different
ideas about travelling and one of you
Also, you can spend time in the places
has to give up one’s opinion. Therefore,
you want to be as much as you wish
and nobody will pressure you to go to it’s better to travel alone because you
another place. are the only person that decides what to
do and at what time.
Secondly, if you travel alone, you will have
plenty of time to focus on yourself.
Secondly, if you travel alone, you will
have plenty of time to focus on yourself.

This could be one of those travels where you will be able to interact with yourself and
discover the inner you, especially if you are travelling to some quiet or spiritual place.

When you explore the world on your own, you eventually need to face who you are,
what you care about, and what you want to do with your time.
Through this experience, you can
learn to trust yourself and the
people around you as well. It won’t
be easy to focus on yourself if you
are travelling with a companion
because you have so many things
to care about. Hence, travelling by
yourself would be a great
opportunity to know more about
In conclusion, travelling alone can be an extraordinary
experience where you can focus on yourself. Additionally, it will
be more comfortable because you can schedule the thing that
you want to do by yourself

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