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List of summer courses 2023/2024

Course Code Title Coordinators Form Hours ECTS

1 2100-ERASMUS-AIIR AI in International Relations Dr Krzysztof Śliwiński SEMINAR 16 4
2 2100-ERASMUS-CHPO China's Policy Toward East Asia: Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Imperatives Prof. Dr. Jagannath Panda LECTURE 20 4
3 2102-ERASMUS-COID Contemporary Ideologies Dr Sławomir Józefowicz LECTURE 30 5
4 2100-ERASMUS-COPO Contemporary Polish Politics Dr Agnieszka Bejma LECTURE 15 3
Dr hab. D. Heidrich, Dr hab. J.
5 2100-ERASMUS-CDIA Culture, Democracy, International Affairs through the lens of Area Studies Zajączkowski ONLINE COURSE 24 3
6 2104-ERASMUS-DCIR Developing Countries in International Relations Mgr Tomasz Łukaszuk SEMINAR 20 4
7 2100-ERASMUS-DIRP Diplomatic Practice Tomasz Orłowski LECTURE 20 3
8 2100-ERASMUS-EEPO Eastern European Politics Dr Spasimir Domaradzki LECTURE 30 4
9 2100-ERASMUS-EPIR Economic Powers in the Contemporary International Relations Prof. Edward Haliżak LECTURE 20 4
10 2102-ERASMUS-EMTE Electoral Malpractices: Theoretical and Empirical Questions Prof. UW, dr hab. Adam Szymański LECTURE 30 4
11 2100-ERASMUS-ESIR Energy and Security in IR Dr hab. Rafał Ulatowski SEMINAR 15 5
12 2100-ERASMUS-EUMC European Union military capabilities Dr Mikołaj Joks SEMINAR 30 4
13 2100-ERASMUS-EWST Evolution of the Welfare State: A Global perspective Mgr Fabio Coloriano LECTURE 20 4
14 2100-ERASMUS-FODE Future of democracy: Democracy through digital progress Mehmet Ali Ozcobanlar SEMINAR 20 4
15 2100-ERASMUS-GEOP Geopolitics Dr hab. Przemysław Osiewicz LECTURE 20 3
16 2100-ERASMUS-GSIC Global Security Implications of Climate Change Sylwia Szawłowska SEMINAR 30 4
17 2100-ERASMUS-GPPI Great Power Politics and the International Order: Theories and Applications Prof. Roberto Rabel SEMINAR 20 5
18 2100-ERASMUS-MENA History of the Modern MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Region Mgr Fabio Coloriano LECTURE 20 4
Dr hab. Aleksandra Zubrzycka-
19 2100-ERASMUS-HOPO Housing Policy Czarnecka SEMINAR 30 5
20 2103-ERASMUS-ISREC Individualization of Social Rights in the European Context Prof. dr hab. Gertruda Uścińska LECTURE 15 3
21 2103-ERASMUS-IPAP Inequality and Poverty: Analysis and Policy Prof. UW, dr hab. Ryszard Szarfenberg LECTURE 30 6
Information warfare, fake news, deep fakes - modern threats to international
22 2100-ERASMUS-IWFN security Dr Beata Górka-Winter SEMINAR 15 3
23 2100-ERASMUS-IGIP Integration and Globalisation in International Politics Dr Oksana Krayevska SEMINAR 20 3
24 2100-ERASMUS-INEL International Ecomomic Law dr Dmytro Skrynka SEMINAR 30 4
25 2104-ERASMUS-IRLA International Relations in Latin America Dr Anita Oberda-Monkiewicz LECTURE 20 4
26 2104-ERASMUS-ISAC International Security and Armed Conflicts Dr hab. Kamila Pronińska LECTURE 20 4
27 2100-ERASMUS-ISEU International security in Europe Dr Beata Górka-Winter SEMINAR 15 3
28 2104-ERASMUS-INIR Introduction to International Relations Dr hab. Jerzy Ciechański LECTURE 30 5
29 2100-ERASMUS-PFPO Polish Foreign Policy Filip Urbański SEMINAR 30 4
30 2100-ERASMUS-PCGN Political Comics and Graphic Novels Dr hab. Wojciech Lewandowski LECTURE 30 5
31 2100-ERASMUS-POPH Political Philosophy Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Filipowicz SEMINAR 15 5
32 2102-ERASMUS-POTO Political Thought in Central and Eastern Europe Dr hab. Leszek Nowak LECTURE 30 5
33 2100-ERASMUS-PRPO Populism and Radical Politics Dr Sławomir Józefowicz LECTURE 30 4
34 2100-ERASMUS-PINL Public International Law dr Dmytro Skrynka SEMINAR 30 4
35 2100-ERASMUS-PURE Public relations Dr hab. Bartłomiej Biskup SEMINAR 15 4
36 2100-ERASMUS-QRME Qualitative research methods Prof. ucz dr hab. Maria Theiss WORKSHOP 30 6
37 2100-ERASMUS-RUST Russia's Strategy from the Middle East to the Global South Dr Bariiev Ridvan LECTURE 20 4
38 2100-ERASMUS-SAPP Security Arrangements in Peace Processes: Theory and Practice Lidia Powirska LECTURE 20 3
39 2100-ERASMUS-EUSE The EU, Poland in South East Asia: politics, economics, culture Waldemar Dubaniowski LECTURE 20 3
40 2100-ERASMUS-SLAV The History of Slavery Dr Grzegorz Mathea LECTURE 30 4
41 2102-ERASMUS-TPGO Transnational Processes and Governance Prof. UW dr hab. Agnieszka Rothert LECTURE 30 5
42 2100-ERASMUS-USPE U.S. Presidential Elections: Workshop Dr Seweryn Dmowski WORKSHOP 30 5
43 2100-ERASMUS-UIIR Ukraine in IR Dr Oksana Krayevska SEMINAR 20 3
44 2100-ERASMUS-USCH US-China Rivalry in Indo-Pacific Region Prof. Dr. Jagannath Panda LECTURE 20 4
45 2102-ERASMUS-VBCP Voting Behaviour in Comparative Perspective Dr Agnieszka Bejma LECTURE 15 3

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