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Matters Script Possible

Greeting A wonderful morning, I bid to the honourable judges, precise timekeepers, my fellow
comrades, revered opponents and members of the floor.
According to a modern philosopher, “Learning by using AI is not about creating superficial
intelligence, but amplifying human intelligence.”

Specify stand Ladies and gentlemen, with that being said, today we are debating on a motion, “THBT The
rise of language generating AI can boost students’ academic performance”. We the
Opposition team, wholeheartedly disagree with the motion because we believe in our
team stand that generating AI can give negative impacts to students’ academic

Specify Role I am the Deputy Opposition Leader and I will talk about the next two arguments after
rebutting the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

Rebuttals Let me start my rebuttals against the Prime Minister. He/She said that…
I don’t think I agree with that because… Reason 1, 2, 3 + Evidence
Then, let me continue rebutting the Deputy Prime Minister. He/She said that…
I don’t think I agree with that because… Reason 1, 2, 3 + Evidence

Argument Assertion – ladies and gentlemen, now let me start by explaining about our second
substantive. We believe that the motion THBT the rise of language generating AI can boost
students’ academic performance must be rejected because it makes student to be lack of
human interaction.

Reason – AI has significant limitation in language learning as it lacks the ability to provide
authentic human interaction. Language acquisition is a complex process that involves
cultural nuances and subtle communication cues that AI may not be able to fully
comprehend. As a result, the immersive experience may be limited. Moreover, nowadays
kids have so many attitudes some may be introvert and some is extrovert. Introvert people
must learn how to make an interaction since we live in a group of humans

Evidence – Nancy Kohn - a scholar and researcher who has written on the impact of
technology on learning and the potential negative effects of online learning.

Impact – Lost opportunities for social and emotional development: Human interaction is
crucial for social and emotional development, and lack of human interaction in education
can result in missed opportunities for learners to develop these important skills.

3rd Argument Similarly, AI platforms recommending courses or career paths could biased towards certain
demographic groups if the training data reflects societal prejudices and stereotypes. This
introduces an element of inequality into the teaching and learning process, which is
fundamentally against the egalitarian ethos of education.

Reason – one of the most significant concerns with the deployment of AI in education is
the potential for bias in AI models. Algorithms are trained using data sets and if these data
sets contain biased information, the AI system can inadvertently perpetuate and
exacerbate these biases.
Evidence – according to joy Buolomwini a researcher and AI ethics advocate who has
spoken out against racial and gender biases in facial recognition technology

Impact – bias in AI education can also lead to the loss of potential and opportunities for
learners, particularly those from marginalized or underrepresented groups this can results
in learner being unable to access the same resources and opportunities as those from
more privilege background, which can limit their succeeded

Therefore, I want to reiterate once again that the motion before the house today must be
rejected because generating AI can give negative impacts to students’ academic
performance. With that, I beg to differ, thank you.

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