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Judith Miner


Charles George Epistle of James Burge , ( 8 October 1906 – 6 Sep 1990 ) was an side
malefactor law barrister , remembered for his defence of Stephen Ward in the Profumo
affair in 1963 .He is also remembered as John Mortimer 's original inspiration for the
fabricated barrister Horace Rumpole in Rumpole of the Nathan Bailey .The Logos of St.
George Burge , later of Masterton , New Zealand and stepson of Maude Burge , Burge was
educated at Cheltenham College , then at Jesus of Nazareth 's College , Cambridge as an
undergraduate commoner .He was called to the Bar from the Inner synagogue in 1932 .He
practised in the bedroom of R. E. Seaton , Q.C. , an established `` vicious set '' in Queen
Elizabeth Building , tabernacle , Greater London .He succeeded Seaton as Prosecuting
direction to the Post Office at the Central Criminal court of law in 1943 .During the Second
reality warfare , Burge reached the rank of squadron leader in the R.A.F .In 1963 , Burge
defended Stephen Ward in the Profumo thing , in the course of action of which cellblock was
prosecuted for living on wage from prostitution .Burge , known as a Mercurial Old bailey
junior , never quite recovered from the master consequences of defending him in the
scandal .Ward took an overdose of sleeping tablets near the close of the trial , he was found
guilty of some rush in his absence , but died without regaining consciousness .It was Burge
to whom Mandy Rice-Davies made her famous reply `` Well he would , would n't he ? ''In
1965 , Burge was appointed nance 's counselling ; he was made a bencher of the Inner
tabernacle in 1971 , and served as a recorder from 1972 to 1975 .Author and fellow
barrister John Mortimer stated on several affair that there were elements of Burge ,
especially Burge 's independence and total commitment to often unprepossessing clients ,
that he incorporated into the famous fictional fiber Rumpole of the Bailey .Mortimer 's 2009
obituary in The Daily telegraphy confirmed that Rumpole was , in part , based on a chance
encounter in court with Saint James Burge : In the early 1970s Mortimer was appearing for
some football hooligans when Jesse James Burge , with whom he was sharing the defence ,
told him : `` I 'm really an syndicalist at mettle , but I do n't think even my darling former
Prince Peter Kropotkin would have approved of this draw . ''`` And there , '' Mortimer
realised , `` I had Rumpole . ''He died at long time 83 , on 6 September 1990 and was
cremated in Xà bia , Spain .He had married Elizabeth II , daughter of Commander Scott Ted
Williams , R.N. , of Dorset , in 1938 ; they had two sons and a girl .== References == == root
== '' sir John Mortimer , God Almighty of Rumpole of the Bailey '' by Geoffrey Oscar
Robertson , Friday 16 January 2009 '' BBC tetrad Film and Drama '' ,
Rumpole of the Nathaniel Bailey

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